about 2 months ago - Warframe - Direct link
about 2 months ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hi everyone uh today I'm going to try to
3s look at YouTube chat yes and we don't
6s know if that's going to work but we're
8s here we're ready back totch for episode
11s eight of Dev shorts we have an agenda we
13s have 15 minutes on the clock no more no
16s less bear with us as we work through
18s this fine Dev shorts March Edition which
22s is a very special month for us for
24s Warframe in these parts my name is
26s Rebecca Ford and I will be taking you
27s through an agenda I'm joined by Steven
29s Sinclair who is currently navigating his
31s YouTube to see if he can find us on
34s YouTube yeah it's it's not going it's
37s not going well yeah that's okay hi
40s everyone welcome Steve hi thanks for
43s having me it's great to have you here
44s let's start talking about March for
46s Warframe big month Dante Unbound is
49s shipping this month so we haven't given
51s you a date yet but we hav't we have
53s given you a month so you're in that
54s month now you now you probably want to
57s know when in the month it's going to
58s happen but I won't tell you
60s but uh lots of things in this update so
63s each Dev shorts from now until on I'm so
65s bummed it's not showing up literally hit
66s the live
68s button just hit it and see what happens
71s just I was testing you I was testing
74s you you can listen to me rebain you oh
79s boy what does YouTube chat say YouTube
81s chat says guys found you guys on
84s YouTube am I the only one noticing the
89s camera
91s are we being watched what does that mean
93s I don't know that's unsettling oh that's
95s unsettling I'm glad I checked out this
97s chat now I have more paranoia than I
99s already did all right March Dante what
101s do you need to know well uh there's lots
103s happening lots lots of changes lots of
105s quality life fixes but things you
106s already know of course is Dante is
108s coming with a um Unbound expansion to
111s the Deep or well to the uh intrade lab
115s style set there's some things available
117s for you if you're rank five in the KV a
119s syndicate you'll be able to access deep
121s aredia which is our sort of uh string
125s together missions where you can decide
127s the difficulty to get a whole bunch of
128s rewards lots of stuff in the devstream
130s overview you can hug the kvia members
133s you can show affection or offer Comfort
135s to uh both well not both to Bird 3
138s Fibonacci and tagur and lot lots of nice
141s little things there but in terms of Q
143s we're going to focus on a couple today
144s for this uh Dev short one is a reminder
146s that call the archon shards available
149s from call are going to be moved to the
151s cavia for you to get one per week there
154s the cavia uh Syndicate will allow you to
156s buy one Shard per week on the same
159s schedule that you used to be able to do
160s it from chipper and call in that the
162s ascent Fusion mechanic is launching in
165s Dante Unbound which is you can take
167s three archon shards not four not four
170s you can take three that's three and you
173s can turn them into a tow forage so say
176s you've bought three are you doing the
178s glorious bastards thing doesn't that out
181s him as like the wrong I think so I think
183s he shows the wrong count in the bar and
185s his cover is blown Germans do it like
187s this yes something like that well no I'm
189s not doing that because I'm not in a
190s movie this is real
193s life and as a result we are giving you
196s three of the uh shards archon shards you
200s can turn into a tow forged that's the
202s vibe Dante Unbound we are also adding
205s disruption to the intrade tile set
207s wherein there are some Q improvements
209s for uh sound and being able to find the
212s demo list but whatever we're calling the
214s demo list in the intrade world of
216s course galvanized mods for melee uh
220s we're not adding any new galvanized mods
222s anytime soon Never Say Never but not
225s currently on the docket that's a good
227s idea that's a very good idea why can't
229s he get twitch drops on the iPhone
231s anymore ask Jeff Bezos I don't know
235s maybe you can maybe is that from our
237s side or is that uh twitch Chang their
240s apis quite frequently I don't know okay
243s we'd have to look into that uh someone
246s says sadness but you know what maybe you
248s should be happiness instead maybe that's
250s your problem I don't think it's quite
252s that simple pick the wrong emotion uh
254s it's never that simple uh bird three
257s merch win bird three merch did get made
260s you can buy the fluff the well there was
262s a campaign to get enough people
264s interested in the bird three thing to
266s ship the bird three thing and I think we
267s hit the milest the milest as far as I
269s know yeah yep look it up on our channels
272s I don't actually can you tell us about
274s the new incaran onos and how it would
276s work oo there's the onos and the ruox
279s two incarnate weapons are coming with
281s Dante Unbound both of them are earned in
283s the actual uh intrade lab experience you
286s don't get these ones from the serman nor
288s DUI so you'll have to you'll have to
290s play to learn a bit more about them oh
292s no spoilers no you're not going to
293s reveal your
295s secrets no uh but one correction I
