4 months
ago -
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Thank you Tenno! We recently identified a bug where melee animations can break after exiting one of those tunnels (elevators in the case of the Zariman) into a mission. Working on a fix now!
Thank you Tenno! We recently identified a bug where melee animations can break after exiting one of those tunnels (elevators in the case of the Zariman) into a mission. Working on a fix now!
Just to confirm, were these videos taken before or after Koumei & the Five Fates released at 11AM EST Oct 2nd? I couldn't help but notice the 12:59 AM and 2:23 AM times in the video URLS you sent over, and that might have been before Koumei released (granted I don't know the time zone). If you are still experiencing this after installing the latest update, please let me know!