almost 5 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

The first Operation of 2020 is in development for Nintendo Switch! We are grabbing everything from the recently released 27.3.0 update on PC, which of course includes Operation: Scarlet Spear and much more! We will also be grabbing Hotfixes that will be going live on PC over the next while that address bugs and bring changes necessary to improving the Operation and anything else that needs polish. 

Once we have sent it to Cert we will update this thread with the news and include the total download size so that you have time to manage space if needed. Now let's get into what you can expect with Operation: Scarlet Spear: 27.3.0. 

Console Specific Notes: 

  • Controller Changes & Fixes:
    • Fixed inability to activate Railjack Abilities bound to the same button as ‘MOVE_UP’.
    • Fixed context actions sometimes not displaying the correct button callout to use them.
    • Fixed nonfunctional button callouts when upgrading avionics and attempting to filter the type. 
    • Fixed the button callouts for "Toggle Interior" and "Randomize All" in the Railjack Customization Menu not functioning properly.
    • Fixed two Callouts for the same button, Sort and Distill, in the Arcane Manager Screen. 
    • Fixed Rank Up button not appearing outside of the Arcane Equip screen when opened via Foundry.
  • The following additions that came with PC’s Update 27.2.0 are still in development for Switch and will not be available in this update: 
    • HDR Preview +  Deferred Rendering Preview: We are still looking into the tech support to potentially bring this to Switch, but that depends entirely what the console allows. We will be exploring, but are apprehensive on saying it will absolutely be coming in the future as we do not know the extend at which we would be able to make this work on Switch. We will update you if that changes! 
    • Audio dynamics processing to master output: The code to support this is currently not ready to go live on Switch with this update! We are still working towards it for a future release. 

Switch Specific Notes: 

  • Fixed the slider for the Field of View option showing “0.025” after using the right arrow icon past the 90 max. 
  • Fixed Credit total in the End of Mission screen not taking into account Kuva Lich tax while Credit Booster is active. 
  • Fixed objective markers moving wildly in Plains of Eidolon and Fortuna missions depending on the player's position while in Archwing. 
  • The “known issues” list that was posted in the last update thread have been resolved:  


Operation: Scarlet Spear

“It’s a two-prong attack - Ground team and Railjack team! “ - Little Duck

This update features Operation: Scarlet Spear - a brand new event that will require the ultimate effort from the Tenno. The fight against the Sentient Threat has reached new heights - and the Tenno will be using the new “Operation Link” aka OpLink! Ground teams and Space teams will be connected realtime using OpLink - working together to deter the Sentients! 

For a limited time, you’ll be able to earn a new Weapon, a new Weapon Variant, Stance Forma Blueprint, Medals, Arcanes and more! 

A forum thread will be posted detailing Operation: Scarlet Spear and how you can participate in the fight against the Sentients once it is live on Switch. 

Arm yourself with new Railjack Avionics to bring aid in the wake of Operation Scarlet Spear! You will be able to find these Avionics from new Sentient Fighters, officially known as Gyrix and Ionix, in the Railjack mission of Scarlet Spear.

  • Breach Adrenaline: Increase Shield Regen during a Breach
  • Sentient Fortitude: Decrease Shield Damage from Sentients
  • Revo Reducer: Omni Revolite consumption reduced 
  • Sentient Scalpel: Increased Gunnery Damage vs Sentients
  • Hardened Casing: Reduce Breach Chance
  • Overloader: Increase Maximum Ordnance Munitions

Harness the reactive power of Nova Atomica. Features the Nova Atomica Skin, Alamos Sniper Skin, and Radia Syandana.

Compose ballads of old threats risen anew, with this Shawzin.

If Biomasses, Biofluid and Bones are your vibe then strap yourself in for an abundance of new Sentient themed Dojo Decorations! 

Add these new Mods to your Arsenal to spice up your life! These Mods will be available for purchase from the Arbitrations Honors store in Relays.