299s wanted once it's not really a correction
300s it's more of like an elaboration and I
302s probably should have told someone's
303s doing unstuck in uh YouTube chat does
305s that work no will that unstick you from
308s Warframe but sticky Corners Q Dante
310s Unbound oh this is the one it goes out
313s yeah in March awesome we need like um
317s like a a sendoff for sticky Corners I
318s know we have to have a whole ceremony I
320s know yep uh uh what else do we have
323s going on we have uh a lot of great
326s questions in here uh someone says we
329s want new stuff and I mean you're just
330s talking about D bound coming soon this
332s month but okay so if you think of sure
335s when if you think of the January Dev
337s stream we had a slide in that devstream
340s that mentioned that we're going to
341s expand axie Fishers to new tile sets do
344s people remember this so for instance we
346s were saying wow we have these beautiful
347s tile sets like the zaraman and the inade
349s labs and Lua like what if you could run
352s relics there do people remember this
355s remember
356s this remember this YouTube chat was ring
359s on you I think there's a bit more
360s latency here oh Sho okay yeah but well
364s they're still reacting to Sticky corner
365s or maybe my phone's kind of slow to to I
368s don't know uh nevertheless the important
370s thing is we actually have like a full
371s feature write up on that or there will
373s be a full feature write up that to
374s explain what's coming I want to we want
377s to give it to everyone before the update
378s launches just so you can kind of get a
379s sense of what we're doing but it's
381s actually not going to be just axy
384s Fishers we're calling them Omnia Fishers
386s wherein you can open a lith relic in one
389s of the Omnia Fishers which only occur in
391s like the special area so you lith uh MSO
395s fiss only occur in the special
398s area I'm just saying I will do a better
401s job of communicating this very soon I
403s just wanted to update people from that
405s January devstream slide with people are
407s excited about that yep with what the
409s feature actually is we're adding a well
411s okay so you have your four eras of
412s relics you have your lith you have your
415s meso your Neo and your axi then you have
417s your special reuan well re requium
421s relics and then we're adding the Omnia
423s relics to the new tile set areas where
425s you can open any of the four era
427s specific relics in that's the plan uh
430s positive reject positive I almost said
432s positive
433s rejection I'm going to positively re
436s positive rejection no thank you for your
438s time uh lots of good reactions from that
441s people seem interested in that uh she
444s someone says you look annoyed at me so
446s there's that that's probably
448s true uh
450s um yep my job in the conversation
453s apparently is to derail a conversation
455s sorry about that I'm trying to read chat
457s as well that's kind of my job uh right
460s now uh someone's saying Reb any future
463s railjack updating
466s plans we'll have to talk about that in a
469s I I've seen a few things that are maybe
470s in the distance
473s stop uh someone's asking about uh dx12
477s Vulcan build all that kind of stuff uh I
480s have an agenda you know
485s oh agenda item dx12 what's what do we
488s got what a coincidence what a
489s coincidence uh yep
492s the the prefetch so we get rid of the
496s The Hitching and dx12 is uh still a
500s little bit of work in progress but
501s things are looking much better in that
503s regard I also could I also talk about
505s iOS a little briefly iOS agenda item
508s okay iOS
510s you're just you're just you're just
512s proving that uh that you added it right
515s uh yeah last week uh the team uh has
518s been working hard on uh ironing out
521s issues and last week they shipped an
522s update that makes loading I'm going to
525s mess this up and the computer scientists
527s people are going to get really irritated
528s with me but uh made loading five times
530s faster yes so we deployed literally five
533s times faster there was a significant
534s quality of life patch that went out with
536s the launch support we did we add the FPS
539s toggle FPS toggles in there the crazy
542s improvements to load times they figured
545s out what that issue was um which was uh
548s frame throttling not being accounted for
550s when allocating the streaming budget to
553s IO and also like the launcher was stuck
556s for some people they had like white
558s squares or like a wooden retry they
560s fixed that as well and then this week
562s they're working on crashes we're still
564s getting crashes in the audio system
566s sometimes at the end of a mission a busy
567s Mission and they are working on the
570s little hitches when you first start the
571s game which is similar actually problem
573s to uh directx12 where you get these PSO
576s compilation things it's sort of a modern
579s API Malay but uh yeah so if you or
582s someone you know um had any you know
585s either load time issues weren't happy
587s with load times give it another try and
589s another try stay tuned for the next up
591s be awesome uh and then someone is asking
595s oh well like okay is soul frame on the
597s agenda no
602s would you like it to be just briefly
604s okay what fine we'll fold that into
