3 months ago - Warframe - Direct link
3 months ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s promotion stream is starting good
3s morning I'm just uh going to check that
5s we're
7s live uh yeah
10s okay hey everyone how's it going happy
15s Tuesday June 18th it's Jade Shadows
17s launch day this is a promotional stream
19s to talk about the update I'm just
21s checking all my tech to make sure you
23s can hear me make sure you can see me and
25s then we will rock and
28s roll Maybe life maybe
33s not as you can see I have a guest chair
36s hoping to get some guests in today cuz
39s I'm at the office might as well you know
43s you can see you can hear yay okay
48s cool all right Jade more like Jade
52s Shadows of the earth tree am I right
55s fam
58s okay welcome
60s we have
63s time when red text starts we'll know
67s when to stop streaming basically let me
69s just pop out chat
71s and pop out chat very good close the
76s stream good morning
79s Gamers hi are we getting any calls today
81s I'm actually not streaming from my phone
84s but uh like realistically we could get
87s calls I can't control if someone calls
89s me or not it could be a verified stream
92s moment these were handed me today by our
96s CSR
97s manager so
100s yeah okay I have chat
103s open we are going what is this camera
106s quality trash I don't know I can tell
109s you right now no camera can help me so
113s uh the video looks
115s weird what looks weird about it is it
118s because I'm at the edge is it like a
119s fishee
121s I don't
122s know what is the is it like a weird
126s camera what's it's almost gray
135s scale there we go I don't know what was
138s wrong with it is it a fisheye okay not
142s the point now I'm alive I
146s live uh let's talk about Jade Shadows
150s there therefore let's watch the update
153s trailer see you on the other side of the
157s [Music]
164s trailer who do you want
166s Shadow to cleanse who topar their blood
176s [Music]
187s sorus you know whose help she
191s [Music]
194s [Applause]
198s needs will you let her drown in your
202s despair
212s just
229s [Music]
232s [Applause]
234s [Music]
238s [Applause]
241s [Music]
242s [Applause]
245s [Music]
249s okay the music the music the trailer
252s okay so the trailer the music the
255s trailer went on I was here by myself and
257s then now thank goodness we're joined by
259s Eric what's going what's going on
261s Welcome to the talk show yeah excited to
263s be releasing today hey everybody how's
265s it going if you don't know this is my
266s fishey stream where if we sit at the
269s total peripheral of the stream it looks
270s like I love it that's so dumb there you
274s go it's like playing with my iPad
276s exactly look at us okay uh let's talk
278s music what's going on music yeah super
281s excited about it this time uh as always
284s Matt Chalmer uh was working hard on this
287s soundtrack we recorded some live choir
289s for it this time around so you're going
290s to hear that theme kind of throughout uh
293s the update and yeah just really excited
295s to share it we we use the choir and and
297s the Warframe sounds too Jade herself
299s indeed indeed indeed so yeah choir
302s themed yeah it was you know yeah like
305s you said live choir recorded maybe at
307s Tenon will show people behind the scenes
308s is that part of the sound panel plan
310s absolutely yeah yeah if you're at Tenon
311s or watching Tenon uh we'll have some
313s cool behind the scenes videos of that
315s session and how we use it all right
317s let's see let's see what I can pull up
319s here I have some cool oh there we go
320s okay so yes there we go now we're now
322s we're so J Shadows launches today
325s probably in like the next maybe 30
328s minutes un soon unless we're told
331s otherwise someone asked if we're going
333s to get any calls on this stream Megan
334s can call me if that plan changes so
336s you're kind of stuck with us with like
338s for 30 minutes to talk about J Shadows
340s without spoiling anything no spoilers
342s The Ultimate we promise but choir the
345s choir the choir yeah the choirs
347s throughout the whole thing yeah we had
349s fun with that yeah hell yeah I think
352s back when we first saw it the code name
354s was quiet frame y so it was an obvious
356s choice but um sometimes wasn't fun it
359s was fun you really get to lean into it
361s yeah when the word when code name choir
363s hits you just go all right okay I think
