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Hi Tenno,

This is one of our many Developer Workshops for Update 34: Abyss of Dagath. To see what other changes are coming in this Update, check out our other Developer Workshops here:

Abyss of Dagath - Dev Workshop: System Changes and General Quality of Life

There is so much to cover in this Developer Workshop, so we’ll keep this brief! No values are final, and everything outlined is subject to change leading up to the release of Abyss of Dagath on October 18th. We’ve done our best to communicate all planned changes, but the only way to understand their true impact is to play with them once the update is in your hands.

With that all said, get yourself a glass of greedy milk and maybe a snack, as there is much to go over!

In this Developer Workshop, we will cover the following topics:

  • Focus Lens Conversion Buff
  • Nightwave Changes
  • Warframe Shield Changes
  • Base vs. Final Stats in Modding - Health / Energy / Shield / Armor Stat Overhaul
  • Break Narmer Mission Improvements
  • Archon Hunt Damage Attenuation Tweaks
  • Misc. Quality of Life Changes


Focus Lens Conversion Buff
Focus acquisition can take a significant time investment, especially for those who prefer more passive farming methods. Completing all of your Focus Schools acts as a long-term goal for many players, but we felt the need to mitigate the time investment slightly. 

With Abyss of Dagath, Focus Lenses will offer greater conversion rates, as follows:

  • Regular Lens: 1.25 > 2%
  • Greater Lens: 1.75 > 3%
  • Eidolon Lens: 2.25 > 4.25%
  • Lua Lens: 3.25 > 5.5%

Additionally, all Convergence Orbs will offer a flat 5,000 Focus bonus to your equipped Focus School upon pickup. 


Nightwave Changes

Nora Night has been gracing our airwaves since 2019, and word is she felt it was time for a little refresh. In the next Nightwave series, we’ve prepared some changes to keep Nora’s Acts fun, accessible, and as always, incentivizin’

Permanent Weekly Acts
Dreamers, we all like our little habits and rituals. To reward the little things you do every week, we’re adding 3 Permanent Weekly Acts intended to be unlocked with regular Warframe gameplay:

  • Eximus Eliminator: Kill 30 Eximus.
  • Mission Complete: Complete any 15 missions.
  • Marksmen: Kill 500 Enemies.

With these new Permanent Acts, you can earn an extra 13,500 Nightwave Standing each week!

Note: since these are in addition to your weekly Act rotation, they are exempt from the Catch-Up pool. 

Nightwave Act Audit
In the 4 years of Nightwave history, many Acts have come and gone. For the next series, we have done a complete Act Audit with the goal of reworking, removing, and adding new challenges to this system. Nothing like some spring cleaning!

We’ll go over a list of what is changing, but please keep in mind that this is not comprehensive or final. Everything, like life, is subject to change. As a reminder, these will not ship until the next Nightwave Series launches (unless otherwise specified). 

Removed Acts
Throughout the Audit, we looked to revise as many Acts as possible to keep them fun and to keep the overall time commitment requirement low -- however, we felt that certain challenges were best retired. 

Here’s a list of what will be removed in our next Nightwave Series: 

  • A Firm Shake: Shake the hand of a fellow Tenno using the Handshake Emote
  • Augmentation: Install an Augment Mod on your Warframe
  • Death from Above: Kill 10 enemies with ground slams
  • Enhance!: Pick up 8 Rare Mods
  • Grove Guardian: Kill 1 Silver Grove Specter
  • Hush: Kill a Kuva Thrall or Hound
  • Mad Lab: Plunder one of Alad V's secret laboratories on Jupiter
  • Medic: Revive a fellow Tenno or a Companion
  • No Mercy: Mercy Kill an Enemy
  • Reanimator: Find and pilot a Fallen Necramech
  • Reclaimed: Clear a personal Kuva Lich Influenced Node
  • Stay on Top: Kill 20 enemies using a Necramech while hovering.

Reworked Acts
These changes keep the core intent of the Act in place but make it easier for players to complete them! Since these are all being changed from Daily to Weekly, they must wait until the next Series before we can implement them: 

  • Ancient Obelisk: Activate 3 Requiem Obelisk on Deimos (was: 1)
    • Changed from Daily to Weekly
  • Hacker: Hack 10 Consoles (was: 8)
    • Changed from Daily to Weekly
  • Kleptomaniac: Open 30 Lockers (was: 20)
    • Changed from Daily to Weekly
  • Gatherer: Collect 4000 Resources (was: 1500)
    • Changed from Daily to Weekly

New Acts
Look for these Duviri-inspired Acts in the next Nightwave series! 


  • Your Move: Complete a game of Komi in Duviri
  • Helping Hand: Rescue an animal in Duviri
  • Feed Me More: Feed the Maw 10 fish in Duviri
  • Salutations: Visit Acrithis in Duviri


  • Horsing Around: Fly your Kaithe for 1000 meters
  • Finely Tuned: Play 2 different Shawzin songs in Duviri
  • Beast Slayer: Defeat the Orowyrm
  • I Decree: Collect 10 Decrees in Duviri
  • Collector: Collect 100 resources from Duviri
  • Skeletons in the Closet: Kill 50 Dax enemies in Duviri


  • Perplexed: Complete 3 puzzles in Duviri
  • Elite Beast Slayer: Defeat the Orowyrm in Steel Path
  • Ceremonial Evolution: Evolve any Incarnon weapon in-mission 5 times
  • Vital Arbiter: Complete an Arbitration Mission

Revised Acts coming with Abyss of Dagath

While everything listed above is coming for the next Nightwave Series, the following Acts are getting changes that we felt reasonable to apply to the current Series! We took two different approaches in these revisions: a) to reduce the grind required to complete some Acts, and b) to expand the ways in which players can complete them!

Once Update 34 launches on October 18th, expect to see these changes from Nora Night:

  • Accelerator: Kill 10 Enemies while Sliding (was: 20)
  • Conservationist: Complete 3 different Perfect Animal Captures in Orb Vallis (was: 6)
  • Earth Bounty Hunter: Complete 3 different Bounties in the Plains of Eidolon (was: 5)
  • Earth Fisher: Catch 3 Rare Fish in the Plains of Eidolon (was: 6)
  • Earth Miner: Mine 3 Rare Gems or Ore in the Plains of Eidolon (was: 6)
  • Eternal Guardian: Complete 2 Void Armageddon missions (was: 3)
  • Everything Old is New Again: Complete 1 Transmutations (was: 3)
  • Glider: Kill 15 Enemies while Aim Gliding (was: 20)
  • Invader: Complete 6 Invasion missions of any type (was: 9)
  • Night and Day: Collect 10 Vome or Fass Residue in the Cambion Drift. (was: 15)
  • Night Terror: Complete 5 Nightmare missions of any type (was: 10)
  • Researcher: Scan 15 Objects or Enemies (was: 25)
  • Sanctuary Researcher: Complete 3 Scans for Cephalon Simaris (was: 5)
  • Supporter: Complete 5 Syndicate missions (was: 10)
  • Survival: Complete a Survival mission reaching at least 20 minutes (was: 30)
  • Venus Bounty Hunter: Complete 3 different bounties in the Orb Vallis (was: 5)
  • Venus Fisher: Catch 3 Rare Servofish in the Orb Vallis (was: 6)
  • Venus Miner: Mine 3 Rare Gems or Ore in the Orb Vallis (was: 6)
  • Animator: Retrieve the Ayatan Statue for Maroo in Maroo's Bazaar
    • Previously was: Fully Socket 3 Ayatan Sculptures
  • Now Boarding: Complete 3 different K-Drive races in Orb Vallis on Venus or in Cambion Drift on Deimos. 
    • Previously was limited to only Orb Vallis races.
  • Thrill Rider: Kill 20 Enemies while riding a K-Drive, Kaithe, Velocipod, Merulina
    • Expanding the eligibility of this Act to all of your trusty steeds. 
    • Previously named "Surfs Up!"
  • The Hunt is On: Find 5 Syndicate Medallions
    • Players will no longer have to be the one to pick up the Medallion for this to count.
  • The Personal Touch: Place 1 decoration in your Orbiter or Dormizone
    • Only Orbiter decorating used to count!
  • Cache Hunter: Find 6 caches across any Sabotage missions
    • Previously was: “Find all caches in 3 Sabotage missions”
  • Saver: Pick up 15,000 Credits
    • Mission credit rewards will now count towards this Act!

Introductory Nightwave Screen
The first time you log in with a Nightwave Series available, a pop-up screen will appear highlighting various Series rewards, a brief description, and a button to visit the Nightwave menu!

We’re adding this to increase visibility of Nightwave for newer players who may be unfamiliar with Nora, and as a reminder when a new Nightwave has dropped! 



Warframe Shield Changes
There are many avenues for Tenno to approach Warframe survivability -- usually, it’s through increasing Health and Armor values, or making use of damage resistance features of certain Mods or Abilities, etc. For Shields, however, there is an incentive to do the opposite: the current meta encourages players to reduce Shield values as much as possible to make use of Shield Gating mechanics. 

As Developers, we’re stuck in a strange position. On one hand, we see player ingenuity and creative ways of engaging with mechanics, but on the other, we see proof that Shields are not offering the same value to players as other survivability tools -- to the point where you are rewarded for having the lowest Shield stat possible. 

