about 2 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

Echoes of Veilbreaker: Hotfix 32.1.3


Ven’kra Tel & Sprag Fixes: 

We have fixed script errors triggered by Kahl Breaking Veils that resulted in mission issues for both Ven’kra Tel & Sprag. These script errors also prevented both the “Find and defeat Ven’kra Tel” and “Find and defeat Sprag” Challenges from being achievable.

That said, upon login, 15 Stock will be sent via Inbox for those who have the respective incompletable Challenge noted above in “Prison Break” or the “Junk Run” Break Narmer missions.

Both Challenges will also be swapped to "Complete" in the Challenge tracking screens. 


Break Narmer Mission Changes & Fixes: 

  • Fixed Break Narmer missions being able to be played with other players - these missions are designed to be single player only. 

  • Fixed the mines in Sprag’s arena remaining active while appearing inactive after Kahl dies. 

  • Fixed the Medusalyst Turrets dealing virtually no damage during the “Free Your Brothers” stage of the Prison Break Narmer mission.


PC/Xbox Cross Platform Play Fixes: 

  • Fixed being unable to invite or send a message to a player from another platform by using the “Invite”/”Send Message” buttons on their profile. 



  • Fixed the Corinth using 3 rounds of ammo per alt-fire shot instead of the intended 1.  

  • Fixed being unable to complete the IO, Jupiter Defense Archon Hunt mission due to a friendly Shockwave Moa spawning.  

  • Fixed the Despot Cape Syandana clipping into the Drifter’s shoulders/upper back. 

  • Fixed offset issues with the Asa (default and Phased), Deru, Hecate, Graxx Spitfire, Ki'Teer Straed, Despot Cape, Harkonar (default and Wraith), Kuva Cloak, Massif Prime, Yamako (default, Rubedo and Prisma), Quaro, Suparna, Synkra, Thorac, Vexillus Cloak, Yomo, and Stratum Syandanas when equipped on the male Drifter. 

  • Fixed offset issues with the Ayla, Bennu, Centuria, Deru, Despot Cape, Eklis, Gigelor Prime, Graxx Spitfire, Jotunheim Music, Ki’Teer Straed, Mucusk, Nave Prime, Opulas Robe, Reshantur Cult, Salix (default and Solstice), Telos, Valesti, and Zamariu Syandana when equipped on the female Drifter. 

  • Fixed offset issues with the Phased Asa, Asa, Glistor, Mozi, Synkra, and Imperator Festive Syandanas when equipped on the Nightwave Drifter Suit. 

  • Fixed the default Defense target downed transmission playing instead of Chipper’s in Archon Hunts. 

  • Fixes towards the occasional ambient volume spike that could occur when leaving the elevator from Fortuna to the Orb Vallis. 

  • Fixed the charged projectile attack by Narmer enemies ignoring Limbo’s Rift state.

  • Fixed Message of the Day messages in chat being cut off in several languages.

  • Fixed the background image of the “Spawn Enemies” menu lingering after exiting it in Captura (Default and Kahl). 

  • Fixed script error that could occur if you unveiled Brothers in Kahl Captura.

about 2 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link
1 minute ago, XHADgaming said:

Your condition is not the same as mine. You actually ran into the boss and got the script error.

I did not, I did not even touch or see the boss so I wouldn't have earned the 15 stock before this update regardless if it was bugged or not.

The way it is worded in the patch notes is a bit confusing since my understanding is that everybody would be getting that 15 stock if you have the challenge present and I just want to confirm that this is the case. Your condition isn't the one I am looking for since it is hard to tell if you got the challenge completed since you did the boss fight beforehand, I am looking for if someone would be getting that 15 stock if they haven't done the boss fight already and just merely has it as their challenge. 

You will receive the 15 Stock if you have the Challenge, not if you've attempted to run it and ran into the issue. 

about 2 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link
2 minutes ago, Slayer-. said:

Yes please, didn't see it in the patch notes, don't let it slip into the abyss like other bugs. Thank you. for the hotfix as well.

It's on the radar!