364s I know what we're doing did you do I I
366s don't want to spoil anything so I have
367s to be very careful about where I go
369s because I do have gameplay up oh
370s actually one sound thing that was uh
373s really you were you were sick and tired
375s of people getting anxiety over shopping
377s in the market you changed oh yeah yeah
380s yeah we hold on hold on hold on I got
383s the perfect thing for this there it is
385s all right so now if you're shopping in
387s the market it's a little more chill it's
389s a little the music was used to be kind
392s of the Tao drums and and fairly intense
395s and uh yeah we just relaxed it a little
396s bit it's not it's yeah it's a more chill
399s there you go shopping
401s experience and actually they're they're
404s they're like deep cuts of some other
407s tracks where we in the market track yeah
409s we re-edit some things so those tracks
411s are actually kind of probably parts of
413s other tracks you haven't heard before so
415s yeah swing by the market and check it
416s out yeah make sure the first thing you
418s do in this update is go to the market
419s not to buy anything listen to just to
421s listen to the music do not buy a thing
424s just listen to the music but you can buy
426s things too we'll talk a little bit about
428s that actually we have a whole bunch of
429s patch notes preview we can do too let's
431s let's think of what we shall what shall
433s we what shall we scheme here today
436s there's so much cool stuff to show I
438s know I'm trying to the background music
440s what can you show what what can I even
441s show without spoiling anything well
444s let's see here we got some cool pictures
446s uh lots of exciting things today in the
447s update we have over 55 pages of Pat
449s notes unbelievable yeah that's a lot
452s it's a lot of patch notes um we also are
454s relying on chat to keep us posted on
456s what's going on in the Nintendo Direct
457s don't forget to tell us what's happening
459s there uh would love to know what's going
461s on uh otherwise though stalker stalker
464s he's here he's here he's got his own
466s Quest we're getting a glimpse into his
467s backstory yeah what's what what could be
470s happening with stalker you'll have to
472s play observe spoiler courtesies please
475s which is to say feel free to talk about
477s the update just put spoiler tags where
479s you um wherever it is you talk about it
481s if it's Discord if it's Reddit forums
483s Twitter just be uh spoiler friendly
486s that's it that's it that's all now I
489s think a good question is are you ready
490s for the quest have you finished the new
492s war yes of course what about
496s chat you can only play this's a yes I
499s saw a yes A first time chat say yes all
501s lowercase yes we we ran some numbers of
504s like everyone that logged in yesterday
507s how many of them are at the P like what
510s percent so our players represented as a
512s percent what percent are ready to play
515s Jade Shadows of the group that logged in
517s yesterday let's say do you have any
519s guesses um 45% that's almost exactly
523s right did you cheat did you look that's
525s exactly right so that means there's 55%
527s of you that aren't ready so let's let's
530s is it right on 45 wow that's why I
532s always go for the half numbers cuz it's
534s more more impressive it is impressive it
536s was 45 right on damn it I'm going to the
540s casino today yeah right we are going to
542s win some Dosh okay the 55% need to lock
546s in FRFR it's true but this is um a story
550s update it also has a new game mode and
552s the patch notes are pretty substantial
555s so oh but also coming
557s tenen so cool I love that mask yeah
561s Lavos is getting some love here with an
563s ALT helmet with tenen Incredible Laos
565s enjoyers in the chat actually okay oh so
568s cool because of all the damage rework in
570s this update for instance uh blast got a
572s rework magnetic got a rework just a lot
575s of reworks I was playing Lavos and I was
578s telling Pablo like oh I can't wait for
579s the Lavos meta and he just like shook
580s his head because not g to happen but
583s playing blast or magne magnetic Lavos is
586s pretty pretty good that's awesome people
588s have to try it outly exactly so good and
592s then oh Equinox oh gorgeous three frames
595s in one yeah that was could you imagine
598s asking someone in this day and age like
600s hey I need we're making a new Warframe
