about 3 years ago - [DE]Dudley - Direct link


Hi there when you attempt to pull the mask from Konzu what exactly happens? Is it the quick time event that is not working? 

about 3 years ago - [DE]Dudley - Direct link

Ok and to confirm are you playing on PC with a controller?

about 3 years ago - [DE]Dudley - Direct link

Can you confirm what platform you are playing on and whether you are using a keyboard and mouse set up or a controller? We are aware that there have been some issues with button mappings and prompts so I am hoping to narrow down the specific issue you are experiencing.

about 3 years ago - [DE]Dudley - Direct link

Hi there do you happen to have the setting "Melee with Fire Weapon Input" toggled on? You should be able to complete the quick time event with the same key you have had to use up until this point.