about 1 year ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s foreign
2s [Music]
8s [Music]
32s yes
35s [Music]
63s all right
64s [Music]
75s cold
84s [Music]
94s [Music]
107s hello everyone welcome to Primetime
111s 342. can you believe it we've had so
114s many streams this week and it's only
115s Thursday the special Dev stream
118s yesterday 169 the nicest one you could
121s ever remember
122s can't write stuff like that no you
124s really can't like what better thematic
127s uh you know Stars aligned you know I'm
130s sure some sort of mercury and what's the
133s opposite of retrograde
135s new moon and Pisces that can't be the
137s opposite of retrograde
140s energies high energy right now is that
142s good or bad times great times that
145s explains so much because if you watched
146s our Dev stream yesterday you would have
148s seen some really fun uh you know
150s exciting 10-year anniversary news you
152s would have might have seen some sneak
153s peeks of duviri the aura worm gameplay
156s the the mounted Jacks and then of course
159s some very very very very very very early
161s pre-alpha beta Omega Soul frame gameplay
165s yeah
167s hot off the presses but yes uh we are
170s here today with Prime Time 342 I'm
172s joined by the wonderful Marcus hey
174s everybody hey Chad thanks for joining us
176s tonight yes and then we have Helen
179s behind the camera Helen Helene she's
183s running the streams for us uh and
185s there's no cold pot it is the coldest
187s pot that's ever been it is a it is a
190s Barren coal pot and an empty pot
192s it could fit so many people anyway so
195s it's just us three tonight so chat you
197s better behave and you better be really
198s funny yes uh just for yourselves because
200s I don't know how we're gonna do top 10
202s Thomas it's just going to be an audible
204s like coming in a number 10. yeah yeah
207s we're just gonna read it from chat as it
209s goes live yes anyway
212s anyway uh to you know kind of get a
215s recap of what happened yesterday if you
217s missed it I know it was a Wednesday you
219s know middle of the week which is great
221s if you you know want to watch it at work
223s but if you missed it you missed the
224s overview let's do a real quick recap of
226s some really important things that we're
227s talking about first of all the 10-year
228s anniversary uh we are officially
230s celebrating our deck Samuel is that what
233s Megan called it it is so Charming I love
235s that word Helen you can come to my
236s screen if you want
238s so with this we've officially launched
239s our 10-year anniversary website there's
242s a whole bunch of stuff about merch and
243s rewards but what matters is the fact
245s that alerts are coming so if you've been
247s part of the Warframe Community for a few
249s years now I'm sure you're familiar with
250s the Dex alerts that come around every
252s march to celebrate tet whatever amount
255s of years of Warframe it's been so you'll
257s see a return of very familiar items the
259s Excalibur Dex noggle Excalibur deck skin
262s the dexibrous illicit skin all that fun
264s stuff so for the next 10 weeks these
268s will be available for you in game to
270s play for and make use of so for our
273s first batch of alerts you'll have the
275s deck snuggle the smoking body ephemera
277s and so we've sprinkled in some kind of
279s new fun things as well to really keep
282s the 10-year hype going and Aura Pharma
285s an Excalibur deck skin and then there's
287s also booster weekends so starting this
289s weekend you'll have double Affinity
290s April 7th we'll have double credits
293s April 21st will have a double credits as
296s well uh May 5th to May 8th the double
298s credits reigning in those credits uh
301s double resources mid-may so whoa if you
306s need any of these items you want you
307s know your weapon slots that come with
309s the Dex weapons make sure you check
312s these out they are live for quite a
315s significant amount of time so hopefully
316s you can squeeze those in 10 minutes 10
318s weeks 10 weeks and then more beyond that
320s so much more beyond that right uh like
323s we mentioned on the dev stream because
325s our Channel con is in August we are
328s really kind of celebrating and
330s culminating with an amazing event
333s um on August 26th and there's more
335s that'll go into that but also part of
337s this if you love Warframe and you want
341s to kind of remin this if you want to
343s like think about you know whatever your
345s Journey's been in Warframe and you want
346s to share it with us we do have a uh you
348s know kind of Community Showcase contest
352s that is going live so you can submit uh
355s you know show us where you awaken tenno
356s and where you are now in the origin
358s system so this is by Ronnie we love you
359s Ronnie but you can you know submit your
362s item if it wins you can pick a prime
364s access bundle of your choosing minus
366s Excalibur Prime don't even try but
368s everyone who participates similar to our
372s town October campaigns in the past
374s you'll get an anniversary emblem which
376s has been commissioned by a fan artist
378s and I don't think I can talk about who
380s it is oh top secret
382s looks really good classified it's really
384s good so you'll get an emblem top 10 will
387s receive an emblem sigil and cliff and
389s there's some platinum in there all of
390s this stuff if you want to check that out
392s you can use exclamation point
393s anniversary for the website itself and
395s exclamation point showcase will take you
397s to the um
400s form page as well yeah that's awesome
403s that's gonna be fantastic uh contest I
405s know Ronnie was like showing us so many
407s exciting submissions already I'm not
408s going to scroll through them because I
410s almost shared one I almost had one for
412s capture today but I was like I don't
413s want to spoil any of the contest entries
415s something else we have coming with our
416s 10-year anniversary this will also be
418s coming later on the year closer to
419s technicon to celebrate celebrate but for
422s those of you that know and love lager
423s they've done a lot of deluxe or worked
426s for us in the past they have created
428s this incredible Dex Drifter concept so
431s this skin will be available closer to
433s tenacon it is absolutely insane uh some
437s people during the day stream yesterday
438s were saying it all it basically looks
440s like it could be its own Warframe that's
442s so intricate but yeah there's a there's
444s a whole lot of style packed into this so
445s stay tuned for this this will be a
447s Drifter outfit coming for the Dex annual
450s anniversary for Warframe so exactly
452s lager if you're watching this thank you
453s for blessing us yet again we love it I
455s saw some really cool Reddit posts
456s someone who's like uh
459s like big braiding and they're like okay
460s so the flowers on the back is from the
463s urushu skin and then the the arm is the
466s nightest Frank skin that they've done
468s and there was a few other details I
469s can't remember the mouth of my top the
471s Excalibur Zeto skin we've got like the
473s Little ponytail like there is multiple
475s details that they're like is this
476s supposed to be references to their other
478s creations who knows I like the jacket
480s for the Zephyr all of it yeah so I
483s thought that was really fun I don't know
484s if that's Canon but liger we love your
486s work so like if you hear this please
487s tell us yeah
489s yeah so this will be our Dex item for
492s the year if you look at our alerts
493s calendar you might be like where's the
495s new thing the new thing will be coming
496s with technocon again it's gonna be
498s beyond the usual you know alerts that we
500s do we do have some fun stuff planned for
502s the rest of the year so we'll see what
504s happens but yeah it's a fantastic item
507s for the year and speaking of tenacon as
510s announced on the devstream yesterday our
512s tickets for tennocon 2023 go live on
514s April 5th at 2PM over on tonocon.com so
517s if you're hoping to come to Sunny London
519s Ontario for an amazing and amazing
521s weekend celebrating all things Warframe
523s getting a look taking a look at the past
525s seeing what's to come for those of you
527s that that have been to tanocon you know
528s how special the weekend it is so if you
530s can make the trip I absolutely
531s absolutely recommend uh you try and snag
533s some tickets for channel con 2023 but
535s Mark that in your calendars uh April 5th
538s 2 p.m ET tunnelcon.com
540s get your tickets because it's gonna be
542s it's gonna be a day to remember it's
543s gonna be our first in-person tunnel Con
545s in three years
547s 2019 was the last one
550s it's 20 20 didn't happen yeah it would
552s have been 2019. oh so wow wow yeah
555s almost four years that's a long it's a
557s long time yeah get your tickets and mark
559s your calendars hopefully you can join us
561s if you can't of course uh we will have a
563s digital event you know you'll be able to
565s watch it on our twitch Channel there
567s will be a digital pack this is not
568s releasing on April 5th so keep that in
570s mind this is only for physical tickets
571s if you want to join us in London Ontario
574s and come say hi and we hope that you do
576s because it's gonna be a blast it's my
578s favorite part of the year so it is it is
580s Warframe Christmas as of as I have
582s always said yeah we'll always have the
584s uh the virtual panels to follow along
586s with along a home as well if you cannot
588s make it out uh but yeah there you go
590s April 5th
591s next up uh so we are as we announced on
595s the dev stream yesterday we had a little
596s PSA uh because uh the very Paradox is
599s coming in April however that also means
601s that we're going to be going dark on
602s some updates and hotfixes uh in that
605s time so Danielle posted on the forums
606s yesterday what exactly does that mean it
608s just means that any fixes and hotfixes
610s that we typically have on an update
611s Cadence we won't be able to do because
613s we are all hands on deck prepping for
615s the degree paradox paradox to go live in
618s April however I know I know it feels
620s it's it's soon but uh it's it's uh it's
623s exciting it's exciting lots lots of good
625s stuff on the radar
626s um in the meantime though we will
628s continually have our Warframe Community
630s live streams with Prime Time on
632s Thursdays and Amazon 10 on Wednesdays
636s um
637s but keep in mind
639s we did announce during citrine's last
641s wish that there were some uh bugs that
643s we couldn't fix because we needed code
645s to fix those bugs for those of you on
647s Console
648s um so when uh du very goes live it will
652s be a build that we are able to send
654s assert so I believe if you go to
656s exclamation point known that will show
658s all the known bugs that we have in our
660s radar most if not all those should be
663s fixed with that update going live so if
666s you've been plagued by those you'll know
667s that they'll be fixed with the upcoming
669s devere Paradox so that's very exciting
671s so like the aim gliding bug like the aim
673s gliding bug I have not played Nova in so
675s long I can't so keep in mind even though
677s we're not updating we're still fixing if
679s you're submitting bug reports to the
680s forums we're still fixing those
681s internally we just can't put a hotfix
683s live to put out those changes so keep
685s reporting bug reports on the forums
687s we'll get them fixed and then all that
688s goodness will go live with two very as
690s we sit and wait and ahead of Dewberry as
692s well we will be doing a Reddit AMA ahead
695s of the update which is pretty exciting I
696s didn't grab an asset for that but it'll
698s be exciting it'll be very exciting April
700s yeah April so I ended the degree Paradox
703s uh we'll be on uh our slash Warframe
705s with a few of the developers answering
707s any and all of your questions so bring
709s uh bring whatever you have except do not
711s ask for Excalibur Prime do not ask for
713s Excalibur Prime that's the only question
715s you cannot ask can I get Excalibur Prime
717s no no
719s but something you can get from watching
722s our stream tonight
725s is one of the items that represents one
727s of our main quests from Warframe so
729s tonight you have your chance at an
730s alevee Nogle a Lotus Nogle a test noggle
733s rel's donda uh the zerman ballast
736s portrait which someone in chat had quite
738s a lot of contempt for it but Taylor had
740s a good strategy for dealing with that
742s German Mouse portrait Dex portrait and a
744s call Nogle so you have equal chances of
746s scoring these items uh as you watch
747s today
748s uh you gotta watch for 45 minutes you
750s can claim it in your Twitch inventory on
752s a linked Twitch account and then
754s tomorrow if you like watching members
756s from our community stream you can check
758s out your Lucky Clover over on twitch.tv
760s uh Slash your Loki Clover from 11AM to
764s 12 P.M tomorrow and you can get a Lua
766s planter as well if you want to check out
768s a dick dark zero a dick dark Ciro who is
771s one of our polish Warframe creators from
773s 1 pm to 2 p.m you can get the unity
776s decoration he's a great music taste I
778s don't understand a word but his music
780s case is phenomenal we love him what more
783s do you need first what do you need he
785s just Vibes and music it's great that's
787s all we need in the world if anything
789s yeah and then also one final thing uh we
791s don't really have an asset for this but
793s we did introduce some new creators into
794s the Creator program so huge welcome to
797s Nello's art on Twitter control
800s um or control Kun on Twitter as well Ira
803s silich I'm so sorry your name that's
806s such a nice name it's so beautiful but
808s yes Iris on Twitter as well and then
811s cautionary tale who is a capture artist
813s and I'm sure you recognize so many other
815s pieces okay we've shown a few on prime
817s time that's for sure oh my God every
819s time I see their name in the Discord I'm
820s like what yeah so good love it and
824s that's it we're done that's the news
826s thanks so much that was a good chunk of
828s news Holy Cannoli good stuff you hung on
830s through all of it thanks trap we could
832s do a platinum prize now as a thank you
834s for your commitment and everything
840s and to thank everyone we'd like to
843s personally think lay infinity
847s or is that Infinity like Infinity
851s the infinity
854s you've won a thousand Platinum uh please
857s whisper the Warframe twitch count
859s uh with your in-game Alias and the
860s platform that you play on and we'll get
862s you a thousand Platinum please don't
864s spend it all in one place or you can if
866s you'd like to yeah you can if you'd like
867s to just get all the domestic drones
868s that's what I do be
870s that is what I do really yeah I bought a
874s lot I bought a lot of them there's a lot
876s of happy guys no I'm no Sarah Aslin but
878s uh but I do have quite a few quite a few
880s Taylor what's our plan uh what's our
882s plan for tonight okay so we're gonna do
884s some night wave because I mean who
885s doesn't love a night wave uh there is
888s some sorties to do there is some serum
891s and bounties which I know we also want
892s to do so we can get what was it your
895s yeah
896s augmented I'm five are I have no I've
899s got many our Kings but I don't I have a
901s few that are actually maxed out but I
903s can max out multi-augmented if I could
905s get five more of them which is 50k
906s standing perfect so I'm on the cusp I'm
908s right there cool right there and they
910s can get that passive power strength
911s which I know and love
912s give it okay if you want to go to my
915s screen Helen
917s we'll go to the relay first let's do it
919s just because
921s you know I do have wait I don't want to
923s go to a busy on our hands we have a true
926s Master we'll go to 11.
928s and we'll just go Crank It Up to 11.
