almost 4 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

Now that Operation: Orphix Venom has concluded on consoles, Lavos/Cedo and their parts can now be purchased from Father’s Wares for Entrati Standing:

  • Lavos Blueprint: Rank 2 - Acquaintance 
  • Lavos Chassis/Neuroptics/Systems: Rank 3 - Associate 
  • Cedo Blueprint: Rank 4 - Friend
  • Cedo Barrel/Receiver/Stock: Rank 5 - Family


  • Replaced the Pangolin Prime Blueprint with the Pangolin Prime Handle in the Axi C6 Relic.
    • This was always the intention but was missed!


  • Fixed Tenora Prime asking for the wrong item when unlocking the Exilus slot.
  • Fixed the Aristei Prime Shawzin not being available as an instrument choice for the Shawzin Emote, if you used it as an Orbiter Decoration.