about 2 months
ago -
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
19s | [Music] |
38s | [Music] |
41s | my |
44s | my my |
50s | [Music] |
60s | [Music] |
75s | [Music] |
77s | she you |
84s | night you |
91s | we gave me you all |
98s | night me you |
104s | [Music] |
109s | [Music] |
112s | [Applause] |
118s | [Music] |
131s | down |
134s | down down |
146s | [Music] |
148s | [Applause] |
149s | [Music] |
152s | my |
158s | [Applause] |
164s | [Music] |
167s | I Dan |
172s | [Music] |
178s | [Music] |
181s | [Applause] |
185s | around |
187s | [Applause] |
227s | [Music] |
234s | [Music] |
239s | la a |
241s | [Music] |
266s | [Music] |
273s | [Music] |
282s | you for |
285s | [Music] |
295s | me to |
298s | love to oh |
302s | oh you |
306s | [Music] |
344s | oh oh |
348s | [Music] |
360s | oh |
362s | [Applause] |
362s | [Music] |
392s | [Music] |
399s | [Music] |
415s | hi everyone happy Thursday welcome to |
418s | Prime Time episode 400 21 and thank you |
421s | so much for being here my name is Megan |
423s | ever and I'm your community director and |
425s | to my left I am Danny Danny call me |
428s | Danny and I'm one of your senior |
431s | community managers on Warframe and to my |
434s | left is Charlie |
436s | Charlie and who's behind the scenes it's |
440s | R it's Rue |
443s | classic classic R just clacking away |
446s | over there welcome to Prime Time 421 |
449s | we're so excited that you are here we |
450s | are going to be playing some 1999 as we |
453s | do fan art prizes you know the drill |
456s | it's the huge thank you so much for |
458s | being here you look great all these |
459s | first time Chatters by the way hello |
461s | yeah so many of you I know this is your |
463s | first Prime Time welcome I hope you |
466s | enjoy and are not embarrassed by us cuz |
468s | we're here to just have a good time do |
470s | people get embarrassed by us uh maybe |
473s | cringes more the better word just cuz |
476s | we're so funny that sometimes they just |
478s | don't understand our funny but that's |
480s | okay we're happy you're here anyways all |
483s | right let's get into housekeeping before |
484s | we jump into some gaml we go over to fan |
487s | art as we know 1999 |
492s | is oh no as we all know did you break it |
497s | I didn't do what do you mean |
500s | me what do you mean me we all know what |
504s | Megan wait hold on wait what do we know |
505s | wait hold on hold on uh oh oh wait she's |
509s | come to my screen oh |
511s | yeah okay here we okay |
517s | 1999 those are some thick knes is |
521s | live |
525s | live go Warframe hey I'm going to try to |
529s | fix this all right Warframe 1999 is live |
531s | on all platforms we are going to be |
533s | playing it tonight of course cuz |
535s | somebody needs some things for her man I |
539s | do she needs to get her C9 on my husband |
542s | my husband oh sorry your yeah your C9 on |
545s | yeah he's waiting in the window like |
547s | when my wife returned from the war like |
552s | out there trying to get Bounty Parts |
554s | we'll get them we'll get them so we're |
555s | going to Aspire to get Danny Herman uh |
558s | his Parts at least tonight uh uh and uh |
562s | we are currently as we know 1999 is live |
565s | and we are currently as we just posted |
568s | let me get my little my little thing if |
570s | you can go back to my screen sorry R uh |
573s | yeah I can do that right now appreciate |
575s | you uh we are in a paused hot fix |
579s | scenario because we are working on what |
582s | we're calling an interim Sur build this |
583s | is not echo of |
587s | 1999 not yet you'll want to tune in the |
590s | dev stream next Friday to learn more |
593s | about Echo but before that we do have a |
596s | little interim build a code build |
598s | specifically for some really fun things |
601s | that you'll learn more about on this |
602s | stst stream but obviously one of the |
604s | biggest things is we are fixing a |
606s | handful of issues that have been on our |
608s | known issues list the big probably one |
610s | of the biggest ones being the freezing |
613s | and crashes that have been happening on |
615s | Nintendo switch uh the fix for it is |
617s | code so we have been pushing and pushing |
620s | to get this interim C build uh out the |
622s | door to you so we will be uh going a |
626s | little bit hot fix dark as we build this |
628s | so that's what we're doing right now so |
629s | we can definitely get that fixed plus a |
630s | whole bunch of others um I know if |
632s | you've been watching some uh there was |
634s | some people going through Warframe going |
636s | through the old quests and there have |
638s | been some uh camera and lighting issues |
640s | that we've seen kind of crop up along |
642s | the way uh as we watch some people play |
645s | Warframe for the first time which is |
646s | very cool uh fixed a whole bunch of |
649s | those some calendar uh issues are fixed |
651s | things like that um this is obviously |
653s | not an extensive list of things that are |
655s | fixed in it but this is our first code |
657s | situation so echos is not postponed this |
659s | is just a an in between build but |
662s | obviously we need to go hot fix dark for |
665s | it we do have a lexicon as well uh in |
668s | the forums uh that kind of explains what |
670s | CT encode is if you are interested in |
673s | that uh but like I said devstream 84 is |
675s | going to talk more about what's in this |
677s | interim C build Plus what's going to |
680s | come in Echo of 1999 at a later date |
683s | which we will talk to you about that on |
685s | January 31st thank you very much shall |
687s | we try it yeah okay |
691s | wow look at that beautiful unfortunately |
693s | I need you to go back to my screen |
695s | though oh all this work all this work |
698s | thanks for uh we announced today and the |
702s | timer is live in game that noris mix |
705s | volume seven is ending in two weeks time |
709s | and volume eight will be coming um we |
711s | did list here thank you Sam some of the |
713s | new rewards that are coming Lillian and |
716s | Jillian floof anybody a nightwave a |
719s | Tommy psycho liery anybody some fun 1999 |
724s | things are in there uh and uh we'll talk |
728s | we'll show more of this uh these rewards |
730s | on the dev stream uh but you can look |
733s | forward to a new nightwave rotation |
735s | there we've changed some of the |
736s | challenges things like that you can |
738s | check out in this forum post but one of |
740s | the most important things as we know |
741s | when we flip over nightwaves is your |
744s | Volume 7 credit uh you'll want to either |
747s | spend that now and up until volume |
749s | arrives or if you don't you can sell it |
752s | for credits in game once Volume 8 starts |
755s | and volume 8 will have its own credits |
758s | as we know and if you've been gifting |
760s | the Proto frames like I have you might |
762s | need some credits so that's totally up |
764s | to you uh anyways uh moving right along |
768s | oh Danny I stole that from you I'm so |
769s | sorry that was your job girl you take |
772s | this sorry I'm just on a roll you hopped |
774s | on an atomic cycle and you |
777s | said eat my dust can show them the ing |
780s | game timer yes go for it yeah if you |
782s | want to come to my gameplay there it |
785s | is wait you can't see it oh there it is |
788s | sorry yeah well that's when you have it |
789s | on the whoa sorry um you can see it |
792s | right down here little Tim no you can't |
794s | cuz my face is in the way days 13 days |
796s | 13 days that's good that's good I got |
799s | robbed sorry I'm sorry I was just I was |
801s | in the zone uh now you can go to Fan Art |
805s | r as we have been talking about uh there |
808s | is a Dev stream next Friday dpstream 184 |
811s | we're going to talk all about this |
813s | interim build as we mentioned we're |
815s | going to talk all about echo of 1999 not |
818s | everything in 1999 because we're going |