930s crank it up to 11 chest yeah if you're
933s if you're on a oh if you're on any oh no
936s if you're on PC you can join us you're
937s on PC you can join us we'll look at your
938s stuff and we'll give you a boost
940s I still haven't done my legendary rank
942s one test I don't want to talk about it
945s okay let's move on
946s it's been bothering me for like two
948s weeks and I'm like ah
951s do it at your own pace I don't know
953s honestly it's just you know there's a
955s lot going on right now it's a busy week
957s it's a busy week I think uh today I said
961s oh yeah I'm gonna head over to the
962s stream room for prime time and Helen was
964s like it is not 5 p.m come on it is 5 p.m
967s it's like nah it's I swear it was 10 a.m
970s like five minutes ago yeah okay we'll
972s wait okay everybody Rook come on in turn
975s it up crank it up to 11. avaragraphs oh
978s yeah I love that oh lovely gyre
981s Excalibur Prime of course hello
983s thank you so much ramrose a little
985s resource drop chance
987s is that car ramrod that just blesses
990s oh my God there's hildren oh Jamie hey
993s Jamie
995s I love it someone was asking about being
998s able to friends people across platform
1000s so you help a lot with the cross
1001s platform I do I do it is something it is
1004s something we're working on it is one of
1006s the upcoming steps in uh in our in our
1010s cross platform work so
1012s there is some work going on for that
1014s behind the scenes so stay tuned for that
1016s but it is very much a priority and uh
1019s something that we've been cracking away
1021s on because we all want to be friends
1022s across platforms
1024s especially when they're dropping
1025s blessings like this my goodness
1028s there was so many blessings
1031s making it rain I know oh my gosh what do
1034s I do J-pop I can recognize you uh just
1037s on site now with your
1040s yeah thank you J-pop thank you these are
1044s beautiful oh my
1046s oh Michael Minnie
1047s Taylor I want to thank you
1050s oh hey oh yeah I love this this is my
1052s favorite thing to do is just like pop in
1054s and then look it on the check who's over
1056s here look at the atlas with the tiny pad
1058s is my favorite skin he's a fancy ladies
1062s rhyme with the zato skin
1066s gorgeous they're ready for the
1067s anniversary they are so ready
1072s I love the Florida full relay
1074s it's so beautiful okay we gotta look at
1076s Prater wolf oh
1079s I love it so much I don't have children
1081s Prime
1082s I was gonna buy her but then I updated
1084s my PC instead
1086s hey priorities right honestly
1089s I can get held in Prime for free so guys
1092s farming for it I cannot get fast PCS
1094s lift all sales right that's also it
1096s thank you Jamie Jamie I'm just walking
1099s away we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna
1101s we're gonna do a mission before we
1103s linger too long because I feel like the
1104s longer I stay there the more I'm just
1106s not gonna the more we're gonna check out
1107s the fashion
1108s oh okay so we'll go to the Christmas
1110s list people can also join us in the
1112s Chrysalis yeah just saying
1115s come on down which uh Chrysalis instance
1119s are we going to I think I went to Savage
1120s seven if not I'm sorry seven seven seven
1123s all right what should people whisper us
1126s to to join yes okay so we need to do
1128s different boundaries
1131s four different ones who is your
1133s favorites
1134s hold fast and wise again
1144s or NPC if you don't like the hold fast
1147s yeah yeah we're MPS yeah because she's
1149s yonda that's a great that's great I'm
1151s just gonna go say hi I'm just gonna go
1153s say hi
1154s hey you just want to make sure she's
1155s still doing okay he's just you're gonna
1157s check in you know Valero because guns
1159s hell yeah that's a really good point
1162s cavalero is like the the grumpy High
1164s School teacher who actually secretly is
1167s like admires all the students but would
1169s never let on you just have this like
1171s unspoken like he's like ah get out of
1173s here I don't like you guys but yeah yeah
1176s but then you see him and he's like he's
1179s like cursing out the principal because
1180s he's trying to do something that isn't
1182s good for the kids you know what I mean
1183s exactly because he cares because he
1184s cares he cares someone get him that
1185s kubrow all right I got sent to hildren
1187s Prime aesthetic
1191s I love that ephemera
1194s oh beautiful damn intelligent would fit
1197s riding with the sisters
1199s game respects game
1202s okay they also sent me a citrine she is
1204s very yellow
1205s oh that's citrine to the extreme very
1208s cute I love that and the
1211s sigil or whatever it's called I can't
1213s remember I'm sorry I'm sorry okay okay
1216s okay okay okay
1217s uh we'll invite Z train okay
1221s invite and then we'll invite grumpy
1222s pants because I respect the cavalero
1226s he reminds me of Kenyon Nero from The
1229s Simpsons I am very sorry but I don't
1231s know what that is Canyon narrow
1234s is it because they rhyme
1238s what does the anniversary command do it
1239s just takes you to where our website
1240s warframe.com anniversary if you want to
1243s type that in instead to the browser but
1246s it'll just show you the current
1248s anniversary alerts that are going to be
1251s starting tomorrow yeah so you'll be able
1253s to get a double resource sorry a double
1256s Affinity booster weekend this weekend
1259s and then there's some anniversary alerts
1261s as well and we will also have
1263s anniversary merch coming in the future
1264s so if you scroll down to the bottom of
1265s that website you've got a little tab
1267s that says we are working on our merch
1269s and it will come at a later date merch
1271s I'm just it's great like why why do it
1273s all in one contain time like it's it's a
1276s whole 10th year Dex annual might as well
1278s stretch it out over several months
1281s committing to Jack Samuel is this like
1282s the the actual official official for it
1284s I just heard
1286s and I love that I've seen it around okay
1288s I've seen it around it is candy okay
1291s oh actually I am missing one a Lac Park
1296s you know what it'll it'll probably pop
1297s up in one of our missions
1300s let's do it yeah I was just looking at
1303s it today I was like the one thing I was
1304s missing
1308s did that resource slip up the resource
1311s boost is coming it is going to be uh in
1314s the middle of May so it is on the the
1316s site but I just said the wrong booster
1317s for this weekend and no one can hold me
1320s do it so no clips
1323s even Clips it was clearly a mistake so
1325s that's okay
1327s the 21st night of September do you think
1330s they're Earth Wind and Fire things
1332s I I they must be perfect what a
1336s fantastic will there be a Warframe
1337s Centennial I will let you know in 90
1339s years
1342s [Laughter]
1348s what is uh you know 10 years in morphine
1353s years you know what I mean like oh
1354s there's externalism and there's all this
1356s stuff right so who knows applying the
1358s shoes good question yeah I play this
1360s game every day and the moment the camera
1362s turns on I'm like
1364s oh yeah like I we've been recording
1367s gameplay in anticipation of duviri yup
1370s watching back some of my gameplay I'm
1371s like this has got to be the equivalent
1373s of listening to yourself singing oh
1374s because it's just it's tough to look at
1377s there's no Grace like I remember
1378s watching people like Iceland he's
1380s flipping all over the place he's
1381s swapping teen weapons
1383s we got someone's watching me playing
1385s they're like hey have you noticed you
1386s never switch between weapons I was like
1388s hey can you uh shut your mouth
1390s sorry I didn't realize I asked for
1391s constructive criticism hi yeah thanks no
1394s everyone can play the game the way they
1396s want to play the game exactly and I do
1398s it by only using my primary only using
1401s my secondary or only using my melee and
1403s there's no there's no rifling in between
1405s yeah no rifling indeed rifles only yeah
1412s uh
1413s uh poison said I don't understand what
1415s the stream is about that's a good
1417s question because every once in a while
1418s I'll get someone that says hey Prime
1421s time's for showing off primes how come
1422s we haven't seen a new Prime in a long
1424s time prime time
1426s to me
1427s is a stream where we celebrate All
1430s Things in the Warframe Community it's
1432s hosted by two members from the community
1434s team sometimes we'll even have a Dev
1435s come on every once in a while for like a
1438s guest celeb spot I'll show up art all
1440s the incredible things that the community
1441s works on we'll give you some brief uh
1444s updates for the week and some upcoming
1445s news and recapping things that are going
1446s on within the community that are
1448s relevant and generally having a great
1450s time and sharing all things working
1451s that's and giving me some prizes too so
1455s yeah so if you're a Warframe fan uh
1457s you've come to the right place because
1458s we're gonna hang out have a good time
1460s play some Warframe chat some stuff and
1463s uh love a good time and we're gonna
1464s revive spaghetti spaghetti spaghetti
1467s okay she's a she she's a self-reviving
1470s noodle she's good nice oh we're gonna do
1473s void Angel fantastic
1477s oh I should go I'm coming
1481s I didn't know what to put on my sarin
1484s for my helmetability so I just put
1487s labos's uh
1489s uh whatever it's called vile rush and it
1492s is the most fun I know it is not optimal
1495s in the slightest but I am enjoying
1497s myself far too much having fun playing
1500s the game how could you never I would
1502s never ever play games to have fun yeah I
1505s put
1506s I put a
1508s Heroes consumable ability on protea over
1511s the chains yeah and after weeks I was
1512s like you know what this is this isn't
1514s even really that useful for protea but
1517s it's fun it's some good it's some good
1518s little passive CC yeah I just need to
1520s get me out of jail button with whatever
1522s Warframe I'm using that if there's a lot
1523s of people coming at me I can just like
1525s yeah
1527s as long as I have a panic button then
1529s I'm good to go yeah that's all I need
1534s uh silent night was saying uh putting
1537s Gloom on I feel like everyone puts Gloom
1539s on Gloom is
1541s boring I want them to Bloom's for the
1543s cool kids it's okay it's not I'm a band
1545s kid
1547s I was in choir do not expect me to put
1550s Gloom on yeah guys Taylor's got a great
1552s singing voice
1553s no no so does Helen I do too one of
1556s these is a lie
1558s see if you can suss it up
1563s and gloom's a fun one but I've still
1565s only got one step of golf and I uh
1567s don't wanna don't wanna don't wanna
1569s subsum I know he said he's so stupid
1572s he's a good guy
1573s if you assume like your Savage aren't
1576s you subsuming like two guys too it's
1578s hard it's hard oh good point some of
1579s those are a Wombo Combo
1581s [Laughter]
1584s Hatsune Marcus has a great voice uh
1587s thank you
1590s this is correct
1592s the old voika Lloyd oh honestly you
1596s could probably make a vocaloid in
1597s yourself and that would be kind of fun
1599s make your own Vocaloid yeah like isn't
1602s that like it's kind of like
1604s um
1604s okay actually I don't want to speak here
1606s and anger the Vocaloid Community because
1608s I know that they are very passionate but
1611s I feel like you could probably figure
1612s out a way to do it I think so I think
1614s with the like how advanced technology is
1617s there's a lot that you can readily get
1619s online yeah especially when you want to
1621s make your own like I know uh like making
1623s your own V2 model is that much easier
1625s than how it is exactly so actually for
1628s everyone that knows Corey in the
1629s community for a brief minute there he
1631s was joining our our team meetings as a
1634s as a uh YouTube
1638s that I would love
1644s what's up Helen someone's controller is
1647s still plugged in oh I do hear that I
1649s thought it is on the um the
1652s the table over there I think it's
1654s probably left over from Soul frame Helen
1656s I thought you're scratching around in
1657s your I know I was like a Bento Box or
1659s something and I was like you know what
1660s I'm not gonna call him she's doing a
1662s great job Chad is Chad said there's some
1665s Elite level edits that uh that Helen's
1668s uh bring in so
1669s this is correct but I was like but if
1671s you keep scratching around I'm gonna say
1673s something yeah I'm sure Chad can't hear
1675s any of this there's a phantom controller
1676s just vibrating
1681s I'm stuck where am I all right let's
1684s extract
1686s Ed get me out of there okay we're good
1692s terrify is a better human ability TBH
1695s okay that's fair but do you get to go
1698s Zoom super fast I don't think you do
1701s yeah I don't know if you do
1703s here's the thing
1707s also I'm using a condition overload
1709s build on my uh architis so having the
1713s cold damage
1715s um built into my kit feels very uh apt
1719s and I like it and that's all
1721s plus it doesn't cost any energy I don't
1723s think
1724s no
1725s no
1727s so there you go I can use it all the
1729s time easy it's the best I want to use it
1732s on every single Warframe I really want
1734s to make a
1735s sorry for parkour
1737s helmets
1739s min max build
1741s for getting around as fast as possible
1743s honestly yeah the issue though is like
1746s using it in close quarters like I you
1749s know I use the titanium razor Wing Blitz
1752s mod and Center oh that's too much that's
1755s too much especially like trying to go
1757s through serum and corridors I don't know
1759s where I am all I'm doing is hitting
1762s walls oh you're smacking your forehead
1763s off everything dryer
1767s hydroid needs a Jack sparrows skin okay
1770s we gotta talk to Disney about that but
1772s you know
1774s Tracy with the Wisp deck skin the Wisp
1776s deck skin will also be coming back
1777s that's around week 10. you can check out
1780s exclamation point anniversary to uh see
1782s what it is beautiful
1784s all right so we just did an exterminate
1787s we're gonna do a void flood next do it
1790s let's do it do that
1795s and also thank you to Ze train and
1797s grumpy pants for joining us with uh this
1799s train in The Volt Prime
1803s [Music]
1805s why am I not sprinting what is my Sprint
1807s book Griff sather said you're playing a
1809s round of titanium pinball basically it
1811s really is that you're really just
1812s zooming every single service
1816s where it's like you know the the game of
1818s like when there's a fly in your house
1821s and there's a window and it's trying to
1822s get outside and it doesn't understand
1824s that the window
1825s is like a piece of glass that's what I
1828s feel like playing titanium would raise a
1829s wing Blitz in an enclosed space is just
1832s a fly banging my head against the window
1833s because I
1839s and walls and doors and floors and
1843s enemies and everything all right let's
1845s let's get this going
1850s all right this is the only zeph zerman
1852s Bounty that Zephyr just feels slightly
1855s slowing because you're trying to zoom
1857s around quickly and get everything and
1858s it's like as you're floating down to try
1859s and get the bubbles you're like
1861s yeah yeah I can't do it I don't like how
1865s floaty she is she too she's too floaty
1868s for me
1869s man I haven't played this since I played
1871s mirror defense and I'm like damn this
1873s room is I wonder where they got that
1875s idea from yeah
1876s going around getting all the stuff I
1879s still seem to like this a lot
1881s collecting the shiny bits the shiny bits
1884s yeah
1885s so when chat was saying Grendel's the
1886s best uh Helen I don't know how you're in
1889s chat as well as operating the stream PC
1890s I actually know what Dean does it all
1892s the time what am I saying yeah you're a
1893s Pro Gamer
1896s praise and alter just got a cool Village
1898s spawn let's go oh what'd you get oh yeah
1901s what did you get
1904s I hope it was the kuva hack or the Cuba
1907s quartet love the Cuba cortex really oh
1909s yeah yeah
1911s I gotta do you
1913s have a ribbon for it I'll look at
1914s it that's pretty well the only ribbon
1917s that I like the only ribbon that I would
1919s show and be like hey this is really
1921s useful
1922s because a lot of the other ones I
1923s haven't rolled enough for them to be of
1925s like great benefit but the kuva core
1926s deck one is
1928s it's fantastic
1929s it's excellent stuff
1932s grumpy pants no not the grumpy pants
1936s come here buddy if you're not here who
1937s will be grumped
1938s people grub yeah
1942s so many questions to be asked so many
1943s questions get out of here
1946s hi friends I'm in Toronto the city
1948s beside you guys hey there
1949s I don't know if you can see us waving
1951s good morning
1952s [Laughter]
1954s it's Canada close yes
1958s talk to someone from Singapore and it's
1961s like yeah
1962s you can drive across that country in
1963s seven hours
1965s seven hours won't even get you a halfway
1967s across this province no I'm not around
1970s the whole country
1972s what is the prime drop well we have a uh
1976s a stream drop it's not a prime drop but
1978s you can get an item that represents one
1980s of our main quests so it's a collection
1982s of uh decorations you can get a noggle
1984s you can get a donda get a uh two
1989s different displays one that shows a
1991s beautiful Dax the other one that shows a
1994s less beautiful a scruffy
1996s nared you well yeah do all that that's
1999s what I was looking for sure name balance
2002s ragamuffin
2004s [Laughter]
2005s Taylor do you want to share uh with Chad
2007s uh your excellent use of the uh ballast
2010s portrait uh so you know this is Airmen
2014s knives that you can get from Palm Basque
2016s as well and so I've seen people who stab
2019s you know
2020s oh that's pretty sorry uh who stabbed
2022s their uh their ballast portrait with
2025s knives you know as a way to express
2026s their anger which I understand and then
2029s there's also um I have mine in a trash
2031s can
2031s and he is uh being attacked by all of
2035s the ships that Pharaoh offers it it is
2038s where's
2039s so that's also a very fun you got the
2042s equivalent of like all the action
2043s figures going like basically that's
2045s exactly what it looks like I got some
2047s full of blood there to you know to show
2049s that he's bleeding because I hate him in
2051s stinky it's a full diorama yeah
2053s you too can express your emotions
2055s through decoration through ART and
2057s whatever Barrow's giving you
2059s and can you believe on the dev stream
2060s Megan was saying uh was it eight billion
2063s dockets have been sent into Barrow
2065s something like that it was awesome
2066s insane I got all those it was a I was
2069s looking at the numbers and she's like
2070s can you like write these out for me so I
2072s understand and I was like yeah sure and
2074s then it wasn't until I was like actually
2075s having to write them out be like
2077s trillions yeah of things that we've done
2080s it's crazy that's like it oh wow 30
2084s billion 30 billion I was off by 22.
