Yes, Host Migration is really bad. Yes, cross play and cross save would be a huge game changer. But, dude, this is a HORDE SHOOTER. There are no words to describe how MASSIVE of a problem it is when enemies don’t spawn in your game about killing enemies.
Railjack missions softlock halfway through. Capture, Defense, and Survival Void Fissures have about a 20% chance of refusing to give you enough enemies to gather reactant and open your relic. Arbitration Survival is literally impossible in some tilesets. Defense Missions, as a whole, are agonizing. Excavation missions can have you going upwards of 5 minutes without finding a single power carrier. Extermination missions will occasionally drip feed you enemies, while also forcing you to backtrack through the entire tileset to kill one straggler, while also increasing the number of kills you need as time goes on. It feels like paying off student debt, not playing an action MMO.
They can work on Host Migration and Cross Play later, but the game needs to be playable first.
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