about 5 years
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Wow this list goes above and beyond and is really helpful. Thank you so much! We're going to make sure we get all of these Glyphs working of the forums ASAP 😄
Wow this list goes above and beyond and is really helpful. Thank you so much! We're going to make sure we get all of these Glyphs working of the forums ASAP 😄
@-AxHx-Vile Correct! I have been following your thread closely to see which glyphs still need to be updated. For instance, all the glyphs @Voltage mentioned should be fixed now.
For the background of the glyphs, the backgrounds are actually transparent. It's the difference between Dark and Light mode that makes the transparent background look inherently dark or light. You can see by checking out light mode. I can look into seeing if that can be fixed.