819s | to save a few things but a lot about the |
822s | technos scoda which as you know is the |
824s | boy band turned nasty spaghetti uh we |
828s | are going to talk more about that their |
829s | weapons how you would get one once the |
831s | technos coda launches things like that |
834s | witness the first Prime of |
837s | 2025 uh and things like that uh on this |
839s | Dev stream it is a double Dev stream day |
842s | so our lovely Warframe stream is at its |
844s | normal time of 2 p.m. but before that |
847s | our lovely sister game Soul frame |
850s | dubstream 4 is at 11:00 a.m. on the same |
853s | day so next Friday 11:00 a.m. Soul frame |
855s | stream really excited about that p8 p8 I |
859s | believe launched today oh God should I |
861s | crack myself for I think it might have |
862s | gotten moved to tomorrow potentially |
865s | actually no wait is what day is it today |
867s | oh it's Thursday we're prime time |
871s | I could be misremembering it di yeah I |
873s | don't think it's out |
875s | yet all right we'll stay tuned y'all |
878s | Sarah is screaming sorry Sarah I love |
880s | you screaming at home right now but they |
883s | they did |
885s | really they did release a soul short |
887s | video where they talk more about p8 we |
889s | showed you p8 on the last death stream |
891s | in December um and p8 is coming very |
894s | soon to you on this sture we're going to |
895s | talk about p8 a little bit of P9 um and |
899s | uh go into that sry Sarah so double Dev |
901s | stream day next week very excited about |
903s | that all right Danny do you want to talk |
905s | now I would love to I love hearing you |
908s | talk I could just sit here all day uh |
910s | but yes Lunar New Year is here it is the |
913s | year of the sneak um can I need a moment |
917s | for the Charming and so Charming indeed |
921s | um but Ru if you come I guess I could |
923s | show it um actually go back to K and |
926s | we'll go to Fan Art cuz I want to show |
929s | her hey girl fully on display but yes |
931s | there are uh Lunar New Year items in |
934s | game um it is the year of the Snak so |
937s | all of those customizations that you |
938s | could purchase um to celebrate that are |
941s | in the in-game market we've got some |
943s | free items as well if I look it up the |
947s | EC glyph oh she's so cute we have this |
951s | one the E glyph um these are available |
954s | for one credit we also have the lunar |
957s | renewal snake renewal |
962s | snake is at this one yeah the sigil oh |
965s | that looks cool on Elanor actually you |
967s | know what you know what oh wait no this |
969s | is this is the this is for platinum I'm |
971s | missing one oh the one I can read |
975s | exactly what you're trying to see yeah |
976s | which one you looking at the emblem am I |
979s | that is it wasn't it yeah lunar that was |
982s | a Sigil maybe sigil anyways all that to |
985s | say either that there are snakes greate |
987s | bundles available for for you to check |
990s | out and celebrate for the year of the |
993s | snake yay here you go was anyone born in |
996s | the year of the snake we got any snakes |
997s | in here I'm a chicken oh I'm a Ram oh or |
1001s | in some that works so well with your oh |
1003s | no your astrological sign is Virgo |
1006s | that's right yeah I'm a |
1009s | monkey's a monkey this is all making |
1012s | sense Charlie this is all making sense R |
1015s | what are you I am a rat oh a what a rat |
1019s | oh |
1020s | rat tell |
1023s | rat I do be a dog all right whoa Dragon |
1028s | sheesh 1999 is year of the rabbit is |
1030s | that true wait really oh damn we were |
1033s | one year I think rabbit was last year |
1035s | wasn't it uh dragon was last dragon RIT |
1039s | was the year before because we've had |
1040s | rabbit obviously uh |
1043s | tiger rabit was the first one we've had |
1045s | this conversation cuz we talked about |
1047s | our element and is like I'm a metal goat |
1052s | you're a metal goat I'm a metal goat oh |
1053s | wait cuz there yeah cuz there was wood |
1054s | Dragon was last year that's right yeah |
1057s | yeah I remember this conversation yeah |
1059s | it Spurs me speaking of which the uh |
1063s | some of the other years's items are also |
1066s | here so the chroma skin for example the |
1068s | Skins stay forever there's our rabbit |
1071s | there's our there's our 1999 rabit so |
1074s | yeah there you go you could peruse all |
1075s | that um it's in the seasonal tab I |
1078s | believe who my God sorry I don't not |
1080s | know how to use the mouse look at it all |
1082s | there it is yeah we love it moving right |
1085s | along we've got some alerts that have |
1088s | been going on over the weekends you can |
1090s | come back over to Fan Art |
1093s | R um starting tomorrow there will be the |
1098s | hollow point mod with some credits |
1100s | available for you to earn starting at |
1102s | 11:00 a.m. over the weekend into Monday |
1105s | uh so you want to log on for that get in |
1108s | on the void |
1109s | Corruption of this weekend Yum Yum Yum |
1112s | there you go delicious and then we also |
1115s | oh it's my turn to talk this is so much |
1119s | um we have the prime Resurgence end of |
1122s | year event still on if you want to come |
1124s | back over to my screen room so the |
1128s | current rotation we are in right now |
1130s | we've got Atlas and valin we've got |
1132s | Equinox and Wukong and Mesa and hydroid |
1135s | alongside uh obviously all of their |
1137s | weapons their Prime access |
1139s | and of course if you would like to earn |
1141s | those items you can do so by grabbing |
1144s | the relics for ya some cabbages some |
1147s | cabers and the rotation shall |
1150s | continue um as we move along I believe |
1154s | the next rotation starts on February 6th |
1157s | so there you go you can look forward to |
1159s | that but for now you can grab all the |
1161s | goodies while you can while they're here |
1163s | let me see what actually what is the |
1165s | little ow look at this guy this little |
1167s | penguin head look at this little guy |
1169s | what is that new that |
1172s | little it's ging what can people get for |
1175s | watching tonight well I've seen |
1177s | questions in chat say drops question |
1179s | marks so we are continuing and are a |
1181s | part of the twitch Fest drops uh and |
1185s | these are occurring right now we have |
1188s | the uh you know the good old boys the |
1191s | online boys these glyphs were by |
1194s | Community artist death maggots shout out |
1196s | to death maggots cuz you crush it every |
1198s | single time my friend uh So currently we |
1200s | have the let's say the human Edition uh |
1204s | of the online boys that is currently |
1206s | there's one more day left so these these |
1208s | glyphs are going to end tomorrow at |
1211s | 10:59 a.m. put that in your calendar uh |
1214s | and then it will flip over to the |
1216s | infested version which you can see right |
1219s | here o spaghetti uh and these are going |
1223s | to run until January 31st at 11:00 a.m. |
1226s | where as we know it's a devstream we'll |
1228s | have a different Dev drop uh that's the |
1230s | vibe so you have till the 21st starting |
1233s | tomorrow at 11: for these nasty bad boys |
1236s | so if you don't see the drop right now |
1238s | and you've already earned the uh human |
1241s | versions of these uh then there is no |
1243s | drop for you but it's going to refresh |
1245s | tomorrow for these bad boys at 11:00 |
1247s | a.m. so you can get spaghetti monsters |
1249s | nothing like a brain with hair that |
1252s | really just really sets the stage as one |
1256s | would say that big old eyeball it's just |
1258s | so good and alarming and alarming I like |
1262s | it but they're so exciting I can't wait |
1264s | to collect them all chat would you |
1266s | rather kiss no I'm kidding oh okay don't |
1269s | know where the mouth is on the eyeball I |
