about 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link


Tickets for TennoCon 2019 go on sale February 28 at 2 p.m. ET! You won’t want to miss the biggest day of Warframe panels, reveals, activities and more, happening on July 6 in London, Ontario.

By purchasing a ticket to TennoCon 2019, you also gain access to all sorts of digital goodies and access to Baro’s TennoCon Relay. Baro’s TennoCon Relay will give you access to everything he’s ever sold, assuming you have the Ducats to trade.

If you can’t attend in person, but still want to be a part of the TennoCon experience, make sure to purchase a TennoCon 2019 Digital Pack!


Digital Pack, $24.99 USD (Available March 19):

  • 475 Platinum Total
  • TennoCon Exclusive Armor Set
  • TennoCon Glyph
  • TennoCon Sigil
  • Digital Art Piece
  • TennoCon Emote
  • TennoCon Relay Key  

Full Day, $30 CAD:  

  • Full Day Access to TennoCon
  • TennoCon Digital Pack
  • TennoCon Swag Bag

Collector’s, $75 CAD:

  • Full Day Access to TennoCon
  • TennoCon Digital Pack
  • TennoCon Swag Bag
  • 1000 Platinum Total
  • TennoCon 2019 Collector's T-Shirt

VIP, $250 CAD:

The Collector’s Ticket PLUS:

  • VIP Brunch at Digital Extremes
  • Early Access to TennoCon
  • Collector's Statue: Choose Your Own (Nyx/Rhino/Mag/Valkyr)

Legendary, $1,000 CAD:  

The VIP Ticket PLUS:

  • Devstream Team Session
  • Custom Personal Glyph
  • TennoCon T-Shirt Mega-Pack
  • NPC Voice Recording Session

A portion of the proceeds from ticket sales will go to CMHA Middlesex -- a non-profit community agency devoted to promoting mental wellness and empowering people in their recovery.

Sign up here and we’ll send you an email when tickets are available for purchase!

about 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link
4 minutes ago, dan.io.wal said:

Is the armor set new or is the same from last year?

Brand new!

about 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link
3 minutes ago, Helch0rn said:

like new models or a special retextured variant of an existing one?


We use the same design style for all TennoCon cosmetics, but each year has a new profile. Here is an image of this coming year's Armor Set alongside last year's so you can check it out!

TennoCon 2019 Exclusive Armor Set


TennoCon 2018 Exclusive Armor Set


about 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link
7 minutes ago, (XB1)Elvarm said:

I have 2 children that also want to come to the event. Would I have to purchase all 3 same tickets or is there a, yet unannounced or request only, family pack? (FYI: At least 1 VIP + 2 Full day) 


Children 2 years old and younger will not need a badge to attend the event, but we do not have a family pack available. You can purchase multiple tickets per order to secure badges for your whole group! There can only be 1 VIP ticket per order, but you can purchase up to 4 Full Day and Collector's tickets per order.

about 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link
28 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

Will the Digital Pass sales this year start with the other packs or is there a separate date for it as with previous years?

We have added the date to the text outside the ticket info image for clarity! 😄 Hope this helps clear up any possible confusion!

41 minutes ago, [DE]Helen said:

Digital Pack, $24.99 USD (Available March 19):

  • 475 Platinum Total
  • TennoCon Exclusive Armor Set
  • TennoCon Glyph
  • TennoCon Sigil
  • Digital Art Piece
  • TennoCon Emote
  • TennoCon Relay Key  
about 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link
7 minutes ago, Debbysheen said:

i have a question, a friend of mine it's going to tennocon this year, i can't go because yeah... money xD, but i can afford a physical ticket, so his idea it's for me to buy a physical ticket (the collector's one) and he would could request my stuff there (and then give it to back home) it's that ever possible? 

thanks for your time 😄

You must attend TennoCon in person and provide photo identification to claim the badge and physical items, so unfortunately, that won't be possible. You can still enjoy exclusive items in the Digital Pack if you can't attend in person!

about 6 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link
23 hours ago, MagPrime said:

Can we gift Digital Tickets this year? 

Got a few clan mates and friends I'd like to send it to since they can't afford it.

Unfortunately, it won't be possible to gift Digital tickets because they are available directly from platform stores that won't be able to support gifting (PlayStation Store, Microsoft Store, Steam, etc)

18 hours ago, KrAyZy said:

@[DE]Helen Hey, any info on what the  Devstream Team Session or the NPC Voice Recording Session is like? That sounds like a really unique opportunity. How many of the Legendary and VIP tickets will be available.

The Legendary ticket holder will record lines for an NPC and then those lines will be added in-game! They'll also have a chance to sit down and chat with the Devstream team. There will be 1 Legendary ticket available this year and 50 VIP tickets. They go quickly, so be ready when sales go live tomorrow!

20 hours ago, (PS4)appretice said:

Are there any age restrictions s this year for purchasing the VIP or Legendary tickets? My sister would like attend as a VIP with me this year, but she will only be on the cusp of turning 18 when Tennocon arrives. Any clarification on this would be great because I know in 2017 there was alcohol served at the brunch but I didnt see any at the 2018 brunch. 

VIP ticket holders need to abide by the age restrictions that apply to all ticket holders: those under 17 must attend TennoCon with a legal guardian. There are no VIP-specific restrictions. It sounds like she makes the cut!

22 hours ago, Zendadaist said:

Any chance of the Tennocon Relay showing live streams from Tennocon itself for Ditigal Ticket buyers? Outside of the Official Stream that takes place later in the day, I mean. 

No plans for live streams playing in the Relay, but we are going to stream more panels this year throughout the day for everyone to see.