2087s sounds like there's a uh a theme of
2090s billionaires beginning with b you know
2094s I was gonna put that into overview and I
2096s was like maybe not I like my job
2100s is that I'll stand on streams
2105s it's okay no the overview is great
2107s I really like uh especially when I don't
2110s have time to catch up on the full Dev
2111s stream the overview is fantastic
2113s you do a great job with the ovaries
2114s Taylor oh my god I've been doing them
2116s for so long I don't even know
2118s eating x three commas well yeah three
2120s whole car the commas are getting up
2122s there you know uh you know it's real
2125s spaghetti
2128s Focus for those of you who are focused
2131s efficient sometimes like myself the
2134s zermin is in my opinion probably one of
2137s the best Focus farms in the game up
2139s there with ESO I love love it
2142s big big fan
2145s one day I'll get enough to get one of
2146s those uh
2148s wow it's like on the name the decoration
2150s you can put on the front of your uh oh
2152s yeah or your landing craft
2155s oh my God what is it called
2157s it's like a V or something I don't know
2158s I have the Sakara for bathroom and I
2161s have the uh the little chest plate too
2163s but I don't think I have it on time in
2165s there
2166s it's like oh God Sunday a sundial oh
2169s yeah yeah
2171s some Dolly some Dolly oh nice words are
2175s hard
2176s words are so hard
2178s good morning from Australia g'day I'm so
2180s sorry it just came out of me I didn't
2182s mean I didn't mean to do that but hello
2184s how's it going dear Marcus what do you
2187s think of my goal to own every Prime ever
2188s uh that's a great goal I think yeah oh
2192s every Prime ever oh okay well if you
2195s don't already have Excalibur Prime
2197s there's no dice on that yeah but if you
2200s mean every Prime that's available to you
2202s then that's a that's a great that's a
2204s great goal to have I mean I've pretty
2205s much got that goal I think
2208s out outside of the new ones I've got all
2210s of them it's pretty cool to have gotta
2213s catch them all
2215s I know it was a Nintendo this way he's
2217s like yeah you know that's a great glove
2218s I'm already almost completed that myself
2226s that's so what I said though that's
2228s absolutely what I said
2231s I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that
2234s thank you for saying because if you told
2236s me after the stream and like hey you
2237s know you guys said he had a goal and
2239s then he said yeah I'm gonna complete
2241s your goal before
2243s that's been terrible it's a great goal
2246s to have
2249s oh
2250s that's really really funny um
2252s yeah it's waiting dogs it's only yeah
2257s when I yeah when I first started playing
2258s the game that was uh a much more
2261s difficult goal but as you can collect
2262s them across years and years and it's it
2264s gets much much easier yeah
2267s yeah plus like I feel like with varzia
2269s with all the the vaulted ones it's a lot
2271s easier Prime Resurgence has really
2274s really helped at least with a more
2276s consistent schedule because before a
2278s prime vaults would be like God like
2280s twice a year if that yeah everything
2282s every three or four months but you'd
2284s still have to time it around particular
2285s things right you would and then like
2287s you'd have to rely on like the the
2289s niceness of other players if they wanted
2291s to to run vaulted relics here I'm gonna
2295s stay out I'm gonna not fight the angel
2297s and stay on top of uh okay the flood
2317s I do believe we post
2319s um gosh some
2322s um a version of the schedule on our
2324s website still I think for primary
2326s surgeons I do not want to misrepresent
2329s this though so but we do tend to give
2331s you notice of when things change so just
2333s keep an eye out and they do read a date
2334s every month so it's it's pretty fast
2336s like you're not
2338s waiting as long so
2342s I straight too far from the group
2344s too far from the Sun we're like it red
2346s star it's gonna grow
2348s bad things about red stars this day oh
2352s is this one of those is this one of
2353s those gem things
2359s red star is okay yeah yeah
2363s I didn't realize you were talking proper
2364s astrophysics
2374s well you come to the right place no I
2377s have it's great
2378s mag and rydo next thank you
2381s oh Megan riding the next oh
2385s we read your mind let's seal this thing
2387s up dying is red star's Talent oh it's
2390s amazing isn't that what a red star is
2392s it's like a star is on its way out at
2396s least
2399s Chad do you know red star tattoo music
2401s please I
2403s need to know
2407s Neil Degrassi Tyson if you're out there
2408s please tell me everything you need to
2410s know about space
2412s good sir
2414s Helen you know good
2416s red giant a giant I was gonna say Helen
2419s you're quite the uh red giants are
2420s technically Stars
2422s so it's the same thing I'm correct
2425s I'm just kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding
2427s uh
2429s that's so cool
2430s did you know that
2433s um it wasn't until they invented cameras
2436s that they could really advance in
2438s astrophysics because people would just
2439s have to like look at a telescope and
2441s then like kind of estimate where
2442s drawings were and then the
2445s um the invention of cameras completely
2447s changed how physics works there's a book
2451s called Starlight detectives that's
2452s really interesting Starlight protect us
2453s I'm just now getting the amazing vision
2455s of like a bunch of people just
2457s eyeballing everything it is it's really
2459s cool you can see like comparisons of
2461s like past
2463s um astronomers like
2465s uh approximations of what like old
2467s galaxies and stuff look like and then
2468s you can compare them to the actual
2471s um
2472s photos that people took through their
2474s telescopes it's cool but it's
2475s fascinating when they get so close right
2477s it seems like crude methods yeah
2480s I mean they figured out that the Earth
2482s was round like how many years ago
2483s thousands and thousands and thousands so
2488s you're awfully quiet on this do you
2489s believe it's flat
2491s I was like I I wanna I wanna touch it
2494s but I don't
2496s know
2497s I really want to be like but Taylor
2501s you're gonna tell me you believe people
2502s from 2000 years ago about uh the Earth
2504s being around you and I have taken a
2506s flight and they never went to the edge
2508s so that's true
2511s that's true they just didn't take us to
2513s that spot because they thought we
2514s couldn't handle it but I talked to the
2516s pilot and he said nah it's all fun
2518s really yep I got to do the the little
2523s kid thing where you get to go and talk
2524s to the pilot and I was like yeah don't
2526s don't believe it for a second really
2527s actually told you it was spot yep he's a
2529s Galileo nope well
2531s a guy doesn't know anything I mean he
2533s knows how to fly a plane that he does
2536s that he does
2540s I don't know what's going on there's
2541s gotta be a huge cross-section of space
2543s fans and Warframe fans I mean being
2545s sci-fi of course I know it's just uh it
2548s lends itself too it makes space
2550s exploration
2551s you think as well oh do you think you
2552s could name all the planets if you had to
2554s right now
2555s like could you go 14 for 14. Mars
2557s Jupiter Mercury Saturn Neptune Uranus
2562s Earth
2565s uh
2568s uh that's awesome
2569s I think I think email that one I can't
2572s Pluto if you want to be there oh yeah
2575s second Queen not real doesn't exist I
2579s keep blue is it real Jack
2581s don't let them fool you doesn't exist
2583s for a reason Pluto is a good he's a good
2585s chap he can hang he can hang out did I
2589s get it wrong
2591s because I don't I don't think I did that
2593s I believe you if I did
2595s it was a good run right off the top of
2597s your head that was I was impressed for
2598s how many you got I honestly was just
2599s going through the Star Trek you were
2601s counting them fast enough I couldn't get
2602s my hands up to count uh I was like okay
2604s you know
2605s I almost said Phobos which is not that's
2608s it I was almost
2609s you missed series
2612s focus is in Mars Moon and then series is
2614s also a Mars Moon I also only slightly
2616s know this because I've been watching the
2618s expanse so
2624s oh assistant you missed void right right
2626s uh well yeah I mean there's still
2629s discourse amongst astronomers if they
2631s want to count that as a real planet or
2633s not so much
2634s [Laughter]
2636s so stupid
2639s this is so dumb God damn it die okay
2643s yeah I hear thracks get out of here
2647s be gone
2651s sariman is my favorite haunted house
2656s okay
2658s why is it because of the funny name
2660s I mean I can accept that if that is your
2663s only reason why I also only know I have
2666s trained myself because I watched so much
2668s Sailor Moon
2669s they call it Uranus
2671s because it's Sailor Uranus anyway uh but
2675s I wonder if that's why
2676s it's the Earth is round Pluto is round
2678s so Pluto is a planet I mean
2682s do we say anything about primary
2684s surgeons yeah Megan Rhino next Megan
2686s Rhino yeah
2689s hey Warframe can you do a collaboration
2691s with fortnite listen rev literally said
2693s yesterday that she wants Amber to do the
2695s gritty so hey yeah if anyone is going to
2698s fight for it apparently it is Rebecca
2699s Ford if everyone's gonna make it happen
2701s it's right it's red
2706s cab call in times uh Slash Warframe
2708s first listen
2709s it's beyond my control
2712s could you imagine you think we don't
2714s have a laundry list of all the collabs
2716s we'd love to do oh my God so many so
2719s many
2722s no no fortnite please no we left love
2724s for you apparently Sage rain is renaming
2727s red star to Red Giant which is adorable
2729s that's awesome any rewards we get yes I
2732s had a pinned message but apparently it
2734s didn't
2736s so let's try this again
2737s why did you delete
2740s I'm gonna queue up our next bounty
2743s [Music]
2745s Floyd Armageddon get one of the
2748s following let's see what happens okay
2750s I'm gonna swap out to protea for fun
2752s [Music]
2756s manually unpinned or industry whoever
2759s unpins this I will kill you I won't I'm
2762s so sorry what is wrong with me today
2764s I'll be really upset
2767s everybody let's all let's all get along
2771s oh that's totally fine I'm so sorry it's
2774s okay no you're not honestly I just kind
2777s of started doing them because I was like
2778s ah this is fun because people keep
2780s asking what the grab bags are
2782s no but I don't want it to like
2784s walk
2787s you can't see a trap but Helen's smiling
2789s you can hear it in her voice
2790s [Music]
2794s sorry the pin messages back all is well
2796s in the world we're good we're good we're
2797s good Warframe and Horizon zero Dawn oh
2800s Warframe in Final Fantasy 14 listen Reb
2803s is
2804s going to the convention she tweeted
2806s about it I'm like am I yeah
2809s and she even said as yesterday as
2812s someone who just got convention tickets
2814s I understand the story I guarantee you
2815s she will try to lock herself in a room
2817s with one of the devs and convince them
2818s to let her
2820s collab you know what I mean yeah so like
2822s make amount that we can put in fortnite
2823s and Warframe thank you
2826s that's about the extent of all I know
2827s about can you imagine writing a giant
2828s kubrow in Final Fantasy whoa
2832s we're giant domestic drone I know you
2834s can I know you can ride cars because
2835s when I played it Rue showed up in a car
2838s and I was like what
2843s what's going on
2847s fantastic oh great wow I love all of
2849s these Warframe and Team Fortress 2
2851s listen Team Fortress 2 is in its
2853s Redemption era I believe in those beds
2856s and honestly with the amount of
2858s mods and stuff that you can put in that
2860s game
2862s do it there's so much to do there's so
2864s much to do
2866s Warframe and Warhammer Warframe he got
2869s war in the title that's true and I got a
2871s hammer
2873s so we're halfway there
2875s or Ann Hammer we're famous Halo 3 okay
2877s oh
2880s what about Warframe and ape Escape 3. oh
2882s now we're talking yeah that's 2005.