We want to change this so that Tenno are incentivized to increase their Shield stat instead of reducing it. To do so, we’re approaching this challenge in two key ways:

Firstly - we’re buffing Tenno Shields overall!

Previously: Tenno Shields offered a 25% resistance to all damage types.

Now: Tenno Shields will offer a 50% resistance to all damage types. 

We’re also buffing a few Shield-specific Mods with Recharge rate in mind! 
(values below are at max rank)

  • Fast Deflection: added -45% Shield Recharge Delay
  • Fortitude: increased the Shield Recharge value from +80% to +100%. 
    • Also increased Chance to Resist Knockdown from +20% to +40%. 
  • Vigilante Vigor: added -30% Shield Recharge Delay

These Mod buffs feed directly into the other half of our approach:

Secondly - we’re reworking Shield Gating!

Shield Gating was added to the game back in 2020 with Update 27.2.0 as a way to prevent one-shots, especially at higher-level content. We feel that this mechanic accomplished that goal, but the implementation of it had an unintended side-effect: players are rewarded for having the smallest Shield stat and fastest Shield Recharge stat to make use of the Full Shield Break mechanic.  

As mentioned above, our intention is to offer players more benefits for having larger Shield values, so Shield Gating is getting a rework. The core mechanic is staying: when you lose all Shields, you gain a period of invulnerability. What is changing is how this period of invulnerability scales with the amount of Shields you have. 

The changes outlined below are being made with that vision in mind:


Part 1 - Shield Gate Duration will scale with the amount of Shields you had upon Shield Break.

Previously: full Shields upon Shield break offered a 1.3-second window of invulnerability. 

Now, depending on your Modded values, this window could be anywhere from 0.33 seconds (minimum duration) to 2.5 seconds (capped at 1150 Shields). To receive the original 1.3-second Shield Gate, players will now need around 325 Shields upon Shield Break. 

You can see a full overview of the Gate Duration vs. Shields Depleted in the graph below: 



Part 2 - Partially Depleted Shields do not have a separate Shield Gate Duration.

Previously: shield breaks on Shields that were not fully regenerated offered 0.33 seconds of Shield Gating.

Now, Partially Depleted Shields will be treated with the same scaling values outlined above. For example, if you had a max Shield value of 1200, but your Shields were broken with only 350 available, you would receive ~1.3 seconds of Shield Gating!

With these changes, the more Shields you have and the faster they regenerate, the more you’ll get out of the Shield Gating system!

Part 3 - We’re adding a new Corrupted Mod: Catalyzing Shields

With the changes to Shield Gating, we still want to offer players different ways to interact with this system without always having to Mod for the most Shields possible. To accomplish this, we are introducing a new Corrupted Mod: Catalyzing Shields.


This Mod will reduce your maximum Shields by 80% but will also change how Shield Gating Scaling works for your Warframe with a guaranteed 1.33 seconds of Shield Gating upon full Shield depletion. With this Mod equipped, Shield Gating duration will scale from 0.33 to 1.33 based on your maximum Shield values, regardless of what they are.

For example, if my maximum Shields are 100 with Catalyzing Shields equipped, I would expect the following Shield Gating durations:

  • 100 Shields at Shield Break: 1.33s of Shield Gating
  • 75 Shields at Shield Break: 1.0s of Shield Gating
  • 50 Shields at Shield Break: 0.67s of Shield Gating
  • 25 Shields at Shield Break: 0.34s of Shield Gating
  • 10 Shields at Shield Break: 0.33s of Shield Gating
    • As a reminder, 0.33s is the absolute minimum duration for Shield Gating!

Since this is a new Corrupted Mod, it will be obtainable via Orokin Vaults on Deimos. We will run an Alert for this Catalyzing Shields Mod one week following Abyss of Dagath’s release to give players faster access to this Mod to test in their builds. 


Part 4 - Decaying Dragon Keys are being updated to debuff both Shields and Shield Gating. 

With revised Shield Gating, we felt it was important to update Decaying Dragon Keys as well. These Gear items are currently used to lower the threshold needed for Full Shield Breaks with Shield Gating, and while we love to see players finding unique interactions between various mechanics, Dragon Keys are intended to increase difficulty when equipped.

With that intention in mind, Decaying Dragon Keys now cap player Shield Gates to 0.33s maximum. 


Part 5 - A few other details to cover!

  • Hildryn’s Passive is being buffed from 3s Shield Gating Duration to 3.5s Shield Gating Duration!

There are many variables that will impact the overall outcome of these Shield changes with Abyss of Dagath, and we’ll be keeping a close eye on player feedback once this is in the community’s hands. With this update’s release, you’ll be seeing many changes in your Arsenal Upgrade screens -- both for Shield changes listed above, and the following overhaul:

Base vs Final Stats in Modding - Health / Energy / Shield / Armor Stat Overhaul
If you’ve spent any time invested in the deeper nuances of Modding, you may be familiar with “Warframe Math” -- math that upon first glance doesn’t really make sense, but once you learn the inner workings of the game, it all comes together. While we can appreciate the value that complex systems offer to a certain subsect of players, there are other aspects of the game that should have clear and understandable outcomes. Namely: Shield, Health, Energy, and Armor Modding. 

Pop quiz: what is 300 + 440%? If you answered 740, you may just be an Excalibur player.

Vitality (+440% Heath), Redirection (+440%    Shields), Flow (+150%), and Steel Fiber (+110% Armor) come with large modifier values that don’t seem to match their outcome in-game. This is because these Mods apply their multiplier to the base stats of the Warframe -- i.e., the stats you have at Rank 0. In the Excalibur example, a Rank 30 Excalibur’s Health stat of 300 earns an additional 440 Health from max rank Vitality (+440% Heath) since it applies to his base rank Health stat of 100, resulting in 740 total health. 

In Abyss of Dagath, we want to remove this obfuscation by having Health, Shield, Energy, and Armor Mods apply to the stats of Warframes at their current rank. Continuing our Excalibur example, instead of Vitality always applying to Excalibur’s base rank 100 Health, it would apply to his Health stat based on his rank -- namely, the stat you can actually see in your Arsenal. If your Excalibur were Rank 30, his Health stat would be 300, which means Vitality’s multiplier would be calculated off of 300. 

With current Health and Mod values, additional adjustments are needed to make this revision work while maintaining game balance. By only changing where the multiplier applies, a Rank 30 Excalibur would receive an extra 1,320 Health from max rank Vitality, resulting in a total health stat of 1,600. This outcome is a significant buff, which is not the intention of this system change. 

To remedy this, we are approaching this problem in two ways:

1 - We are reducing the overall multiplier for Health, Shield, Energy, and Armor Mods.

Since these now affect Max Rank Warframe stats, these Mods need to scale differently to maintain the status quo. Additionally, we wanted these new values to be as clear and understandable to all players as possible! Here are a few examples of these value changes:

  • Vitality: reduced from +440% to +100% Health
  • Redirection: reduced from +440% to +100% Shield Capacity
  • Steel Fiber: reduced from +110% to +100% Armor
  • Flow: reduced from +150% to +100% Energy Max

Note: these are not all of the Mods affected by this change. We share the comprehensive list further down in this workshop. 

Doing some quick math, this means that a Rank 30 Excalibur (300 Health) with a reworked Vitality Mod (+100% Health, applied to the final Health stat) would receive 300 extra Health, for a total of 600. That, in contrast, is a nerf, which we also don’t want to do. 

So, our next step:

2 - We are adjusting Warframe Health, Shield, Energy, and Armor values to keep the end result of the revised Mods as close to the original values as possible. 

With this change, Excalibur’s Rank 30 Health stat is 370. With +100% Health from a max Vitality Mod, his resulting Health stat would be 740, which matches what it was originally. 

While this path to the same result may seem a little complicated, the outcome matches our intention: we want players to be able to look at their Health, Shield, and Armor Mods, and be able to understand how they affect the stats they see in their Arsenal. 

In addition to everything above, we are also increasing the base stat values for Warframes so that these revised Mods offer similar value for lower-ranked Frames. To do so, we reduced the amount of Health/Shield/Energy that Warframes earn per rank in half, and transferred the sum of that value to their base stats. 

For Armor, this is the one stat that does not increase with your Warframe’s level (with some exceptions). Armor values across the board have been slightly increased to compensate for the Mod changes. We will only be listing Base stats for Armor changes, unless the Warframe has a different Armor stat at Max Rank. 

Not to beat a dead Kaithe, but Mods will now be applying to the Max Rank stat instead of the Base Rank. You may look at these numbers and think “nerf” or “buff” depending, but the outcome is that total Modded values are the same, if not a little higher in some cases.  Here are a few outliers before we get into the nitty-gritty of it:

  • Lavos, Nidus, Nidus Prime, and Kullervo all have buffs to their Armor values as a result of this change.
    • Ex: Nidus Prime’s Armor stat increased from 910 (current patch) to 1,050 (future patch) with max Steel Fiber Equipped. With all 3 Umbral Warframe Mods equipped, this buff results in a difference of 1198 Armor (current) to 1470 Armor (future).
  • Garuda and Garuda Prime’s received buffs to their Modded Energy pool.
    • ie. Garuda Prime’s Energy stat has been increased from 800 (current) to 896 (future) with max Primed Flow equipped.
  • Most Energy stats have received a slight nerf with Primed Flow, resulting in a difference of around 5-10 Energy Max with this Mod equipped.

