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Howdy, Tenno!
Kahl’s second ‘Break Narmer’ mission, Junk Run, is available if you’ve ranked up to Encampment in Kahl’s Garrison before the rollover occurred on Sunday. If you have yet to take on Kahl’s Sneaky Sabotage, Junk Run will await you after his next rollover.
Speaking of Kahl’s next rollover, we’re moving that date/time to align with the Archon Hunt rollover of Wednesday, September 28th at noon ET, meaning there will be no rollover this Sunday, September 25th. We have a few crucial mission fixes we would like to go live before the mission is available, and we aim to Hotfix Wednesday morning.
We plan to eventually move both Kahl’s Break Narmer missions and Archon Hunts to align with the classic Sunday reset (think Nightwave). We’ll update you when we’ve made that change!
Thank you!
Kahl’s second ‘Break Narmer’ mission, Junk Run, is available if you’ve ranked up to Encampment in Kahl’s Garrison before the rollover occurred on Sunday. If you have yet to take on Kahl’s Sneaky Sabotage, Junk Run will await you after his next rollover.
Speaking of Kahl’s next rollover, we’re moving that date/time to align with the Archon Hunt rollover of Wednesday, September 28th at noon ET, meaning there will be no rollover this Sunday, September 25th. We have a few crucial mission fixes we would like to go live before the mission is available, and we aim to Hotfix Wednesday morning.
We plan to eventually move both Kahl’s Break Narmer missions and Archon Hunts to align with the classic Sunday reset (think Nightwave). We’ll update you when we’ve made that change!
Thank you!