2885s let's go
2888s we're Freeman Pokemon
2891s we we pretty much do Pokemon and game
2893s capture monsters honestly
2896s conserve them
2898s hello spaghetti
2901s Warframe Mario 64. okay now we're
2904s getting ridiculous could you imagine
2906s though instead of like having
2908s um an actual cart you just like show up
2911s his vault and you just twist through
2913s your feet and Run in real fast oh and
2915s Mario Kart yeah you just run past
2916s everybody
2924s don't hey we've done well I haven't
2926s talked food and I haven't talked golf
2928s okay all right I've been doing really
2930s really well yeah I've been a good I've
2932s been a good I've been a good lab this
2933s week yeah let's not spoil it okay
2937s because uh I've already talked golf
2939s today let me tell you always hack yeah
2942s exactly that's great Zach
2945s um Zach and Connor uh were both in this
2948s morning and we we went golfing a few
2950s times in the summer okay so Connor came
2951s in he was like it's the golf gang and
2954s we're like
2959s you two can have those cute moments with
2962s your friends if you go golfing with them
2964s or I could have other TV moments not
2967s related to golf yeah that's fair
2969s honestly you know golf isn't that bad
2971s it's so long this like are you guys all
2973s like a similar like skill level yeah
2976s yeah okay okay we're all in the
2979s we don't play often enough nor are we
2981s skilled enough to ever make someone else
2982s feel bad about our shots because we're
2984s all gonna have bad shots okay so we're
2985s all just we're all just having a good
2987s time yeah
2988s still better than curling though oh Dean
2992s super dino in chat what do you serve at
2994s a golf banquet I don't know Dean what do
2996s you sir
3000s now we wait
3002s hearty food Club salad club sandwiches
3006s so we said par tea food party uh party
3013s we didn't lie delightful dude
3016s I think he needs it's a visual pun dude
3019s he didn't see it he was like I don't get
3021s it I also need Dean's trademark grin
3024s that I can't see through that I can't
3025s see through the TV but I can always hear
3027s in my mind yeah yeah
3031s I'm just building things I don't even
3032s know what I'm building it's fine Pride
3034s flags for the Orbiter this June uh we
3036s will definitely have a pride campaign
3038s this year we do we're talking just
3040s people right now that is in the works
3042s stay tuned
3043s it will always be a prideful June
3047s please someone the twitch Quest drop how
3049s to claim so if you go to the top right
3053s corner of your screen on Twitch you'll
3054s see your little profile icon you can
3056s select your profile and then go down to
3058s user if you click on that on that page
3060s it'll show all your drops and then
3062s you'll see Warframe Quest drops
3068s it'll say Quest grab bag and they'll see
3071s the item that you have and then you can
3072s click on that and it'll say hey go to
3075s Warframe and you can redeem it in game
3077s exactly if you're having any issues
3079s please unlink and relink your account on
3081s warframe.com forward slash user user
3084s Nikolai stage you can get it twice yes
3086s you should be able to get two drops
3087s across uh Prime Time two ballast
3090s portraits yeah that is what I manifest
3092s for all of these z-train got their first
3094s drop yeah I want the Dax portrait I also
3097s want the LED noggle I love Alex because
3098s he's such a little betrayer such a
3100s little
3101s he's such a scallywag I know he's just
3103s like a little
3105s Evie little guy he's like he's a younger
3107s sibling that's what he is he's just you
3109s just want to like totally like you're
3111s not you're not he's like that only child
3112s who's in like who's in elementary school
3114s and like he does he's never was taught
3116s the word no you know what I mean he
3118s doesn't know how to share yep and he
3120s thinks he's always comes for a sleepover
3121s and you're like wow that movie was so
3123s fun that we watched last night he's like
3124s what do you mean you mean yesterday
3125s because it's past midnight and you're
3126s like you know what
3128s why don't you go home
3131s I stole that joke from John Mulaney
3133s everybody that was a John Mulaney joke
3135s that's all right and I really enjoy it
3137s because it's summed it up so well for me
3138s same thing as uh getting hit with uh
3140s what time is it it's time to get a watch
3142s I was so spiteful as a child that from
3145s that point on I bought a watch and I've
3146s never taken one off laughs
3150s y'all can never make that joke to me
3151s ever again ever again
3153s my favorite John Mulaney joke is always
3155s that 13 year olds will be oddly specific
3158s about the mean things that they say to
3159s you it's like why does that man have
3160s womanly hips and like
3163s every time I pass
3165s young children I'm like don't talk to me
3167s don't look at me don't tell me what you
3168s think about me because I know it's gonna
3169s be true and it's gonna hurt my feelings
3171s as a camp counselor the meanest things
3174s that were ever said to me
3175s because I've had a couple kids come into
3177s my core yeah they just looked at me and
3179s they're like
3180s I bet you're insecure about this
3183s yeah
3186s you don't remember forever yeah I do
3188s remember don't say it because chat will
3191s remember any any 13 year olds in chat
3193s yeah your words hurt people will
3196s remember what you say wield this weapon
3199s wisely
3200s I'm friends with a high school teacher
3203s but sometimes he will
3205s um he'll Supply at like elementary
3207s schools and he's like I am never going
3209s to teach eight seventh and eighth
3211s graders because they are demons they are
3214s at the top of the food chain in their
3216s system and they are so mean that they
3218s don't even care about anything you say
3219s nope so remorseless demons there we love
3223s you it's fine you're great
3225s great
3227s bye please
3231s you know what they say about big feet
3234s big socks that's what right you know
3238s what else to say
3239s big shoes big shoes big shoes
3245s big heart
3248s I mean no that doesn't even make sense I
3251s was like yeah I mean like your heart has
3252s to be
3254s bigger to yeah you gotta pump all that
3256s blood but like that you could have big
3257s feet from short legs
3259s I guess you got to get the blood all the
3261s way to the end of your toes and that's
3262s yeah some people are just colder some
3264s people just have circulation issues this
3266s is true
3267s this is true like uh let's bring back
3269s the food talk I don't want to talk about
3271s meat anymore all right
3274s circulation systems
3279s [Laughter]
3285s Ah that's true
3287s you got them hairy toes oh man
3291s big Hobbit feeler never get over it you
3293s know you're like oh Frodo is so cute and
3295s let me see full body picture and it's
3296s just they're out there
3299s they're just they gotta let them breathe
3301s they do
3303s he's got the
3305s actually
3306s it's interesting that some warframes
3308s have boots like Rainbow's got boots
3310s pretty sure produce got boots
3313s other people have clompies
3315s and then you know if you're someone like
3317s caliban or like the limbo the watch you
3319s got little Little Chopsticks
3322s yeah
3324s they're really cute little chompies
3328s yeah you're just floating you're just in
3330s The Ether yeah your feet never get cold
3332s because they don't exist
3336s honestly a little bit little that's way
3338s better there's like a note bottom feet
3341s yeah and they're like holes in them so
3342s it's like what if it's raining or like
3344s what if you accidentally hover over like
3346s a puddle and then you get like goop in
3347s your legs that's almost worse I would
3350s rather have feet because at least I know
3351s that nothing there's a barrier yeah like
3354s if I step on some gross infested goo
3356s yeah it's not going up your pant leg
3360s that's really what it is right it's your
3362s pant leg
3364s but not I don't know I don't know
3367s so many questions it's a little time
3370s it's not like wisp can answer these
3372s questions either no I guess we'll have
3374s to wait for dubiri to answer the
3375s questions about Warframe
3377s Mouse has hooves that he does and so
3380s does Uber run and he's Deluxe skin he's
3382s got a little clompers he's so cute
3385s might be seeing some uh some Oberon art
3387s tonight
3389s maybe we'll preview we'll preview
3391s Spartacus nice Prime appeals because
3393s he's going out on the town he's feeling
3395s good
3397s he's so cute obran has goat legs this is
3400s true he does that's true I've never
3402s checked out what the
3404s zerman have for Footwear I did it did
3407s always crack me up though or what the
3408s whole pass happens we're gonna go on a
3410s free review after this yep that's
3412s exactly what we're doing we're not doing
3413s this already we're just checking out all
3414s the Footwear yeah
3416s and the whole origin system
3418s but uh it cracked me up that when you go
3421s to in the newer uh spoilers when you
3424s check out the zeramin and you go there's
3426s like a few shoes that are on the
3428s bookshelf and I'm like man those look
3429s like my 2005 Sketchers I know they're
3432s totally like toms like both shoes I love
3434s them I've had those before I know that's
3437s what they wear that's what the colonists
3439s in the future wear oh my God
3445s okay Helen I'm sure you know but there
3447s was like that trend on Tick Tock where
3449s it was like my ancestors and they're
3451s like I'm weaving in the ends of my
3454s knitting and then someone in 2013 he's
3457s like I'm weaving in the end of my
3458s knitting and they're like oh we're this
3460s that's the same vibe that I'm getting
3462s I'm so sorry it is such an obscure thing
3465s that if you have no idea what I'm
3466s talking about I think I can picture it
3467s picture it oh you were defending the
3469s wrong thing this whole time
3471s we want to talk about
3473s are there going to be more warframes I
3476s have no idea that's a good question if
3478s you had to get another Umbra Umbra
3480s Warframe who would you pick I don't want
3482s one I feel like Umbra is special and I
3484s love him the way that he is yeah you
3485s know what I guess to to want another
3487s ombre to happen means that you want to
3489s replicate that origin story in some ways
3491s not true right it's like do I really
3493s want to wish that on someone else no I
3496s don't know I'm good yeah I'm good only
3500s one only one chap needs to howl we'll
3502s leave it at that
3507s okay I'll give you that one or like an
3510s umbra neck Rose I feel like necklace
3513s that gross would be dope oh right oh
3515s we're back at B
3516s I ran away
3519s I guess it's the question of like okay
3521s if you guys have a Warframe that would
3523s do its own thing while you're an
3524s operator for him what working would you
3527s want oh that's just gonna like Patrol
3532s I'd say Atlas it's like you got strength
3534s in numbers I just want those rumblies to
3535s be in my bodyguards
3537s and be like you good boss would be like
3539s yeah we're good boys yeah you want me to
3542s take care of this guy boss no he's got
3543s he's cool he's cool he's cool he's cool
3545s he's cool he totally have like built-in
3547s bodyguards that's so cute like you're a
3549s little awkward
3550s I would love it this is so fun yeah
3553s that's the best thing regardless of how
3554s effective they are they just kind of
3555s clomp around oh 100 you were that is
3558s like the best image big rock formations
3560s no one else can be ombre except for
3562s Atlas at that point foul alligator my
3565s Rocky boys are named uh I think it was
3567s rumbles and sprinkles I love it oh it's
3570s really great
3572s this is Pebbles
3574s you know when it's like the smaller
3576s Rocky and you're like oh you really
3577s don't you really don't want them you
3578s don't want to mess with it
3583s I need a better amp that's fine my tail
3587s As Old As Time
3589s wasn't there going to be an attachment
3590s thing a few years back that was
3592s something that we discussed on the
3593s devstream and then full transfer
3595s translate the community was like nah and
3597s then we didn't do it
3599s yep that's exactly what happened it
3601s could be he's like I don't know yeah
3603s because I think we even had a design
3604s Council throw it about it we did like we
3606s announced that on a Dev stream it was a
3608s whole thing it just yeah and hey that's
3610s the power of the community sometimes you
3611s just go from there it was with
3613s disruption I remember because we out of
3615s the word disruption and that's where
3616s Elizabeth came from yeah yeah Community
3620s has the power to say now
3622s why does NRS have dog chippies on them
3626s but what are dog chippies
3631s chipples oh no I think I know what
3633s they're talking about We're not gonna
3634s talk about that oh that's one of those
3636s it's one of those like hey it looks like
3638s advising the the chat filter every once
3640s in a while chat you go oh yeah what
3642s about this thing and I go you know I
3643s hope that isn't something bad
3645s chat so true
3648s you still remain undefeated
3655s accessory
3657s yes he does any update on frame Fighter
3660s 2
3663s nothing to share here I don't think
3665s we've ever even talked about Free
3667s Fighter 2 so okay let's look at these
3669s feet oh I just got normal sugar okay
3671s yeah what's Quinn got
3673s oh those are nice the issue are these
3676s like boosts the issue is that they kind
3678s of look like footie pajamas you know
3679s like they're like
3681s how do you put them on or do you just
3682s put like
3684s your shoes you know what it looks like
3686s they've got like sort of a little poofy
3688s pants but then it connects at the shin
3690s oh yeah they've got like just under the
3692s knee boots
3694s that looks like a comfy uniform the
3696s German look we have or the hold fast
3697s look we have some comfy uniforms I
3699s appreciate that all right what are we
3700s rounding out this with void Cascade
3702s you're gonna look at cavallaro's feet
3704s that's for all of the Cavaliers check it
3706s out he's got some clappy boots that's
3707s for sure very nice they're all the same
3709s they're all they all get the same same
3711s boots standard issue I got good boots
3716s oh
3724s this will be your greatest challenge all
3726s week I think we actually we lost in 10
3727s minutes so we can uh we can invite
3728s someone we can invite someone else for
3730s sure thank you grumpy pants for joining
3731s us
3736s have a great time
3738s make lots of friends toasted bread Prime
3741s 54. oh I'm so hungry I even had toasted
3745s bread I know I was hot in that downtown
3748s it's before they shared with me we're
3750s loaded here oh Excalibur Amber you got
3753s the Proto skin come on down give me the
