Hi everyone,
I just wanted to start a thread to start some discussion around this new event. Here are some of my initial reactions on day 2:
Mission clarity: It is really not clear what you are supposed to be doing and where. There are no mission prompts telling you to go to the Spiderlon by the temple of profit. Its not clear what the fissures you are supposed to be sealing look like, or you where you might find them.
Finding a group: You hit the mission and load into what looks like a normal fortuna roam party. Some of the times I tried, people were running around fishing or mining.
Mission feedback: Did we do everything right? We sealed up a full set of 4 on the coolant, there is no message letting us know that we are fully done with that coolant. At the end of the mission, I see "Fissures sealed: 10" or something like that, does that mean I get 10 points?
Unintentional impact of bad plays: I have had a few instances where someone either didnt know we had to use only one container for bonus points, didnt care, or intentionally tried to use multiple containers. Had one case where someone picked up a 3 use container and AFK'd. Feels bad for the 3 other people.
Mission design: "Remember how fun it is to fly around POE looking for a Eidolon that randomly teleported?" No one ever. Defense is also a pretty big snorefest. It looks like the mission type might change, but the hardest part is staying awake. At least the heists were somewhat varied (though everyone piled on heist 2)
BUGS: Most important that I think needs to be addressed right now is that sometimes the coolant just disappears after a successful rift. We go to pick it up with X and it just plain vanishes. Zip, nada, hope you werent on 3 stacks.
I am sorry if this reads like a super negative review, but it just isnt that great of an event for me. I am kinda glad we have something to do, but it just seems rushed and low effort for lack of a better word.
How does everyone else feel?
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