606s agenda item Steve Steve what's going on
608s uh and then so uh we shipped uh preludes
613s kind of 1.1 which has a new fa changes
616s to the Fay class that we have uh and
619s we're uh shipping an update today which
621s uh fixes direct X12 issues speak of
625s direct someone broke it who we'll never
628s know who broke
630s who broke the shading in DirectX 12
632s totally not my fault and then we're
635s going to be inviting 10,000 more envoys
637s to join us can I join uh no okay
640s absolutely not absolutely not well that
643s okay so there there's not until we have
644s infested
646s wiches see see what I did
649s there okay we had ourselves our soul
652s frame agenda back to Warframe back to
654s Warframe uh St Patty's Day uh
656s festivities have launched so if you're
658s looking for weekend alerts with the the
659s Corpus we have some Cosmetics the St
661s Patrick's Day uh event stuff is in game
664s right now it's live you can get yourself
665s some goodies look forward to some
666s weekend alerts to do some some fine and
669s lucky activities in World fine and lucky
672s activities the finest and lest
673s activities we also announced agen next
676s agenda item Tenon tickets for the
678s in-person event go on sale on March 28th
681s so again A lot's happening in March we
683s are launching the ticket sales for Tenon
685s 2024 if you want to come to the inperson
687s event the ticket sales begin on the 28th
689s of March set your calendars there are a
691s limited amount uh good luck out there
694s they sell out real fast these days I
695s remember Tenon 2016 we weren't sure if
697s it was even going to sell out and now
699s they sell out in a day so um and we'd
702s love to see you and if you don't get a
704s ticket or you can't make the travel
707s we're going to have tons of online stuff
708s we tons of online stuff it's going to be
710s absolutely a great day to learn all
712s about Soul frame and nothing but
714s Warframe that is not true it's not true
717s but uh if you want if you um do want to
719s register for cosplay or the community
721s art showcase those forms are available
723s as well so there are things you can do
725s um if you want to get involved in the
727s cosplay side of Tenon and or the
728s Community Showcase side so if you're
730s working on a piece of art or some type
733s of um there's more than just art in it
735s like a model or anything uh that you
738s might want to submit please make sure
739s you're checking the website warframe.com
741s and you can learn more about that there
743s so that's happening in March we're
744s putting tickets on sale but we're also
746s I'm doing a little text support as well
748s someone is saying that their iOS version
750s is not working it would be amazing if
753s you head logs huh logs head to their
757s forums make a post someone can reach out
760s there's a way to collect logs uh as well
763s is it a four finger tap four finger tap
766s uh it will collect logs and uh we can uh
769s get those and use that to troubleshoot
771s um really would appreciate if you are
773s someone who's stuck uh with the iOS
775s build it' be amazing for you to reach
777s out and talk to our crew
780s uh they would love to hear from you and
781s and make it right Cory's right there
783s I'll see you on the forums oh my God D
784s Cory online Cory is already uh he's in
787s YouTube chat that's awesome do Cory
788s online yeah so talk to Corey uh he's um
791s running the community side on the US and
793s I would love to and he's already had
795s some great success I just we heard today
796s someone had all crazy loading problem
799s and it's all fixed up with latest
800s updates so reach out thank you uh we
802s also have our last agenda item for today
805s is P's hype we are doing devstream 178
808s live at packs on March 22nd if you want
811s to catch our next Dev stream where we
812s have tons and tons of stuff we're
814s talking about this March March 22nd live
816s from packs it will also be streamed
819s watch it home come in the live Audi it
820s is going to be streamed it is so you can
822s watch it a cuz I'm going to miss it CU I
825s uh I'm kind of double booked for GDC
827s stuff are you giving a talk on
830s GDC I'm being talked at here's how to
832s fix direct X12 don't say that how not to
835s break direct X12 exactly positive
838s rejection
840s rejection okay so we went over St
842s Patty's Day this March Dante Unbound
844s this march with lots of Q buff calaban
846s buff
847s calaban as part of GDC with Steve uh we
850s have I said it for you Chad I said it
852s for I your name scrolled by but I'm
855s advocating for you when are we going to
857s get some arwing necrom updates Rebecca
859s arwing necrom yes there's a slash in
863s between there um well as y'all may or
867s may not know for arwing uh we we had
870s content made for modular arwing but we
872s have no um design plans or anything to
874s ship that so that's kind of really a um
877s why would say that because I give people
879s the truth I don't give this is this is
883s becoming like a I I can tell you stay
886s tuned or I can say yo we're not working
887s on it it's up to you you want the
889s version of me I always like I always
891s thought wargaming was very funny because
893s someone in World attacks say like we
895s should do this and that dev's always to
896s be like absolutely not