3756s eye is it the eyeball it's the eyeball I
3759s got the eyeballs it's the best one he
3761s looks like a red Veil guy in a good way
3767s GGG was asking about uh
3770s uh the venue for tentacon uh I don't
3773s think we've shared the details on that
3774s but it will be in London we said it was
3776s the RBC place
3778s it's in the same place if you've been
3780s here for 10 o'clock before it's the RBC
3782s place
3783s um it's the same the same building it
3784s did get a rename though yes yeah
3788s the crypto.com sorry I'm kidding okay
3796s that'd be something else that would be
3799s something else
3801s sorry
3802s do you do a ticket giveaway for
3803s tunnelcon since its 10th anniversary oh
3806s that's interesting the issue though
3807s right is like even if you give a ticket
3809s to someone can they make it to London
3811s Ontario so
3812s how we do things it's true Ricky it's
3815s very very tricky pudding fun fact one of
3819s the you know when you um
3822s sometimes when you go to adopt pets
3824s they'll they'll give it a name that is
3826s kind of like a not serious pet name so
3829s it's easier to rename them yeah
3831s one of my cat's names was puddin no way
3833s yeah it was putting pudding in pickles
3835s that's so cute so the fact that you have
3838s a cat or is that a vulpa phyla uh yeah I
3842s mean Clinton I'm like near and dear to
3844s my heart my first cat's name was going
3848s to be where they put it as decks
3849s hilariously enough a couple of times but
3852s we renamed him obviously and then uh my
3854s other cat was Clara which also I was
3857s like oh that's Helen's dog but bad news
3860s disaster
3862s so weird but then my parents dog's name
3864s was Rose and we're like hey yeah I mean
3866s that kind of works that was just her
3868s name forever
3871s in a while oh yeah
3874s would someone eat pudding and pickles
3875s together I would eat it I'd try it I
3878s would eat it but I sure hope not Joshua
3882s no
3883s Josh
3885s okay just a scratch just a tickle
3889s you're right let's wake you up
3891s let me keep the axolizers below 50 I
3894s think we can
3898s well there's a lot of effects
3903s come on oh and we're doing the voidance
3905s we're going for it tonight I know I'm
3906s sorry we are going for it until you're a
3909s Pro Gamer you never have to budget for
3910s that
3911s let's do it use right there
3914s collab with Holly
3919s Hall of you people with like silver van
3922s of course and I think it was then treya
3927s um we love them so
3928s who knows
3930s I mean anything's possible
3934s uh let me get the balls
3937s dark spider it's a flesh wound it always
3939s is
3940s until it's not yeah
3944s actually you know what for the person
3945s who did say it's a pleasure it really
3946s wasn't so you are you're absolutely
3949s correct in that
3950s oh I know
3953s I uh I sometimes bring spongy pets to
3955s missions and I'll just tell my squad
3957s like hey just just leave them just like
3959s just be like no never
3961s I'll never let you go
3966s we're gonna get so much standing today
3967s this is lovely
3969s this is great I'm glad no I don't have
3970s my things sometimes nightwave just pops
3972s up with a mission I really want to do
3973s and I'm like oh thank you thank Nora
3975s thank you you know exactly what I was
3978s thinking I never get invites to your
3980s parties but you are you're pretty great
3984s you are pretty great Nora
3990s all right where are we off to
3993s let's seal some
3995s exolizers let's do it
4002s we need a new wisp skin we've got a lot
4004s of wisp scans there's we have that wispy
4007s skin that we announced on the previous
4008s destiny by uh great point there is a new
4012s skin coming now you're gonna have even
4014s more
4015s can I act in your movie if you ever do
4016s live action I'm sorry I have no idea
4021s Warframe movie that would be really cool
4023s but I guarantee you if we oh no we
4025s failed because I wasn't paying attention
4027s uh
4029s that that went real quick that's my
4033s fault that went real quick I blamed
4035s myself I wouldn't blame you more animal
4038s warframes and pets I was also in that
4040s mission I wish
4047s you were you were not alone in this no
4050s it's not my fault it's fine
4053s okay well it is 707. we need to run this
4057s mission
4058s real quick or we skip it let's skip it
4062s let's skip it we'll skip it we'll skip
4063s it because we got some stuff to do so
4065s because there's no cold pot person
4068s uh Marcus is going to try to grab funny
4071s comments for the next 10 minutes yes yes
4073s yes thank you squad for joining us I'm
4075s sorry uh toast toasted bread Prime you
4078s were not good luck so maybe revisit
4081s whatever sort of messaging you're giving
4083s to people
4085s um
4088s you can be in Taylor's version of toast
4090s which is uh she sent me one day which is
4092s just leave
4094s bred out for a long period of time and
4097s then it becomes toast
4098s yeah we know sorry you said that to me
4101s once you're like yeah you just leave it
4103s leave a piece of bread over for like
4104s four days then it becomes toast it's the
4105s toast toast itself well maybe not in
4107s your house it'll be eaten but oh that
4109s would get consumed they're real like
4111s within minutes
4113s that's so funny
4117s demons is what they are okay so Helen if
4121s you just want to go to my screen yeah
4123s what I'm going to be doing is I'm going
4125s to be trying to crack some ribbons so I
4127s have
4128s um don't judge my belt you can but don't
4130s do it I have a kill at 20 enemies while
4134s sliding without an ally being down so
4135s there's that there's also
4138s um
4139s a completely an extermination Mission
4141s with level 30 or higher enemies without
4143s being detected with the hobble Dragon
4145s key equipped
4148s and then we're gonna try 53 enemies
4150s while undetected so
4152s I'm gonna play Loki with high duration
4155s and we're going to pray that this works
4157s because I don't know I believe
4161s yeah we're gonna try it I was like do I
4163s want to do the core of the Prime because
4164s it's so far away but whatever I'm
4166s probably not even gonna
4168s I'll keep you
4169s um but I need to equip a hobbled key so
4172s we'll do that
4174s um
4175s and then you all can chat I guess yeah
4178s we're gonna chat
4180s but
4182s they got all the strats I did this with
4184s Loki before and I feel like it'll work
4187s a portrait of ballast should have been a
4188s dartboard or life-sized practice I mean
4190s that's the thing it's like you can do
4191s whatever you want this is my balance
4193s right it's up to your own he's in a
4194s garbage can and he's being shot at and
4196s he's got blood on his face
4199s so the world is your oyster
4203s and most of those were like not premium
4206s Platinum purchases either like they were
4208s from Barrow and they were from other
4209s places so you can
4211s you can DIY your own ballast torture
4213s chamber
4214s for free
4218s getting a dime chat
4222s is it Warframe Grand
4225s is it Warframe
4229s okay
4230s um so I need to do my next turn
4234s sometimes
4237s um where is it
4238s foreign
4243s ballast for free exactly
4247s lovingly pick up the ballast portrait
4250s just to smash it over menu you could do
4251s that too
4257s I am looking for top time switch out you
4259s gotta be funny can you tell that can you
4260s tell from my aging
4262s intense
4264s yeah I'm scrolling back through the
4266s Discord but then I'm also
4271s you haven't seen me oh no they have seen
4273s me
4274s like that's not even fair I spawned
4276s right with the end okay that doesn't
4278s normally happen all right we're gonna
4279s try this again
4282s that is
4285s look at that oh look for the stupid
4287s developers I'm just kidding I'm kidding
4289s I'm kidding
4290s I'm so sad
4293s I have never had that happen before but
4295s uh I also could have paid better
4296s attention you know and I didn't do that
4299s we all could have paid better attention
4304s all right let's try this again Chad
4310s chat okay
4315s I'm not doing my master remake I tried
4318s it and I failed and I was like I clearly
4321s need to work on my build uh and I
4323s haven't yet so I will figure it out
4325s speaking of builds I don't know if we
4328s can like talk about this but the one
4329s like kind of fun thing with duviri so if
4332s you guys see this is how I was supposed
4333s to start the one kind of fun thing with
4335s duviri if you watched our previous stuff
4336s stream is like you only get like three
4338s warframes to pick from
4340s um to do your you know kind of doing
4342s your encounter for the day and then you
4345s can only do
4346s like there's only so many weapons and
4348s like the one thing that I realized is
4349s that so many of my freaking it would
4351s suck
4352s so if you guys want to like prepare for
4355s juviri and you have warframes like
4358s prepared in scarecrowds but like you're
4360s so excited and you don't know what to do
4363s um you can
4364s go to
4366s um
4367s go through Your Arsenal and look at the
4369s warframes that you've kind of been
4370s meaning to invest in and see if you want
4371s to like upgrade your builds oh well I
4373s failed this there's nothing more
4374s exposing than seeing a weapon you really
4377s love to play and then checking your old
4380s mod config and going you you fool why
4384s would you why is my sevagoth like
4386s missing two mods I can't believe you've
4388s done this yeah no these are primed mods
4390s exactly so that might be a fun way
4392s um to kind of prepare or if there's like
4395s weapons obviously like don't waste your
4396s resources like don't feel like you have
4398s to put an organ Catalyst and everything
4399s or an or it can react or a form of
4401s things because like we did mention this
4403s on the desk room I'm not spoiling
4404s anything like this is I'm just kind of
4405s connecting dots for people maybe but um
4409s like there are also preset builds that
4411s you'll be able to do
4413s that you'll be able to use for weapons
4415s that you have do not have yet or like
4417s warframes that you don't have yet so you
4418s you're gonna have like a pretty decent
4420s experience with them they're not going
4422s to be like Mega Riven Prime mod stuff
4424s but they're like yeah you got the
4426s they're they're good yeah they'll get
4427s you guys
4429s a decent build that's like a
4431s a good starter build so
4433s fun thing if you're working on it
4437s no okay
4439s we are going to
4441s Dynamic man that's terrible that's a
4443s good joke
4446s and that's not good oh we're actually
4451s yeah forbidden there's always a
4453s chat I gotta tell you when I used to run
4456s the PC for Helen there was always a
4457s forbidden topic
4460s it's gonna be like well I saw some
4463s interesting stuff
4465s in chat today oh it always gives me a
4468s good chuckle
4470s chat you never you never fail to
4471s entertain me okay I got it I gotta make
4473s me so happy
4475s for all my family members who don't know
4478s what twitch is I'm just like you ever
4479s heard a chat remember that hey I'd love
4482s it you could watch a broadcast and then
4484s have active commentary of everyone who's
4485s watching it yeah
4487s you can do that
4489s it's true
4491s imagine like you're I know people can
4493s replicate this with like sports games
4494s like because with sports but like
4498s imagine like playing a like watching a
4501s hockey game and like just having Chad
4503s come up and being like Oh my God James
4505s is absolutely choking tonight what is
4507s with this team you know what I mean like
4511s unreal it's like watching a
4515s reading uh reading YouTube comments post
4517s uh post dreams interesting half the time
4520s I'll just be more excited to see the
4521s YouTube comments I am to actually watch
4523s the thing or I'll start watching a video
4524s and be like oh this is gonna be good I
4526s know right
4527s it's so good yeah I'm totally there with
4531s you they used to have like a a feature
4533s that they were baiting where
4535s um on YouTube where like you could see
4537s the comments that people posted uh
4540s like at time stamps in the videos and I
4543s think they changed that or they maybe
4545s just didn't go through with the beta
4546s which is fine I'm not sliding by the way
4548s I should be but I'm too afraid to do
4551s anything okay I got it hi
4553s and you cast
4557s well uh Helen Trav shared a gift on
4560s Discord View and rev streaming from like
4561s four years ago and you both you both
4563s look like infants oh
4566s I keep it's very sweet every time I see
4568s like dark-haired rap I'm like oh my God
4570s that's a A Relic from a bygone era
4576s [Music]
4579s this is really hard to slide with a
4581s hobbled key and to aim the stupid
4582s Cyclones
4584s oh I got it who did it oh you're gonna
4588s bring it up a comment just so I can talk
4589s about something personal to me do it oh
4592s it's not like personal like emotionally
4594s personal it's like oh no I want to talk
4596s about this thing
4597s but Warframe by that this is Loki Pratt
4601s uh not that you can see him right now
4606s Market is a tenno he is for sure I am
4608s antenna that is not what the comment
4610s said and I was like okay we're gonna
4612s move on uh don't worry about it we'll
4615s see
4616s he's a fine tunnel I was like is this is
4619s adorable thank you sanctity of AI I can
4622s I can hear how that's sometimes that he
4624s said
4626s okay okay I know this is like the least
4629s interesting gameplay ever I'm so sorry
4631s Chad but I thought oh my so everyone
4636s holy crackers chat that could have been
4638s really bad I feel like everyone can be
4640s entertained by me staring at my computer
4641s I might tap out of five and then I'll uh
4645s I'll gamble chat
4649s I miss hemostat well the hemostat misses
4652s you yes
4654s I know we mentioned in a previous step
4656s dream that like we wanted to oh God how
4659s did we exactly phrase this we were
4661s working on like some improvements and
4662s stuff for Flagstar especially because
4665s how is it gonna work on post new
4667s warplanes not that I'm trying to spoil
4669s anything but yeah
4673s okay
4675s why are you here I keep getting jump
4677s scared this is the scariest game I've
4679s ever played in my life
4681s oh God this sucks this is incredible
4683s you're doing great you are I somehow
4686s were am surviving this
4688s oh God oh God oh God oh God I got okay I
4690s got 20 seconds
4692s I gotta like position myself so I can
4694s storm AI come on we're having a good
4696s time here
4697s having a good time
4700s I'm sorry
4702s yeah you're you're in the thing
4704s it's thick and thick of it
4707s Gary yeah I cannot I don't want this
4709s book you guys to see me Jack
4714s imagine this but like chains of hero
4716s that Quest and got me it's I've been
4719s meaning to like want to replay uh some
