almost 6 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

Plains of Eidolon Remaster: Hotfix 24.6.2

Plains of Eidolon Remaster Changes & Fixes:

  • Cuthol Bait blueprint is now sellable for 100,000 Credits.
  • Increased the visual size of the Plains sun to match remastered sundisc.
  • Fixed Loc-Pins being placed at unreachable heights in the Plains.
  • Lost Loc-Pins have been returned to your Inventory. 
  • Fixed the sleep abilities of Ivara, Baruuk, and Equinox not giving you the option to capture animals in Plains of Eidolon.
  • Fixed the Drone in "Protect the Drone" Plains Bounties sometimes getting caught on the landscape.
  • Fixes towards waterfall textures in the Plains looking more like yogurt than water (also applies to Dojo waterfall Decorations).
  • Fixed a level hole in the Plains terrain.
  • Fixed some darkly lit rocks in the Plains.
  • Fixed rain clouds persisting in the Plains but no rain falling. 
  • Fixed Konzu Transmissions appearing to flicker when Temporal AA is enabled.
  • Fixed Cetus vendors appearing to have ‘poppy’ looking lip animations.
  • Fixed squished Mining result icons.
  • Fixed Plains enemies getting stuck on cables.  
  • Fixed holes in geometry at the main gate of Cetus.

Tusk Thumper Changes & Fixes:

  • Tusk Thumpers will now only call in reinforcements when at half Health or lower.
  • Tusk Thumper charge behavior now has a timeout to prevent it from getting stuck charging indefinitely.
  • Tweaks to improve Tusk Thumper jump animations.
  • Fixed Tusk Thumper weak points getting covered / disabled when it wasn't the one taking damage.


  • Reverted the Ogris Changes made in 24.6.0:
    • Converted from Charged to Semi Auto.
    • Ammo pool increased from 20 to 30.
    • Area-of-Effect increased from 6 to 7m.
    • Area-of-Effect damage reduced from 600 to 400.
  • The Tatsu Soul Swarm (Revenant) projectiles now have a lifetime of 5 seconds. 
  • Reduced some casting sounds for Hildryn.


  • Fixed inability to extract from the Archwing Mobile Defense mission on Earth, Erpo.
  • Fixed Arcane ranks displaying with wrong formatting as reported here: 
  • Fixed Secondary Energy colors not applying to certain things (Revenant's Helmet beard, etc).
  • Fixed ability to utilize dual Energy colour without Forma by using ‘Copy Warframe Colors’ to your weapon.
  • Fixed a nonfunctional ‘Railjack’ related prompt.
  • Fixed seeing a flash of color when switching between Upgrade tabs in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed small font Chat appearing blurry.
  • Fixed all Mergoo variants appearing the same in the Codex.
  • Fixed a script error when attempting to start an animal hunt after a Host migration.
  • Fixed a script error when you capture an animal but die just as the screen comes up.
  • Fixed a script error when viewing Nightwave Episode dioramas.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Oberon’s Reckoning. 

Plains of Eidolon Remaster: Hotfix

- Added some cooldowns to Nora Night's transmissions on menu closing / Fugitive captures. 

- Fixed multiple crashes. 
- Fixed a major UI bug that would break screen functionality of most screens (inventory, Mod, etc). 
- Fixed pet Moa Tractor Beam Precept inhibiting the use of others Precepts. 
- Fixed some old terrain materials in the Plains of Eidolon. 
- Fixed a couple of level holes in PoE.
- Fixed issues with Coolant Raknoid level scaling being inconsistent. They are now level 30. 
- Fixed a crash when quitting game/leaving a hub while arsenal was open and you had a sentinel equipped.
- Fixed an issue where catching fish would result in a crash / game freeze. 
- Fixed some bleeding edges when using Dynamic Resolution. 

Edited by [DE]Rebecca