601s but it's actually three frames three
603s warframes yeah mini heart attack but
604s mini heart attack
606s yeah wait the damage updated is today it
608s is let's go over there's some pretty
610s major Q in this update um one one pretty
615s big deal is the clan event the clan
617s operation what could be happening here
619s what's going on look how cool he
622s looks it's that's I love that key art
625s yeah this is awesome that's fabulous
627s yeah the wings in the background that's
629s an emary you can get as a community in
631s the clan operation oh you can get that
633s yes killer I would be reaching for that
635s for sure what stalker is doing this for
638s a girl question mark who knows you'll
640s have to play the quest anything is
642s possible I'm not sure what happens yeah
644s we don't know I don't know we don't
646s know we don't know what did you did you
649s change stalker and DUI too um I don't
652s think so no well stalker's sounds got a
655s bit of a refresh they did and effects
657s yes yes yes they did so kind of a little
661s bit yes yes kind of a little yeah in
664s presentation in presentation what time
666s does the update drop in about 25 minutes
669s unless Megan facetimes me to tell me I'm
671s wrong feel free uh I would put I would
674s love to have an ash ion SK okay some
676s more tenen requests the team definitely
678s works on getting tenen batches soon
681s actually we did one for Dante and we did
683s one for Jade Shadow so that's quick lots
684s of player stuff we got ourselves Jade
687s herself here choir
690s looking gorgeous great design great
692s execution by the team three signature
695s weapons three signature weapons they all
697s look and sound super cool sound cool eh
701s shall we can I play with one without
703s spoilers sure do you think it's possible
705s yeah yeah absolutely that was the wrong
707s window okay let me see if I'm I'm a
708s little nervous but I'm sure surely the
712s bow the bow has a cool charge shot okay
715s sound to go along with it all right
717s let's let's get you guys can't see yet
719s I'm aware I'm just getting the bow ready
720s making sure that we're even song all
723s right let's just jump in then shall we
725s all right well weit uh game capture hey
730s everyone welcome back uh all right even
733s song counter The Dread of battle with a
736s song of Praise enemies cannot hurt your
738s allies while wounded by even songs
742s arrows wow that's a cool support weapon
745s look at that enemies cannot hurt your
747s allies while wounded by even songs Arrow
750s that is oh my God Jade you're so
753s beautiful Jor Jade and your signature
756s weapons look at all look at the H in
759s chat what all right you heard it here
761s folks kills with even song and power
764s Ally weapons with multishot experience
767s the true power of Jade's Ensemble when
769s even song canare which the Italians have
771s been coming after me for for weeks for
773s saying canari how do you say that I have
775s no clue my wife's Italian and I'm
777s Italian you're not
782s okay okay how do we say it uh chat any
786s Italians in the
787s chat that can spell it phonetically for
790s USI can can my brother's Italian too let
795s me of course he is canare can I get a
798s canare pronunciation in the chat got to
801s roll that R
804s Pizza say everything Can Am I Wrong
811s oh all right and all right so let's you
814s say there's some cool sound design
818s yeah all right even song unranked boom
822s who yeah shall we go to the conclave
825s conclave sounds let's go let's go like a
828s high intensity way would that work does
831s even sound's buff work in conclave could
833s I shoot and then you can't damage me oh
835s that would be kind of is it the co is it
839s a did we just release a new conclave
841s meta yeah conclave meta the even song
843s meta no one does any damage to each
845s other cuz they
846s all uh okay sorry if I I don't want to
849s get the the conclave metap folk going
853s okay well anyway let's let's go play a
857s mission okay I'm really scared about
859s spoiling things so I'm going to like
861s close the game yeah we need to make sure
864s that nothing happens that is spoilery
867s yeah okay I'm just going to do that and
869s then I'm going to go it's unmodded keep
873s that in mind cuz we just want to listen
874s to it should we just go to the plains of
876s idolon and just shoot the sure yeah it's
878s beautiful there all right it's a
880s peaceful spot to shoot a bow it is a