4721s of the Cinematic quests just not that
4724s like it really has anything to do with
4725s you very but
4727s you know oh accidental slide there we go
4730s uh Marcus's mouth hangs more open when
4732s he's when he's focused on something yes
4734s okay that's a normal thing that everyone
4736s does I really I'm I'm if I get
4739s distracted I'll start mouth breathing
4740s again
4741s I swear I never did
4743s I know I sometimes I look at myself in
4744s the camera like oh my God no
4746s you can't look it's like looking being
4748s at a tall height and looking down okay
4752s all right it's like it's like a picture
4755s on a perfect game you don't really want
4756s to talk to them
4758s true you don't want to talk about
4761s uh what is the most common MRI rank it's
4763s going to be a master rank 16 because
4764s that is the last master rank that you're
4767s actually locked out of items so most
4769s people level up to mastering 16 and then
4771s leave it there
4773s and not get past it
4777s I did one but I gotta finish the
4781s the if I want to get all three hooray we
4784s did one okay I gotta be careful because
4786s I'm gonna die okay
4788s we're good
4791s right if I look at my challenges
4797s okay it hasn't failed yet and that's
4799s what matters
4803s had a restaurant what type of food would
4805s it sell you know subreddit oh nice hell
4809s yeah so I read it was having a big
4810s conversation about whether or not
4812s oh what was it whether or not Endo was
4815s crunchy
4817s gotta be crunchy I feel like it would be
4819s like a tide pod with like not that I
4821s know what Tide Pods taste like
4825s but it would be like a harder outside
4828s and then you bite it and it would be
4829s jelly or like with like little like Boba
4832s balls maybe because of the
4836s um because like the weird little
4837s globules yeah yeah yeah
4841s that's what it looks like to me
4844s but definitely like the gold part is
4845s crunchy yes boba
4849s yeah I've almost got one two three four
4851s five six seven eight
4859s oh my God oh my God
4861s okay die die die good boy
4865s doing a great job doing a great job
4868s that is maggots are like gushers
4870s don't don't want to talk about the chat
4873s oh
4875s Helen how's the uh how's the stream PC
4877s treating you
4881s oh you haven't had a mic this whole time
4882s no Helen there's two of us here we're
4886s down like three microphones he didn't
4888s like yourself
4890s uh how can I ask you about twice concert
4894s tickets if you're not miked up
4897s [Laughter]
4900s okay I got three more and then I gotta
4902s get out of here
4903s I think we gotta we gotta Zoom through
4905s some
4906s we got it oh my God
4907s it's fine
4909s it's fine
4911s give me this yes okay do you think I can
4913s get the last three while sliding oh okay
4915s Mr 605 thank you for our last the last
4918s comment I needed for top ten
4919s okay okay okay okay okay
4922s let there be any
4925s freaking nullifiers
4927s no fudgsicles allowed hello I'm on Mike
4930s now
4931s my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh
4933s my God oh my God
4935s please
4936s I'm just gonna I'm just gonna do it
4938s [Music]
4940s yeah
4942s oh
4947s yeah there we go wow that was uh I can't
4952s believe that worked out damn oh I got
4955s two Ark on crystals very fun
4959s damn that was inspirational
4961s well done Taylor I wonder what's in my
4964s uh Relic as well
4966s the melon on Nike exactly now we can't
4968s hear her
4970s I bet argon crystals are great flavor at
4972s 100 have you guys seen like those
4974s Crystal candies that people are selling
4976s on Tick Tock as well I'm so sorry to
4978s talk about Tick Tock you know for those
4979s of you in the states right you know what
4981s I'm sorry
4983s God of a demon you know who doesn't need
4985s to talk about oh wait how do I
4987s transition this oh wait one finger
4990s jacquesar and a vastu okay okay let's
4993s see do I have a cortex before I forget
4996s out
4998s mods
4999s you know who also should be revealed
5001s his next plaid Prize winner oh yes it's
5004s true
5006s I do it's gonna be
5009s Marcus I'll give you my cortex ribbon
5011s I might have the better cortex
5013s actually let's see who Chad thinks has
5016s better Aqua decorative but kazrath Kaz
5018s Rafi won a thousand platform please
5019s whiffer whisper the Warframe please
5029s you won a thousand Platinum
5031s congrats congratulations you've done it
5034s okay let's check out
5035s okay chat who has the better I didn't
5037s know that you had a quart attack ribbon
5039s it's like the only good ribbon I have oh
5041s okay
5042s so can you go to both screens Helen so
5045s well it's kind of I actually might
5050s 85 electricity and 162 crit chance or it
5055s was
5056s it is brown impact and uh 0.1443
5060s critical damage yeah so it's really the
5063s differences between critical chance of
5065s critical yours is better but mine is
5067s unrolled so she's fresh that's actually
5070s pretty good mine was rolled nine times
5076s I have a lot of stuff to oh here we go
5078s once I've uh once I've popped in uh
5081s top ten we can uh give it up some all
5084s right let me know I'm just gonna keep
5085s rolling this oh if you want minus damage
5088s always
5090s it's fun okay so look at this end though
5092s doesn't it look like like it totally
5094s looks like it would have like little
5096s bobas in there the the yellow bits or
5099s the crunchy bits it's like 100 it's like
5101s uh like a like a caramelized
5104s yeah
5107s corn chips one
5110s I don't even know
5114s okay whatever got it let's do it let's
5116s shoot it we're gonna have to hustle we
5118s got we're good 7 25. we gotta do our
5121s Dojo video do we do let's do fan art
5124s first yeah let's do fan art first okay
5126s we'll do art art uh
5130s [Music]
5139s [Laughter]
5144s it was really beautiful you have a
5147s beautiful voice Hatsune Marcus you know
5149s what else it was beautiful this piece
5151s from cascardis
5155s uh beautiful beautiful this is
5157s um they're celebrating the 10th year of
5160s Warframe a huge milestone for their
5162s favorite game which happens to also be
5163s in the year of the water rabbit 10 amps
5165s 10 fingers 10 years yes if you drink my
5168s operator stolen and Studio science
5169s operator Bob the best name for an
5173s operator
5174s beautiful piece I love that and then
5176s continuing you know kind of the
5177s anniversary hype we have this piece from
5180s unigor or kevshin who's like it's been
5183s 10 years already huh well to celebrate
5185s it here's a redraw of my favorite Quest
5186s and
5188s this is my favorite Quest as well I
5190s appreciate a raise with the rain too oh
5193s she's so sad I Wanna Cry just thinking
5196s about it in the swords oh
5199s beautiful and then this is from Kerdi
5202s look
5204s what
5205s why is Excalibur got such little it's a
5208s birthday cake
5212s I'm not gonna talk about it a beautiful
5214s piece from Kerdi thank you Kerdi I love
5217s the they're just trying to set up for a
5218s party 100
5220s uh I I totally did these out of order
5223s but this is uh from Sanderson this is a
5225s wisp skin concept I love flowers and
5229s like you know it's got like the little
5231s oh God the pistols
5235s Stills I don't know like the little
5236s things that the the pollen goes in at
5239s the top like it's all flowers are you
5241s guys gonna be being Anatomy
5243s no there's water Anatomy oh flower
5245s anatomy well I still don't know I still
5246s don't know but it's beautiful I love it
5247s so much here we go oh Helen's got it
5253s I don't know what any of them are wow
5256s Helen that was a quick drive I got your
5258s back good stuff not those kind of
5260s pistols but yes beautiful piece by
5262s Sanderson
5264s more wrist skins forever and then this
5266s is from silfix
5269s celebrating 10 years as well I love the
5271s I love the purple like that is such a
5273s Lotus purple is a really really nice
5275s rich purple oh gorgeous and like you
5278s know the black and white might not be
5280s intentional but definitely a little bit
5281s of debris Vibes with like the aesthetic
5284s Chef's guess what a great celebration
5287s and then from one of our new moving
5289s creators we have citrine from control or
5292s control
5294s love the colors she looks so like
5296s squishy but like in a really good way I
5299s love her she's so cute like arms don't
5300s do that but it's fine yeah so for her
5303s they do adorable such bright what a
5306s great color palette too that too right
5308s like so cute all of the the Prismatic
5310s the holographic Vibes that she gives off
5314s and then this is from tiro uh and they
5317s said I should have Googled this but I'm
5319s not going to
5322s destreza I don't know but they love
5324s limbo they love the distressa obviously
5326s the distress or prime is like the weapon
5329s that came with lindel am I talking out
5331s of my ass yeah it's a signature right
5334s that's pretty pretty sure that that's
5336s what it is but yeah
5338s that how you spell that no I don't know
5342s if it's vegetables the vegetable
5344s District vegetable because it's spicy
5348s tried to find a quick Translate
5353s singular version of family feminine
5356s singular of verdaduru that makes I don't
5359s know I don't know what it is probably
5360s cool beautiful word
5362s um and then this is from Noir Elite
5368s Hans update when in April
5376s looking like a clopy Stompy boy I love
5379s like the little piece of hay she's got
5381s like her hat on true Cowboy fashion this
5384s is ready to go Yeehaw
5386s um this is from Joey 10 10 abre and this
5389s is actually from the Discord I thought
5390s this is so fun they said on the topic of
5392s the 10-year anniversary of Warframe I
5394s thought I'd dig out an old Sketchbook
5396s this is drawn back in 2016. whoa the
5399s very frame character that Drew me to
5401s Dark Sector in Warframe uh the Excalibur
5403s Proto skin as well as the Glade was my
5405s go-to I love this um it's really really
5408s cool if this is what you're doing back
5409s in 2016 and I cannot even imagine what
5411s you're doing now I was I creeped their
5413s Discord profile a little bit because I
5414s wanted to get their Discord name and
5415s like apparently they're like a
5416s consequence so whoa great job dude love
5419s it try trying uh now your career that's
5422s so cool hell yeah yeah and then speaking
5424s of Discord
5426s this is
5427s from uh Rue Goblin I think we're just
5430s Goblin uh they made a Clem and
5433s blockbench which I think is like a
5435s Minecraft
5436s yeah I think you can also then add it to
5439s the game
5440s or you can get it 3D printed I just like
5443s how he's spinning he's so cute that is
5445s an incredibly good Clem right I love it
5448s his head's a little tilty yeah so cute
5450s nailed all the details great job you
5451s signed Donna even separates a little bit
5452s from the back I know other caddies look
5455s at that attention to detail and then
5457s this is from uh app
5461s or Ari so this is a very work in
5464s progress I hope you don't mind me
5465s sharing the work in progress but uh
5467s they're fashioned Warframe Excalibur
5470s figurine self and handmade it's a first
5473s I've never completed any crafts up to
5475s this point with clay
5476s that's great yeah I thought it was 3D
5479s printed no it's Clay you can see like
5481s the little the tinfoil filling at the
5483s bottom of the base
5485s um that is nice it's so good and now
5487s they have to paint it I cannot wait you
5490s can see like they're working with the
5491s background like clearly they were
5492s looking at the Orbiter
5494s um and oh God what do they have it looks
5497s like they have like the gazzle piece and
5499s then they've got
5500s um oh what is that on their legs is that
5502s the kuva maybe tell her I've got a hard
5505s enough time identifying with some full
5507s color okay
5509s or maybe it's the tennocon pieces I
5511s don't know either way I love them and
5513s then uh that's how you doing it embolist
5516s shoulder guards maybe maybe we'll have
5519s to see what it looks like in full color
5521s and bless that's what Chad is saying oh
5523s man if I got that right it is the
5524s ambulance one all right chat that was a
5528s shot in the dark I love it for me
5530s beautifully done that's so so good
5533s incredible incredible work that's so
5535s cool and then getting completely
5537s changing because I just wanted to show
5539s this Xbox
5543s by 81 deal 10 or d10 on Tumblr that's
5547s that's really nice they got little cutie
5549s marks oh they're so cute I love it I
5553s know very little about My Little Pony
5555s but from what I do now it looks like
5557s they've nailed it they totally did chat
5559s you can't hear my little War Horse yeah
5561s actually Helen did you Microsoft I did
5562s you did okay cool I can hear you they're
5564s very very cute
5566s um obviously both would be a Pegasus
5571s I only want only want the first season
5572s when I was in high school and that's all
5574s I remember but when I was recovering
5576s from a gnarly concussion that was all I
5579s watched because it was so nice and
5581s nothing was really happening you know
5583s what I mean it was just pleasantness it
5585s was so good for he was your favorite
5587s Pony you don't have to oh Fluttershy
5590s adorable I loved Rarity but oh that's
5593s because she could find gems and
5595s apparently I love sparkly things I like
5597s Sea Biscuit
5603s mine is actually a cave I don't know if
5606s you remember
5609s anyway anyway
5610s uh moving on I don't know if we showed
5613s this before but I saw it it was like
5614s okay gotta add it yeah I saw a few
5617s comments about Femme Loki
5622s they couldn't resist and neither could I
5624s beautiful job they also made a hildren
5627s prime ploof and this was so good oh yeah
5629s it beat out the hildren prime that's how
5630s you know how good this is that is
5632s exclusive job and then done it again to
5635s Esther you've done it again beautiful
5636s beautiful piece from quiet Archer uh
5639s Alibi AKA their Warframe wife
5642s I have some questions
5644s but that's okay I hope if you're
5646s watching you manage to get your Alibi
5647s noggle uh he's so I love him how'd they
5650s made out of look really cool here
5652s usually he looks very usually he looks
5655s very piddly little guy you know usually
5657s he's like
5658s assistant
5681s great job putting them in a new light
5683s yeah
5684s yeah and then uh
5687s liquid
5690s we got a grammarly ad earlier when we
5692s were setting up and I thought this was
5694s very fitting
5695s this is from Alex's draws on Twitter so
5698s lit Krill let's Grill these are not the
5701s same it's like a
5703s all of those grammar things I can't
5705s remember them yeah I don't think they're
5707s actually I couldn't I wouldn't know
5708s where to find it but I've seen this
5709s before I've seen this yeah exactly