To better contextualize how these numbers will look upon launch, we’ve also prepared a comparison asset using Excalibur: 



Warframe Stat Changes:
As always, these are subject to change prior to launch.


Health: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 105 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 100 (from 100) / Max Rank - 150 (from 150)

Health: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Shields: Base Rank - 265 (from 125) / Max Rank - 465 (from 375)
Armor: Base Rank - 185 (from 175)
Energy: Base Rank - 100 (from 100) / Max Rank - 150 (from 150)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 475 (from 450)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 450 (from 175) / Max Rank - 650 (from 525)
Shields: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Armor: Base Rank - 500 (from 475)
Energy: Base Rank - 215 (from 175) / Max Rank - 265 (from 263)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 105 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 135 (from 125)
Energy: Base Rank - 215 (from 175) / Max Rank - 265 (from 263)

Health: Base Rank - 80 (from 75) / Max Rank - 280 (from 225)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 185 (from 175)
Energy: Base Rank - 200 (from 200) / Max Rank - 300 (from 300)

Health: Base Rank - 80 (from 75) / Max Rank - 280 (from 225)
Shields: Base Rank - 265 (from 125) / Max Rank - 465 (from 375)
Armor: Base Rank - 240 (from 225)
Energy: Base Rank - 200 (from 200) / Max Rank - 300 (from 300)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 450 (from 175) / Max Rank - 650 (from 525)
Armor: Base Rank - 290 (from 275)
Energy: Base Rank - 140 (from 125) / Max Rank - 190 (from 188)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 370 (from 350)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 450 (from 425)
Energy: Base Rank - 200 (from 200) / Max Rank - 300 (from 300)

Health: Base Rank - 300 (from 135) / Max Rank - 500 (from 405)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 265 (from 250)
Energy: Base Rank - 130 (from 120) / Max Rank - 180 (from 180)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 135 (from 125)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 265 (from 125) / Max Rank - 465 (from 375)
Armor: Base Rank - 160 (from 150)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 135 (from 125)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 265 (from 125) / Max Rank - 465 (from 375)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 160 (from 150)
Energy: Base Rank - 200 (from 165) / Max Rank - 250 (from 248)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 240 (from 225)
Energy: Base Rank - 100 (from 100) / Max Rank - 150 (from 150)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 315 (from 300)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 315 (from 300)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Armor: Base Rank - 315 (from 300)
Energy: Base Rank - 100 (from 100) / Max Rank - 150 (from 150)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 450 (from 175) / Max Rank - 650 (from 525)
Armor: Base Rank - 315 (from 300)
Energy: Base Rank - 100 (from 100) / Max Rank - 150 (from 150)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 160 (from 150)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 245 (from 120) / Max Rank - 445 (from 360)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 200 (from 190)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 315 (from 300)
Energy: Base Rank - 140 (from 120) / Max Rank - 240 (from 270)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 420 (from 400)
Energy: Base Rank - 220 (from 160) / Max Rank - 320 (from 360)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Armor: Base Rank - 185 (from 175)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 895 (from 350) / Max Rank - 1295 (from 1050)
Shields: Base Rank - 95 (from 25) / Max Rank - 95 (from 75)
Armor: Base Rank - 370 (from 350)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 450 (from 175) / Max Rank - 650 (from 525)
Armor: Base Rank - 105 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 190 (from 160) / Max Rank - 240 (from 240)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Armor: Base Rank - 185 (from 175)
Energy: Base Rank - 100 (from 100) / Max Rank - 150 (from 150)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 450 (from 175) / Max Rank - 650 (from 525)
Armor: Base Rank - 185 (from 175)
Energy: Base Rank - 140 (from 125) / Max Rank - 190 (from 188)

Health: Base Rank - 80 (from 75) / Max Rank - 280 (from 225)
Shields: Base Rank - 780 (from 450) / Max Rank - 1780 (from 1575)
Armor: Base Rank - 315 (from 300)
Energy: Base Rank - 0 (from 0) / Max Rank - 0 (from 0)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 880 (from 475) / Max Rank - 1880 (from 1662.5)
Armor: Base Rank - 315 (from 300)
Energy: Base Rank - 0 (from 0) / Max Rank - 0 (from 0)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 265 (from 125) / Max Rank - 465 (from 375)
Armor: Base Rank - 240 (from 225)
Energy: Base Rank - 140 (from 125) / Max Rank - 190 (from 188)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 450 (from 175) / Max Rank - 650 (from 525)
Armor: Base Rank - 290 (from 275)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 1910 (from 550) / Max Rank - 2310 (from 2200)
Shields: Base Rank - 0 (from 0) / Max Rank - 0 (from 0)
Armor: Base Rank - 240 (from 225)
Energy: Base Rank - 100 (from 100) / Max Rank - 150 (from 150)

Health: Base Rank - 2015 (from 575) / Max Rank - 2415 (from 2300)
Shields: Base Rank - 0 (from 0) / Max Rank - 0 (from 0)
Armor: Base Rank - 240 (from 225)
Energy: Base Rank - 140 (from 125) / Max Rank - 190 (from 188)

Health: Base Rank - 80 (from 75) / Max Rank - 280 (from 225)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 105 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 215 (from 175) / Max Rank - 265 (from 263)

Health: Base Rank - 80 (from 75) / Max Rank - 280 (from 225)
Shields: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Armor: Base Rank - 135 (from 125)
Energy: Base Rank - 250 (from 200) / Max Rank - 300 (from 300)

Health: Base Rank - 265 (from 125) / Max Rank - 465 (from 375)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 290 (from 275)
Energy: Base Rank - 140 (from 125) / Max Rank - 190 (from 188)

Health: Base Rank - 265 (from 125) / Max Rank - 465 (from 375)
Shields: Base Rank - 265 (from 125) / Max Rank - 465 (from 375)
Armor: Base Rank - 345 (from 325)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 805 (from 325) / Max Rank - 1205 (from 975)
Shields: Base Rank - 0 (from 0) / Max Rank - 0 (from 0)
Armor: Base Rank - 550 (from 325) / Max Rank - 650 (from 650)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 340 (from 200) / Max Rank - 740 (from 600)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 575 (from 450) / Max Rank - 675 (from 675)
Energy: Base Rank - 0 (from 0) / Max Rank - 0 (from 0)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 80 (from 75) / Max Rank - 280 (from 225)
Armor: Base Rank - 105 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 135 (from 125)
Energy: Base Rank - 215 (from 175) / Max Rank - 265 (from 263)

Health: Base Rank - 80 (from 75) / Max Rank - 280 (from 225)
Shields: Base Rank - 80 (from 75) / Max Rank - 280 (from 225)
Armor: Base Rank - 105 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 80 (from 75) / Max Rank - 280 (from 225)
Shields: Base Rank - 80 (from 75) / Max Rank - 280 (from 225)
Armor: Base Rank - 135 (from 125)
Energy: Base Rank - 215 (from 175) / Max Rank - 265 (from 263)

Health: Base Rank - 80 (from 75) / Max Rank - 280 (from 225)
Shields: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Armor: Base Rank - 105 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 140 (from 125) / Max Rank - 190 (from 188)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Armor: Base Rank - 135 (from 125)
Energy: Base Rank - 215 (from 175) / Max Rank - 265 (from 263)

Health: Base Rank - 265 (from 125) / Max Rank - 465 (from 375)
Shields: Base Rank - 80 (from 75) / Max Rank - 280 (from 225)
Armor: Base Rank - 105 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 100 (from 100) / Max Rank - 150 (from 150)

Health: Base Rank - 300 (from 135) / Max Rank - 500 (from 405)
Shields: Base Rank - 80 (from 75) / Max Rank - 280 (from 225)
Armor: Base Rank - 135 (from 125)
Energy: Base Rank - 140 (from 125) / Max Rank - 190 (from 188)

Health: Base Rank - 100 (from 80) / Max Rank - 300 (from 240)
Shields: Base Rank - 100 (from 80) / Max Rank - 300 (from 240)
Armor: Base Rank - 105 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 100 (from 80) / Max Rank - 300 (from 240)
Shields: Base Rank - 210 (from 110) / Max Rank - 410 (from 330)
Armor: Base Rank - 185 (from 175)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 135 (from 90) / Max Rank - 335 (from 270)
Armor: Base Rank - 105 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 100 (from 100) / Max Rank - 150 (from 150)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Armor: Base Rank - 135 (from 125)
Energy: Base Rank - 140 (from 125) / Max Rank - 190 (from 188)

Health: Base Rank - 265 (from 125) / Max Rank - 465 (from 375)
Shields: Base Rank - 85 (from 50) / Max Rank - 280 (from 150)
Armor: Base Rank - 200 (from 190)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 265 (from 125) / Max Rank - 465 (from 375)
Shields: Base Rank - 85 (from 50) / Max Rank - 280 (from 150)
Armor: Base Rank - 265 (from 250)
Energy: 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Shields: Base Rank - 0 (from 0) / Max Rank - 0 (from 0)
Armor: Base Rank - 350 (from 300) / Max Rank - 450 (from 450)
Energy: Base Rank - 100 (from 100) / Max Rank - 150 (from 150)

