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The Situation

I have a lot of robot companions I like to use for different things. If I want to swap my Helios for Carrier, I just swap them, swap the weapons, and I'm good to go. If I want to bring my Moa instead, I just grab the Moa and I'm good.

I also have a Smeeta and an Adarza, each built for different things, as well as a few others that turned out with nice looks.

The Problem

If I have my Adarza out because I was doing Eidolons, and I want to do some farming with my Smeeta, I have to back out of the arsenal, go to the pet menu, go to stasis, put the Adarza in stasis, wait 30 seconds for the animation (assuming it doesn't break and force you to dojo and back for it to stop looping), open the menu again, make sure I click the right pet (because if you don't, you have to do all this again), wait for another animation to finish, and then I'm ready to go.

Not only do I have to sit with my thumb in my butt waiting for animations, but I also have to make sure I have a stockpile of DNA stabilizers just to make sure my pets actually have health. If I used Kubrows, I'd also have to make sure they didn't go down in a mission. With the incubator upgrade, stabilizers cost next to nothing, so it's not even a credit sink.

The Solution

All pets are available for use at all times. DNA integrity and loyalty decay are gone, and always set to max. Stasis determines what pet walks around your orbiter, nothing more. Stasis slots work the same as companion slots.

Micromanaging pets isn't fun, engaging, or enjoyable, it's just busywork. Moas don't have these mechanics, but the old content is always forgotten about. All it encourages is people not using more than 1 pet so they don't have to deal with the obtuse mechanics.

EDIT: Another mark on the 'let this mechanic die' board; pets don't work with loadouts. If I have my Kavat out in any of my loadouts, and I swap them through stasis, that gets removed from all of them and I end up with no companion.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/rebulast - Direct link

The DE Response

Probably can make this a lot better this year, I'm thinking.

almost 6 years ago - /u/rebulast - Direct link

Originally posted by CampusCarl

Can I thank you for putting "The DE response"? I wish Botty would come back soon

You can but I was just copying the OP's formatting lol