about 1 month ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
12s [Music]
20s hi everybody my name is Sean Slater I'm
22s the voice of tager in Warframe thank you
24s so much for playing it's so exciting to
26s be part of this amazing community and
29s have a great
31s conference hey tenos my name is Micah
34s Mason and I had the
36s absolute hey tenos my name is Micah
38s Mason and I had the
41s absolute hey tenos my name is Micah
43s Mason and I had the absolute pleasure of
49s voicing hey tenos my name
52s is stupid
56s words anyway I love it when you use the
60s bang make flat keep being awesome and
62s have a great con greetings Tenon my name
66s is Kieran flinton and I have the
68s absolute pleasure of voicing this fellow
70s right
71s here thank you all so much for coming
74s along this incredible journey with us if
76s you're continued support your enthusiasm
78s and your Immaculate gameplay we would
81s not be here without you now on to the
84s next adventure welcome all to ten oon
89s this is Stefan rodniki aka the voice of
93s albre and
94s tratti I am so proud to
99s be you are
104s late I am so proud to be a member of the
108s Warframe family welcome I look forward
112s to seeing you don't be
115s late hey there tenno it's Ben star here
118s at play Arthur in Warframe 1999 and I
120s just wanted to come on here and say I
122s hope you have an amazing tenoc con I
125s can't believe that I get to be a part of
126s this community this game would be
128s absolutely nothing without you so thank
130s you for welcoming me and I can't wait
132s for us to go on this journey so let's
133s celebrate it together and have an
135s amazing time lot of
137s love
139s so you come here to tenacon
143s Alpha it's a party
146s tenno see you there
154s amazing hello
156s everyone big round of applause for our
158s amazing voice actors who wanted to say
160s hello and welcome to the tanon 2024
163s sounds of the system
167s panel my name is Zach and I we have a
170s fantastic hour of auditory experiences
173s for you all but before we Dive Right In
175s it's my honor to introduce our panelists
178s for today to my right you'd recognize
180s that voice anywhere it's Rebecca Ford
183s hey
184s everyone hello hello thanks for joining
187s I'm very excited for the panel Zach it's
188s going to be awesome me too next up a man
192s who loves walks in the park but mainly
194s just to record the sound of snapping
196s Twigs it's Eric Preston hey everybody
199s thanks for being here
201s hello on his right a newcomer to the
204s tennocon stage but a master of sound
206s design please welcome Mark
208s perin hi everybody thanks for coming
211s out next up a familiar face who makes
214s music for space it's George spos hey
217s everybody great to see
220s you last but not least a special guest
222s who you have most definitely heard
224s before it's Matt chamers hey everybody
227s thank
229s you all right shall we get started let's
232s do it let's do it our first topic of
234s today is music and effects for quests
238s let's jump back to December Eric
241s Reb comes to you and says we have an
243s eight-legged creature that players are
244s going to fight what's the first step you
246s took to create such a unique boss theme
249s uh this was an amazing enemy from the
252s get-go uh the concept art looked
254s phenomenal when it came across my desk
257s and uh I think the first thing that we
259s started thinking about was what the
261s voice would sound like um the writers
263s put together a really cool language
265s called void tongue and I think naturally
267s we're like yes we need to do void tongue
270s uh so a lot of his uh barks ability
273s barks uh are all based in that language
277s and uh it's uh Mark and I actually did a
279s session for that where we recorded a lot
281s of the dialogue and then it's kind of
283s manipulated and pitched down uh to
285s eventually form the final uh sounds that
287s you hear when you fight this guy um and
289s yeah a lot of the Void tongue stuff that
291s we started there eventually made its way
293s into the music as well I love it now
295s when you guys are creating themes for
297s bosses do you get to see the earliest
300s concept of how a fight is going to go
301s and does it help you make the music or
303s do you create a song and then the
305s designers go from there uh we actually
307s usually get to see really early versions
309s of the boss fight uh so it's a it's a
311s it's a combination between looking at
313s the mechanics of the boss fight looking
314s at how the boss fight looks and then
316s deciding on the intensity level where do
318s we want to go with the music how do we
320s want people to feel when they fight the
321s boss uh this one's a bit of a slam dunk
323s in terms of theme big imposing menacing
327s uh void tongue being the basis for the
329s for the language it all came together
331s pretty well actually um and then at that
333s point uh yeah getting on the phone with
335s Matt and starting to talk about how we
337s want to craft it yeah yeah and we we had
339s done some void tongue on the combat and
343s I think you told me like let's push that
346s even further let's feature the the huge
350s enormous layers of vocals and uh so I
353s got Fran who actually was the vocalist
356s for uh duviri the opera singer she
359s actually helped me on some of those
361s crazy uh void tongue chants and her
365s friend Ana and the three of us just
368s layered up all these
372s like and then we put a bunch of effects
375s on them and yeah that was kind of the
378s vibe for that uh that boss fight can we
381s just get a whole live performance of voy
383s tongue from you here sure yeah yeah I
385s won't have a voice after it but
387s yeah amazing amazing well let's take a
389s quick look listen to what you guys came
390s up with
398s [Music]
425s awesome love
427s that it's awesome nothing quite
429s resonates like the sound of the human
431s voice too right like whenever there's an
433s opportunity to to put some you know
435s vocals in something it always gives it
437s this much more flavor right it's just
439s yeah yeah I remember when we were
441s talking Matt and I we'd always go back
442s and forth with notes more voice more
444s voice more layers yeah yeah it it was
446s just like oh can we add another Rhythm
449s on top of all those sure let's try it