Health: Base Rank - 450 (from 175) / Max Rank - 650 (from 525)
Shields: Base Rank - 0 (from 0) / Max Rank - 0 (from 0)
Armor: Base Rank - 425 (from 350) / Max Rank - 525 (from 525)
Energy: Base Rank - 140 (from 125) / Max Rank - 190 (from 188)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 80 (from 75) / Max Rank - 280 (from 225)
Armor: Base Rank - 105 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 135 (from 125)
Energy: Base Rank - 215 (from 175) / Max Rank - 265 (from 263)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 105 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 265 (from 125) / Max Rank - 465 (from 375)
Armor: Base Rank - 135 (from 125)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 265 (from 125) / Max Rank - 465 (from 375)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 185 (from 175)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 265 (from 125) / Max Rank - 465 (from 375)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 240 (from 225)
Energy: Base Rank - 215 (from 175) / Max Rank - 265 (from 263)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 80 (from 75) / Max Rank - 280 (from 225)
Armor: Base Rank - 160 (from 150)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 160 (from 150)
Energy: Base Rank - 215 (from 175) / Max Rank - 265 (from 263)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Armor: Base Rank - 135 (from 125)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 635 (from 225) / Max Rank - 835 (from 675)
Armor: Base Rank - 135 (from 125)
Energy: Base Rank - 140 (from 125) / Max Rank - 190 (from 188)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 725 (from 250) / Max Rank - 925 (from 750)
Armor: Base Rank - 135 (from 125)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Armor: Base Rank - 240 (from 225)
Energy: Base Rank - 100 (from 100) / Max Rank - 150 (from 150)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Armor: Base Rank - 290 (from 275)
Energy: Base Rank - 100 (from 100) / Max Rank - 150 (from 150)

Health: Base Rank - 265 (from 125) / Max Rank - 465 (from 375)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 240 (from 225)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 265 (from 125) / Max Rank - 465 (from 375)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 315 (from 300)
Energy: Base Rank - 200 (from 200) / Max Rank - 300 (from 300)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 135 (from 90) / Max Rank - 335 (from 270)
Armor: Base Rank - 160 (from 150)
Energy: Base Rank - 140 (from 125) / Max Rank - 190 (from 188)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 85 (from 50) / Max Rank - 280 (from 150):
Armor: Base Rank - 475 (from 450)
Energy: Base Rank - 100 (from 100) / Max Rank - 150 (from 150)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 725 (from 250) / Max Rank - 925 (from 750)
Armor: Base Rank - 265 (from 250)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 105 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 265 (from 125) / Max Rank - 465 (from 375)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 135 (from 125)
Energy: Base Rank - 215 (from 175) / Max Rank - 265 (from 263)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 105 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Armor: Base Rank - 135 (from 125)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 85 (from 50) / Max Rank - 280 (from 150)
Armor: Base Rank - 630 (from 600)
Energy: Base Rank - 100 (from 100) / Max Rank - 150 (from 150)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 85 (from 50) / Max Rank - 280 (from 150)
Armor: Base Rank - 735 (from 700)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 80 (from 75) / Max Rank - 280 (from 225)
Armor: Base Rank - 160 (from 150)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 210 (from 200)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Armor: Base Rank - 105 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 100 (from 100) / Max Rank - 150 (from 150)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Armor: Base Rank - 135 (from 125)
Energy: Base Rank - 200 (from 200) / Max Rank - 300 (from 300)

Health: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 200 (from 190)
Energy: Base Rank - 100 (from 100) / Max Rank - 150 (from 150)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 80 (from 75) / Max Rank - 280 (from 225)
Armor: Base Rank - 185 (from 175)
Energy: Base Rank - 200 (from 200) / Max Rank - 300 (from 300)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 210 (from 200)
Energy: Base Rank - 200 (from 200) / Max Rank - 300 (from 300)

Health: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 265 (from 250)
Energy: Base Rank - 130 (from 120) / Max Rank - 180 (from 180)

Health: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Shields: Base Rank - 245 (from 120) / Max Rank - 445 (from 360)
Armor: Base Rank - 290 (from 275)
Energy: Base Rank - 145 (from 130) / Max Rank - 195 (from 195)

Health: Base Rank - 269 (from 97) / Max Rank - 359 (from 291)
Shields: Base Rank - 239 (from 89) / Max Rank - 329 (from 267)
Armor: Base Rank - 145 (from 137)
Energy: Base Rank - 160 (from 153) / Max Rank - 230 (from 230)

Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Shields: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Armor: Base Rank - 105 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 200 (from 200) / Max Rank - 300 (from 300)

Health: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Shields: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Armor: Base Rank - 105 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 100 (from 100) / Max Rank - 150 (from 150)

Health: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Shields: Base Rank - 355 (from 150) / Max Rank - 555 (from 450)
Armor: Base Rank - 135 (from 125)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Warframe Mod Changes:
As promised, here is the comprehensive list of Mod changes to go with the stat changes above. 
*the values below are at Max Rank!


Health-Specific Mods:

  • Vitality: +100% Health (was +440%)
  • Umbral Vitality: +100% Health (was +440%)
    • +130% and +180% with set bonuses (was +550% and +770%)
    • The 2-Mod set bonus for Umbral Vitality is more substantial than it was before, so builds that use Umbral Vitality and only one other Umbral Mod should see a buff to their Health stat.
  • Archon Vitality: +100% Health (was +440%)
  • Physique: +20% Health (was +90%)
  • Gladiator Resolve: +40% Health (was +180%)
  • Nira's Hatred: +35% Health (was +150%)

Shield-Specific Mods:

  • Redirection: +100% Shield Capacity (was +440%)
  • Augur Accord: +70% Shield Capacity (was +180%)
  • Boreal's Hatred: +65% Shield Capacity (was +150%)

Armor-Specific Mods:

  • Steel Fiber: +100% Armor (was +110%)
  • Umbral Fiber: +100% Armor (was +110%)
    • +130% and +180% with set bonuses (was +550% and +770%)
    • The 2-Mod set bonus for Umbral Fiber is more substantial than it was before, so builds that use Umbral Fiber and only one other Umbral Mod should see a buff to their Armor stat.
  • Stand United: +25% Armor (was +25.5%)
  • Armored Agility: +40% Armor (was +45%)
  • Amar's Hatred: +25% Armor (was +30%)
  • Gladiator Aegis: +40% Armor (was +45%)
  • Mecha Pulse: +55% Armor (was +60%)
  • Ironclad Charge: +50% Armor (unchanged)

Energy-Specific Mods:

  • Flow: +100% Energy Max (was +150%)
  • Primed Flow: +180% Energy Max (was +275%)
  • Archon Flow: +180% Energy Max (was +275%)
  • Endurance Drift: +10% Energy Max (was +15%) 

Mods with Various Stats:

  • Vigor: +50% Shield Capacity, +50% Health (was +120% each)
  • Primed Vigor: +75% Shield Capacity, +75% Health (was +220% each)
  • Carnis Carapace: +55% Armor, +20% Health (was +60% Armor,+90% Health)
  • Jugulus Carapace: +55% Armor, +20% Health (was +60% Armor,+90% Health)
  • Saxum Carapace: +55% Armor, +20% Health (was +60% Armor,+90% Health)


Necramech and Archwing Changes

Necramechs and Archwings have also been updated to apply Health / Shield / Energy / Armor values to Max Rank stats. We’ve prepared the following Stat and Mod changes with this in mind.

Mod Changes:
(values shown at max rank)


Necramech Vitality: +100% Health (was +120%)
Enhanced Durability: +100% Health (was +150%)

Necramech Redirection: +100% Shield Capacity (was +220%)
Energy Inversion: +100% Shield Capacity (was +120%)

Necramech Steel Fiber: +100% Armor (was +90%)
Argon Plating: +100% Armor (was +90%)

Necramech Flow: +100% Energy Max (was +150%)
Auxiliary Power: +100% Energy Max (was +90%)


Necramech Stat Changes:


Health: Base Rank - 1880 (from 1800) / Max Rank - 2880 (from 3600)
Shields: Base Rank - 430 (from 300) / Max Rank - 630 (from 900)
Armor: Base Rank - 480 (from 500)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 1400 (from 1500) / Max Rank - 2400 (from 3000)
Shields: Base Rank - 850 (from 500) / Max Rank - 1050 (from 1000)
Armor: Base Rank - 385 (from 400)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

These changes in action using Voidrig!



