over 2 years
ago -
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Hello fellow Kahl enthusiasts!
This week’s ‘Man the Guns’ Break Narmer challenge (Take out 10 enemies with the drop ship) is currently unable to be completed due to a bug that causes the enemy ships to take no damage.
We are unable to hotfix at this time as we gear up for our next update - Echoes of Veilbreaker. As such, the challenge will remain active until the next refresh occurs (Sunday, Oct 23rd @ 8 PM ET).
In light of this, we are preparing a script for Echoes of Veilbreaker that will provide the 15 Stock reward. Eligibility is still being determined and will be shared here once we have updates. A fix for the challenge will also go live with the update.
Thank you, Tenno!
This week’s ‘Man the Guns’ Break Narmer challenge (Take out 10 enemies with the drop ship) is currently unable to be completed due to a bug that causes the enemy ships to take no damage.
We are unable to hotfix at this time as we gear up for our next update - Echoes of Veilbreaker. As such, the challenge will remain active until the next refresh occurs (Sunday, Oct 23rd @ 8 PM ET).
In light of this, we are preparing a script for Echoes of Veilbreaker that will provide the 15 Stock reward. Eligibility is still being determined and will be shared here once we have updates. A fix for the challenge will also go live with the update.
Thank you, Tenno!