3 months ago - [DE]CoreyOnline - Direct link

Hi Tenno, the 9th Gen iPad has 3 GB RAM and is considered a low-end device. For context, the Nintendo Switch has 4 GB RAM. High intensity areas (open landscapes like Duviri, Vox Solaris), are at risk of crashing on 3GB RAM devices. We show a memory warning pop-up when low end device users try to load into these areas. We continue to work on finding solutions to optimize these high intensity open landscapes for 3GB RAM devices! Thank you for your interest & apologies for the inconvenience! 

3 months ago - [DE]CoreyOnline - Direct link

Hi Archy and or0802, thanks for clarifying your unique circumstances. If you are mid quest which it sounds like you are, please write to Warframe customer support and request that they take you out of the quest line so that you can go back to playing other missions & content in Warframe!

This is not something myself or anyone else on the Forums can do for you, but this should be no trouble for our support team. Just be sure to provide them a description of the issue, and your account details.