Where to begin? Lets start with the most glaring issue for vet players or literally anyone who played for any duration of time previous to SotR launch.
Premise: Have player learn the ropes and experience different aspects via requiring it in order for them to progress. These pre req's culminating into a sort of mini challenge in the form of a duel with a Tenno AI wielding various acquirable weapons.
Execution: Force existing players to repeat content they have experienced thousands if not tens of thousands of times in order to reach a fight in which they inventively one shot the AI opponent with their relatively easily obtained meta weapons.
The Good for new players: Here we see DE trying to address Warframe's horrific new player experience.
The Bad for new players: Without fail each of the different tasks assigned has little to no context or explanation on how to even preform the different tasks. Whether it be building an MR5 weapon, killing 3 Eximuses, Closing a Void tear, etc, there is no explanation on how to go about doing these different things. I even went as far as to create a new account to see if they had improved anything as a fresh player and of course as you may have suspected there is nothing new to help explain any of what is now required of you to progress other than a "go to the Codex for further information".
The Ugly: MANY of the junctions simply cannot be completed due to a plethora of bugs plaguing the system.
as of me typing this here are some:
ANY planet with "seal the void fissure of X or Y type" will not count towards junction requirements preventing progression (planets that have this are but not limited to?: Mars->Phobos, Saturn-> Uranus, Pluto-> Eris.
Jupiter-> Saturn Junction: spy mission does not count towards junction requirements preventing progression
Neptune-> Pluto Junction: There are no Nightmare missions in order to meet the requirements preventing progression
Keep in mind for a new player they will as of me writing this be able to progress up to mars and no further as they will be unable to complete the junction. "oh but its a launch bug, it will be fixed" that's unf*cking excusable, this is a enormousness issue blocking off massive amounts of content from a player who probably has no idea that its bugged right now and will be for who knows how long. Two hotfixes into this update already and we have yet to see a patch for this (as of me typing this). This should not be something that needs to be patched in the first place.
Convolution is at an all time high with a spiders web tangle of lines going every which way around the star map with dead ends at almost every other turn. Throw in the different colored pathing lines of grey, dark grey, blue, and random non pertinent background line of the exact same color as the pathing lines you get your self nothing short of a clusterf*ck of confusion.
And before I wrote this there was a bug where players could not progress from Earth junction had they not completed Vor's prize, how this even made it past QA is beyond me, thankfully it has been patched.
The Good for vet players: Error nothing found
The Bad for Vet players: You know all that content you already beat to the point of extinction? Time to do it again! I've said it before I'll say it again and this goes for many games - Forcing your veteran players to redo existing content they have done countless times before IS NOT "new content". The argument will probably be raised that "oh the duel after meeting the junction requirements is new content" but that's also incorrect because this is a case of simply reskinned content. We have fought tenno AI before countless times through various quests and as is in each quest they are as here, and by that I mean they are derpy as f*ck. These are supposed to be a fellow(?) Tenno defending the rail but instead they behave like any Gorpus or Grineer unit on any map - they do not use any form of mobility other than crouching and running, they are nothing new.
The Ugly for Vet players: Once again we have been told one thing and given another, then again whats new there? Also if you hadn't noticed you will need to reclear Eris as parts of it have now magically uncleared despite us having to have had cleared an ENOURMOUS amount of nodes on the previous starmap.
The Market
I felt that the update warranted its own sections for how horrific it ended up being.
Pros: we have a search function
Cons: The search function doesn't always work and requires certain hidden perimeters to be met within the shops UI to even access what you were searching for.
While attempting for a minimalistic aesthetic it achieved in hiding the very things most new players would be going to the store for in the first place - BLUE PRINTS. Lets not forget how some category out right blended together for no apparent reason other than it must be a bug. I'm not even going to try and find the reasoning for their design choices as I can only hope this is not the final form and merely something so riddled with bugs as to be something that should not have been presented in the first place. Whether its overlapping buttons or category's being utterly f*cked in terms of design logic I'm at a loss to even begin to comprehend how A - any of this got passed QA or B - do we just accept that they knowingly gave us a buggy mess which they intend to patch later. Both of which are utterly inexcusable.
The market was supposed to be something that was getting an improvement not being made utterly unusable (I still don't have a clue as to where to get blueprints other than form the currently broken mission junctions)
I've played a lot of indie early access games in my day and there is this sort of feel you get to all of them. archwing at least for me has the feel, that is to say: janky, rachet, half baked, "work in progress", etc. I never was a huge fan of archwing and this update did not help. Not only is the movement extremely awkward but where once we had the ability to atleast rocket through missions at mach-10 obliterating everything in our path with relative ease we are now relegated to awkwardly plodding along the entire time having the system try and "right us". This is f*cking space there should be not "righting" we are not boats dammit. In their evident attempt to hand hold us they have only hampered us.
Void Tears
The Good: Spices up old missions by adding this neat little addition of stuffing the void back into the crack that its trying to come in through.
The Bad: at first they seem rather tame. You activate a rift and mobs start popping in all around you coming out of every nook and cranny sometime just appearing right in front of you to try and stop from shutting the void tear. You shut the tear by killing the mobs and picking up the void bits and jumping into the tear (none of which is explained other than through a very brief dialogue from Lotus) so you proc your syndicate meta weapon of choice blow everyone up and pick up the pieces to shut the void. that's it. literally nothing else to it for better or worse.
The Ugly: High level void tears could best be described by video but as i lack those skills here is what I believe to be the most apt description of a high level void tear experience: -que nooblet running ahead of the team and activating the tear MOVE BITCH GET OUT THE WAY, GET OUT THE WAY!!!!!! HOPE YOU READY FOR A NULLY f*ckING RAVE PARTY!!!!!!! LETS GO BITCH YOU WANNA USE OP WEAPONS GET f*ckING SWAMPED IN NULLIES AND ROCKETS - OH YOUR WEAPON PROCC'D KILLING 100 DUDES!?!?!? THATS f*ckING CUTE!!! HERE IS 250 f*ckING MORE AND 150 OF THEM ARE NULLIE EXIMUSES LETS GO BITCH YOU WANNA PLAY HARD BALL HERE IS HARD BALL!!! Now on one hand I and I'm sure many others have been craving legitimate, repeatable challenges in warframe and this at a glance seems like just the thing...... until 50% of the void tears you find are hidden away in 20x20 rooms with 1 exit and entrance and a low ceiling. I think in a way they are a "breathing" metaphor (at least the high level ones) for this update and that is to say- a cluster f*ck. Its been proven before that DE knows how to make legitimately challenging yet still within reason engagements and this is not one of them. While it is amusing for a time it gets old very quickly as every missions becomes find the void tear and either mop up unchallenging, unengaging, enemies or get to experience epilepsy first hand in the nully rave room.
The utterly broken courtesy of the sub and OSG thread
Loadout Names seriously why the f*ck did this need to be added?
Your own ship f*cking eating you
wanna add more? post it in a comment and i'll add it to the list!
Not to go discounted
This is not to say there have not been some good changes - the first most noticeably being the ease of which to quire specific prime parts inb4Nerf
Kavats despite the plethora of bugs we have now come to expect seem to fit a truly alternative role from kubrows rather than just being a direct upgrade. UPDATE: apparently getting the DNA templates for the kavats is so freakishly hard it might as well be utterly out of reach unless you can extend that reach.... with arms made of plat.....
The ability to turn random useless extra mods into fusion cores. not in this update I miss understood
to conclude
This is supposed to be an open discussion of what went wrong, what still needs to be fixed, and what could have been done better. We can only hope that DE will learn from this catastrophe and emerge better for having experienced it.
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