1272s | mean I mean you could give them like you |
1275s | could give them eyelash kisses oh you |
1277s | know that could be cute you know or you |
1280s | could get an infection or you could get |
1282s | pink eye you you probably get pink |
1283s | either or anyways uh so those are the |
1286s | twitch drops so tonight again is kind of |
1288s | that last uh final day for the uh human |
1292s | boys for the online glyphs and then |
1294s | tomorrow we'll start the infested |
1297s | technos cyoa version of those glyphs |
1299s | infest infested versions uh and there is |
1302s | no um raid or weekend drop because |
1305s | everyone |
1312s | is get out of here get get him |
1316s | get Ghost s |
1319s | sorry I'm kidding anyways um imagine |
1322s | they didn't see that and I just look |
1323s | insane right now did they see the C did |
1325s | you guys see Megan what what happened |
1328s | they did the camera gave out or flicker |
1331s | oh my |
1332s | God definely didn't see that though and |
1334s | they're just like what is happening |
1336s | fighting a |
1337s | ghost flicker uh yeah so no raid and |
1340s | weekend drop because this um this drop |
1343s | that we are currently in is a directory |
1345s | wide drop so anyone streaming Warframe |
1347s | on Twitch that has their account link L |
1349s | drops these drops so your favorite |
1351s | streamer a new streamer us we're all a |
1354s | part of it good times and as we |
1357s | mentioned Charlie's here watching top 10 |
1358s | comments during the stream and she's |
1360s | also up in Discord hey |
1362s | Discord |
1365s | hey I'm typing to them how they doing |
1368s | what they doing what they talking I saw |
1370s | Travis was making fun of me already they |
1371s | talking about |
1374s | spaghetti um techra taking over oh my |
1378s | God tra lots of fun stuff hold on hold |
1381s | on what am I looking at hold on what is |
1384s | this come to my |
1387s | screen tra you put |
1391s | eyelashes why' you do it serve though |
1394s | honestly it needs the the SpongeBob the |
1397s | nails that that nail meme oh my God oh |
1400s | my God tra come on we're making work for |
1402s | tra let's go sorry anyways that's the |
1405s | fun that you could join if you were in |
1406s | Discord right now we have a lovely open |
1409s | open Community show uh Prime Time |
1412s | Channel that's very fun to be M |
1413s | wazowski's |
1416s | wife AKA my dream my dream all right |
1420s | let's do a platinum prize while we talk |
1423s | about or while we get ourselves ready |
1424s | for some gameplay 1,000 Platinum going |
1426s | to a lucky twitch viewer it's a thinking |
1429s | it's a thinking I'm going to guess that |
1431s | their name is going to start with a y |
1434s | I'm going to say x damn damn |
1439s | no |
1441s | T tulous I know what glyphs you want a |
1444s | kiss oh tulous you don't have to tell us |
1448s | which glyphs you want to kiss but what |
1450s | you can tell us is your ingame Alias and |
1452s | the platform you play on and we will |
1453s | hook you up with your thousand Platinum |
1455s | congratulations to you great job you did |
1459s | it all right we're going to do some 1999 |
1461s | do you want to do bounties obviously you |
1464s | want the sir really put the be in Bounty |
1467s | some boun |
1469s | um the bee is silent some bounties |
1473s | bounties bounties um I would love to do |
1475s | some bounties although I guess just in |
1477s | the midst of doing bounties we can also |
1479s | grab the hex Treasures oh of course we |
1482s | can turn in in case I don't get the |
1484s | parts I need but speaking of which I |
1486s | should probably check which parts I do |
1488s | need so let me go to |
1489s | air or boy airome handsome boy air can |
1493s | we go to Danny's game play bless so okay |
1497s | so I need the neuroptics and the chassis |
1499s | so I was wrong when you asked me that |
1500s | earlier |
1501s | Megan how could you and I have no |
1504s | standing currently well enough standing |
1507s | that's incorrect you got someing you got |
1509s | a littleit I'm I'm Pizza partying it up |
1511s | in in this just go to the party okay I |
1513s | just need more standing so if we don't |
1515s | get them in the bounties that's fine |
1518s | we'll find the treasures I'll get my you |
1520s | know get Oris to scoop the map up for |
1523s | those but just said I have Quagmire |
1525s | energy |
1528s | who which stream are you watching |
1530s | Pokemon wait hold on the Pokemon yeah |
1533s | Quang wire |
1538s | Quire |
1540s | I I that's why I was confused because I |
1543s | was like what do you mean the Family |
1545s | Guy character |
1548s | Quagmire what were you thinking Quagsire |
1552s | oh what's let me see qu qu what was Chad |
1555s | saying quig Meer I thought they were |
1557s | talking this cute Quagsire so cute I |
1561s | hope it was Quagsire not Quagmire to |
1565s | my I got that you were talking about |
1567s | this cutie he's so cute let's just say |
1569s | for the sake of our sanity that that's |
1571s | what they were going for The |
1575s | Giggity all right anyways uh we need to |
1578s | let's have some friends join us on our |
1580s | escapades here hopefully maybe someone |
1583s | who is good at treasure hunting I'm okay |
1585s | I'm decent I cheat oh |
1588s | so what do you mean you cheat I just use |
1590s | my uh air support oh or can I I just use |
1593s | the or can I do what you got to do yeah |
1595s | do what you got to do I look at the I |
1597s | look at the map oh sorry question do I |
1598s | still get drops I watch on iOS yes you |
1600s | do there is a bit of an interface issue |
1604s | uh with those it I believe it's it |
1606s | doesn't you doesn't show the progress |
1608s | but if you go to your um twitch profile |
1611s | on a computer desktop you can see it all |
1613s | and you can claim it um and then go in |
1615s | game and get it so you can watch it on |
1617s | iOS and earn to towards your Twitch drop |
1619s | it's just there's a bit of a UI |
1621s | functionality issue there so Quagmire I |
1624s | choose |
1626s | youy okay um if you would like to join |
1629s | us I believe I made the squad so whisper |
1631s | me and game is my name de Megan that's |
1634s | me wow nice glyph in oh thanks oh my God |
1637s | nice represent representing the whole |
1639s | the whole game whisper me in game and I |
1642s | would like to know who your favorite |
1644s | online boy is in |
1647s | their oh I guess they have the same |
1649s | names regardless of what form they're in |
1652s | they're not actually called spaghetti |
1653s | man no they are not called danger noodle |
1656s | but all right I'm going to close these |
1658s | and I'm going to wait okay this what |
1659s | wrong with the camera you're going to go |
1661s | out for a sec where am I going no I'm |
1663s | I'm disabling your camera oh sorry |
1665s | you're good thought you wanted me to |
1666s | leave no no no oh where is Rue going R |
1670s | is |
1672s | traversing something nikan says I'm a |
1676s | packet gy bye Meg |
1686s | there's three megans what do you mean |
1688s | what what do you mean chat said there's |
1691s | three of you now oh she's back oh thank |
1693s | God Meg hello Hendrick fan I've got a |
1696s | good load out to take on evil spaghetti |
1698s | monsters I just nabbed a ton of treasure |
1700s | on my last mission I go Indiana Jon on |
1702s | the treasure Amir he's just as goofy and |
1705s | friendly as Meir Amir is my favorite guy |
1706s | you know what I loved everything you |
1708s | just said him Hendrick in you come in |
1711s | you join join our friendship oh my God |
1714s | and they had the packet CL sorry I'm so |
1717s | excited for that though this is like |
1719s | true proper F legendary four hold on now |
1723s | let me see let me see what you're |
1725s | roing oh my God I will say mhm the |
1729s | grunge or the goth fit I left the squad |
1733s | accidentally sorry I was trying to go to |
