about 2 years
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NSW Lua’s Prey: Baruuk Prime: Hotfix #7
Fixed a crash that could occur when viewing the Friends list and it refreshes.
- Also potentially fixes crashing when someone has unfriended you. The ultimate unfriending burn.
- Fixed crash that could occur when a player leaves your Squad from a Defense or Interception mission with a different Glyph selected.
Fixed Voruna’s Ulfrun’s Descent giving Affinity on cast instead of when the ability is actually triggered by lunging at an enemy and dealing damage.
- This fix follows suit with how Affinity for Warframe Abilities is granted across the board (ie. the Ability performs a function).
- Fixed Voruna’s Fangs of Raksh passive preventing melee blocking (auto and manual).
- Fixed Styanax’s Rally Point not granting Shields on recast while it is already active.
More fixes for the Narmer Scyto Raknoid getting stuck in the ceiling in the Sneaky Sabotage Break Narmer mission.
- The Raknoid will now jump less than before to prevent this from happening. No one likes jumping spiders anyways.
- Fixed the “Thrax enemies draining life support” message getting stuck on the screen even after they’ve been defeated in Conjunction Survival missions.
Fixed offset issues with the Ransha Prime Shoulder Plates when equipped on Baruuk Prime.
- We will continue fixing other known offset issues over time.
Fixed script error with Protea’s abilities.