Archwing Stat Changes:


Health: Base Rank - 650 (from 400) / Max Rank - 900 (from 1200)
Shields: Base Rank - 220 (from 200) / Max Rank - 420 (from 600)
Armor: Base Rank - 195 (from 200)
Energy: Base Rank - 220 (from 200) / Max Rank - 270 (from 360)

Health: Base Rank - 765 (from 450) / Max Rank - 1015 (from 1350)
Shields: Base Rank - 745 (from 450) / Max Rank - 945 (from 1350)
Armor: Base Rank - 145 (from 150)
Energy: Base Rank - 120 (from 125) / Max Rank - 170 (from 225)

Health: Base Rank - 200 (from 400) / Max Rank - 450 (from 600)
Shields: Base Rank - 220 (from 200) / Max Rank - 420 (from 600)
Armor: Base Rank - 50 (from 50)
Energy: Base Rank - 220 (from 200) / Max Rank - 270 (from 360)

Health: Base Rank - 425 (from 300) / Max Rank - 675 (from 900)
Shields: Base Rank - 430 (from 300) / Max Rank - 630 (from 900)
Armor: Base Rank - 100 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 85 (from 100) / Max Rank - 135 (from 180)

Health: Base Rank - 650 (from 400) / Max Rank - 900 (from 1200)
Shields: Base Rank - 640 (from 400) / Max Rank - 840 (from 1200)
Armor: Base Rank - 100 (from 100)
Energy: Base Rank - 85 (from 100) / Max Rank - 135 (from 180)

These changes in action using Odonata!


While there may be significant changes to Warframe Stats and Mod values as a part of this overhaul, the end result is that your Builds should mostly stay the same. The key difference is the added clarity of what your Health / Shield / Energy / Armor Mods do in your Upgrade screens! 

Break Narmer Mission Improvements
Kahl’s missions are a great way to earn an extra Archon Shard every week, but there is no denying that playing the same 3 Break Narmer missions can get repetitive. After looking at Community feedback and reflecting on our own experiences after almost a year of this content being available, we’ve prepared some Quality of Life changes and a few ways to spice up these familiar missions. 

General Kahl-ity of Life Changes:

  • Kahl see more! 
    • Kahl now has Loot Radar and Enemy Radar. This will allow you to plan your offensive, and find key pick-ups to complete your Stock challenges faster!
  • Kahl go fast! 
    • Kahl’s max speed and overall walking speed have been increased.
  • Kahl earn stock! 
    • Added Stock Pickups to Break Narmer missions. 5 Stock Pickups will spawn per mission, offering 2 Stock each for a total of 10. These will appear on your Loot Radar and will respawn if the mission is replayed. Extraction is required to earn the picked-up Stock.

Expanding Kahl’s Garrison:
Kahl will now find additional weapons next to his fallen Brothers as a way to add more variety to his overall gameplay. Three different weapons will spawn randomly each time you play! 

  • In Junk Run and Prison Break missions, you can find the following:
  • Ogris
  • Kundra (new shotgun found only in Break Narmer missions!)
  • Ignis
  • Tonkor
  • Grinlok
  • Jat Kittag

As for Sneaky Sabotage, since this mission has specific weapon restrictions, there are no plans to offer additional weapons to this mission at this time. 

Archon Hunt Damage Attenuation Changes

Speaking of earning Archon Shards, Damage Attenuation (or “damage pillows”) may be a familiar mechanic for those who frequent Archon Hunts each week. 

This was a hot topic, especially near the end of 2022. Since then, we’ve taken our time to assess player feedback and devise a plan to address it -- and we’re finally at a place where we can execute it. 

Damage Attenuation is one tool of many to increase enemy difficulty by limiting how much damage they take from player weapons, etc. 

Our current form of Damage Attenuation has resulted in many weapons feeling lackluster due to the high attenuation values, and damage output was reduced significantly to balance out the post-attenuation modifiers -- meaning that Archon fights felt like a slog if players did not use a limited set of optimal builds.

This is not a favourable outcome, so we are making the following changes:

1 - Maximum Damage Caps are increasing

  • Maximum Damage per Damage Instance has been increased 
  • Maximum Damage Per Second has been increased 

Our goal is to make big hits still feel like big hits, especially for low-rate of-fire weapons. We’re able to reduce the damage cap significantly because of the next change:
2 - Modifiers now apply before Damage Attenuation

Critical Multipliers (and other modifiers) applying post damage cap allowed for many of the One Shot builds to function, and for full transparency, we want to prevent One Shot Archon builds as much as possible. By changing where these modifiers apply, we can increase the Damage Caps to a much less punishing level for players.

Our goals with these changes are to:

  • Increase player damage output, thereby reducing the overall time to kill for Archons
  • Make “big hits” feel impactful by no longer throttling them to such an extreme degree
  • Encourage overall build diversity for Archon Hunts
  • Reduce the ability to use of one-shot builds

We’re excited to see what Archon Hunts look like for players with these changes with Abyss of Dagath releases. If we feel things are too fast now, we may pull back a bit. As always, values are subject to change, so keep an eye out on the patch notes for final values on October 18th!

Misc. Quality of Life Changes

Swap Incarnon Evolutions in the Arsenal
You heard it here! We’re adding the ability to swap around your Incarnon Evolutions in your Arsenal to reduce the friction for Incarnon testing and playing around with your builds.

XouZeDP - Imgur.mp4

Note: You will still need to visit Cavalero to unlock each Evolution, but once that’s done, you can swap to your heart’s delight from the comfort of your Orbiter. 


Steel Path Circuit Reward Path - New Riven Option!
For those who have acquired all of the Incarnons via the Steel Path Circuit, we want to offer you additional rewards for this game mode. With Drifter Opportunity Intrinsics at Rank 9, you will be presented with 3 Veiled Rivens in addition to the weekly Incarnon rotation for your Circuit Reward Path! 

Just like the Incarnon Geneses, the order you pick the Rivens will determine what Rank you need to complete in the Circuit to earn them. 


Whether you took the time to review the entire Dev Workshop, or skipped to the sections that were relevant to you most, thank you for reading! We’re excited for you all to get your hands on these changes and more with Abyss of Dagath on October 18th!

Edited by [DE]Taylor
edited incorrect Lavos, Xaku, Grendel, Inaros, Inaros P, and Kullervo health value + missing Nezha Prime energy
over 1 year ago - [DE]Taylor - Direct link
4 hours ago, Darthak13 said:

Soooo, Lavos got the nerf to health, and he seems to be the only one? Is this a typo?

I double checked my resources and yes, it was in fact a typo! Thank you for the callout. I've updated the post with the correct values:

Health: Base Rank - 340 (from 200) / Max Rank - 740 (from 600)
Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
Armor: Base Rank - 575 (from 450) / Max Rank - 675 (from 675)
Energy: Base Rank - 0 (from 0) / Max Rank - 0 (from 0)

over 1 year ago - [DE]Taylor - Direct link
2 hours ago, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

Ran the numbers:

