over 2 years ago - [DE]Ronnie - Direct link

This is a FAQ concerning the Community Moderators and the forum staff from the perspective of the members of this forum.
Q: What are Community Moderators, exactly?
A: When the forums grew past the few thousands of Closed Beta, the workload to maintain and run the forums increased, more and more, to the point where it became almost a full-time job just reacting to the reports. DE then contacted a handful of individuals and asked if they would volunteer to help out and uphold the Guidelines. These individuals are not DE employees, nor on DE's payroll, and fulfill their positions in their free-time.
Q: But, they are privy to secrets and their statements are representative, right?
A: Community Moderators are, where the forum tools end, players just like everyone else. They see the same patchnotes, play the same game and get the same treatment from support. They watch the livestreams and read the forums. Sometimes, they get a briefing on general topics, but unless a ComMod explicitly says that this is handed down from above, they are just posting an opinion, with the same weight as another poster's.
Q: Surely, ComMods can influence the game more than normal members, right?
A: ComMods are just other members on the forums. There are sometimes discussions with the DE Community team, but ComMods have no "hotline" to the developers.
Q: So, who are these ComMods?
ComMods from other languages with an * next to their name are also global moderators and can moderate in the English sub-forums. 
Cleesus (formerly theclinton)






Q: Okay, and what DE staff is occupied with the forums?











Traditional Chinese:


Q: So, what do these ComMods do, precisely?
A: ComMods make sure that the community rules and posting Guidelines are observed. They also move threads into their correct subforums, close discussions that derail, answer first level issues and complaints, rename misleading topics, and warn - when rule violations occur.
Q: Okay, I got warned for breaking a rule. What happens now?
A: Ideally, nothing. You receive a reason with your warning and that could be it. If you understand why you were warned and don't repeat the offense (or any other), there are no repercussions whatsoever. Warnings are just a pointer for you to ease off and get you back on track, and a marker for the other staff to see your history, if they interact with you. As long as you stay below three warnings, nothing happens.

If you collect three warnings, you will be suspended, for three days. That is not a ban, but a temporary suspension. You can still play, you just cannot read or post on the forums. In the case of repeated offenders or severe transgressions, such as fits of rage, you may also face moderation queue - which means that you can only post if DE staff approves your posts.
**Please note that that certain offenses will lead to a permanent ban right away, and not just a warning.
Q: I have received a warning and I disagree with it. What should I do?
A: If you feel a warning was unwarranted, then you may submit a ticket to our Support team to begin an investigation. This will allow both the Warframe Support and Community teams to review the warning & rebuttal to determine an outcome. Before submitting your ticket, it may be helpful to review the Community Guidelines to ensure that you have indeed not broken any of them.  

In your ticket, please explain why you disagree with the warning, and why your specific incident may be acceptable based on the Community Guidelines. Keep in mind that the ComMods are working based on a "Mature" rating, with an eye on swear words, foul language and disruptive/negative behavior just as much as more blatant rule violations. Decisions resulting from investigations are final and it is considered abusive behaviour to harass or seek to change the outcome rendered by the Support team. The goal is to always keep the forums friendly.
Q: How long do Warning points stick around?
A: Warning Points expire 1 year from the date/time when originally issued. Verbal Warning warnings do not carry warning points at all. The Other warning category may be permanent, temporary, or lacking a warning point. Any other infraction will leave you with a year warning point. Warning points are only visible to the recipient, so no one else can see them.
Q: What are reports for?
A: Reports alert the entire mod staff to a post or member profile. You can use reports to suggest a pin, point out a thread in the wrong subforum, point out a misleading title, a rules violation or announce an "I got banned!" thread to the staff. Your report is dealt with as soon as someone has the time to do so. 

For more information on reports, refer to the FAQ: 


over 2 years ago - [DE]Ronnie - Direct link
3 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

@[DE]Ronnie Noticed Zorro's link is wrong and leads to Member not found, this is the correct one! https://forums.warframe.com/profile/764236-dezorro/

Thank  you!

about 2 years ago - [DE]Ronnie - Direct link
On 2022-10-31 at 5:15 PM, Tiltskillet said:


Thanks for updating this.

Is there anything you can tell us the about team's  philosophy behind merging or moving threads?  Or put something about it in the FAQ?

In the FAQ you talked about contacting Support if we disagree with a Warning.  Who should we contact or how should we make contact if we have a concern  about moderation that isn't tied to a Warning or to a problematic post?

Please contact Support if there is a concern about moderation beyond a Warning or to a problematic post. 
As for our threads, we keep them tidy and are aware that merging them will lose the original post.