over 5 years
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Plains of Eidolon Remaster: Hotfix 24.8.3
The Wolf is on the prowl, Dreamers -- and we know exactly where he and his Fugitives are lurking.
Fight the Wolf in two Tactical Alerts starting today at 2:15PM ET for a limited time:
- Reduced The Wolf of Saturn Six’s tankiness.
- Self Damage reduced by Cautious Shot increased from 90% to 99%.
- Adjusted the Arbitration Shield Drone hitbox to encapsulate the whole visible body.
- Fixed the Kuva Siphon Cloud hitbox being much taller than the Cloud suggests.
- Fixed Saryn’s Toxic Lash not being affected by Corpus Nullifier fields.
- Fixed the Tatsu unique mechanic no longer functioning correctly once a player dies and revives.
- Fixed anti-stationary-target grenades thrown by Corpus Crewmen having their explosion timer being set to 0.5s upon landing on the ground. Now they are on par with Grineer grenades again (3~4s lifetime).
- Fixed an issue where Damage conversion Mods could sometimes convert to the wrong type of Damage.
- Fixed a memory leak on Khora’s Stangledome that could result in low FPS over time as reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1089381-khora-fps-drop-in-long-missions/
- Fixed various cases of missing Transmission lip sync animations.
- Fixed a sound bug when Dual Wielding the Glaive and performing an aerial attack.
Fixed an issue with Heavy Weapons not getting their Ammo back after cooldown time as a Client.