882s peace let's go shoot some birds Eric
883s let's go shoot some birds let's go shoot
885s the birds okay those birds do no damage
888s to us correct exactly uh so just um for
893s transparency I went away because the
895s clan event and stuff is up on the test
897s cluster and I didn't want to spoil
898s anything so but now we're here on the
900s PLS of
902s idolon with the even song so the regular
905s shots the uncharged shots have a nice
907s kind of subtle whisper to
910s them oh yeah very subtle kind of a chill
913s shot sound and then when you do the
915s charge it has some of the choir
918s effects and a nice kind of whistle on
920s the shot too is there a skill check are
922s people going to hear it if they can't
925s uh there's the charge okay so it's uh
930s so we kind of integrated ton worked on
932s this integrating kind of the choir
934s sounds into it and the whistle sounds
936s and stuff like that so lots of cool
937s little subtle details in there that that
940s all kind of mesh with the sound design
943s uh for Jade's
947s kit that sounds incredible yeah I love a
949s wh a good whistly
951s Arrow oh man yeah the status we coming
953s this update too so you could have a
954s magnetic even song and who who knows
956s what what you're capable of with such
959s with such thing let's go kill an enemy
960s and then watch as he can't damage us
962s with the boat okay we got to we got to
964s find a bad guy here oh oh wait well work
966s on CU these guys PR players are can I
969s aim at all though is the question I'm to
972s see the alternate
974s aims
977s this oh like people ring it P pillow
980s shooter
981s yeah the DPS killer DS okay so he's hit
986s and will he not damage me now I don't
988s know all right
990s I believe in the description official
991s testing see here I hadn't used it since
994s it got reworked even song worked a
995s little differently a couple weeks ago so
998s but yeah it's a really Co B yeah I have
1000s a bow weapon you know remember remember
1002s the days of the bow
1003s M oh yeah there's something so
1006s satisfying about charge shot just sent
1009s enemies flying you if I could simply
1012s have a projectile speed mod on this
1014s everything would be
1016s fine perfect a perfect aim every time oh
1020s one thing that's in this update as well
1021s is we made two of the operator suits
1025s adult size so drif size so one thing
1028s that has happened update over update is
1030s I'm going to close the game capture I'm
1032s going to go to my
1033s Arsenal um
1035s is uh yeah we have uh two more two more
1040s operator suits that are now drift side
1042s spoilers spoilers for for people that
1045s haven't played new war spoilers spoilers
1048s don't worry about what we just said
1049s don't worry about anything now which
1051s ones what were it in the patch notes we
1054s have the
1056s ah oh my God what's going on why am I
1058s being signed out of Google
1060s docs Stormtrooper just because I can't
1063s aim you getting a call yeah uh no no
1066s comment no comment all right let's see
1068s which uh which um what it's G to be
1071s Drifter I think it's oopsies it's The
1075s Drifter
1077s h two of them go ah the Ceno and vaud
1080s suit are now available for Drifter so
1082s I'm going to go to my little Drifter
1084s area spoilers ahead what so does anybody
1089s do the same outfit for their Drifter and
1092s their operator oh they can match like
1094s they could grow okay I'm going to show
1096s you uh what I'm talking about so we can
1099s change our clothing transfer and suit
1103s nice uh all right what did I say the
1105s Ceno and the VOD so which one do I even
1108s have them oh yeah I do wait is this old
1111s news for some reason this feels
1113s like I feel like my brain can't keep up
1116s with what's going on right oh there no
1117s no no this is this is new news oh
1120s yeah we're we're cooking let's let's go
1123s let's go full
1124s VOD let's see it now we're cooking I
1129s love the little uh piece of cloth over
1132s the shoulder I know there's probably an
1133s official name for that well it's a pulon
1136s a yeah a is it Aon look at him oh my God
1139s look at him a that's so cool stealth
1141s waistband what are we all you see coming
1144s are the metal accents exact before you
1146s die exactly all right what can we let's
1149s let's change the color I feel like this
1150s is too too edgy whoa awesome futuristic
1155s look at
1156s [Music]