451s and then you just like were like yes
453s even more it adds to the playing
455s experience when enemies with hands are
457s jumping at you while vocals are playing
459s as you're fighting them as well love
461s that the same update Whispers in the
463s walls also brought a brand new tile set
465s to Warframe alick's laboratory filled
468s with beakers gilded machines and vials
471s of Elemental ooze there are many things
472s to break in this tile set I must
475s personally destroy everything in my site
477s so I have to know how many glass jars
479s were broken in the recording process and
481s did you have a favorite recording
483s technique for the labs uh I mean we
486s we're always breaking jars and glass we
488s have been for 10 years so we have lots
490s of sound libraries of all sorts of stuff
492s that we've kind of broken over the years
495s um but actually uh Laura and Jeff were
497s the sound designers who handed all the
498s breakables and as they started kind of
501s coming in we were starting to see all
502s these kind of little levels of detail
504s that were happening you could break the
505s little vase on the desk and the desk
507s itself and the machines on the desk so
510s they did a great job uh going through
511s and meticulously placing all those
513s sounds for all the different items that
514s you can break and when they all kind of
516s break together it's very satisfying it
519s is very satisfying and players can even
521s just walk around without breaking
523s anything you can hear the machine moving
524s and all of that so it's a very
526s complicated tile set would you say it
528s was the most complicated tile set you've
530s had to work on I think so far yeah I
532s mean the open World stuff is obviously
533s very complicated and there's a lot that
535s goes into the open worlds but in terms
537s of tile sets this is probably the most
539s complicated but I I I knew immediately
541s that the breakable stuff was was working
543s when I couldn't stop breaking things
545s it's like every time I'm running around
547s testing it's just just constant constant
550s breakables I love that we also met some
553s new faces in the labs let's talk about
555s the
556s CIA Reb how did this cast of characters
559s come to be right well when we originally
563s came up with the idea that we would find
565s Albert and trade's laboratory we were
567s trying to think of how we could make a
568s Syndicate out of kind of nothing cuz we
571s didn't know what the laboratory would
573s would host and I think there was a
576s moment when I remembered like how the
577s Russian sent Leica to space as like the
579s first animal in space and I was like oh
581s Alber would have sent animals into the
583s void at some point and they would have
585s come back speaking in void tongue and
587s that seems like a really compelling way
589s to start a character Arc for Al in some
592s of his lesser known science especially
594s because we knew he had a bond with
595s animals because of Kos from his entries
598s so um we the first one that came
600s together was the norg and I was like oh
602s sending a fish to the void and coming
604s back smart just makes sense and then we
607s actually had the um tag for as an art
610s asset I think one thing that we learned
611s in our pace of updates is if you have
614s something and it can work in an update
616s and you believe in it just go so we had
618s tager who is actually a deer species
621s that we were going to use in the planes
622s of idolon that never got used so I was
624s like oh he's going to the void and the
627s bird as well I was like sorry folks no
629s planet Earth for you you're going to the
630s void and we sent them all on their
632s journey and the rest is history I think
635s I remember an early version of that
637s actually that's right and I think we had
638s done sounds for it and everything and
640s then we pulled it I was like I'm not
641s going to waste work yeah into the voy so
645s yeah so it's all uh yeah sorry animals
648s we're efficient in our casting yeah for
650s people listen we got to got to do it
653s love it and the sound team how different
655s was it setting up all this voiceover
657s work for Animals I mean when we saw this
660s I think in initially we went to oh we're
662s going to have to process the voices a
663s lot add a lot of animal sounds in
666s between words but as we began to receive
669s the performances back from the actors
671s they were so strong that the decision
673s was made to just feature them basically
675s without any processing I think there's a
677s tiny little bit um here and there Bird 3
681s almost sounds like there's animal noises
684s introduced but that's just the actor's
685s performance um so yeah we just kept it
687s super clean super raw and and featur
690s their their Great Performances it's all
692s about the casting too right like it's
693s such an important part of of the whole
696s thing and people don't think about that
698s as much it's like obviously great
699s writing and everything as well but when
701s you cast the right person it just works
703s and they embody that character right and
705s it just makes our job so much easier too
707s so yeah yeah totally I mean getting your
710s heartbroken by a ston you just end up as
712s a talking fish in Warframe that's I the
715s ultimate payback payback payback it's
718s been yeah the team that worked on on
719s that the writing everything was just
722s really lovely to behold and watch it
723s come together let's check in on our cast
726s of Critters
728s now hey how's it going are we
733s winning we all got something to do Mr
736s Fish and ai's got his thing Mr tager got
739s his thing I got my thing it's so nice
750s another day another nrel another poke in
753s the eye for the mother hugger that
754s consigned us to this mess come on let's
761s roll are we heading out
766s then
770s yep on you day dwns let us to
775s work yes yes go good
782s a good day to
783s you I love
787s you I love that line so so much love
791s you uh as you know we had a followup
794s update to Whispers In The Wall Dante
797s Unbound now the team had a chance to
799s cook up some unique vocals for this
801s update theme and they bring such a great
803s tone to the update Matt tell us a bit
806s about how the process of setting the
809s stage for page master Dante went yeah