  • Preparation (Warframe): +100% Energy on Spawn
  • Aerial Ace (Rifle): On Kill: Refresh Double Jump up to 6x while Airborne
  • Mending Shot (Rifle - No AoE): Shoot Health Orbs to obtain them with +110% extra effect
  • Energizing Shot (Pistol - No AoE): Shoot Energy Orbs to obtain them with +110% extra effect

Not everyone desires the Passive attributes that Zephyr, Nezha, and Titania bring, but still want to use them in battle. With these new Augments you can now rid yourself of their attributes and bring them to a more grounded version.

  • Zephyr: Anchored Glide: Disable Zephyr passive ability. Increase power strength by 15%.
  • Nezha: Controlled Slide: Disable Nezha passive ability. Increase power strength by 15%.
  • Titania: Ironclad Flight: Disable vacuum in Razorwing. Reduced damage by 40% while airborne.

The New War Chapters:
As you may already know, in Warframe Revised we added The New War Chapters section of the Codex that allows you to shortcut to the Chimera Prologue and the Erra Quest (Sacrifice Quest completion required).

For those who have not logged in since before Warframe Revised, you will be presented with a welcome screen once the update is live that will include a direct shortcut to The New War Chapters to get you up to speed before you play Operation Scarlet Spear.

We’ve made a few changes to The New War Chapters section of the Codex:

  • Selecting a completed New War Chapter will show the End of Quest screen.
  • Selecting a New War Chapter in progress will show the Quest details like in the Codex.

Ensure you’re ready for the next chapter in The New War!

General Additions:

  • Open your eyes to a new Drusus tale with the Nova Leverian! Access the Leverian through the Codex or Market (via Nova).
  • Mastery Rank 28 Tenno will soon be able to practice the Mastery Rank 29 Test in Cephalon Simaris’ Relay room!
  • Added an option in Captura to ‘Enable Self-Knockdown’.
  • Added custom reload sounds for the Miter!

Impact Changes:
Instead of ending in a knockdown or ragdoll, accumulating 5+ Impact Effects in this update will result in a "big stagger" with smaller staggers leading up to it, which has a random chance to activate a Parazon Finisher if the enemy is under the Health threshold. Each Impact Status adds 10% chance for the Parazon Finisher to be available. 

Gas Changes:

  • Gas Effects will continue to tick radial Damage-over-Time for the average of the remaining Effect duration if their host dies. 
  • Gas Status Area-of-Effect radius increases with the number of stacks, to a max of 10 stacks.
  • Removed Gas damage resistance from Toxic Ancient Auras. 

Status Chance Mod Changes:

  • Increased Hammer Shot Status Chance from 40% to 80%.
  • Increased Shattering Justice Status Chance from 20% to 90%.
    • Shattering Justice has also changed from being an additive rankup to a multiplicative rankup.
  • Increased Stunning Speed Status Chance from 10% to 30%.

Kuva Lich Changes:

  • Based on feedback with the recent overhaul to Status Effects in Warframe Revised 27.2.0, the conversation of how Status Effects should react with Bosses or VIPS has started. Our first step down this road is starting with Kuva Liches. Currently, there are two special rules to this “Boss Status enabling”:
    • No Status Effect will exceed a maximum of 4 stacks, with the exception of Impact which can stack up to 6 times.
      • Keep in mind there is a cooldown to how quickly you can stack up Impact Status Effects to avoid stunlocking the Kuva Lich.
  • Radiation does not change the enemy’s Faction, and instead of increasing Damage done to enemies with stacks, it increases the Damage taken from enemies who have turned on him/her.


  • Further performance improvements towards Titania’s Lantern when cast on a large group of enemies. 
  • Improved cache optimization to clean up even more space in the download cache.
  • Improved world-state synchronization for Alerts, Sorties and other global events (there may have been up to a minute of desync).
  • Optimized backdrop rendering performance in all levels.
  • Fixed Codex generation randomizing the block order of the Fragment entries (this should be deterministic to avoid updating several MB of resource for no reason).
  • Improved game synchronization in hostile network environments.