1158s that love the random yeah I will the
1161s green the green is cool look at him look
1165s that's right he's somewhere in the X-Men
1166s that looks like my bicycle outfit is
1168s yeah your
1169s high visibility yep High yeah don't get
1172s hit I feel like I probably have some
1173s pretty cool look oh yeah what was I
1175s going for here wow like what was I going
1178s for are those clouds or puffy that is
1181s the um conera ephemera from 2022 I think
1185s I think yeah I wanted it to make it look
1186s like he had like a fur yeah it do
1189s immediately yeah yeah that's pretty cool
1192s I was cooking there I don't know what I
1194s don't know what happened that day late
1195s nights late night late night fashion
1197s this one's just basic this was like a
1200s this is my like business mode I like it
1202s you got to have Basics sometimes yeah bu
1204s this is business uh let's see what's
1206s going on let's see oh this was me just
1210s now no I couldn't have been what is
1213s happening somehow you would it's either
1216s a weird coincidence or no no it didn't
1218s save the color random that we did but
1221s either way pretty cool awesome all right
1225s and there is there an opera version of
1227s it too well that one's old news oh
1229s that's from the
1231s for y I'm here I'm we're here we're all
1234s here on the same it's been a long it's
1236s been a long week lot of stuff going on
1239s all right I'm like actively pausing
1242s before my next thought so we cannot
1244s spoil anything as I go to show people
1246s more of what's in the update mhm the
1248s Elli skin we showed on the uh Dev stream
1252s that one's coming along it's beautiful
1254s Elli enjoyers there's a lot of Q the
1257s full damage enemy Factory ction rework
1260s uh which is to say the simplification is
1262s of enemy flesh types the way damage
1266s interacts with different um faction
1269s weaknesses the way your magnetic your
1272s blast will work the way oh Frost and
1275s Ember got light reworks in this
1277s update yeah cool I love the Q yeah the Q
1281s is substantial in this one all right
1283s let's let's cut back to us just briefly
1285s before I have a heart attack about
1286s spoiling something screen just pops to
1289s I'm so terrified I can't even function
1292s uh oh we got deep archimedia changes and
1295s fixes that's good that's great yeah uh
1298s oh assassin drop table changes have you
1302s ever suffered getting all of stalker's
1304s weapons due to RNG dreads drop chance
1308s has been
1309s reduced we've normalized the drop rates
1312s for the dispair the hate the broken War
1315s we have buffed them it so yeah we have
1318s buffed drop rates hopefully dread you
1320s want dread reduced dread was 64% wow now
1324s it's
1326s 41% I have suffered not getting to spare
1329s for two entire real life so they're
1331s getting dread more often than other the
1333s other that they're looking for yep so we
1335s got some I feel that pain yep yep we
1337s have some some serious drop rate changes
1339s there uh the Deep archimedia stuff is
1342s bucketed with things that we already
1344s talked about on the dev stream which was
1345s abbreviated abilities getting not so
1347s punishing and we added standing to deep
1350s archimedia and NRA cell so people were
1352s asking if that is in this update and yes
1354s it is so if you have wanted Kia standing
1357s but you have to a you have to do your n
1358s cells B you do your deep archimedia and
1360s then you have to go grind the bounties
1361s and stuff they're now actually standing
1364s will be on those activities awesome just
1366s a little easier you know absolutely get
1368s your archon shards yeah for sure our
1371s slogan is thank you Lord for our daily
1373s dread pretty
1375s good you chose some of the other weapons
1377s manbe oh yeah some cool care carefully
1381s show carefully show some of the other
1382s weapons very carefully but kunai has a
1384s cool mechan a cool kind of reload
1387s mechanic all right it's called
1390s the there's three signature weapons the
1392s canari that I can't pronounce where am
1394s my ital this is so unfair all right the
1398s pizza the pizza all right let's talk
1401s canar here we go I'm switching to
1404s gameplay canar we got our holsters
1407s looking cool very cool in moments of
1409s despair let the battle resonate with
1411s song kari's blades Lodge into the
1413s battlefield and return upon reload when