812s well uh we had a piece that we I think
815s we actually showed this at last tenoc
817s con um a friend of mine Alex Samra sang
820s on it um and it was a section of an
823s ambient track that I did and I think it
825s was actually word from Reb that that was
828s like your favorite section and so we
830s were like how about we make a a combat
833s section or a combat track out of that
835s section um so I got Alex back over I
838s wrote a a new piece and featured the
841s same Melody but like the combat version
843s of it um and Alex just nailed it he he
846s had done a bunch of throat singing and
848s stuff for me as well um so he has like
851s the ability to do the really straight uh
854s beautiful melodic singing but then he
856s can also do the really intense like low
859s throat singing so we kind of just found
861s a happy medium and uh yeah his
864s performance was amazing I love it and as
867s you mentioned the vocalist Alex Sam does
870s make your return and we have a behind
871s the scenes video of him recording some
873s of the vocals for the Dante Unbound
874s update theme
890s [Music]
902s [Music]
907s [Applause]
912s amazing love it such a great Melody a
916s great little little Melody there
918s fantastic and some more void tongue
920s there too yes did Alex mention it was
923s hard to sing in a language he's never
925s read before it was actually okay cuz uh
928s he's also a singer so he does a lot of
931s do's and da and bips and Bops so he uh I
934s just I transl I said like this is kind
936s of how I'm saying it sorry writers if we
939s pronounced anything differently than
940s what you imagined but you know we just
942s used our our best interpret
944s interpretation of it so uh yeah
947s hopefully there's no void tongue
948s Specialists out there yeah anyone
951s scrutinize I love the uh void tongue and
953s Jazz connection I know I feel like jazz
955s just caught so much shade for being also
957s like it's the jazz is like the voice
959s tongue of music so I love it well let's
963s switch gears to a very recent Quest Jade
967s Shadows o spoilers kind of spoilers
971s actually yes spoilers yes uh rep this
974s Quest is an incredibly unique storyline
976s for Warframe keeping it light on
978s spoilers did you have an idea of where
980s you wanted the music to transport us
981s with the story of stalker and Jade yeah
984s so Jade shadows as a quest had actually
986s been in development for about 18 months
988s with different story beats and it was
991s like stock like we wanted the new war
992s ends stalker story stalker story and we
995s kept churning and churning and then when
997s Mike skyers proposed the choir frame
1000s that you know as Jade it really made
1002s every piece of idea fit together with oh
1005s Okay Jade and stalker are in the same
1006s update and they have a story together
1008s and when skyers called it the choir
1010s themed frame right away that set in
1013s motion a series of sound decisions and
1015s then when the story finished and we kind
1018s of like looked over the script and it
1020s was this is what's going to happen like
1022s how can you make this work because
1024s there's I don't think there's any way
1026s that the story we told in Jade Shadows
1029s would have worked with like of course
1032s you know if you can't hear it that's of
1033s course fine but the music was an
1035s artistic Choice uh to S to pair with the
1038s animations that you can see so that uh
1041s yeah yeah we took that theme and and ran
1044s with it and with with the theme for Jade
1047s Shadows specifically I think we wanted
1049s bring together a lot of themes from uh
1053s older parts of Warframe as well uh so
1056s we're we're bringing in you know
1057s stalker's theme Jade's theme tying it
1060s together with you know the Naga drums so
1062s there's a lot of pieces that we wanted
1064s to incorporate into this so kind of this
1066s big ball of stuff you know eventually
1068s throwing that over to Matt and then uh
1070s when I heard kind of Matt's first draft
1072s it was like yes this is this is totally
1074s going to work the big beautiful section
1076s where the choir kind of swells and
1078s ascends um yeah it was It was kind of
1080s great from the get-go and then after
1082s that it was just on to polishing it up
1084s and working on different production
1086s elements love it and you guys got to
1088s work with a choir and did a lot of
1089s recording sessions for that how was that
1091s experience for you with the uh for you
1093s guys oh it was amazing I mean I love
1096s being able to go to a studio and record
1099s live anything any musicians vocalists
1102s and uh this was a special one because we
1105s were able to get 12 singers all in one
1107s same the same room and
1109s uh you know hearing my theme the first
1112s time was just like oh yeah okay that's
1114s perfect that's way better than the midi
1117s um that was just a placeholder and uh
1120s yeah yeah it it it was it was great
1122s awesome and we do have a behind the
1124s sounds look at how that choir session
1126s went let's take a look get your Kleenex
1128s ready
1132s [Music]
1159s I'm Eric Preston I'm audio lead at
1160s digital extremes I've been here for
1162s coming up on 10 years and here to talk
1164s about the music and sound effects for
1166s Jade Shadows they kind of do a pitch for
1168s her landing and and then I guess you'll
1169s take that middle section as the move
1171s right exactly yeah I'm Mark perin I'm a
1174s sound designer on Warframe here at
1175s digital extremes I've been here for uh
1178s just about 5 years we'll get those
1180s shouted as well as like an awe I've got
1182s a choir background myself so when I
1184s heard that there was going to be the
1185s choir frame I asked Eric if I could take
1187s the sound design that's one ability that
1190s chord right you can cast any of the
1193s three f a c sh abilities while you're up
1198s there
1200s so we need to keep keep it pretty keep
1202s it the
1205s same when Mark was kind of workshopping
1208s his ideas for the choir he had wanted to
1211s record a live choir we were going to do
1213s it separately but after I'd spoken to
1216s Matt and we decided to record a choir
1218s for the music then we thought it was
1221s just a natural progression to do a
1222s session that included both the music and
1225s the sound effects for the Warframe so