Railjack Changes & Fixes:

  • Added Battle and Tactical Avionic categories in the Avionics Upgrade screen.
  • Crewship boarding will be denied when the meltdown timer has 3 seconds remaining.
    • This is to avoid multiple issues with being put into a broken state due to the boarding cinematic competing with the Crewship exploding/attempting to teleport you out.
  • Removed the hanger door of the Grineer POI with the ‘Steal the Destroyer’ objective to resolve issues of the door not opening. When in doubt take it out!
  • Upon returning back to the Railjack after exiting through the Archwing Cannon, in this update you’ll be spawned at the back of the Railjack bridge instead of near the Forging Bay.
  • Enemies that you’re focused on while in a Turret in this update will display their Status Effect stacks.
  • Fixed Exo Skold Crewships in the Veil Proxima dropping Mk I Armaments. In this update they will drop MK III Armaments as intended.
  • Fixed the UI in the Super Weapon Platform not updating after the Radiator is destroyed for Clients.
  • Fixed inability to disengage bombs placed by Grineer Boarding Parties if a Host migration occurs during a Railjack mission.
  • Fixed incorrect Archwing movement animations if you exit the Railjack while Bullet Jumping (Moving left will play the forward animation, moving forward will play the moving right animation, etc).
  • Fixed a bug where the screenshake from a Grineer Crewship reactor meltdown would linger forever if it was active when the Crewship exploded.
  • Fixed Vidar Reactors Mk III missing their component modifiers. 
  • Fixed Tactical Menu not displaying correct Battle Avionic values that have had their Grid Upgraded in the Dry Dock.
  • Fixed case of  Crewships sometimes staying completely still.
  • Fixed seeing black boxes when in Turret AR mode.
  • Fixed Railjack fighters sometimes going out of level bounds while in combat.
  • Fixed the ‘Forge All’ button having no effect or sound. 
  • Fixed having to select the ‘Railjack Crew’ button twice when selecting it from Dojo Navigation.
  • Fixed Railjack name text lingering behind when joining another player’s squad and loading into their Dry Dock.
  • Fixed missing looping sounds for Ramsleds in the Saturn Proxima and Veil Proxima.
  • Fixed a script error when casting the Railjack Void Hole ability. 

Foundry Crafting Time Change:

  • As per player request, we’ve reduced Forma, Orokin Catalyst, Orokin Reactor, and Exilus Warframe Adapter build time to 23 hours so that 1 can be built consistently every day.

Magus Lockdown Changes:

We are making changes to Magus Lockdown due to it being virtually one of the best CC and Damage combinations in the game. In some cases you can clear waves of Elite Sanctuary Onslaught without even using a Warframe or Weapon, and simply spam Magus Lockdown to victory. This goes well beyond the intended use of it and we are changing it to a CC only Arcane - true to its name - Magus Lockdown! 

  • Magus Lockdown will no longer apply Puncture damage to tethered enemies.
  • The amount of active Tethers is now limited to 2 per player. 
    • For example, Void Dash once > one Tether, Void Dash again > 2nd Tether, Void Dash a 3rd time > 3rd Tether, 1st Tether dies etc..
  • Magus Lockdown no longer affects the Golden Maw due to the Arcane killing the Maw and preventing Quest completion. 
    • This also fixes a script error when Magus Lockdown activates while encountering a Golden Maw.

Grendel Changes:

  • Grendel’s Nourish now mimic’s Titania’s Tribute buff selector.
    • If you’re unfamiliar with Titania’s Tribute buff selector, this means that Nourish is a tap to cycle/select buff and hold to cast. This is a reverse of how it functioned prior to this Update.
  • When consumed by Grendel, Sentients now have a max duration they can be consumed before popping out that is affected by diminishing returns.
    • This change was made to prevent Grendel from prog stopping missions where all Sentients must be exterminated for the mission to succeed. 
  • Grendel can now consume Grenades - cause why not!

Titania Changes & Fixes:

  • Titania has a new Passive: Titania generates Health for herself and nearby Allies every time she casts an Ability (4hp/second for 20 seconds)! The personal Titania Parkour Boost is staying, just the communal Trampoline isn't.
  • Titania can now use Blink while in her Razorwing ability!
  • Fixed casting Titania’s Razorwing right as you fall into a teleport volume in the Simulacrum resulting in an infinite white screen.