1736s | my profile invite me back invite me back |
1739s | bring me back please pleas please please |
1742s | don't turn my camera off don't turn my |
1744s | camera off I promise I'll do better next |
1747s | time wait why can't you why can't I I've |
1750s | Been b no no no hold on hold on okay |
1752s | hold on hold on |
1754s | hold Danny get on in here girl thank you |
1757s | I'm so sorry forgive me let's see what |
1760s | uh Hendrick's rocking here oh Mesa Prime |
1764s | baddy okay I might have to receive I |
1766s | might have to leave might to receive |
1768s | have to receive I cannot receive I must |
1771s | leave to |
1772s | receive I got to go you might have to do |
1776s | you want me to do it again please send |
1778s | it again good your last try no you only |
1781s | get two M send it me to the shadow |
1787s | R get her out of here no oh my God the |
1790s | ghosts are messing with the invite sends |
1792s | now I'm not getting anything leave the |
1794s | uh I'm going to leave the whole in get |
1796s | on get out I'm in my home but I guess |
1799s | I'll just entirely oh to the shadow |
1803s | realm this is my this is my punishment |
1807s | for leaving the squad it's true this is |
1809s | what happens now you get to look at my |
1812s | bike sick bike does your bike have oh no |
1815s | that's just your that's my yeah but it |
1817s | looks so pretty we wow looks so we I |
1823s | would feel so safe if you picked me up |
1825s | if I like fell off my scooter and then |
1827s | this r up I'd be like I'm a good hand |
1830s | I'm safe is it it's to me it's giving |
1832s | like nurse Jenny on a on a bad a flowers |
1836s | are coming down I'm like I'm I'm safe |
1837s | are you ready I am ready for the third |
1839s | time yes Chad is she going to get in is |
1843s | she allowed in no refresh your game girl |
1847s | get out of here how is this happen get |
1849s | out of here how could this happen to me |
1852s | I will also uh leave I'll get you guys |
1854s | back in a sec one second we're just |
1857s | going to do a little signed in at my Des |
1860s | no cuz you were in here exit game I |
1863s | think I definitely exited out it was |
1865s | fine yeah you you invited me it was fine |
1867s | yeah just uh give a little reboot there |
1870s | the chansy will be there no the Quagsire |
1872s | will be |
1874s | there just kid who is Nurse Jenny come |
1876s | on oh no come |
1879s | on Jenny |
1884s | Jenny how do you not know |
1888s | all right all right let's try this |
1890s | Walmart let's try again |
1893s | Z I've arrived oh my I'm here okay plug |
1899s | and unplug you know what I mean I'm not |
1900s | toing anything at all who I'm not toing |
1903s | anything at all very well all right |
1904s | we're getting our friends back in we got |
1907s | Nico and hendrix's on the way waiting |
1910s | for reinvite that's right bestie did I |
1913s | eggplant yeah wait what is there Mesa |
1917s | flamethrower yeah hell yeah brother okay |
1919s | anyways here we go to the bounty board |
1923s | is there are you getting chem with |
1925s | anyone should we be focused I am I am |
1928s | not I I'm everyone is available for me |
1931s | to date right now I am single and ready |
1933s | to mingle I am very well um okay I need |
1938s | the systems and the neuroptics that's |
1940s | why we're here uh you need |
1942s | the sorry systems and the neuron I think |
1946s | uh yep the H scrub scra shall we do some |
1949s | Elanor very |
1952s | well let's do it the husband must be |
1954s | built that is right that's correct |
1958s | chat oh |
1960s | man bip Bop Bippity Bop what a flashback |
1963s | that is no I you know that reminds me I |
1965s | need to get my Lich Ling I do need to |
1968s | kill my sister I think no my I think |
1970s | it's my Lich I think I do have to kill a |
1972s | lich soon uhoh rare in a go Bo wait did |
1976s | EST cross raid us yeah |
1979s | what are they in chat uh oh are there |
1982s | communities here |
1984s | hey did I see that reev is gaming |
1987s | tomorrow with uh oh my god with the |
1990s | cross the |
1992s | Crosser hell yeah brother it's going be |
1995s | a good Friday it is a good Friday oh |
1998s | maybe I'll tune in just kidding I will |
2000s | it's my |
2002s | job I'll be there why is it so dark in |
2005s | here why is it so foggy somebody needed |
2009s | to get some lights in this underground |
2012s | I'm sick hell yeah |
2015s | brother oh my gosh is someone else |
2017s | rocking an X right now oh my |
2021s | God sorry oh my God where is everyone |
2024s | I'm coming it took me a little bit to |
2026s | join but I'm here I've arrived I've |
2028s | arrived I always uh need okay let so it |
2034s | is in the second tier right um |
2039s | yes Rarity I believe so I wasn't reading |
2041s | to be honest I should have read more |
2044s | that's okay no I think I think we're |
2046s | right so what rotation do we want to go |
2049s | to the second tier I guess we can just |
2052s | roll up until like the first rotation C |
2055s | we can do a couple we can do a c c we do |
2058s | a little C action someone said they're |
2060s | going to need a scooter skin a scooter |
2063s | Co like a destroy your ankle scooter |
2068s | what is that that video your when you're |
2072s | doctor just your shin or your uh knee |
2074s | reflexes there's that one it's probably |
2076s | like I'm so old it's probably a Vine or |
2078s | something but like the it's like the |
2080s | first thing you see when you open your |
2081s | eyes and the doctor whipping around a |
2083s | scooter you seen that it was like knee |
2086s | surgery or something getting knee |
2088s | surgery done you wake up in the middle |
2089s | of your knee surgery and the doctor's |
2090s | just whipping around a scooter said that |
2092s | to me because you were getting your knee |
2093s | done and you were like is this what's |
2096s | going to happen to me am I going to wake |
2097s | up and my surger is turned into a |
2100s | scooter that would be a very efficient |
2103s | tool to to break the bones cuz trust me |
2107s | the amount of shin damage I've done in |
2109s | my childhood it's true very scary |
2112s | although we got we got uh the scootic co |
2114s | is more of a vesa Vibe you know yeah |
2116s | that's true no ankle damage there no |
2118s | well maybe Well yeah if you try hard |
2121s | enough anything could be an angle injury |
2123s | think could be an injury do you try hard |
2125s | enough anything could break didn't |
2128s | destroy our 9,000 indeed that should |
2130s | that should be what we call it if we |
2131s | ever ship it oh my God that' be so funny |
2134s | Jade somewhere around here I have many |
2137s | of scooter stories really you were a |
2140s | scooter I was a scooter I actually |
2142s | rollerbladed too a lot oh I have I have |
2146s | my trick roller blades your Tri hold on |
2148s | what is that trick roller blade like |
2150s | Derby no no the ones that you like grind |
2153s | on |
2153s | railings what this this is an air of my |
2156s | life I will we don't need to |
2159s | what we gring on we going to skate parks |
2161s | and |
2162s | our jumping up on curbs hell yeah |
2166s | impressive anyways any oh my body is too |
2169s | old and fragile for such activities now |
2172s | I know don't I know it I'm well I'm not |
2175s | that old I'm just scared now can we get |
2177s | roller blades to move around in 1999 you |
2179s | know what I mean n has like built-in |
2183s | roller blades wheelies wheelies yeah |
2185s | were wheelies '90s are they I think |
2187s | they're more early |
2188s | yeah damn Britney |
2190s | Spears why is that her fault she she she |
2194s | was the early 2000 oh she was indeed |
2196s | that's her era I thought you were |
2197s | blaming her for bringing wheelies around |
2200s | wheelies around did she advertise them |
2203s | like nah nah nah oh man are drops |
2208s | working they are if you've already |
2209s | gotten the online uh glyphs though from |