1227s yeah
1229s so we wanted there to be that Coral
1231s aspect for sure but we also wanted there
1233s to be a bit of
1238s dissonance and add a little bit of that
1240s strange tone that you hear in the
1242s Warframe so there's lots of offkey
1244s singing lots of whisper shouting from
1247s the
1249s choir we kind of played with all sorts
1251s of different vocal effects chords
1255s notes we wanted to tap into the strange
1258s sounds of that they were able to
1260s [Music]
1264s produce the choir is so talented that
1267s whenever we would suggest ideas or want
1269s to try different ideas they could
1271s reproduce that very quickly on the
1274s fly it felt like s having your own live
1278s synthesizer except they're human beings
1280s and they're
1281s amazing cool was the tuning of those
1285s chords okay all good Eric definitely had
1288s some great ction as to how he wanted the
1291s frame uh overall to sound I had some
1294s specific ideas for the four abilities
1296s that I wanted to hear and then Matt was
1299s able to pull that all together in a very
1301s musical way and in a way that fits with
1304s the music that we'd also recorded for
1306s Jade all of the notes that you hear in
1309s the frames abilities are all in the same
1311s key and in one chord actually that fit
1313s really well with the music that we'
1315s already recorded
1323s whenever you're in the studio recording
1326s the magic and the feel that you get from
1328s live musicians you just can't reproduce
1330s that uh so that's something that we'll
1332s definitely be looking to do for score
1334s again in the
1335s [Music]
1343s future amazing
1352s now Mark a choir background oh tell us a
1356s bit more about that uh yes shout out to
1359s am choirs of Canada uh yeah local very
1364s renowned local choir here uh I grew up
1366s uh singing so I've got a coral
1367s background yet I was very excited when I
1370s heard about Jade I absolutely wanted to
1372s grab the sound designed for her was
1374s there something how come I'm only
1374s finding out about this now Mark come on
1376s where have you been hiding this
1380s secret might have come up in an
1381s interview
1382s George
1383s oh what were some of the specific things
1386s from your time in acquir that jumped out
1388s when you were making the ability sounds
1389s for J sorry say that again Zach what
1391s were some of the things that you had
1393s from your time inquired that jumped out
1395s right as you were making these
1397s abilities honestly a lot of the Sounds
1400s in Jade and a couple people in the choir
1402s uh that we recorded with Matt remarked
1405s on this that it's really a lot of vocal
1408s warm-ups that you're hearing in Jade
1410s it's a lot of that that whisper shouting
1413s the dissonance it's uh people loosening
1416s up their voices and you just get some
1419s really cool creative sounds when there's
1421s a group of people doing that and they
1423s play off each other as well uh yeah it's
1425s just something that you need live
1428s singers to be able to do like Eric said
1430s you can't just use a synthesizer for
1432s that I love it right let's move on to
1435s our next topic weapons and warframes if
1439s you've seen a devstream before we love
1440s taking a look at how certain weapons in
1442s warframes are made directly from the
1444s deaths of our sound designers and we do
1445s have a few videos for you today covering
1447s all things Jade Shadows but before we
1450s dive in Mark again you had a chance to
1453s do some of the ability ons for Jade as
1455s we were talking about how did that
1456s differ from previous Warframe sounds
1458s that you you've worked on yeah I guess
1460s just coming back to the coral background
1462s for Jade I had a pretty good sense right
1465s out of the gate
1467s the the old overall tone that I was
1469s going for um it wasn't something that I
1472s had to figure out or sit down
1474s and you know Workshop I had a pretty
1477s good sense in my own mind of the type of
1480s tone we were going for and that's pretty
1481s similar to what you hear and then for
1483s the more to to bring that into the
1486s Warframe language of sound design Eric
1488s had some great uh design Direction there
1492s as well and in terms of dealing with the
1495s choir themselves I mean Matt's the choir
1498s Whisperer over here he was able to take
1500s what was in my head and just communicate
1502s it to them in just an incredible way and
1505s try out some new things too well Mar
1506s Mark had a lot of great ideas and I
1509s would just be like okay let's try that
1511s and then uh basically direct them if
1513s we're wavering pitch or something I'd be
1515s like if I go up we're all going up or if
1518s I'm like going up on this side and down
1520s on this side so we just like got them
1522s all doing a bunch of experiments and and
1525s you'll hear it in the upcoming videos
1527s that they were put to good use yeah
1530s absolutely we got a great library of
1532s sounds now with this choir um you're
1535s going to hear a lot of it even later on
1537s today on some of the 1999 stuff oh yeah
1540s oh my goodness hell yeah well let's take
1545s a listen to what you cooked
1547s up hey I'm Mark and I'm a sound designer
1550s here at digital extremes today we're
1552s going to be taking a look at the sounds
1554s behind Jade's thirdd ability let's take
1556s a quick listen to how the ability sounds
1558s in
1562s game now let's check out the reaper
1564s session so we can peel back the layers
1566s that make up this ability sound let's
1568s take a listen to Just the Coral sounds
1570s in this
1572s [Music]
1575s ability now let's mute the choir to hear
1578s everything
1579s [Music]
1580s else that's good but what really makes
1583s Jade special is all that choir and so
1585s here's how that fits in first we have
1587s the initial impact
1591s this is made up of a
1595s shout some harsh
1598s Whispers And the choir singing
1603s Accord we also have this sustained
1605s section which represents the eyes that
1607s surround Jade during this
1611s ability and making up this section we
1614s have another more dissonant choir chord
1617s [Music]
1619s and some more sustained choir
1621s [Applause]
1623s Whispers And now let's listen to these
1625s without any effects to get a better
1627s sense of how the choir sounds on their