5711s exactly that is I'm not an English
5712s teacher boy don't expect it at me okay
5714s and then I got two videos and then we're
5716s done I'm so sorry I had so many things
5718s yeah okay I saw the doc and then I saw
5720s your tweet from last night I was like
5722s Taylor you always you managed to find
5724s them
5725s I can't help it so this is from
5727s widescreen you gotta show this we have
5730s to show this this is their super Vandal
5732s that they just finished building if
5733s you're at PEX East he did mention that
5736s he is going to be there so keep an eye
5738s out for this beautiful piece of
5741s gorgeousness and widescreen John works
5744s on these for months it's so good but yes
5747s you can look forward to that amazing
5749s piece John I hope you can come to
5750s channel con and I hope you can bring at
5752s least something with you because
5754s you are a master it always brings
5756s together so good look at that oh lights
5759s up the lights I love the super Vandal uh
5761s the noises it makes is are so satisfying
5764s oh yeah
5765s um so it's definitely one of my favorite
5766s guns great job and then
5769s um
5769s finally I have this piece from dakira
5774s so they do all the lotuses no spoilers
5777s if you don't understand don't worry
5779s about it just don't like about it just
5780s don't think about it it's how cute they
5782s are I love the vampire Lotus the most
5785s she's got like a little blood very very
5787s good lipstick
5789s um and so she actually sent us
5791s a bunch of stuff yeah and Helen if you
5794s actually come to my face
5796s you can see she actually like wrote us a
5797s letter it's got this beautiful oh I'm
5800s sorry if it's Fallen
5801s it probably won't focus because of the
5803s way that it's like yeah it's secret it's
5805s for us it's worth it I will make it
5807s Focus anyway she sent us this beautiful
5808s weather
5809s look at that we got uh where's the Lotus
5812s stamp it's got uh Mom where are you it's
5814s got a little flower in it got like a
5815s little Lotus pan that she sent us oh and
5819s some amazing stickers that we have now
5821s shared with the team and I will never
5823s ever use because I'm just gonna display
5825s it forever like how cute these are keep
5827s them forever they are stickers you can
5829s kind of see you baby they're super cool
5831s I got a little orders on there
5833s a little operator
5836s can you see it pause to read
5840s yes I love it so much and she also made
5842s us little charms of her faces it looks
5844s like me
5845s and honestly it really looks like me it
5849s looks so much like her because it really
5850s looks like me thank you so much
5852s so sweet it was incredible it was a
5855s highlight of my week I know Megan the
5858s message made and I was like what are you
5860s kidding me you know how much I love
5862s physical mail it's the best it's the
5865s best yeah uh thank you so much and
5868s that's all I got that's all you got
5869s fantastic Taylor it was awesome that was
5873s awesome all right kicking off our
5875s capture for this week so excited uh as
5879s always if you'd like to submit your
5881s capture a hashtag Warframe captura is
5883s how you'll find it across Twitter I
5885s checked out Tumblr this week as well and
5887s uh the capture channel in the Discord
5889s and someone else was asking for the
5890s Discord uh our official warfram Discord
5893s is discord.gg forward slash playwarframe
5896s I can actually just pull it
5902s pull it up so jump in there there's lots
5903s of great stuff giveaways and and The
5904s Primetime chat which is always a ton of
5906s fun also if you want to look for working
5907s fan art I do
5909s Warframe fan art actually work from
5911s fastracked or like the full name the
5914s full word sometimes you know especially
5915s on Tumblr because not everyone uses that
5917s hashtag but
5918s that's what we do there you go it's the
5920s secret of the pros secret of the pros
5921s and one of the pros Ruby t with their
5924s children Prime
5928s wow hello children Prime looking resp
5932s Splendid I love her Ruby T you've done a
5935s major service to Hilton Prime I know I
5937s showed a ton of hilgen prime captura
5939s last week expect more this week because
5941s the children's season and she's the best
5943s girl oh thank you for that Ruby T next
5946s up uh this is the Val Kitty burglar from
5949s the varlinator
5951s it's very oceans 11. it's pretty it's
5954s pretty pretty pretty sweet edit going on
5956s here holy [ __ ] very very nice I never
5958s thought of valkyr as a burglar oh but
5960s she she's a cat she's Catwoman cat of
5962s course she totally six years I always
5964s think of her in the window yeah like oh
5967s yeah yeah that yeah yeah fun fact they
5970s actually have like a spy museum in New
5972s York City if you live in New York and uh
5974s they have like the little lasers that
5976s you can go through there's like a whole
5977s hallway
5978s um and so I went there and like you had
5980s to like race down and see how many
5981s lasers you could actually set off or
5983s avoid so you were like ducking under and
5984s like doing all sorts of gymnastic stuff
5986s that's what how'd you do
5988s poorly
5991s poorly
5992s last day yeah you definitely travel
5996s though I didn't realize it was also
5998s there right because we were just going
5999s for other things I was like oh God I did
6001s not wear the clothes yeah
6005s you gotta limber up yeah oh that's
6008s awesome next up this one's from rykins
6011s to celebrate the 10-year anniversary
6013s so cool
6015s stunning
6017s Excalibur Prime then and now
6020s scallyp yeah rikings you make some
6022s phenomenal edits and this one hit me
6025s right in their Nostalgia oh man I saw
6027s some comments about like how Loki and
6029s Loki Prime are in there they're just
6030s invisible because they were the Loki was
6033s one of the original starters back in the
6035s day for those who were not around
6037s but either way this is perfect it is so
6039s Exquisite this could be a key art like
6042s it could be here you're so good I cannot
6045s believe this it's unreal perfect perfect
6047s way to start out uh kick off our 10-year
6050s anniversary celebrations
6052s excellent excellent next up from
6054s karchara on Twitter this is their
6056s Excalibur decks keeping in with the
6058s theme of the dexes
6060s this is excalibur's deck skin uh oh the
6063s decks uh leg plates and the deck Sybaris
6067s as well oh we're all decked up
6069s and the pseudoscene as well we love suda
6072s it is so good I love sudo you're a big
6074s suit of Fanny I love Suda I finally
6077s finally completed all of my syndicates
6079s on one side so now I'm going back and I
6081s can finally be with suit again oh wow
6083s returning home the true hero's journey
6086s honestly yeah and we can all return home
6088s and uh eventually get all these uh Dex
6091s pieces as we celebrate our 10 years yes
6093s across all the celebrations exclamation
6095s point anniversary anniversary check it
6098s out
6099s next up from
6103s this one's from purple flurple it's
6106s called anomaly
6110s really really cool so much really oh my
6113s God clerk whoa that is so good this is
6117s awesome straight out of like a Westworld
6119s sci-fi yeah I'm absolutely missing it's
6122s Ultron it's Westworld oh my God I Robot
6126s I Robot for sure yeah shout out
6130s yeah this uh this had a whole lot of uh
6132s it's dripping with atmosphere damn the
6136s lore and this one damn girl picture says
6140s a thousand words and this one says
6142s [Laughter]
6147s it is something else
6149s next up from 90 Warframe on Twitter this
6152s is called the last great warrior damn
6155s that hero look at you super sweet Arrow
6159s cool I think it is yeah and Hero's Relic
6162s war scene yeah Harrow just uh just such
6165s a cool guy I love that old helm
6168s it's incredible
6171s feels like that could be the key art for
6173s that as well right like imagine like
6175s chains of Harrow underneath oh your God
6178s race coming down it's unreal gone real
6181s think of that 19. next up from fuchin
6184s avron this is a compilation of their
6187s veterans I really really dug the
6189s lighting on this too
6191s yeah the lighting is very fast this felt
6193s very very cinematic
6195s got your excal got your Frost got your
6197s rhino like really really perfected the
6200s uh the doomslayer rhino look to it holy
6202s [ __ ] it is awesome that was awesome
6204s awesome awesome love that and uh this
6207s next one really really cool use of
6209s atmosphere in here oh uh this one is
6212s from
6214s uh gray xu1551 on the Discord
6219s and this was a really really cool look
6222s at using the zeramental set and citrine
6224s stream looks like she's conducting uh
6226s the empty Orchestra yeah take a bow it's
6230s you know what's the word for uh
6233s actually I don't know this is true it
6234s wasn't How I Met Your Mother empty or
6236s empty Orchestra in Japanese no it's
6238s karaoke
6240s really that's what karaoke means it's
6242s empty Orchestra
6245s I met a butcher to all of the details to
6248s that but I'm pretty sure karaoke
6249s indicates empty you are correct is it
6252s also Japanese though it is Japanese and
6255s I Met Your Mother didn't lie to you
6256s according to Google all right I'm gonna
6258s take that win right to the bank and I'm
6260s just actually happy that the TV show
6262s didn't lie to me because let's be
6263s realized 90 of my conversational
6264s knowledge
6266s actually yeah thank you for blessing us
6269s with that gray xu1551 that was awesome
6271s that is unreal next up uh we were
6273s talking uh Oberon earlier this is from
6277s VGC on Twitter it's called winter
6278s Paladin
6280s lovely Frosty look at dawn
6284s so primed up our goat boy is looking
6288s oh really good so good I love like it's
6290s like a pinky
6291s [Music]
6293s it's really so good very very soft
6295s colors it's a it's it's it's beautiful
6297s it is like it's sunset Sunset Dawn any
6301s time of day I'll take it I'll take it
6302s easy excellent stuff next up from Silent
6305s Echo this is called Fierce I told you
6307s more hilgen Prime would be coming oh
6309s yeah and she's back hell yes and she is
6312s uh
6312s I've never stopped to count how many abs
6315s she has I was thinking of that for the
6316s other one I was like
6318s but now her
6320s um sash let's call it gives the optical
6323s illusion of more abs
6325s so it's totally some extra ones hidden
6327s under there there's extra stuff yep
6330s yeah excellent excellent stuff
6333s it's a cool shot love me some pilgrim
6335s yeah and some greens too oh
6338s I love it
6340s all right rounding out our captura we
6343s have a speaking of this Airmen we're in
6345s the German latte this is a lovely gyre
6348s piece from Warren Z that's called guy or
6350s shock and awe
6352s oh so much
6354s it's uh
6356s she really it's you know what it's her
6357s it's her helmet that gives it that
6359s really lovely Crown uh feeling and the
6362s colors feel like Nicola Tesla to me
6363s which I enjoy for Gaia okay I never get
6367s it right it's dryer it's the same it's
6369s anytime I say one the others then said
6371s and now I don't know which ones I don't
6374s know which ones which eternalism both
6376s are correct yeah and that's our capture
6378s for this week but to round out or
6380s capture a discussion uh I was enthralled
6383s over the weekend
6384s uh the r slash Warframe subreddit which
6387s recently hit 600 000 uh users uh
6389s subscribers which is awesome awesome
6391s congratulations remember who's on it uh
6394s there was quite the debate over uh
6396s neuroptics and what the neuroptics
6399s actually pertain to so there's some
6401s really intense discussions uh this is
6403s from you King 2900
6407s um
6407s and they were saying uh clearly you're
6409s all wrong I'm pretty sure that's this
6411s one yeah and so you can see there's The
6413s Ear The Eye the back of the head and
6415s then the chin
6417s um so I think this was probably the most
6419s accurate interpretation a lot of people
6420s in the comments are saying like Okay
6421s yeah you've you've got it you've nailed
6423s it his eyes are too high but continue
6425s that is
6426s like this is where the forehead is like
6429s where the eye is like that flat part you
6430s know it's like I should be down where
6433s the light bit starts I agree yeah yeah
6435s if you think of a drawing ahead in art
6438s yeah in art class you know when you had
6441s to like do the big egg and then you had
6442s to like
6443s section anyway yeah yeah so King 2900s
6448s they're correct Taylor what do you think
6450s of you creators
6452s oh listen clearly you're all wrong
6455s it's exactly the other way bro whoa what
6458s kind of chin you got in real life
6462s or lack thereof yeah the back of your
6465s head is like the sharp you know they're
6467s happy they're laughing they're smiley
6470s I do like the the Contour of the ear
6472s though it's pretty accurate yeah I can
6475s see that that's pretty good and then my
6476s personal favorite from ecstatic page
6478s 6531
6480s it's on their objects babe that's all
6483s it's on their Optics
6486s worry about it someone also pointed out
6487s that the prime version has no concave
6491s ear it's flat so you can see on the
6493s prime version here the ears flat whereas
6495s on the other one
6496s it is concave
6498s make of that which you will
6500s make of that what you will crimes where
6502s it dropped on their head as a baby there
6504s was lots of
6506s there's many questions answered and more
6508s questions for them so thank you for that
6510s what you could call illuminate
6512s this discussion but I enjoyed every
6515s second of it it was that was fantastic
6517s all right and that's our captura and uh
6519s anatomical Warframe discussion
6522s woo
6523s all right we got 10 minutes and it's
6525s time for uh Dojo dojo
6535s [Music]
6538s beautiful so this is from Xbox original
6543s sitter this is Forest Market oh that's
6547s stunning oh my goodness oh a little
6550s Elden ring damn dad a lot of times this
6553s is last week so this is last week's okay
6555s I'm very impressed it doesn't look like
6558s a forest let's be impressed by this
6559s week's now hell yeah
6562s oh okay this makes way more sense Forest
6565s Farm yep
6567s yo this is so good this feels like it
6570s would be from us all the game I'd save
6572s all my allowance for that market
6574s could you imagine a pretty new coming
6576s over with like your kids and you pick
6578s out like some some like fresh alphabets
6581s they're following each other they're an
6583s elephant farm so that's what you were
6585s saying right elephants
6590s that is so cute and this is Moon Glass
6594s City look
6597s absolutely stunning I like I like to
6600s peruse the volume thank you I love glass
6602s buildings you guys I do too they're so
6605s impractical especially in Canada but I