2213s | the directory wide campaign then um |
2217s | you're just here to you're just here to |
2218s | hang out and chat and tell us jokes tell |
2222s | us how your day is oh my goodness you |
2224s | know what um the challenge that we have |
2227s | right now to kill 20 enemies while on |
2229s | High Ground |
2230s | mhm uh we are going to be adjusting that |
2234s | in this next interim search um I was |
2237s | playing over a weekend and I was like |
2239s | something feels off about this challenge |
2241s | it's very hard to complete when you're |
2243s | underground um cuz there's only so many |
2246s | spots that you can get quote unquote on |
2248s | High down there there's not a lot of |
2249s | ceiling space and a lot of the rooms so |
2252s | we're adjusting that in this next |
2253s | interim SE to be a lot more |
2256s | forgiving um so your feet have to be on |
2260s | some environment or terrain while you're |
2262s | down there but you it will be a lot |
2264s | easier to complete this cuz with the |
2267s | tech rot |
2268s | um challenges it's all underground so |
2271s | and even like there's there's the some |
2273s | scalr missions that you have to go down |
2275s | anyway so it's like yeah 100% yeah so |
2278s | Come on B I played it on the test build |
2280s | and I I'm telling you it's so much |
2282s | easier now so if you guys have been |
2284s | having a hard time which I have been |
2285s | seeing reports on that we are going to |
2286s | be fixing that in this next yes you have |
2288s | to climb a tree says someone you have to |
2290s | there's like the little UFO in the |
2293s | underground area that people have like |
2295s | relying on to stand on the T-Rex or yeah |
2298s | stand on the T-Rex the escalators for |
2300s | the time being those areas work well mhm |
2303s | um but yes that was been could be yeah |
2305s | the UFO yeah the UFO is a good one UFO |
2308s | Strat anybody UFO Strat am I yo shout |
2311s | out to my aliens wait our survivability |
2314s | is kind of poo poo here anybody want to |
2317s | pop it I can grab it you popping yeah |
2321s | thank you where' this Tech route come |
2323s | from scoozy scoy his name was scoozie it |
2327s | is a scoozie |
2328s | scoozie tenant |
2331s | ESS I um I wonder what kind of like like |
2335s | does the scoozie play online track |
2337s | tracks on their speakers oh I think so |
2340s | you know do do they have a cdrom insert |
2344s | I hope so where I can choose the songs I |
2346s | wish to hear when I destroy them when I |
2350s | murder them when I murder mzi mzi |
2354s | MC mczy |
2359s | mczy mzi wait is that did I see a |
2363s | treasure nah I didn't oh it was the J |
2366s | light stupid thing I thought it was a |
2368s | glowing reward imagine if the treasures |
2370s | came down like that oh my glowing beams |
2372s | of |
2374s | light let me just clean this bad boy |
2376s | there we go she's well done escy Miss |
2383s | Suzi Miss that's a that's a tongue |
2385s | twister escy Miss mzi sounds like a a |
2390s | spell a spell SS like cursing you and my |
2398s | I start levitating out of my chair I |
2400s | just dropped down to the floor oh no so |
2403s | vient never the podcast goes down shuts |
2407s | down the whole internet yeah |
2409s | scoyy scoy oh |
2413s | man reminds me of that I won't say it do |
2416s | you ever see the SNL skit with shab with |
2419s | talking about shabzi the rapper I think |
2422s | so anyways anyways um I have to cough |
2425s | through do you want to mute my mic for a |
2426s | second y coughing my |
2430s | mic come over here slide over come over |
2434s | here oh my |
2435s | goodness cough to my mic whoa just a |
2439s | single |
2441s | like just a little guy a little guy |
2443s | little just a little just need a clear |
2445s | of the throat you know just a little |
2447s | throat clear yeah I had some chippies |
2450s | beening a lot been yapping over here dry |
2453s | in this room it is you know although I |
2455s | shouldn't be complaining cuz all week |
2457s | I've been complaining of how cold I am |
2458s | cuz it's freezing here but it is |
2462s | sry yeah cold as hell oh it's so it's so |
2467s | cold and it's so dry yeah I had to put |
2470s | moisturizer on my eyelids this morning |
2472s | wait do you not normally no I normally |
2474s | don't have an issue girl I'm dry as hell |
2477s | I don't have an issue how are you |
2479s | surviving this onslaught of cold procs |
2482s | outside killing me yeah it's a it's a |
2485s | struggle like I said earlier I get like |
2487s | the boat chill where it I know it hurts |
2489s | quite literally you can't get warm no it |
2492s | sucks so I have to take a 30 minute |
2493s | scalding shower yeah just kidding it I |
2496s | don't that's a waste of water but I do |
2497s | take a scalding shower see to the point |
2500s | where we got a plumber to come and do |
2503s | some work on our our heater so that it |
2506s | can make it scalding don't tell the law |
2509s | don't I I I won't tell the disembodied |
2513s | entity that is but if you come to my |
2515s | house my water will scald you so next |
2517s | time I come |
2519s | over I'll test this turn that tap on |
2521s | baby I'll turn it on it'll hurt I'll |
2523s | check it'll hurt real good treasure |
2525s | that's me that's mine mine who's going |
2528s | to get it first oh it's the |
2530s | pizza ah delicious wait you guys |
2533s | underground no we're like in the halfway |
2537s | parking lot kind of area I see I see I |
2539s | see oh |
2541s | hey sorry I have the map on my I do I |
2545s | not have oh I changed my companion I |
2547s | don't have animal scents on oh god well |
2551s | there goes my treasure hunting Beyond |
2554s | nah we'll get him yeah I don't know if |
2556s | uh my guy has it on or not I can't |
2559s | remember it's on floor pizza oh yeah I |
2563s | guess we are finding the pizza on the |
2565s | floor it is in the box but the Box is |
2569s | open therefore cold pizza cold floor |
2572s | Pizza yeah I don't know any anyway any |
2574s | cold pizz in i a cold pizza |
2578s | for sure baby you just get so much more |
2581s | flavor but what if okay cuz typically |
2584s | when you say cold pizza it's like a left |
2585s | over Pizza yes what about cold fresh |
2588s | pizza oh I've had that before it's very |
2590s | yummy depends on what how you make it |
2592s | what do you mean what are you making |
2594s | cold pizza why am I making cold pizza or |
2596s | are you just making pizza and it go I |
2597s | have free will don't |
2599s | I I'm just saying like if you're going |
2601s | to make pizza why would you make it hot |
2603s | because I could make it cold what yeah I |
2606s | don't know it's very it's like specific |
2607s | recipes there's like a yogurt Pizza |
2609s | thing I've had before I'm sorry I don't |
2611s | know it it it sounds it I had it at a |
2614s | friend's place they made it for me it |
2615s | was very delicious I think it's like a |
2617s | traditional potentially I'm not going to |
2619s | I don't actually know but it was very |
2621s | good oh okay okay I I could dig that how |
2624s | do you make whole pizza when you can't |
2626s | melt the cheese I don't think there was |
2628s | cheese on it so doesn't make it a pizza |
2631s | see now thinking I'm thinking about like |
2633s | remember Lunchables how they had the |
2634s | little pizza one unless you put that in |
2636s | the oven which not a lot of people do I |
2638s | think you should I think that might be |
2639s | illegal no you can put the Lunchable |
2642s | pizzas in the oven yeah oh my God they |
2644s | just turn into mini pizzas okay but uh |
2646s | yeah those are cold as yeah they are |
2650s | yeah it is just cold tomato sauce with I |
2654s | hate I hate marinara I hate to say it oh |
2656s | man oh when there's a too much sauce on |
2658s | a pizza oh that's fair yeah that's fair |
2662s | it can ruin the flavor no way not a fan |
2665s | of deep fish no I'm not it's like a |
