Original Post — Direct link
11 months ago - /u/DE-Purzzle - Direct link


For visibility here, we're actively reading your feedback on the nerfs/changes, Deep Archimedea, etc.

We hear you on it all and are not taking it lightly.

Appreciate the constructive comments.


EDIT: We're reviewing LoS right now with Dante.

EDIT 2: We see that Dante's Tragedy LoS does not hit ragdolls and has issues hitting enemies in your general sight (as noted in this thread.)

We're testing a change to Dante's LoS that both effectively hits ragdolls and does the increased number of checks per enemy to improve the reliability of marginal hits.

11 months ago - /u/DE-Purzzle - Direct link

Originally posted by FabulousRhino

Look, my two cents here: I don't really mind the nerfs as they are stated on paper. sure, I don't like stuff I enjoy playing being nerfed, but it ain't me making this game, so I just roll with the punches.


can you guys

make improvements on how line of sight is calculated? it's horribly inconsistent and has been for a while now. I've once managed to not hit an enemy with khora's whip while it cracked right next to said enemy because of a tiny bump on the ground.

On paper, Dante's 4 needing LoS is fine, we'd just need to reposition before unleashing the tragedy or idk maybe bullet jump, but in a lot of cases enemies that should have logically been hit aren't due to badly implemented LoS calculations.


If you notice LOS abilities not working properly, could you record a video for it? Without a video it's often very difficult to tell where an interaction goes wrong.

Post them on the forums or via support ticket and I'll check it out. Just ping or @ me when you do, so I don't miss it.