frame EHP (no Mods) EHP (w/ Mods)
ASH 1489 (+489) 3367 (+493)
ASH PRIME 1827 (+615) 4339 (+636)
ATLAS 1696 (+546) 4563 (+506)
ATLAS PRIME 2843 (+887) 7853 (+772)
BANSHEE 1240 (+440) 2738 (+493)
BANSHEE PRIME 1277 (+452) 2886 (+512)
BARUUK 1193 (+436) 2731 (+509)
BARUUK PRIME 1434 (+540) 3316 (+654)
CALIBAN 2028 (+753) 4771 (+880)
CHROMA 1566 (+516) 4045 (+506)
CHROMA PRIME 1665 (+540) 4440 (+512)
CITRINE 1682 (+539) 4247 (+513)
EMBER 1277 (+452) 2886 (+512)
EMBER PRIME 1497 (+547) 3389 (+639)
EQUINOX 1277 (+452) 2886 (+512)
EQUINOX PRIME 1453 (+491) 3402 (+519)
EXCALIBUR 1406 (+481) 3404 (+512)
EXCALIBUR PRIME 1499 (+499) 3774 (+493)
EXCALIBUR UMBRA 1499 (+499) 3774 (+493)
FROST 1869 (+669) 4514 (+740)
FROST PRIME 2059 (+759) 4894 (+873)
GARA 1307 (+457) 3009 (+506)
GARA PRIME 1482 (+494) 3557 (+501)
GARUDA 1499 (+499) 3774 (+493)
GARUDA PRIME 1628 (+528) 4292 (+493)
GAUSS 1708 (+633) 3873 (+746)
GRENDEL 2747 (+372) 8319 (-863)
GYRE 1800 (+700) 3858 (+873)
HARROW 1708 (+633) 3873 (+746)
HARROW PRIME 1898 (+723) 4253 (+879)
HILDRYN 4134 (+1584) 8856 (+2396)
HILDRYN PRIME 4519 (+1702) 9814 (+2517)
HYDROID 1596 (+571) 3784 (+645)
HYDROID PRIME 2028 (+753) 4771 (+880)
INAROS 3888 (+38) 11232 (-665)
INAROS PRIME 5427 (+1402) 15678 (+3241)
IVARA 1118 (+418) 2432 (+502)
IVARA PRIME 1516 (+597) 3284 (+763)
KHORA 1655 (+536) 4208 (+516)
KHORA PRIME 1930 (+649) 4929 (+666)
KULLERVO 3341 (+253) 11253 (+772)
LAVOS 2495 (+145) 7420 (-819)
LIMBO 1060 (+360) 2378 (+380)
LIMBO PRIME 1277 (+452) 2886 (+512)
LOKI 938 (+338) 2072 (+389)
LOKI PRIME 966 (+347) 2184 (+403)
MAG 1488 (+588) 3172 (+749)
MAG PRIME 1647 (+622) 3626 (+759)
MESA 1188 (+388) 2701 (+389)
MESA PRIME 1285 (+411) 3020 (+407)
MIRAGE 1005 (+365) 2220 (+424)
MIRAGE PRIME 1305 (+485) 2980 (+577)
NEKROS 1170 (+410) 2598 (+452)
NEKROS PRIME 1647 (+622) 3626 (+759)
NEZHA 1335 (+523) 3290 (+641)
NEZHA PRIME 1436 (+548) 3693 (+656)
NIDUS 1388 (+263) 4440 (+444)
NIDUS PRIME 1788 (+344) 5850 (+627)
NOVA 1060 (+360) 2378 (+380)
NOVA PRIME 1277 (+452) 2886 (+512)
NYX 1240 (+440) 2738 (+493)
NYX PRIME 1467 (+542) 3266 (+645)
OBERON 1492 (+498) 3557 (+512)
OBERON PRIME 1577 (+521) 3898 (+529)
OCTAVIA 1127 (+377) 2649 (+392)
OCTAVIA PRIME 1307 (+457) 3009 (+506)
PROTEA 1647 (+622) 3626 (+759)
REVENANT 2207 (+882) 4746 (+1139)
REVENANT PRIME 2387 (+962) 5106 (+1252)
RHINO 1776 (+651) 4144 (+759)
RHINO PRIME 1838 (+663) 4391 (+746)
SARYN 1577 (+521) 3898 (+529)
SARYN PRIME 1693 (+543) 4363 (+509)
SEVAGOTH 1237 (+427) 2869 (+464)
SEVAGOTH'S SHADOW 1516 (+758) 4203 (+831)
STYANAX 2547 (+997) 5747 (+1246)
TITANIA 1240 (+440) 2738 (+493)
TITANIA PRIME 1414 (+483) 3247 (+526)
TRINITY 1240 (+440) 2738 (+493)
TRINITY PRIME 1647 (+622) 3626 (+759)
VALKYR 1707 (+607) 4968 (+627)
VALKYR PRIME 1837 (+637) 5486 (+627)
VAUBAN 1127 (+377) 2649 (+392)
VAUBAN PRIME 1369 (+469) 3256 (+493)
VOLT 1610 (+610) 3478 (+740)
VOLT PRIME 1647 (+622) 3626 (+759)
VORUNA 1665 (+530) 4070 (+497)
WISP 1158 (+383) 2773 (+386)
WISP PRIME 1369 (+469) 3256 (+493)
WUKONG 1785 (+560) 4551 (+512)
WUKONG PRIME 1982 (+639) 5036 (+605)
XAKU 1354 (+574) 3161 (+876)
YARELI 1610 (+610) 3478 (+740)
ZEPHYR 1859 (+659) 4107 (+740)
ZEPHYR PRIME 1915 (+677) 4329 (+768)

So for the most part the frames are all getting a boost to their EHP, but Grendel, Inaros, and Lavos lose EHP after Mods*.
*-The Mods in this case are a max-rank Vitality, Redirection, and Steel Fiber

If you want to see the FULL data dump, reveal contents...