2668s | casserole it's it's a sauce pot |
2670s | casserole it's a sauce pot had pot sauce |
2673s | bucket we have the pie Shack here in |
2675s | London and it's not aive wait what I've |
2677s | never had that there's a the pie sh hold |
2680s | up there's there's a deep dish place |
2683s | here I'll give you forio |
2686s | formio iio the pie Shack fagio fagio I |
2691s | see deep dish is really just tomato and |
2694s | cheese it's like a bread bowl soup it's |
2698s | a marinara soup bowl and I don't like |
2701s | marinara I dig it I like it reminds me |
2704s | of those lava cakes when you cut the |
2706s | cake and there's just so much like |
2707s | chocolate pouring out I don't know I |
2711s | don't like it like it's good but it's |
2713s | like I want cake I don't want sauce it's |
2715s | so it's a lot I don't want sauce so okay |
2719s | to come back so actually I don't |
2721s | actually know what the hex Pizza flavor |
2723s | is is it just a pepperoni I think or is |
2726s | it just cheese it oh it might just be |
2727s | cheese chat does anyone remember what is |
2729s | it it's got It's got stuff on it oh okay |
2732s | it's pepperoni is it like a a meat |
2736s | lovers kind of looks like it has |
2737s | mushrooms on it it looks like mushrooms |
2740s | really oh you nasty it looks like |
2742s | mushrooms and chicken e oh wow Hendrick |
2746s | I got really close a the screen I'm |
2750s | coming HRI and enough I want to eat |
2752s | mushrooms from havania though that |
2755s | Charlie is a great point the infection |
2757s | is a concern infestation not infection |
2760s | well there is an infection but someone |
2762s | said it's mold o oh mold your cheese is |
2765s | just mold I'm telling you wait wo wo wo |
2768s | wo that makes so much |
2770s | sense Charlie it is just fermented milk |
2774s | what cheese yeah yeah it just sits and |
2778s | becomes cheese chees chees yum technos |
2781s | site pizza oh you you got to work with |
2784s | what you got you know oh what are the |
2785s | name what is the name of the hex |
2787s | treasure cheddar cheddar crowns cheddar |
2789s | crowns I want those too those look |
2791s | delish they do a cheddar Crown it's kind |
2794s | of giving me goldfish Vibes a little bit |
2796s | yeah yeah love this fish delici and you |
2800s | can have the what is the beer oh the |
2803s | sixpack chugal along chugong hey that |
2806s | would make a great snack you know some |
2808s | pizza some big whites Pizza chug along |
2810s | beer it's almost Friday R it's almost |
2812s | Friday R I'm so |
2815s | hungry this why I I eat before the |
2818s | stream cuz all we do is talk about food |
2819s | and then my tummy sorry my tummy sounds |
2821s | like I'm farting so I it there I have to |
2824s | eat got to |
2825s | eat |
2827s | um I want to I want to Crunch on the |
2830s | mood crystals yes if you've ever seen |
2832s | those Crystal gummies before Crystal |
2835s | gummies um they're like um they're made |
2837s | out of a gargar seaweed and it gets like |
2840s | a little crunch on the outside and |
2841s | they're like these Crystal if if you |
2844s | probably seen them on like Tik Tok or |
2845s | something but I don't know |
2847s | uh the hex um treasure crystals |
2850s | definitely give you that that vibe to |
2852s | they like the Le eating rocks over there |
2854s | I'm eating rocks what can I say whatever |
2857s | you got never grew out of it whatever |
2859s | you want oh there it is I killed my T |
2861s | there's your Crystal I need a targetry |
2864s | where are you you I just wanted a new um |
2868s | I just wanted to take over someone's |
2870s | brain |
2871s | oh me I mean if I could I would di M di |
2876s | what would I find in there oh no oh no |
2880s | what Mysteries oh no oh no I've been |
2883s | watching a lot of Forensic Files have |
2885s | you oh my yeah I discovered a channel |
2887s | that is only Forensic Files so o solving |
2891s | murders left right and Center over here |
2892s | guys we got detective Megan over here |
2895s | what can I say it was the husband it was |
2897s | it's always the husband it's always the |
2899s | husband look at him sus you to scream at |
2903s | your TV like yeah it's the dad so I |
2907s | can't watch those open cases what's up |
2910s | standing here |
2912s | H like |
2917s | um I watched a show like that and they |
2920s | had like an open case from Toronto ever |
2923s | since then I've been scared yeah when it |
2926s | gets a little close to home you're like |
2927s | it's too real then it's too real I don't |
2929s | want to know like what do you mean |
2932s | Toronto sweet little |
2934s | Toronto oh my gosh I am just a big all |
2937s | of just oh my rain my eyes o I picked a |
2942s | terrible energy color that yellow what's |
2944s | going on over there sorry forgive me |
2946s | chat I won't do that again I promise you |
2949s | do taking your game you're taking my |
2951s | camera away put her into the the void I |
2956s | understand I understand |
2958s | completely it's always the husband |
2960s | except when it's the butler okay yeah |
2962s | okay where have we not gone that I can |
2964s | throw my orcan eye down |
2968s | have have you been down um I |
2971s | H sort of maybe I'll backtrack a little |
2974s | bit here kind sort of not |
2976s | really is this an entrance to the |
2978s | underground world it is not oh my my |
2981s | tummy is a |
2983s | rumbling y That's what I mean I had to |
2985s | eat before it what if the husband is the |
2987s | butler oh my god wow what a plot to this |
2993s | the whole time yo we're that's a crazy |
2996s | double the whole time double crime |
2999s | situation there he would have to be like |
3001s | crazy Incognito like a whole new getup |
3003s | to not you would yeah glasses and |
3006s | mustache aren't going to save you you |
3008s | got to take that monocle off man it's |
3009s | giving you away oh the countessa comic |
3013s | we picked up a new treasure vampire G |
3017s | vampire |
3018s | G |
3020s | um get out of here Jade light I don't |
3023s | want you someone yes I would like a big |
3025s | bite's pizza please |
3027s | one pizza for you I'm needed a jablin at |
3031s | that I'm |
3033s | lost where are you what do you mean I'm |
3035s | just trying to find a spot that we |
3037s | haven't gone to yet and you know what I |
3039s | can't distinguish you know what I can't |
3041s | find cuz the map is pretty much all |
3043s | covered I think we've pretty much been |
3045s | everywhere but we're missing some I know |
3046s | we're missing two |
3048s | right wait you can destroy the Jade |
3050s | light yeah aim at the little ball yeah |
3053s | see aim up at it aim at the ball shoot |
3056s | kill destroy it oh is this a dead |
3061s | end oh maybe yeah you might be right oh |
3065s | someone has a waypoint down is this an |
3067s | area that we haven't been to maybe maybe |
3069s | oh I'm going to follow your Waypoint |
3071s | then watch it's a ever has put that down |
3075s | oh oh oh was this oh the theater room |
3078s | maybe H the theater the theater the |
3083s | theat |
3084s | sorry just left hand because every |
3087s | single person is like what you can |
3090s | destroy the day life yeah I feel like |
3091s | every time we show that yeah yeah you |
3094s | just trust me it'll it'll uh this is |
3097s | this is changing your life information |
3099s | here ready yeah gone I no clue |
3105s | Charlie we've all learned something we |
3108s | love that now you guys can have more |
3111s | control over your situations kill the |
3113s | Jay ready hold |
3115s | on I got to sa that |
3120s | dead more you know the light is |
3123s | dead not like this no oh it worked I |
3127s | found one oh I see it I got it what is |
3129s | it oh it's beer Megan chugging alone |
3132s | it's beer I found oh we got all of them |
3136s | oh no it's film never mind it's camera |
3137s | film we can't eat that I mean wow you're |
3141s | hungry enough n anything is delicious |