6607s love them so much yeah that's what I
6610s used to build all the time in Minecraft
6611s anyway
6613s IRL well that's such a beautiful shout
6615s out in my spare time that is gorgeous
6617s that had a lot of uh a ton of atmosphere
6619s in it this is a winter wonderland now
6621s the total inverse huts
6624s with no windows at all that's cozy
6628s this reminds me of Skyrim especially the
6632s wait no yes yes Skyrim but that DLC
6636s where the books are if anyone knows what
6638s I'm talking about where you have to go
6639s to that other the Dragonborn DLC
6642s no it's the one where you actually go to
6644s a completely different Island oh it's
6645s Christmas it's Christmas oh it's like
6647s the little Lotus anyway it reminds me of
6650s one of the things over there if you know
6652s what I'm talking about more glasses oh a
6656s cave a creepy cave oh that is some uh
6659s cursed mistletoe this is the dragon of
6661s Sinners he's got some sparkly protecting
6665s the eggs I think if you touch those you
6668s would probably die oh yeah you're done
6670s you're toast the skull Village oh maybe
6672s it is the Dragonborn thank you guys
6676s hello
6678s beautiful job look at that that was the
6680s original centers sorry don't worry guys
6683s that was just a main thing sorry if you
6685s guys Marcus and Taylor sauce thing on a
6686s screen I didn't see that okay now we're
6689s good nothing to be seen original centers
6695s original winners original winners yes
6698s original winners
6700s beautiful all right should we get in a
6703s quick uh PC Dojo tour
6706s yeah we got time we got time okay we can
6709s do it we have the technology let's shoot
6711s why don't you do it I'm currently copy
6713s pasting all of the capture and Fan Art
6714s into the Discord for people so let's
6717s follow Marcus all right and I will
6719s multitask go up to the best of my
6721s ability this week
6723s we are gonna check out where are we
6726s going today
6727s I'm feeling Moon
6732s I love it sewer Sky group oh look at
6734s that icon
6737s that is that is false advertising the
6739s best way that does not look like a
6740s superstar
6742s unless sewer has multiple
6744s interpretations such as
6745s touching a nice Planet maybe it's Pluto
6748s shout out to Pluto Chad was very
6750s passionate about Pluto I yeah I saw that
6753s that was a yeah quite a lot I understand
6756s the emotional attachment chat but
6758s science transcends that whoa is that
6761s Pixlr chat let's read this whoa whoa
6763s let's read this setup
6765s ten I give it a 10 too
6768s oh this is a PC I think we saw this a
6771s couple weeks ago did we I'm pretty sure
6773s I remember looking at this and thinking
6775s about how amazing it was well we're
6776s gonna take a cursor glance at again okay
6778s yeah
6781s uh if I've fallen will I ever get up
6785s can I Helen if I jump off the edge will
6787s that reset me to the top not necessarily
6789s one way to find out you could try it I
6792s can climb up I can climb up the side
6794s here
6794s I can climb one side
6796s we have the technology
6799s can I look as I climb yes I can
6801s oh I get the nice nope come on back
6804s once I'm back at the top then we'll
6806s enjoy it again yeah just jump up thank
6807s you
6811s all right Billy Billy brilliant okay
6814s well yes I do remember the building we
6816s did we did check this out okay yeah we
6818s did I will mark it in the document
6820s perfect
6822s okay we've got about seven minutes left
6825s we could just comfortably we could save
6827s another dojo for next week and
6828s comfortably polish up the
6830s top ten top ten okay we'll do top 10
6832s we'll do and then I think we bought one
6834s more Platinum prize to do hey Helen all
6836s right all right all right let's check it
6837s out
6841s who is gonna win our next thousand
6844s Platinum Dr Chris Paulo congratulations
6848s you've won a thousand Platinum please
6850s message the Warframe Channel you're
6852s watching with your Warframe using the
6853s platform you play on and we will get you
6855s a thousand Platinum congratulations Dr
6857s crisp Dr crisp Dr C H yeah what kind of
6861s what kind of doctor would they be at
6862s Christmas Hollow
6864s Chris Paul is
6866s [Music]
6869s they've definitely be an internal
6871s internal ordinance doctor you know but I
6874s was like would they be a cream at
6875s College still like
6878s crispy
6879s I don't know someone's got to do it
6882s honestly if I was in a Game Dev I
6885s probably would be a crematologist is
6887s that really weird I thought you would be
6888s a carpenter Taylor I would also want to
6890s no I want to be an electrician
6892s um
6895s I would not survive around children so
6899s sorry to know all the kids out there
6902s it would not work okay
6906s [Music]
6908s I had no effective sideways
6913s of children let's see what top 10 has
6914s for us sorry coming in at number 10. oh
6918s I flipped these around uh the story may
6921s I kicked us off with hey Marcus does
6924s this stop does this count as a funny
6925s comment totally does yes for tonight it
6929s does it does it absolutely
6932s storm AI you've made it tonight
6935s uh uh Neo O2
6939s I don't even know in what context this
6942s is offered but I'm just happy it exists
6944s they just said Oxo booger
6947s Oxo yeah like oximoko but oh because of
6950s an argon Crystal it's just an Oxo Burger
6959s avoid boogers big void boogers
6963s that's why you gotta go dig in for him
6964s oh that's why they're hard to find
6966s sometimes
6968s sometimes
6969s oh God
6972s what is wrong with us today I think
6975s we're all exhausted
6977s I know honestly a Dev stream in the
6979s middle of the week you're done like it's
6981s not gonna happen it's the top 10 for the
6984s books whenever Megan does a prime time
6985s and does a Dev stream right now oh my
6987s goodness how did rev do this for years
6989s how did they do it together for years as
6992s well like coffee
6993s so much stuff so much coffee coffee and
6996s they're made out of baby for sure you
6997s know who else is having coffee volan
6999s says uh whisp Prime with toe beans
7002s oh
7005s that is that's definitely if Whispering
7007s exists she's got her house
7008s gotta have some toe beans
7011s uh coming in number seven small
7013s scarecrow says you aren't a Titania
7015s player if you haven't smacked into a
7017s wall at least three times position
7020s Titania players unite you know
7026s fast velocity are you really playing
7028s Warframe are you really trying you're
7030s trying to make it do extraction as fast
7032s as you can
7034s it's the only way to do it uh number six
7036s you little Twitches says here are the
7039s life in people's
7041s hear the life in people's voices drain
7043s as much as soon as their marriage
7045s Madness bets are cut to shreds I can't
7047s remember what it was in her voices that
7049s made it sad but this is the personal
7050s thing I wanted to talk about because
7052s tonight
7053s in a merge Madness bracket of like 25
7056s people me and my girlfriend are tied for
7058s first and second and who we have picked
7060s to win are playing each other oh so
7063s whatever bracket is about to explode
7065s tonight and one of us could potentially
7068s what's on the line here nothing oh pure
7071s Pride pure from honestly that's almost
7074s worse yeah it's like it's it's it's it's
7076s gonna be a dragon right so yeah so when
7079s I saw this March Madness thing I was
7080s like you know what I've I talked about
7082s golf I'm not going to bring up March
7083s Madness but I really enjoyed I really
7085s enjoyed it yeah it's a unique one for
7088s sure all right number five
7090s anomi moose great name said shots fired
7094s Taylor calls Reba relics
7100s the person who mentioned that
7103s um a boob window when you're old is the
7105s stained glass
7106s it's okay that was one of my favorite
7108s comments of all time this was years and
7110s years ago but it was so fun you know
7112s what she does a worker with us anymore
7114s she left us so yeah I can bully her and
7117s she won't hear it she'll she's still on
7120s a beach right now I'm sure honestly
7121s every you saying that I was like ready
7124s for the door just like we're gonna be
7125s like what
7131s you're the best she is number four
7134s Shinobi tenno
7136s Marcus looks like the lost son of George
7138s Clooney wow Marcus you're just here to
7140s pick it oh yeah I picked a lot of stuff
7142s about me what am I gonna say
7146s something sounded like Gabe from the
7147s office and I was like that is the
7149s biggest insult I've ever heard no matter
7151s I saw that same comment I was like I
7152s thought that's so nice I always thought
7154s Gabe was really cute another crazy fun
7157s fact when I started work here yeah on
7160s first slack you have to update your
7161s profile picture I had my picture as the
7163s guy who plays Gabe from Silicon Valley
7165s you do look a lot like because someone
7166s said I think it was Aiden said you look
7168s a lot like him and then I put that as my
7170s picture in the week later he's like yeah
7171s it's actually got to be you though and I
7173s was like okay that's very that's fair
7174s see like you looking like him is fine
7176s but like if you talk like him
7178s he's like
7180s crackle hard disagrees okay crackle hard
7183s disagrees thank you crackle crackles got
7185s my back I appreciate it you do not sell
7186s the game and I say this as someone who
7188s like loves how awful Gabe is he's anyway
7191s well now to talk more about me coming in
7194s number three room TV I'm kidding uh we
7198s were talking about uh Endo tasting like
7200s gushers and he said so gushers
7203s I like where your mind's at Roo
7205s definitely you're on that snap you're on
7206s that snack wavelength the hungry
7209s me too guys want to go get sushi after
7211s this yeah
7213s whoever said I look like uh Nicholas
7215s Cage I've I've heard that before and uh
7218s that's that's another one that cuts deep
7219s for years that I don't see it all
7222s I'll take that to the bank no you know
7224s who else is going to the bank Wing Zero
7225s 34. as you said 2023 Taylor eats Tide
7229s Pods
7231s Taylor eats Tide Pods the little behind
7233s on the trends you know but it's fine
7235s argon for sure is the Tide Pods of
7237s Warframe
7239s no Endo Endo is yeah
7242s all right because it's got the countries
7243s like it totally looks like
7247s then uh coming in number one because of
7249s just how absurd this was
7251s Mr 605
7253s is the temple flesh and see this vegan
7255s no it's not vegan that's so in typical
7261s to it being vegan it's called flesh it's
7265s so not vegan
7267s well you know there are some people who
7268s are like you know if
7274s is is
7276s voluntary cannibalism vegan like
7279s so long as no one is being harmed that's
7282s not what veganism is if we're going
7284s strictly by definition if no one is
7286s being it's about whether you're eating a
7288s life form actually look up the hard
7291s definition because it depends
7293s anyway I don't agree with anything wait
7296s do you feel like the sweetest do you
7298s think the cetus are one with the the
7300s Unum Tower and the flesh does the Unum
7302s Tower
7304s a person who does not eat any food
7306s derived from animals and who typically
7308s okay so no
7309s is the unimet animal
7312s but it is a creature
7314s is it I thought you talked to you yeah
7316s but is it the tower though I think Unum
7319s is the tower yeah I think it's a
7321s physical manifestation of the Tower
7323s okay I don't think
7325s I think the tower is alive but is not
7328s necessarily the unim I think the Unum is
7331s benevolent is like a Munch away
7334s okay would you say that like okay but
7336s like how were the towers made like are
7339s they're not grown like it's not living
7341s this is an organ Ingenuity question is
7344s it living I think so
7346s [Music]
7348s an Oregon Tower it's like living and
7351s stuff yeah it's like a big old it's like
7352s a it's like you gotta think of it as
7354s like a big ornate tree it's like a big
7355s tree but it's made of Flesh the thing
7359s people see us eat
7361s listen that's the best description of
7363s the Arkansas I've ever heard it's a big
7365s tree you know who else is a big tree
7367s hillgen Prime that's wrong someone's got
7370s to get ahead
7372s oh you got them drunks
7377s I'm losing my mind
7379s someone just said something really if
7381s someone grew
7382s animal meat in a lab would that be vegan
7384s oh now we're getting to the fun Club
7386s that's what I'm saying right like if it
7388s no okay well I'm not a vegan like what
7391s do you think Leota Pichi who just won a
7393s Hilton Prime access
7395s do you think
7398s do you think the cedar staff meat is
7400s vegan please let us know whisperos on
7402s Twitch with your opinion and also your
7404s in-game Alias and the platform that you
7406s play on
7408s and we will uh we'll we'll figure out
7411s all the questions that we don't have
7412s answers to right because that's that's
7414s the best one can I come back Megan
7417s things have gone off the rails we need
7420s you here Helen's done great on the PC
7422s except for that one
7425s musicians are low yeah Danny too Danny's
7427s a good grounding for us oh cool we get a
7429s Joe Pesci frame from Home Alone God I
7431s wish we could could you oh okay so it
7434s gonna be four feet tall
7437s ER sized
7443s all right Taylor Who Who Are You raiding
7445s tonight God I feel bad sending this to
7447s anyone after whatever just happened
7451s you get the raid regardless you don't
7453s get you just know that prime time is
7455s being sent to you not in what state that
7456s it's in chat we have to promise to not
7459s bring up cannibalism or veganism and
7462s we're standing this on we all have to
7463s behave everyone behaves good behavior
7467s anyway we're gonna be sending the love
7470s over to dysfusional oh just beautiful
7472s nice we love them so much so
7476s the next however long you decide to hang
7479s out with them uh another fantastic
7481s cosplayer prop maker we love her so much
7484s thank you guys so much for watching make
7486s sure to save the date for those
7487s tunnelcon tickets April 5th do not miss
7490s out on the wonderful alerts and bonus
7493s weekends starting tomorrow I believe at
7495s 2PM ET if I said it wrong you didn't
7497s hear it from me uh but yeah I hope you
7500s guys have a great rest of your week make
7502s sure you also check out the drops
7503s tomorrow on your Lucky Clover and a dick
7505s dark Sarah's channels hell yeah and I
7508s think that's all I got that's all thank
7510s you Taylor thanks for everything make
7511s sure you eat your wall meat well done
7514s yep and have a good night bye
7528s hmm
7532s baby
7533s you know it
7541s believe babe
7543s [Music]
7550s drink
7554s Nora knows
7557s life is a cornucopia friends
7561s a Movable Feast
7563s an act of guns