almost 5 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

Scarlet Spear: TennoGen is now live!

Scoring Calculation Issues:
Earlier yesterday we released a revised scoring post with the following details:
Ground Assault missions started at 8 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 4104 points by Round 17!
After: Murex Raids now start at 12 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 3888 by Murex 5!

However, players were receiving a 2820 and 3672 for Space and Ground respectively. While this is still an increase from before, it is not the amount we announced. 

The correct numbers in this Hotfix will be:
After: Ground Assault missions will reach a possible 4131 points by Round 17!
After: Murex Raids missions will reach a possible 3960 by Murex 5!

We sincerely apologize for another day of unintended scoring results.. We know this has been confusing and we regret that we’ve caused so many misunderstandings due to calculation errors. 

Scarlet Spear Fixes:

  • Fixed Clients having an incorrect Murex Score in the ‘Skirmish Complete’ popup when completing 5 Murex Waves.
  • Fix towards Clients experiencing an infinite load tunnel into Murex Raid if the Host experiences lag.
  • Fixed a script error when joining in progress as a "Kill Code Transmission" starts to play.


  • Fixed a few tintmasks on the Wisp Delusion Skin to make her tint values consistent vs her various Helmets. 
  • Fixed a script error occurring during a Host migration when playing a Defection mission.
  • Fixed a script error for Clients during The Jordas Precept.
  • Fixed a script error when throwing the Fishing Spear.
almost 5 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link
12 minutes ago, Amadurim said:

And still no fix to corinth prime alt fire not affected by multishot. DISAPPOINTED!!!

The team is looking into the Corinth Prime Alt Fire not being affected my Multishot Mods.