Arcane UI Changes:

  • Updated the Arcane ‘DISTILL’ term to ‘BREAK DOWN’ to acquaint new Arcane Management mechanics.
  • Added tips to the Arcane screen for ‘BREAK DOWN’, Arcanes that refresh, and how to obtain respective Arcanes. 
  • Arcanes are now displayed with their respective Icon in the HUD, instead of the generic Arcane icon.
  • The Rank-Up button 'ZR' is now displayed to the left of the next Arcane Rank in the Arcane Upgrade screen.
  • Arcanes that are sold in Vendor Offerings will now only show Max Rank tooltip information, and UI indication that the Arcane you’re purchasing is Unranked. 
    • This fixes Arcane tooltips expanding off screen when viewed in Vendor Offerings. 
  • Clarified Arcane requirements for Arcane Trickery, Arcane Ultimatum, and Exodia Might by adding ‘Kill’ to the ‘On Finisher’ line.

General Changes

  • Increased Status Chance for the Gunblade type weapons to match new Shotgun Status Chance values.
  • Made Fall Off changes to the following weapons:
    • Redeemer 
      • Fall Off increased from 20-40m to 10-20m.
    • Redeemer Prime
      • Fall Off increased from 20-40m to 10-30m.
  • The Rakta Dark Dagger Shield bonus when damaging an enemy afflicted by Radiation in this updater will only be granted if you have Shields.
  • Atlas’ Immovable Passive in this update will also apply to Staggers.
  • The Warframe Upgrade Arsenal stats in this update will display Resistance values granted by Mods:
  • Made spawn changes to improve flow of enemies in the Lua Survival tileset.
  • Removed knockdown from Elite Shield Lancer grenades.
  • Charging weapons, like the Staticor, previously only showed Charged Attack Damage in the Arsenal stats, in this update we additionally show Quick Shot Damage values below the Charged Attack stats.
  • You will no longer receive Ghoul Threat Inbox messages due to their redundancy. 

3 pages of fixes are coming with Update 27.3.0. The full list will be posted once the update is live!

almost 5 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link
On 2020-03-24 at 8:28 PM, (NSW)C4ffy said:

[DE]Danielle on Stream today said that once consoles' Scarlet Spear update is live we'll have 4 weeks as well so April 21st is for PC Only.

Correct! April 21st is PC ONLY. 

Once we have sent to Cert and cleared it we'll have an idea of when the Operation will begin for you all on consoles. Once its live you will have 4 weeks to play the Operation 🙂

almost 5 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link

We have posted a "1-Week Later Top Items" thread to inform PC players on the current state of and plans for Operation: Scarlet Spear. We also included a note relevant to our console players that we are sharing here with you to get you up to speed:

2 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

For our Console Tenno, everything listed above will also be included in the launch of Operation: Scarlet Spear on PS4, XB1, and Switch. This means the following: 

  • Operation: Scarlet Spear will run for a total of 5 weeks once live on consoles.
  • The Ground Assault and Murex Raid Scoring changes will be live on launch.
  • Rare and Legendary Arcanes will be available in Little Duck’s store in the Flotillas on launch. 
  • Fixes galore! 

As a follow up to our last status update, the Console team continues to grab fixes and changes from PC to address important issues with Operation: Scarlet Spear before we send it to Cert. You can stay up to date with where the team is at with the Update by visiting our Status threads.

Be sure to read the full post to get all of the details!

almost 5 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link

Cross-posting from the PS4 Status thread: 

25 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:

While we are including the changes and fixes from Update 27.3.8 (which also brought TennoGen Round 18 items to PC) in our Cert build, a new TennoGen Bundle will not be launching with Operation: Scarlet Spear. Transfers are known to take some time and at this current moment where we and many others have had to make work/life shifts with whats been going on in the world we are unable to give you a clear timeline for when you can expect the next one to make its way to consoles. We will however keep you in the know as to when we'll work towards the next curated list of TennoGen goods for you guys. 

Thanks guys!

almost 5 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link

As announced on today's Work From Home Community stream, we are aiming to send to Cert this week!