  Reveal hidden contents
frame bE(o) mE(o) +Flow (old) bH(o) mH(o) +Vitality (old) bS(o) mS(o) +Redirection (old) bA(o) mA(o) +Steel Fiber (old) EHP (old) Mod EHP (old) bE(n) mE(n) +Flow (new) Energy +/- bH(n) mH(n) +Vitality (new) Health +/- bS(n) mS(n) +Redirection (new) Shields +/- bA(n) mA(n) +Steel Fiber (new) Armor +/- EHP (new) EHP +/- Mod EHP (new) Mod EHP +/-
ASH 100 150 300 150 450 1110 100 300 740 100 100 210 1000 2873.666667 100 150 300 0 355 555 1110 0 170 370 740 0 105 105 210 0 1489.25 489.25 3367 493.3333333
ASH PRIME 100 150 300 150 450 1110 125 375 925 175 175 367.5 1212.5 3703.083333 100 150 300 0 355 555 1110 0 265 465 930 5 185 185 370 2.5 1827.25 614.75 4339 635.9166667
ATLAS 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 450 450 945 1150 4057.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 475 475 950 5 1695.833333 545.8333333 4563.333333 505.6666667
ATLAS PRIME 175 263 525.5 175 525 1295 150 450 1110 475 475 997.5 1956.25 7080.875 215 265 530 4.5 450 650 1300 5 355 555 1110 0 500 500 1000 2.5 2843.333333 887.0833333 7853.333333 772.4583333
BANSHEE 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 100 100 210 800 2244.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 105 105 210 0 1239.5 439.5 2738 493.3333333
BANSHEE PRIME 175 263 525.5 100 300 740 100 300 740 125 125 262.5 825 2374.166667 215 265 530 4.5 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 135 135 270 7.5 1276.5 451.5 2886 511.8333333
BARUUK 200 300 600 75 225 555 100 300 740 175 175 367.5 756.25 2221.541667 200 300 600 0 80 280 560 5 170 370 740 0 185 185 370 2.5 1192.666667 436.4166667 2730.666667 509.125
BARUUK PRIME 200 300 600 75 225 555 125 375 925 225 225 472.5 893.75 2662.458333 200 300 600 0 80 280 560 5 265 465 930 5 240 240 480 7.5 1434 540.25 3316 653.5416667
CALIBAN 125 188 375.5 100 300 740 175 525 1295 275 275 577.5 1275 3891.166667 140 190 380 4.5 170 370 740 0 450 650 1300 5 290 290 580 2.5 2027.666667 752.6666667 4770.666667 879.5
CHROMA 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 350 350 735 1050 3539.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 370 370 740 5 1566.333333 516.3333333 4045.333333 505.6666667
CHROMA PRIME 200 300 600 100 300 740 100 300 740 425 425 892.5 1125 3928.166667 200 300 600 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 450 450 900 7.5 1665 540 4440 511.8333333
CITRINE 120 180 360 135 405 999 100 300 740 250 250 525 1142.5 3733.916667 130 180 360 0 300 500 1000 1 170 370 740 0 265 265 530 5 1681.666667 539.1666667 4246.666667 512.75
EMBER 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 125 125 262.5 825 2374.166667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 135 135 270 7.5 1276.5 451.5 2886 511.8333333
EMBER PRIME 150 225 450 100 300 740 125 375 925 150 150 315 950 2750.333333 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 265 465 930 5 160 160 320 5 1497.333333 547.3333333 3389.333333 639
EQUINOX 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 125 125 262.5 825 2374.166667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 135 135 270 7.5 1276.5 451.5 2886 511.8333333
EQUINOX PRIME 165 248 495.5 125 375 925 100 300 740 150 150 315 962.5 2882.916667 200 250 500 4.5 265 465 930 5 170 370 740 0 160 160 320 5 1453 490.5 3402 519.0833333
EXCALIBUR 100 150 300 100 300 740 100 300 740 225 225 472.5 925 2892.166667 100 150 300 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 240 240 480 7.5 1406 481 3404 511.8333333
EXCALIBUR PRIME 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 300 300 630 1000 3280.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 315 315 630 0 1498.5 498.5 3774 493.3333333
EXCALIBUR UMBRA 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 300 300 630 1000 3280.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 315 315 630 0 1498.5 498.5 3774 493.3333333
FROST 100 150 300 100 300 740 150 450 1110 300 300 630 1200 3774 100 150 300 0 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 315 315 630 0 1868.5 668.5 4514 740
FROST PRIME 100 150 300 100 300 740 175 525 1295 300 300 630 1300 4020.666667 100 150 300 0 170 370 740 0 450 650 1300 5 315 315 630 0 2058.5 758.5 4894 873.3333333
GARA 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 150 150 315 850 2503.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 160 160 320 5 1307.333333 457.3333333 3009.333333 505.6666667
GARA PRIME 150 225 450 120 360 888 100 300 740 190 190 399 988 3055.706667 175 225 450 0 245 445 890 2 170 370 740 0 200 200 400 1 1481.666667 493.6666667 3556.666667 500.96
GARUDA 120 270 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 300 300 630 1000 3280.666667 140 240 480 30 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 315 315 630 0 1498.5 498.5 3774 493.3333333
GARUDA PRIME 160 360 600 100 300 740 100 300 740 400 400 840 1100 3798.666667 220 320 640 40 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 420 420 840 0 1628 528 4292 493.3333333
GAUSS 150 225 450 100 300 740 150 450 1110 175 175 367.5 1075 3126.5 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 185 185 370 2.5 1708.166667 633.1666667 3872.666667 746.1666667
GRENDEL 150 225 450 350 1050 2590 25 75 185 350 350 735 2375 9182.166667 175 225 450 0 895 1145 2290 -300 95 95 190 5 370 370 740 5 2747.166667 372.1666667 8318.666667 -863.5
GYRE 160 240 480 100 300 740 175 525 1295 100 100 210 1100 2984.666667 190 240 480 0 170 370 740 0 450 650 1300 5 105 105 210 0 1799.5 699.5 3858 873.3333333
HARROW 100 150 300 100 300 740 150 450 1110 175 175 367.5 1075 3126.5 100 150 300 0 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 185 185 370 2.5 1708.166667 633.1666667 3872.666667 746.1666667
HARROW PRIME 125 188 375.5 100 300 740 175 525 1295 175 175 367.5 1175 3373.166667 140 190 380 4.5 170 370 740 0 450 650 1300 5 185 185 370 2.5 1898.166667 723.1666667 4252.666667 879.5
HILDRYN 0 0 0 75 225 555 450 1575 3555 300 300 630 2550 6460.5 0 0 0 0 80 280 560 5 780 1780 3560 5 315 315 630 0 4134 1584 8856 2395.5
HILDRYN PRIME 0 0 0 100 300 740 475 1662.5 3752.5 300 300 630 2816.666667 7297.333333 0 0 0 0 170 370 740 0 880 1880 3760 7.5 315 315 630 0 4518.5 1701.833333 9814 2516.666667
HYDROID 125 188 375.5 100 300 740 125 375 925 225 225 472.5 1025 3138.833333 140 190 380 4.5 170 370 740 0 265 465 930 5 240 240 480 7.5 1596 571 3784 645.1666667
HYDROID PRIME 150 225 450 100 300 740 175 525 1295 275 275 577.5 1275 3891.166667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 450 650 1300 5 290 290 580 2.5 2027.666667 752.6666667 4770.666667 879.5
INAROS 100 150 300 550 2200 4620 0 0 0 225 225 472.5 3850 11896.5 100 150 300 0 1910 2160 4320 -300 0 0 0 0 240 240 480 7.5 3888 38 11232 -664.5
INAROS PRIME 125 188 375.5 575 2300 4830 0 0 0 225 225 472.5 4025 12437.25 140 190 380 4.5 2015 3015 6030 1200 0 0 0 0 240 240 480 7.5 5427 1402 15678 3240.75
IVARA 175 263 525.5 75 225 555 100 300 740 100 100 210 700 1930.166667 215 265 530 4.5 80 280 560 5 170 370 740 0 105 105 210 0 1118 418 2432 501.8333333
IVARA PRIME 200 300 600 75 225 555 150 450 1110 125 125 262.5 918.75 2520.625 250 300 600 0 80 280 560 5 355 555 1110 0 135 135 270 7.5 1516 597.25 3284 763.375
KHORA 125 188 375.5 125 375 925 100 300 740 275 275 577.5 1118.75 3692.291667 140 190 380 4.5 265 465 930 5 170 370 740 0 290 290 580 2.5 1654.5 535.75 4208 515.7083333
KHORA PRIME 150 225 450 125 375 925 125 375 925 325 325 682.5 1281.25 4262.708333 175 225 450 0 265 465 930 5 265 465 930 5 345 345 690 7.5 1929.75 648.5 4929 666.2916667
KULLERVO 150 225 450 325 975 2405 0 0 0 325 650 1007.5 3087.5 10481.79167 175 225 450 0 805 1055 2110 -295 0 0 0 0 550 650 1300 292.5 3340.833333 253.3333333 11253.33333 771.5416667
LAVOS 0 0 0 200 600 1480 100 300 740 450 675 1170 2350 8238.666667 0 0 0 0 340 540 1080 -400 170 370 740 0 575 675 1350 180 2495 145 7420 -818.6666667
LIMBO 150 225 450 100 300 740 75 225 555 100 100 210 700 1998 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 80 280 560 5 105 105 210 0 1059.5 359.5 2378 380
LIMBO PRIME 175 263 525.5 100 300 740 100 300 740 125 125 262.5 825 2374.166667 215 265 530 4.5 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 135 135 270 7.5 1276.5 451.5 2886 511.8333333
LOKI 150 225 450 75 225 555 75 225 555 100 100 210 600 1683.5 175 225 450 0 80 280 560 5 80 280 560 5 105 105 210 0 938 338 2072 388.5
LOKI PRIME 175 263 525.5 75 225 555 75 225 555 125 125 262.5 618.75 1780.625 215 265 530 4.5 80 280 560 5 80 280 560 5 135 135 270 7.5 966 347.25 2184 403.375
MAG 125 188 375.5 75 225 555 150 450 1110 100 100 210 900 2423.5 140 190 380 4.5 80 280 560 5 355 555 1110 0 105 105 210 0 1488 588 3172 748.5
MAG PRIME 175 263 525.5 100 300 740 150 450 1110 125 125 262.5 1025 2867.5 215 265 530 4.5 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 135 135 270 7.5 1646.5 621.5 3626 758.5
MESA 100 150 300 125 375 925 75 225 555 100 100 210 800 2312.5 100 150 300 0 265 465 930 5 80 280 560 5 105 105 210 0 1187.75 387.75 2701 388.5
MESA PRIME 125 188 375.5 135 405 999 75 225 555 125 125 262.5 873.75 2613.125 140 190 380 4.5 300 500 1000 1 80 280 560 5 135 135 270 7.5 1285 411.25 3020 406.875
MIRAGE 150 225 450 80 240 592 80 240 592 100 100 210 640 1795.733333 175 225 450 0 100 300 600 8 100 300 600 8 105 105 210 0 1005 365 2220 424.2666667
MIRAGE PRIME 150 225 450 80 240 592 110 330 814 175 175 367.5 820 2402.533333 175 225 450 0 100 300 600 8 210 410 820 6 185 185 370 2.5 1305 485 2980 577.4666667
NEKROS 100 150 300 100 300 740 90 270 666 100 100 210 760 2146 100 150 300 0 170 370 740 0 135 335 670 4 105 105 210 0 1169.5 409.5 2598 452
NEKROS PRIME 125 188 375.5 100 300 740 150 450 1110 125 125 262.5 1025 2867.5 140 190 380 4.5 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 135 135 270 7.5 1646.5 621.5 3626 758.5
NEZHA 150 225 450 125 375 925 50 150 370 190 190 399 812.5 2648.583333 175 225 450 0 265 465 930 5 85 280 560 190 200 200 400 1 1335 522.5 3290 641.4166667
NEZHA PRIME 0 0 0 125 375 925 50 150 370 250 250 525 887.5 3037.083333 0 0 0 0 265 465 930 5 85 280 560 190 265 265 530 5 1435.75 548.25 3693 655.9166667
NIDUS 100 150 300 150 450 1110 0 0 0 300 450 780 1125 3996 100 150 300 0 355 555 1110 0 0 0 0 0 350 450 900 120 1387.5 262.5 4440 444
NIDUS PRIME 125 188 375.5 175 525 1295 0 0 0 350 525 910 1443.75 5223.166667 140 190 380 4.5 450 650 1300 5 0 0 0 0 425 525 1050 140 1787.5 343.75 5850 626.8333333
NOVA 150 225 450 100 300 740 75 225 555 100 100 210 700 1998 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 80 280 560 5 105 105 210 0 1059.5 359.5 2378 380
NOVA PRIME 175 263 525.5 100 300 740 100 300 740 125 125 262.5 825 2374.166667 215 265 530 4.5 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 135 135 270 7.5 1276.5 451.5 2886 511.8333333
NYX 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 100 100 210 800 2244.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 105 105 210 0 1239.5 439.5 2738 493.3333333
NYX PRIME 150 225 450 100 300 740 125 375 925 125 125 262.5 925 2620.833333 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 265 465 930 5 135 135 270 7.5 1466.5 541.5 3266 645.1666667
OBERON 150 225 450 125 375 925 100 300 740 175 175 367.5 993.75 3044.791667 175 225 450 0 265 465 930 5 170 370 740 0 185 185 370 2.5 1491.75 498 3557 512.2083333
OBERON PRIME 175 263 525.5 125 375 925 100 300 740 225 225 472.5 1056.25 3368.541667 215 265 530 4.5 265 465 930 5 170 370 740 0 240 240 480 7.5 1577 520.75 3898 529.4583333
OCTAVIA 150 225 450 100 300 740 75 225 555 150 150 315 750 2257 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 80 280 560 5 160 160 320 5 1127.333333 377.3333333 2649.333333 392.3333333
OCTAVIA PRIME 175 263 525.5 100 300 740 100 300 740 150 150 315 850 2503.666667 215 265 530 4.5 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 160 160 320 5 1307.333333 457.3333333 3009.333333 505.6666667
PROTEA 150 225 450 100 300 740 150 450 1110 125 125 262.5 1025 2867.5 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 135 135 270 7.5 1646.5 621.5 3626 758.5
REVENANT 125 188 375.5 100 300 740 225 675 1665 125 125 262.5 1325 3607.5 140 190 380 4.5 170 370 740 0 635 835 1670 5 135 135 270 7.5 2206.5 881.5 4746 1138.5
REVENANT PRIME 150 225 450 100 300 740 250 750 1850 125 125 262.5 1425 3854.166667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 725 925 1850 0 135 135 270 7.5 2386.5 961.5 5106 1251.833333
RHINO 100 150 300 100 300 740 150 450 1110 225 225 472.5 1125 3385.5 100 150 300 0 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 240 240 480 7.5 1776 651 4144 758.5
RHINO PRIME 100 150 300 100 300 740 150 450 1110 275 275 577.5 1175 3644.5 100 150 300 0 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 290 290 580 2.5 1837.666667 662.6666667 4390.666667 746.1666667
SARYN 150 225 450 125 375 925 100 300 740 225 225 472.5 1056.25 3368.541667 175 225 450 0 265 465 930 5 170 370 740 0 240 240 480 7.5 1577 520.75 3898 529.4583333
SARYN PRIME 200 300 600 125 375 925 100 300 740 300 300 630 1150 3854.166667 200 300 600 0 265 465 930 5 170 370 740 0 315 315 630 0 1693.25 543.25 4363 508.8333333
SEVAGOTH 125 188 375.5 100 300 740 90 270 666 150 150 315 810 2405 140 190 380 4.5 170 370 740 0 135 335 670 4 160 160 320 5 1237.333333 427.3333333 2869.333333 464.3333333
SEVAGOTH'S SHADOW 100 150 300 100 300 740 50 6.25 226.25 450 450 945 758.3333333 3372.666667 100 150 300 0 170 370 740 0 85 280 560 333.75 475 475 950 5 1515.833333 757.5 4203.333333 830.6666667
STYANAX 150 225 450 100 300 740 250 750 1850 250 250 525 1550 4501.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 725 925 1850 0 265 265 530 5 2546.833333 996.8333333 5747.333333 1245.666667
TITANIA 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 100 100 210 800 2244.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 105 105 210 0 1239.5 439.5 2738 493.3333333
TITANIA PRIME 175 263 525.5 125 375 925 100 300 740 125 125 262.5 931.25 2721.041667 215 265 530 4.5 265 465 930 5 170 370 740 0 135 135 270 7.5 1414.25 483 3247 525.9583333
TRINITY 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 100 100 210 800 2244.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 105 105 210 0 1239.5 439.5 2738 493.3333333
TRINITY PRIME 150 225 450 100 300 740 150 450 1110 125 125 262.5 1025 2867.5 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 135 135 270 7.5 1646.5 621.5 3626 758.5
VALKYR 100 150 300 100 300 740 50 150 370 600 600 1260 1100 4341.333333 100 150 300 0 170 370 740 0 85 280 560 190 630 630 1260 0 1707 607 4968 626.6666667
VALKYR PRIME 150 225 450 100 300 740 50 150 370 700 700 1470 1200 4859.333333 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 85 280 560 190 735 735 1470 0 1836.5 636.5 5486 626.6666667
VAUBAN 150 225 450 100 300 740 75 225 555 150 150 315 750 2257 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 80 280 560 5 160 160 320 5 1127.333333 377.3333333 2649.333333 392.3333333
VAUBAN PRIME 150 225 450 100 300 740 100 300 740 200 200 420 900 2762.666667 175 225 450 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 210 210 420 0 1369 469 3256 493.3333333
VOLT 100 150 300 100 300 740 150 450 1110 100 100 210 1000 2738 100 150 300 0 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 105 105 210 0 1609.5 609.5 3478 740
VOLT PRIME 200 300 600 100 300 740 150 450 1110 125 125 262.5 1025 2867.5 200 300 600 0 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 135 135 270 7.5 1646.5 621.5 3626 758.5
VORUNA 100 150 300 150 450 1110 100 300 740 190 190 399 1135 3572.966667 100 150 300 0 355 555 1110 0 170 370 740 0 200 200 400 1 1665 530 4070 497.0333333
WISP 200 300 600 100 300 740 75 225 555 175 175 367.5 775 2386.5 200 300 600 0 170 370 740 0 80 280 560 5 185 185 370 2.5 1158.166667 383.1666667 2772.666667 386.1666667
WISP PRIME 200 300 600 100 300 740 100 300 740 200 200 420 900 2762.666667 200 300 600 0 170 370 740 0 170 370 740 0 210 210 420 0 1369 469 3256 493.3333333
WUKONG 120 180 360 150 450 1110 100 300 740 250 250 525 1225 4039.166667 130 180 360 0 355 555 1110 0 170 370 740 0 265 265 530 5 1785.25 560.25 4551 511.8333333
WUKONG PRIME 130 195 390 150 450 1110 120 360 888 275 275 577.5 1342.5 4430.75 145 195 390 0 355 555 1110 0 245 445 890 2 290 290 580 2.5 1981.5 639 5036 605.25
XAKU 153 230 459.5 97 291 717.8 89 267 658.6 137 137 287.7 779.89 2284.303533 160 230 460 0.5 269 469 938 220.2 239 329 658 -0.6 145 145 290 2.3 1353.683333 573.7933333 3160.733333 876.4298
YARELI 200 300 600 100 300 740 150 450 1110 100 100 210 1000 2738 200 300 600 0 170 370 740 0 355 555 1110 0 105 105 210 0 1609.5 609.5 3478 740
ZEPHYR 100 150 300 150 450 1110 150 450 1110 100 100 210 1200 3367 100 150 300 0 355 555 1110 0 355 555 1110 0 105 105 210 0 1859.25 659.25 4107 740
ZEPHYR PRIME 150 225 450 150 450 1110 150 450 1110 125 125 262.5 1237.5 3561.25 175 225 450 0 355 555 1110 0 355 555 1110 0 135 135 270 7.5 1914.75 677.25 4329 767.75