3145s | funny anything is all right we've got |
3148s | another like minute before yeah yeah I |
3151s | got to make my way to extraction yeah |
3153s | I'm going to start scooting cuz I hate |
3155s | being the last one to |
3157s | extraction I mean anything could |
3159s | potentially be cake too so I've learned |
3162s | a cake so I've learned anything on my |
3165s | time on the Internet is that anything |
3166s | could potentially be cake so this is |
3169s | true oh my God where am I going that's a |
3172s | that's a game Amir would really enjoy |
3174s | playing is it real or is it cake is it |
3176s | cake |
3178s | um oh okay this way uh J light cake be a |
3183s | spicy cake what would a green cake tast |
3186s | lime o lime lime I don't know about that |
3189s | green lime ke lime green apple okay I |
3193s | could see keine being maybe a h what |
3195s | else is cre cake frame one now that's a |
3198s | good question oh my gosh I mean I'm cake |
3200s | I'm just kidding huh I me have you seen |
3202s | spin still oh oh yes oh my it's got a |
3206s | whole Baker it's okay we need we have we |
3208s | finished it we did it we designed it did |
3211s | get to the extraction point for muray |
3215s | I'm moving along Green Oh matcha |
3219s | cake I I don't like it but it makes |
3221s | sense list I had a matcha cake in Berlin |
3223s | that changed my life I actually teared |
3225s | up over it I've never cried over food |
3227s | being that delicious it changed my whole |
3229s | life was kind of nice it was so good |
3231s | best for back so many times slop well no |
3234s | sight for your boy but we got a whole |
3236s | bunch of treasures no sight for my boy |
3238s | if this is a cake who's the baker that's |
3241s | a good question that is a good question |
3244s | who baked the cake I think I I could I |
3246s | could say but that kind of spoils things |
3248s | about some of the hex characters oh and |
3251s | O hollers I would oh someone said |
3254s | Pistachio |
3256s | Pistachio y'all we got we have to stop |
3259s | we have to stop talking I the little |
3262s | green nuts they're so yummy the green |
3264s | nuts little tiny green nuts |
3267s | the baker was the Butler and the husband |
3270s | oh the lore runs so deep what is |
3273s | happening do I have enough to get up to |
3274s | 2 let's find out I'm turning in my |
3277s | treasures wow look at you you're so |
3279s | pretty wh oh did you see that someone in |
3284s | Discord just said Grinch they oh no |
3288s | [Applause] |
3290s | Grinch grin flavor well I think com |
3294s | comment off of Charlie's comment okay |
3297s | oh little girl oh I'm sorry I'm sorry |
3302s | moving on Discord Discord |
3309s | nasty you nasty oh my |
3313s | God oh my God are you rich what's your |
3316s | VI um I am not but I'm close so we could |
3320s | do |
3323s | another I said I need the systems right |
3326s | h yes do we want to do another survival |
3329s | no let's do something different okay |
3330s | let's do the scal exterminate then cuz |
3332s | that's for the neuroptics and it's with |
3334s | my husband your husband quiny shall we |
3338s | run a platinum prize room absolutely |
3341s | yay yay Megan you never looked at the |
3345s | guitar covers what do you mean guitar |
3347s | covers what guitar covers what do you |
3349s | mean where who what you me are you the |
3354s | butler oh did you do the murder the |
3358s | person |
3362s | am get |
3364s | him thanks to science we were able to |
3368s | determine from the fiber of a red |
3370s | sweater owned by seiller |
3373s | 764 they were the |
3376s | murder they're getting caught in like |
3380s | caught oh my God we |
3383s | found secular 764 justes w and lost |
3387s | simultaneously yeah you won your prise |
3390s | now go to jail now you're going to jail |
3391s | please whisper the Warframe twitch |
3393s | Channel with your in-game Milas platform |
3394s | you play warmont and we'll get you your |
3396s | 1,000 platinum and your oneway ticket to |
3398s | jail and also include your guilty plea |
3401s | yeah can you uh can you please give us |
3403s | your guilty or what is it innocent |
3406s | verdict what do they call it uh yeah |
3408s | you're just your verdict your verdict |
3409s | yeah give us your verdict yeah what's |
3411s | here anybody Butler are you you at the |
3414s | car I'm at the car anyway |
3417s | we're waiting I'm by the bike I'm at my |
3421s | Weeoo oh my God jail where do I sign up |
3424s | avoiding |
3426s | work you know what on that topic I think |
3429s | I have to do jury duty |
3431s | soon I don't yeah wow I've never done |
3434s | that I got the summoned you've been |
3436s | summoned I've been summoned oh my gosh I |
3439s | actually got summoned and called for |
3440s | jewelry Duty over Co and then it didn't |
3443s | happen cuz Co now |
3445s | right but I will go I will do it yeah |
3449s | just so that we're clear I will go Megan |
3451s | will do her uh civil duties here I will |
3454s | jury my duty all right |
3459s | well what the I'll do it I just what the |
3464s | I had a a free pass during the co times |
3467s | they resummoned me ah actually I I got |
3470s | the summon while I was in Japan last |
3472s | year and I was like oh |
3473s | no oh no you like reply back with the |
3477s | whole whatever and oh no I'm going to |
3482s | jail you I'm the murderer you come back |
3485s | through Canadian customs and they're |
3487s | like get her where have you been get her |
3490s | the court it waits you I've been um |
3493s | watching uh but rewatching but call saw |
3497s | so I have the law on the brain same man |
3501s | yeah Power of fibers man they'll get you |
3505s | the power of the fiber don't don't |
3507s | evered oh Supply cash I'm just going to |
3509s | wear a red sweater for the rest of my |
3511s | life cuz you want to be cuz if I ever |
3513s | get got there'll be a red |
3517s | fiber wait what I'm so confused you want |
3521s | that no I don't want it but I'm just |
3522s | saying like almost every like forensic |
3526s | file or like crime thing that's like |
3528s | there was no evidence but a single red |
3530s | fiber in the back of the guy's truck |
3533s | yeah and then they find it they they |
3536s | match it to the sweater that the girly |
3538s | was wearing oh you know cuz the butler |
3540s | husband cak maker killed her cak maker |
3544s | we've established he's the whole the |
3546s | whole package right wow what a |
3548s | multi-talented |
3550s | King wait a murderer is a king dny come |
3553s | on no I'm just I'm saying you know we |
3557s | got culinary skills we've got mystery |
3560s | Mur |
3562s | skills I don't |
3564s | know mystery |
3567s | Crim crime criminal skills |
3570s | crimbus criminal skill crimbus skills |
3574s | criminal |
3575s | skills I would like to learn how to pick |
3578s | Rock one day that would be my criminal |
3580s | skill I had or have a friend that was |
3583s | teaching sorry this sounds like I'm |
3585s | actually a murderer |
3586s | but you got careful you got jury duty |
3589s | coming up I know don't listen uh I did |
3593s | practice picking a lock once on like |
3595s | just like a lock box yeah it's all about |
3597s | the sound you know yeah I had a friend |
3599s | who also did that who's now like I think |
3602s | like um like compet a murderer |
3605s | no am I going to be their jury oh no |
3610s | imagine soorry they're what now oh |
3612s | they're just like like they're so good |
3614s | at lockpicking really yeah it's very |
3616s | very cool they're big um Fallout fan |
3620s | Skyrim fan the the |
3622s | inspo Jade light sorry the Jade light |
3625s | was coming for me Hendrick no no J like |
3627s | on endri murder Qui sir I'd like to get |
3631s | your trench coat on we have a mystery to |
3634s | Sol the murderer was covered in green |
3638s | light covered in green light came out of |
3641s | the sky in a balloon oh no floated down |
3644s | at 2 miles every second oh my gosh |