1632s own that's incredible but we still want
1635s to add a bit of movement there are a
1637s handful of plugins on each of these
1638s tracks but this spin Tracer is really
1641s doing some heavy lifting it's kind of
1643s like a granular synth meets Doppler and
1645s it has some pretty good visuals to show
1647s how we're throwing the Whispers all
1649s around to add some movement and now that
1651s we have Jade's voice nailed down let's
1653s take a quick listen to the other layers
1655s that make up a lot of the impact and
1657s sci-fi elements of Jade sound we have
1660s our LF layer truly a must for any
1663s Warframe some glass impacts with delay
1666s added for Fantastical Vibes and some
1669s mid-frequency synth to round it all
1671s [Music]
1672s out with an ear for these elements on
1675s their own let's take one last listen to
1677s the ability in game
1689s love it thanks Mark yeah thank you
1691s thanks
1693s amazing the whispering is making it very
1697s hard to play Jade late at night because
1699s they're all around your head and you're
1701s like someone's behind me awesome uh of
1705s course this update also featured a fan
1707s favorite character the
1710s stalker yeah cheers for the stalker I
1712s love the stalker but more importantly
1715s stalker generously donated the blueprint
1716s for his sick ride the new stalker
1719s landing craft there it is uh sound
1722s designer Chris Tara is going to take us
1724s behind the scenes on how the sounds were
1725s made for this one-of-a-kind landing
1729s craft hey everyone it's Chris from The
1731s Sound team today I want to show you how
1733s I did the sound design for stalker's
1735s Terror landing craft skin let's go for
1738s the terror landing craft I wanted to
1739s have sound elements that sounded ominous
1742s and Powerful just like stalker I also
1744s wanted it to be completely recognizable
1747s as stalker ship but first I needed
1749s realistic sounds for the landing Craft's
1752s engine lucky for me our team recorded
1754s jet sounds at the London air show a few
1755s years back I used these jet flybys as a
1758s core part of my
1765s sound thanks guys first here's the jet
1768s sounds on their
1770s [Applause]
1778s own then I added some low frequency
1780s droning and some aggressive Thruster
1793s sounds now let's stalker IE it your
1797s sentence
1799s is death I started with the stalker bow
1802s fire sound first I Tim stretched it then
1806s I added some processing then I ramped
1808s the pitch up over the course of the
1811s [Applause]
1812s [Music]
1813s [Applause]
1813s [Music]
1818s sound next I took samples of stalker's
1821s breathing I pitched it down and I added
1823s some processing
1825s [Applause]
1829s and here's the final result the terror
1831s landing craft taking
1833s [Applause]
1845s off and there you have it thanks for
1847s watching and enjoy the rest of
1849s [Music]
1853s tenacon love it thanks Chris thanks
1856s Chris is here right now somewhere Chris
1858s here sh sh K yourself Chris thank you uh
1862s now we did have a taste of some stalker
1863s gameplay with the DU Paradox last year
1866s but his ability's got a Fresh coat of
1868s paint for Jade Shadows sound designer
1870s Giovanni agapito is going to show us how
1872s those ability sounds for stalker were
1875s made hey ten my name is Joan and I'm
1878s sound designer at De today I'm going to
1881s show you how I created the sounds of one
1884s of the stalker abilities first let's
1887s listen to the sound in game
1894s for the stalker we wanted to maintain
1896s the balance between a very feared
1898s character like an overall dark Vibe but
1901s at the same time without losing the
1903s game's Sonic pet for the punishment
1906s ability I created three sounds that play
1909s at the beginning middle and end of it
1912s let's hear the first of these sounds
1917s [Music]
1919s this one has some really cool layers for
1921s example this energy layer that has a
1923s pitch Automation and becomes more acute
1926s over time creating a Sonic tension until
1929s the stalker releases the projectiles at
1931s the
1933s [Music]
1936s end for the build up sound there are
1938s more tonal and sci-fi elements as you
1941s can
1946s notice one of the layers say a really
1948s cool Automation in one of the plugins
1951s which makes the sound becomes a riser
1953s until the last sound is play
1959s it let's hear the sound of projectiles
1962s being released at
1966s enemies for that I created several
1969s wishes using my own mouth and made them
1972s very high pitched distorting each layer
1975s a little to contribute to a more sci-fi
1977s vibe
1981s after putting out together this is what
1983s the punishment ability sounds like in
1995s game so that's it thank you very much
1998s for watching this behind scenes and I
2000s hope you enjoy the rest of the show
2002s bye
2004s bye thanks Giovani
2009s all right before we move on we actually
2011s have an audience question all the way
2013s back from a Dev shorts in April the
2016s question is what is your go-to software
2019s for creating these sounds do you have a
2021s plug-in or tool that you can't live
2023s without we'll start with you Eric unless
2025s Reb you've been dabbing in some sound
2027s design lately hey I just do what Eric
2029s tells me when it comes to sound so get
2031s in the booth cry cry some
2034s more cry
2036s more okay
2039s yeah uh we use a uh well I use a program
2042s called Reaper I think most of the team
2043s does too uh Matt you use logic right
2046s yeah yeah um so yeah we use Reaper as
2049s our as our Daw that's what you saw on
2051s the screen in the videos and uh yeah my
2053s favorite plugin is the L2 limiter I
2056s definitely cannot live without that one
2057s so did they pay you to say you that some
2060s big L2 heads Mone in the
2064s house my turn right your uh you you see
2068s the uh spin Tracer I'm milking every
2070s drop I can get out of that he's also got
2072s shares in spin Tracer that's
2075s right uh another one that I uh probably
2078s put on it's in every session almost
2081s every track uh kiloh Hearts has this
2082s little plug-in called hos and basically
2086s what that does is just delays your left
2089s or right channel by a anywhere from a
2092s few to 100 milliseconds and spreads your
2096s stereo image
2098s so you can turn any mono sound into a