And for a key on field names:

  Reveal hidden contents
frame Warframe Name
bE(o) Base Energy Old
mE(o) Max-Level Energy Old
+Flow (old) Max-Level Energy with Max Rank Flow Mod Equipped (Old)
bH(o) Base Health Old
mH(o) Max-Level Health Old
+Vitality (old) Max-Level Health with Max Rank Vitality Mod Equipped (Old)
bS(o) Base Shields Old
mS(o) Max-Level Shields Old
+Redirection (old) Max-Level Shields with Max Rank Redirection Mod Equipped (Old)
bA(o) Base Armor Old
mA(o) Max-Level Armor Old
+Steel Fiber (old) Max-Level Armor with Max Rank Steel Fiber Mod Equipped (Old)
EHP (old) Effective Hit Points with No Mods Equipped (Old)
Mod EHP (old) Effective Hit Points with Max Rank Vitality, Redirection, and Steel Fiber Equipped (Old)
bE(n) Base Energy New
mE(n) Max-Level Energy New
+Flow (new) Max-Level Energy with Max Rank Flow Mod Equipped (New)
Energy +/- Change in Max-Level Energy with Max Rank Flow Mod Equipped from Old to New
bH(n) Base Health New
mH(n) Max-Level Health New
+Vitality (new) Max-Level Health with Max Rank Vitality Mod Equipped (New)
Health +/- Change in Max-Level Health with Max Rank Vitality Mod Equipped from Old to New
bS(n) Base Shields New
mS(n) Max-Level Shields New
+Redirection (new) Max-Level Shields with Max Rank Redirection Mod Equipped (New)
Shields +/- Change in Max-Level Shields with Max Rank Redirection Mod Equipped from Old to New
bA(n) Base Armor New
mA(n) Max-Level Armor New
+Steel Fiber (new) Max-Level Armor with Max Rank Steel Fiber Mod Equipped (New)
Armor +/- Change in Max-Level Armor with Max Rank Steel Fiber Mod Equipped from Old to New
EHP (new) Effective Hit Points with No Mods Equipped (New)
EHP +/- Change in Effective Hit Points with No Mods Equipped from Old to New
Mod EHP (new) Effective Hit Points with Max Rank Vitality, Redirection, and Steel Fiber Equipped (New)
Mod EHP +/- Change in Effective Hit Points with Max Rank Vitality, Redirection, and Steel Fiber Equipped from Old to new

I also calculated what I call "Naked EHP" (your EHP after your shields have been stripped) both with and without the three big mods. In that case Lavos was the only one losing "Naked EHP" when no mods were equipped, and Grendel was the only one losing "Naked EHP" when mods were equipped.

But in conclusion, it's generally positive for all frames.

Thank you for sharing! I did a sense check with the working document and it looks like I had improperly transcribed the following values:

Grendel - Max Rank Health: 1295
Inaros - Max Rank Health: 2310
Inaros Prime - Max Rank Health: 2415
Kullervo - Max Rank Health: 1205 
Lavos - Max Rank Health: 740
Xaku - Max Rank Health: 359

As this is a dev workshop, values are still subject to change up until release, but I figured it was worth updating due to the valid discrepancies you pointed out. :) 

edit: the main post has also been updated with changed values in bold, for clarity!

over 1 year ago - [DE]Taylor - Direct link
2 hours ago, staranow said:

@[DE]Taylor I don't see Nezha Prime Energy listed, was there any changes to it?

AH - fixed! Post is updated now. To save you the search:

Health: Base Rank - 265 (from 125) / Max Rank - 465 (from 375)
Shields: Base Rank - 85 (from 50) / Max Rank - 280 (from 150)
Armor: Base Rank - 265 (from 250)
Energy: Base Rank - 175 (from 150) / Max Rank - 225 (from 225)

over 1 year ago - [DE]Taylor - Direct link

Tenno, with Abyss of Dagath on the horizon and these changes soon to ship, I am locking this thread!

Please refer to our official update notes for the final iteration of this content (including updated Warframe ability stats!) and use our official Abyss of Dagath subforum to share your bugs and feedback. 
