almost 4 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

XBOX Prime Vault: Zephyr & Chroma Prime: Hotfix #5



  • Corrected French localization for Prime Vault: Zephyr Prime Accessories reading Armure Tibor Prime instead of Armure Imugi Prime.


Known Issues: 

  • Wreckage Markers persisting and Zekti Component Wreckage unable to be picked up.

    • We have resolved the issue of being unable to pick up Zekti Component Wreckage from Gox units on Playstation - a data fix that we were able to push through faster there. Results have shown success with picking up Wreckage, so we are looking to push that change forward to Xbox and Nintendo Switch, but it will require them to go into Cert. We are looking into patching that as fast as we can. Thank you!

  • Little or no functionality with mouse/keyboard.

    • We have a data fix for this that requires a Cert build as well - we’re working on that build now!

  • Friends List not populating.

    • We have a data fix for this that requires a Cert build as well - we’re working on that build now!