2100s stereo sound is what you're saying uh I
2103s think it already needs to
2107s be no you're
2109s right it's my boss you're
2111s [Laughter]
2113s right you're hired
2116s yeah yeah for me I think Q3 I really
2119s love Pro Q3 just great EQ I like
2122s microshift as well and I use that on uh
2125s uh on all the prime trailers uh widen
2128s the voices and stuff but you know at the
2130s end of the day we get this question a
2131s lot too but it's it's important to just
2134s not think too much about plugins and and
2136s software and everything and it's like
2137s it's more about what you put into it and
2140s where do you start with you know what
2141s the sounds you start with again like the
2143s voice acting it all STS it all starts
2145s with good source right so you have good
2147s source going in and that's that's the
2149s big thing and then the creativity behind
2151s it um yeah don't let don't let that
2153s limit you in your creativity if you
2155s don't have a certain plugin for sure so
2159s I think the analogy that probably a lot
2160s of people here would would is easy to
2163s digest is if you've ever played the
2167s vocal patch on an electric keyboard and
2170s you can hear the Oz doesn't sound like a
2173s real choir but going back to the real
2175s choir that we were able to record and
2177s that Source that's what we're talking
2179s about when we talk about having good
2180s sources is it's always unique right
2182s there's always a unique performer it's
2184s in a unique space it's a unique delivery
2186s it's always going to feel different and
2187s that's it's the magic there right the
2189s magic of the of the performance and and
2192s of the the sonic fingerprint really yeah
2194s it's so important for sure yeah I'll
2197s give a shout out to a little plugin
2199s called little alter boy um it's uh I it
2203s was used a ton on anytime I need to have
2207s really low vocals and I'm doing it
2209s myself and I can't sing a certain low
2212s note I just you can pitch it's basically
2215s you can pitch it down but you can also
2216s change the formance so you can adjust
2220s how you can make yourself sound like a
2221s chipmunk and you like get really high
2223s and nasally or you can have sort of this
2226s dark sort of sound and so for all the
2231s like that I think i' pitch that down an
2235s octave and and you can adjust it to make
2237s it kind kind of sound natural um but I I
2240s think it worked really well with the
2241s void tongue and stuff CU it just sounds
2244s kind of
2245s Otherworldly that's a great plugin yeah
2247s back there that one up for sure boy
2249s tongue brought to you by little alter
2251s boy exactly just big alter boy oh my God
2255s hey I love the hey yeah I sang it in my
2257s head for like yeah that's awesome well
2259s if you asked that question back in April
2261s there you go my next question for the
2263s cast is focused on our weapons many of
2266s our weapons can be identified just from
2268s their shot reload or swing how do you
2272s craft a weapon's identity through sound
2275s yeah weapons are a really fun uh process
2277s and I think everyone on the sound team
2279s really enjoys working on them um we all
2282s take turns doing weapons I would say um
2286s but the the core experience of doing a
2289s weapon is an iterative one uh because
2291s it's a sound that you hear so often uh
2294s there's often a lot of time put into
2297s just playing with it so after we've done
2299s our first draft getting the character
2301s right getting the punch right and
2302s getting the power right then it's just a
2303s matter of hearing it over and over and
2305s over and kind of sanding off all the the
2308s off edges um yeah it's it's a super fun
2311s process and uh each one is unique uh
2314s because we all work on them we it's
2316s funny too because it's like you have to
2318s kind of be happy with what goes in
2320s because if you try to change it later
2322s you know you'll hear about it in the
2324s forums no bueno and it's it's but it's
2326s great though it's like the fact that
2327s people get so attached to the sound of a
2329s weapon it's just yeah it's so it's so
2332s awesome to to to see that the Sonic
2334s identity is is just so resonates with
2336s people so much sometimes in bad ways but
2339s most of the time in good ways seems like
2341s you're still traumatized from the Braton
2342s Vandal sound change and lot of little
2345s trauma there the heck too I think back
2347s in the day it was what the heck cuz we
2349s changed it but we changed it back too so
2352s that's okay that's okay now there is
2354s such a thing as riters block do you guys
2356s have sound block have you ever just been
2359s struggling to find that perfect identity
2361s for a weapon through the sound oh yeah
2363s for sure all the time it's a totally
2365s normal part of the process I think I
2367s think with any kind of creative
2368s discipline you you're always going to
2369s run into a block or where the ideas
2371s aren't coming as easily and uh usually
2374s like you said at the very beginning of
2375s the panel a good a good long walk in the
2377s park does the trick for me at
2380s least sometimes for me too like when
2382s that happens I'll just go into the sound
2383s library and instead of using Search
2385s terms I'll just randomly click on things
2387s and listen to them and sometimes you
2389s come up with the most unique sounds that
2391s way because something you wouldn't
2392s expect would be like oh that'll actually
2394s work really well for this weapon and
2396s that's what gives you the Unique Kind of
2398s weird sounds right the unexpected I find
2400s I do that a lot actually yeah exploring
2403s old libraries that you've recorded that
2405s you're just like when am I going to use
2406s this but you record it anyways I've got
2408s stuff that I recorded a long time ago
2410s and come across it and I'm like oh man I
2412s forgot about this sound this is just
2413s perfect here so yeah it's always fun
2415s it's like Christmas every day when you
2417s do
2418s that love that well a similar topic but
2422s something more new/old let's talk about
2425s some 1999 stuff today as we saw on the
2428s art panel things are a lot more real how
2432s was the sound design process for things
2433s that have a real life counterpart was it
2435s easier or was it