1416s returning blades strike enemies canar
1418s empowers enemies with increased reload
1420s speed so it's like so you damage while
1422s you reload a I love that and do these
1425s have wh do these have whistles in these
1427s don't have whistles they have little
1429s whisper things one some
1432s cool is this an ASMR stream it is now it
1437s is now all right let's go and the fun
1440s thing about these is they you can use
1442s the uh the 1999 Vibes with them so you
1446s can be using the canar with the Tenon
1448s bundle stuff awesome good combination
1451s good combo good combo all
1453s right oh damage change yes the damage
1457s change numbers are also in this update
1459s yeah so the dut I think we're calling it
1461s is live okay now I have to go away so
1463s people don't see the clan event go back
1465s to just Eric no spoilers
1469s had a magic trick or something uh I have
1472s I have Novelties to share you can just
1473s grab something off my desk and who knows
1476s okay we're going back to we're going
1477s back to night in the plains of
1478s idolon who knows what we'll find
1481s there ter list maybe no God with an
1485s unmodded canari would the devs be so
1488s reckless would the devs be so reckless
1491s as to let the um let the terorist be
1495s slaughtered with an unmodded canar you
1497s me we can do it okay we're not releasing
1499s J Shadows until we killed the
1501s terorist with unmodded gar yeah I hope
1504s you guys weren't looking forward to an
1505s update today that's all I'm saying okay
1508s we're going to
1512s throw boom return hey okay let's kill
1515s someone with the return so if you kind
1517s of if you have bad aim at least you're
1519s going to get somebody on is that
1524s a I mean if you have great
1530s if you have bad aim reload has got you
1532s covered all right let's find someone and
1534s kill him with the
1536s reload okay I'm not fighting bists I
1538s don't want to hear from the bists I
1540s don't want to see them I want to kill
1541s these Jokers oh God water
1547s ER can we kill someone with the reload
1550s don't even yeah there you go oh oh sick
1553s heyt
1560s oh what was that about a a I'm
1564s intentionally missing chat everyone just
1566s relax this is like a Reload aim it's
1568s different yeah I want to kill him with
1569s the reload oh I think my cat did now my
1573s cat's over here red crit okay here we go
1575s this is the guy okay I just want to hit
1577s him with the reload oh a red crit reload
1581s what's that all
1582s about what's happening there
1585s H de drop Jade Shadows on my wallet is
1589s yours yeah I'm just shooting warning
1591s shots Eric I'm not missing you
1592s intentionally all right let's get these
1594s Jokers what if you do I'm aiming for the
1597s oh God I'm aiming for the ground I'm
1599s going to line up my
1601s reticle oh can I get an
1604s ex I mean in the friendly okay here we
1608s go hey went through his legs there you
1612s go almost got him two red crits on
1614s reload wow it's pretty satisfying I
1617s wanted reload could you do could you do
1620s that with the terorist could you make a
1622s Reload build and kill the terorist with
1624s just reloading no we have to see it okay
1626s all right all right everyone calm down
1630s all right let's find them and because
1632s you can oh wait even better because you
1634s can use weapons on K Drive krive oh yeah
1637s and then yeah just throw reload driveby
1640s reload driveby
1642s what's here I'll change the holsters you
1645s can just toss them as you
1647s fly always be reloaded
1652s exactly so how would you build the these
1655s um you build them what would you I would
1657s do the unthinkable and I I would I would
1661s build for super long
1665s reload so you can line up your exactly I
1668s would have all my negative reload speed
1670s mods on so it's
1673s like yeah I would get a rhythm for them
1676s with negative reload speed so I could we
1679s we'll play Chari of fire as the reload
1681s happens yeah exactly exactly yeah yeah
1685s that's exactly how it's going to go I
1687s believe you will all enjoy the ultra
1690s slow reload the exactly now do it right
1694s in the cave okay hold on I don't think I
1697s have my cave summon on my test account
1698s right now wait a minute oh my God doing
1701s it riding a
1702s horse terrorist cave reload kill yeah
1707s can it be done world first world's first
1709s we need a world first on that world's
1712s first all right do the unthinkable crit