2437s harder uh Mark I'll let you handle that
2439s one man if you want you've designed a
2441s lot of the 1999 stuff we're talking
2443s about we'll leave the thing for later
2445s we'll leave the thing okay so uh working
2448s on 1999 stuff I'd say it's more of a
2452s technical challenge uh if anything to
2455s get uh to get some of these real world
2458s sounds uh into the game uh in ways that
2462s we new systems that you're able to
2465s interact with things that you haven't
2466s really been able to interact with before
2468s and figuring out how are we going to
2470s ground that in reality while also giving
2473s it that signature sci-fi sound that you
2477s know um that we love to put into
2479s Warframe yeah a lot of it comes down to
2481s subtlety as well um I mean in in some of
2485s weapons traditional Warframe weapons we
2487s can go as crazy as we want especially
2489s with the kind of the Corpus stuff uh
2491s there's really no limit to how Wild you
2492s can get um for these we're definitely
2495s taking it a more a more realistic
2497s grounded approach but we still love to
2499s put our spin on things you know kind of
2501s subtle interesting layers here and there
2503s that maybe are from a synthesizer or
2505s from just a weird library that we
2508s recorded a long time ago so there is
2510s still a little bit of that war frame
2512s iation that goes into uh all the sounds
2515s we've been making awesome of course
2517s course we have uh two Familiar Faces by
2519s now from 1999 Arthur and OE you may have
2523s seen him walking around the convention
2524s but the amazing benar and alphat
2526s Takahashi lend their voice to these new
2528s faces George once there was a time where
2531s we were recording our own staff for
2533s Warframe characters what's changed over
2534s the years now that we have these epic
2536s cinematic quests yeah it's pretty crazy
2538s to think like that it was from humble
2540s beginnings right where it was pretty
2542s much all staff you know like darvo uh
2545s sargus Ruck Lotus obviously um and yeah
2549s it it was a lot of fun because you could
2551s just like just grab someone after lunch
2553s and be like hey can you meet me in my
2554s office and we have some lines to record
2556s and it's kind of crazy too cuz one of uh
2559s you know one of the uh the employees who
2562s impressed me the most James he's so
2564s quiet and he's so like unassuming he's
2566s like oh hey how's it going then he gets
2567s in the booth he's like and you're just
2570s like where did that come from and so
2572s that was always cool but you know
2574s obviously as we've grown the universe
2576s and we've developed the character it's
2578s important to you know seek outside
2580s Talent as well but we still use people
2581s from in the office but yeah it's uh it's
2584s always great again like the sounds to
2586s have a mixture of of different flavors
2588s in there right so yeah love that uh now
2592s we do actually have a little tease of
2594s another character from 1999 just a
2597s little audio tease let's take a
2600s listen a slug dares to show its face at
2605s night o who Could That be I guess we'll
2608s have to just watch and find out now I
2611s know you guys had some fun with the
2613s music design for 1999 and we did get a
2616s little bit of a taste and Whispers In
2617s The Wall but Matt did it feel like you
2619s had a blueprint for '90s music We
2621s composing or did you want to make
2623s something unique that could still fit
2624s within
2625s Warframe yeah well it's it's a similar
2627s process every time um you know you got
2630s to do your research and and figure out
2634s okay what because you can say '90s music
2636s but it's like what what 90s music so we
2639s narrow that down we're like okay more
2642s rock industrial rock metal Punk okay
2645s we're getting closer and the first thing
2648s I did was that that combat track that
2650s you saw in the subway scene last Tenon
2654s and that kind of became I I did a bunch
2657s of creating sounds and finding sounds
2660s for that and then that session became
2662s sort of my template for where to start
2664s with a fresh piece of music um and
2668s that's kind of how you do it you just
2669s like start fresh but you have all these
2671s sounds that you can pull from so if I'm
2673s like oh I need a a lead synth and it's
2675s like oh well I have 10 of them right
2677s here let's see if any of these work um
2680s and yeah you just kind of keep working
2682s on it and talk to Eric he's like it
2685s let's get it sounding more Warframe okay
2687s what does that mean let's try some other
2688s thing you know like you just you
2690s experiment trial and error and
2692s eventually you have something in the
2695s game I love that now it wouldn't be a
2697s panel without a little bit of a tease
2699s let's listen to an upcoming track from
2701s 1999
2703s [Music]
2715s [Music]
2730s [Music]
2743s night the little teeth yes love that
2747s excited to show you where that will be
2749s worldwide Premiere right there right
2751s worldwide Premiere what yeah yeah world
2753s yeah worldwide worldwide World premiere
2755s World premiere that's one of the uh the
2757s ambient tracks so you heard kind of the
2760s the combat version of that Whispers in
2762s the walls this is the the ambient
2764s version of it so yeah it really set the
2766s vibe and uh as soon as we introduced
2769s that into the the game it was like okay
2771s yeah locked in when we got that song so
2774s we have like in our internal channels
2776s where we work together we were really
2777s early in some of the 1999 World building
2779s for feel and we actually got that track
2781s dropped it in the internal Global
2783s Channel and said this song that ambient
2786s track everybody work to it so you can
2788s feel the tone of what we're going for so
2790s that was one of the first like
2792s established tone pieces and it's just
2795s I'm so excited to have it in the game
2796s yeah and there there's a theme in there
2798s that kind of became sort of the the
2801s Warframe 1999 theme so we'll be using
2804s that in other pieces and uh that kind of
2807s just happened accidentally it's one of
2809s those things where you write a set you
2811s know you're writing different sections
2812s to keep it fresh so it's not just one
2815s thing for four minutes and then it loops
2817s for an hour while you're playing um and
2820s Eric was like this this uh line right
2823s here let's let's turn that into the main
2826s theme so I was like okay cool it's
2829s always cool to evolve the universe too
2831s right even like musically and everything
2832s and to hear how it's it's becoming
2834s something else but yeah still maintain
2836s some of those Warframe Roots right which
2838s it's awesome totally yeah yeah we're
2840s trying lots of new stuff with the music
2841s this time around and Matt's been killing
2843s it so are we saying how many songs are
2845s in the demo tonight or is that part is
2847s that you you tell me would you like to
2850s we have five wow so yeah yeah stay tuned
2855s one demo in one demo tonight yeah so
2857s stay tuned for a lot of music tonight
2860s they're being very humble but it is
2862s truly ridiculous the the music tonight
2864s so I hope everyone will enjoy it later
2867s awesome well we have arrived at our
2869s final talking point of the day but it's
2870s a great one let's talk about the atama
2873s cycle oh yeah look at that thing it's
2877s it's beautiful crazy Mark beautiful tell
2880s us a bit about how the sound for the
2881s atama cycle was crafted mhm okay so this
2884s is we've come to the thing so yeah this
2888s is kind of what I was alluding to
2890s earlier uh the atomac cycle the
2893s direction on it was try and hit the
2896s engine as close to a '90s racing bike as
2900s you possibly can uh so that was a just a
2903s big challenge right out of the gates to
2905s get the engine to sound big and powerful
2908s but also realistic and
2910s then uh Eric gave some great direction
2914s as to where we could start to push some
2916s other things that the bike can do into
2919s more of the Sci-Fi realm but really keep
2921s that engine engine grounded the uh
2924s technical implementation on this was
2925s super tricky you you tried a bunch of
2927s stuff and yeah you you've been working a
2929s long time on it it turned out great yeah
2931s huge part of the work in this has gone
2932s into how are we going to get a bike to
2935s work in Warframe remember you started on
2938s and I remember seeing like an early
2940s version of it I was blown away at that
2941s point even just like with the technical
2943s implementation it's the first for like
2945s for for Warframe as far as like how it's
2947s all going in the engine a lot of
2948s programming a lot of cross inter
2951s departmental kind of uh work there too
2954s absolutely I want to say thanks to jeem
2956s because I could not have done could not
2958s have worked on the bike without him
2961s amazing audio programmer yeah he's great
2963s shout out to jam J yeah yeah and he
2967s represents turkey on the team AB that's
2970s right so if you're here from
2971s Turkey yeah just to what you were
2974s talking about George yeah the early uh
2976s proof of concept for the bike just had a
2978s s tone as an engine to show that as the
2981s bike increased in speed we could also
2983s increase pitch and as the bike leans and
2987s does different things that we could
2988s change the volume and pitch and that's
2990s all all thanks to this new tech that we
2991s have like all the gears and everything
2993s right like you're talking about that how
2995s like you have an in-depth knowledge now
2996s of how like bikes work too right like
2998s engineering wise cuz it's like you got
3000s to make it feel realistic in that sense
3002s right yeah and how do we make it feel
3004s responsive as well to to all the user
3006s input uh it's been yeah it's been a
3009s puzzle but it's been a fun puzzle to
3010s work on yeah I love that all right well
3013s before we sign off we have one more
3015s thing it's time for some audience
3018s participation yes we need all of you
3020s desperately uh it's very important my
3023s shirt will make a lot more sense at the
3025s end of the night uh but we do need a
3027s chant so similar to last year where we
3029s had the New Year's countdown we do need
3031s a chant this year Eric has the recording
3034s uh and I'm I'm hoping that you know Zach
3036s you just kick us off and we'll see what
3038s we can get from everyone here this is
3040s the biggest room we've ever had so this
3041s is our opportunity to get the most
3043s voices at once yeah look at all You
3045s Beautiful People yeah so this is great
3047s I'm sure you're loud too what would you
3048s like us to say the instructions are very
3050s simple you just have to chant the word
3052s online online on the count of three give
3055s me your best online chant online just
3058s like that and we're going to do it five
3060s times after five onlines I'm going to
3062s point at you all and you're going to
3063s give your best cheering Applause
3066s everyone ready all right three two one
3072s go
3091s oh my gosh wow do you think you uh got
3094s that
3096s one you're all hired
3099s W amazing look under your seat for your
3104s paycheck yeah amazing well we do have
3107s just time for one more question and I
3109s have to know on the couch what is the
3111s most difficult sound you've ever had to
3113s make in
3115s Warframe um
3118s grle
3121s sounds oooo burps barfs yeah yeah uh we
3125s have a resident kind of burping
3126s specialist Willam shaan who contributed
3128s his beautiful burping tones to
3131s grindle stay burping buddy stay
3134s [Laughter]
3136s Burpy okay uh honestly this bike uh yeah
3141s uh there were three animals that I had
3143s to put into it and trying to figure out
3144s how I could fit those in if you if you
3147s listen closely to the demo tonight
3148s you'll hear a lion a tiger and a bear oh
3152s my
3153s wow yes Octavia for me I remember
3157s working on that like forever trying to
3160s get all the music implemented the
3162s sequencer all of that that that was that
3164s was tough but it was great and yeah
3167s proud of that one but it was really
3170s hard amazing oh what well thank you
3172s everyone for tuning in to the sounds of
3174s the system panel huge shout out to you
3176s guys on the couch for sharing us a look
3178s into your world huge shout out to the de
3180s sound team as a whole they kill it with
3182s every single update we'll see you soon
3184s for the cosplay contest see you for
3186s cosplay thank you everyone bye everyone
3187s thank you thanks