1715s multishot is wait would multishot work
1717s on reload oh I don't think it would I
1719s don't think would it make more things to
1723s return to
1724s you I can see why people just spend all
1726s day in the simulacrum I know it's like
1728s well what if what if we try that would
1731s multishot red text well that's exciting
1734s oh is it time uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uhoh uh
1738s oh uh-oh okay red text alert red text
1743s alert okay it's happening red text all
1745s right now you're stuck with us as we
1746s watch five minutes for the update okay
1747s what are some we have five minutes to um
1750s to give people a a a final promotional
1754s insight into Jade
1756s Shadows what is there to say what is
1758s there to do I'm just making sure all my
1760s scenes are safe so far so good no one's
1763s hey it's you uh okay countdown is
1767s started okay
1769s Jade Shadows launches in five minutes on
1772s all
1773s platforms any top level remarks
1776s from um the sound of Warframe all I want
1780s to say is thanks for playing the game
1783s and I hope you enjoy it I really
1785s sincerely do yeah we are looking forward
1787s to you guys as a community jumping in
1790s playing the new game mode playing the
1791s quests playing the frame there is so
1794s much Q in this update it can barely fit
1797s on 50 pages so please read the patch
1799s notes watch a YouTube video of someone's
1801s reading the patch notes for you uh
1803s please don't spoil anything use spoiler
1805s tags it's truly what is this we're we're
1809s celebrating our 11th year anniversary
1810s this year so for 11 years the community
1812s has given us this opportunity to work
1815s home workframe mhm absolutely and we're
1817s looking forward it yeah we're looking
1819s forward to updating all the
1821s time so much cool stuff yeah what else
1824s oh maybe we'll watch the trailer one
1826s last time to Prime everyone going into
1827s the update here we go 3 2 1
1834s [Music]
1836s trailer who do you H
1839s Shadow the cleans who to spare their
1842s blood
1860s s you know whose help she
1864s [Music]
1871s needs will you let her drown in your
1875s despair
1897s oh
1902s [Music]
1904s [Applause]
1907s [Music]
1913s [Music]
1915s [Applause]
1917s [Music]
1923s okay all right in approximately two
1926s minutes you will have Jade Shadows uh oh
1929s right there's the relay pre treasure
1931s hunt so in this update you can go
1933s through um it's the cronia relay and
1935s there's five PRX cards hidden there it's
1938s Ember Titania Von I think there's a few
1941s others but you have to find them as a
1942s community so you can go find your PRX
1944s cards uh yeah which is super cool um
1948s they look awesome yeah and then there is
1950s a jade PRX card that's hidden somewhere
1953s as
1954s well and how much is that pack I think
1957s it's 20 bucks us for the Jade supporter
1959s pack I think it's $20 25 20
1965s 2521 someone can someone someone buy it
1969s and tell me I don't know I think it's 20
1971s or 25 bcks um which relay
1976s cronia Rebecca where did my beloved ofar
1978s statue go from the mer store I bought
1980s mine did you not buy yours sounds like a
1983s a u issue cuz I bought mine and it's up
1987s on my
1987s wallet you got some cool ones here too
1990s yeah oh yeah this the statue wall you
1992s need more shelves I do need more shelves
1994s there's a lot going on there's a what
1995s you guys can't see is for the best uh
1999s okay update is in 1 minute it's true is
2001s it long the quest it's 25 minutes short
2004s but sweet short but sweet yep like a
2006s good wedding speech that's exactly how
2008s you should look at this Quest as a good
2010s wedding speech if anyone ever did a
2011s 25-minute wedding speech I would believe
2013s you're right that is wding speech they
2016s either really love the marriage or they
2018s hate it um yeah it's this a set an alarm
2022s for this update well the time is now uh
2026s okay please enjoy the update we will be
2028s online watching we will be prepared
2029s standing by for hotfix one all other
2033s things today is the day we've been
2035s waiting for J Shadows for a long time so
2037s thank you for playing tenno thank you
2039s for joining Eric thank you for having me
2041s this was so fun okay we'll see you on
2043s the other side tenno bye everybody
2044s thanks bye thank you and thank you to
2045s the de team you guys are the best