3649s | someone SC just got |
3651s | exploded exploded who in the Warframe |
3655s | Universe would be a really pickpocketer |
3657s | clo oh ivara literally I |
3661s | oh sorry let's match |
3665s | the match the crime to the Warframe |
3668s | pickpocketing would be ivara cuz she |
3670s | literally has a |
3671s | pickpocket little petty theft over there |
3674s | Loki would be oh robbery robbery he go |
3677s | invisible that would be a good one yeah |
3679s | UMO is just straight up murder clo is |
3682s | just straight up murder homicide um |
3684s | first degree murder what would be |
3686s | lockpicking like who would be really |
3687s | good at |
3688s | lockpicking |
3690s | uh H you need like very dainty oh wait |
3695s | doesn't like necros Prime have really |
3696s | like long fingers he could lick lick |
3701s | lockpick with his fingers make rudo or |
3704s | Vue with their talent oh yeah yeah |
3706s | that's a good one |
3708s | Mirage oh oh Mirage would be great she'd |
3711s | be um oh she'd turn into a |
3714s | locker she could like do wait cuz she |
3717s | can Doppel gang yeah yeah she can she |
3720s | turns into the lock box while someone |
3722s | takes the real lock box oh there you go |
3724s | like a heist be a good heist criminal |
3727s | conspiracy yes conspiracy oh Dante has |
3731s | the quill fingers you're right oh that's |
3733s | a good one oh Dante would just be |
3735s | Alchemy crimes of some sort Alchemy CRI |
3738s | crimes against nature he's poisoning |
3740s | he's poisoned someone to death oh oh I |
3742s | feel like that would be Laos oh you're |
3744s | right yeah I cooking up some some |
3746s | poisons in the in the lab potions and |
3748s | lotions over there what |
3751s | what wait who would be Grand Theft |
3754s | Auto g g he steing I guess he doesn't |
3758s | need a car to get away you're right |
3759s | grindle |
3761s | then go keep up to keep up with ghost oh |
3766s | I see okay yes is yes it's giving like |
3768s | Fast and the Furious stealing cars type |
3770s | of thing G don't need one cuz he's fast |
3772s | as I see what you mean cuz he's Fast and |
3774s | Furious all in one right yeah great do I |
3777s | want this ribon oh I already got it oh |
3779s | my God reev I can't even say that one |
3780s | out loud that was |
3783s | crazy um limbo does tax fraud limbo does |
3787s | tax fraud oh no not the money fraud is a |
3789s | good one that is a good one fraud is a |
3791s | good one I feel like limbo renle is |
3793s | public intoxication oh no no he yeah |
3798s | okay that that makes sense that makes |
3800s | sense to me oops that's not what I |
3803s | wanted oh sarin would be pois oh she gas |
3806s | gasa Place yeah she would be like uh |
3809s | yeah necro oh my go I think I just read |
3811s | the one you read no no one oh no we |
3815s | can't say that out loud volt is an |
3818s | someone just said volt is an electrician |
3820s | like that's his crime now a lot of |
3823s | murders it's because you let an |
3825s | electrician into your house is that true |
3827s | yes is that's what you've learned yes |
3829s | people never letting anyone in my house |
3831s | ever again that thievery will dress up |
3834s | as like electricians and be like I'm |
3837s | here from the city to check your pipes |
3838s | or whatever that's not what electricians |
3841s | I |
3841s | know plumber electrician like city city |
3845s | city Folk yeah the city Folk right the |
3848s | cosplay as the city Folk and then |
3850s | they'll shank you oh my God uh there's |
3853s | an iatan over |
3854s | here aatan I hardly know her um is that |
3859s | intended for the whole Vania to set sure |
3862s | I have I've yet to see one this is the |
3863s | first time I've seen one in the is |
3865s | pineapple it is is the |
3868s | PIV is it from |
3871s | the box yeah it doesn't no it's not no |
3874s | it was actual an actual pickup I'm sorry |
3877s | I am so late to the party I'm coming I |
3879s | promise K gambling totally totally oh |
3882s | yeah yeah yeah the fates the fates the F |
3884s | she's a gambling cheater who else we got |
3887s | Loki steals your identity yeah okay oh n |
3891s | would just be manipulation of some oh my |
3893s | God n would be the best criminal yeah |
3896s | actually The Mastermind criminal |
3898s | mastermind yeah she would just yeah make |
3900s | someone take the |
3901s | blame that's it that's it should be like |
3905s | a like a like a leader like leader you |
3907s | know she's the mafia boss yeah yeah yeah |
3911s | love |
3911s | that all right Go's manslaughter damn |
3916s | not the man slaughter oh my goodness |
3918s | what about woman Slaughter am I right |
3920s | black |
3921s | male oh not the black male ni yeah no |
3925s | not the black |
3926s | Trinity is medical |
3933s | malpractice that's that's really good |
3935s | foul overon would be law |
3939s | enforcement that's so |
3941s | funny vehicular |
3943s | manslaughter get out of here G uh gar is |
3946s | breaking an entry she can break the |
3948s | windows oh my so good Healthcare |
3953s | fraud no |
3960s | law for obon Ember for arson of course y |
3964s | Em's arson 100% what did we get did we |
3967s | not get uh we didn't get the part but |
3969s | it's okay I can turn in more things I'm |
3971s | going to dance in the bushes while |
3972s | you're doing okay hey |
3976s | do all |
3979s | right your thing girl I'll just uh Shey |
3983s | Drive no go back to that I was I was |
3985s | enjoying that |
3987s | I was get the people what they want the |
3989s | people what they want I have the things |
3992s | I want oh yeah I guess stalker is just |
3994s | already a murderer yeah that's true Coro |
3996s | is |
3997s | catnapping wait that's not a crime is it |
4000s | not catnapping catnap is that not just |
4003s | taking a nap no no like how like |
4007s | stealing a cat stealing cats Oh I |
4010s | thought they just meant like taking a |
4012s | cat net that'd be cute Frost for bad |
4015s | buns |
4016s | um I have enough to get apart bye bye |
4019s | bye um I needed the neurobics and the |
4022s | you know go back to Danny you don't have |
4023s | to look at this wait but the music is |
4026s | perfect for this um what should I |
4029s | get I just guess it doesn't really |
4032s | matter do you want to run for Argon |
4034s | crystals so I can build it okay that to |
4036s | the void to the void we |
4038s | go one day my love I shall we'll get it |
4044s | craft you in my Foundry boy will be |
4046s | yours all |
4048s | right mag uses industrial Crushers to |
4051s | hide |
4052s | bodies mag does thank you squad for |
4056s | actually I guess we can make we can make |
4058s | a new squad for Argon hunting uh nikan |
4061s | and Hendrick fan thank you so much you |
4063s | guys are the best Squad let me put it |
4067s | love it all right goodbye thanks friend |
4070s | oh thanks friends oh you just dipped I |
4074s | said goodbye again aggressive who's |
4076s | vandalism |
4078s | vandalism |
4081s | um do we have no one's really like |
4083s | graffiti esque I think Elli because of |
4087s | the vent kids vent kids gave her the |
4090s | spray paint and was like go forth mother |
4093s | she could just drown |
4095s | them good point you know what I mean |
4098s | good point you know what I mean all |
4099s | right Danny I'm inviting okay thank you |
4106s | Catrine jewel thief so true she's |
4108s | stealing that blood diamond for |
4112s | sure let me let me let me let me let me |
4116s | let me just cook let me I'm cooking I'm |
4120s | cooking you really is water boarding W |
4124s | that's that is something people are |
4128s | whoever sent you the jury duty is going |
4130s | to look at this footage and be like |
4131s | we've made a mistake I think Danny Can |
4133s | You REO yeah appreciate you all right |
4136s | CLM is Mastermind mob boss CLM really |
4139s | CLM he says one word CLM how is he going |
4143s | to be able to communicate his plans CLM |
4145s | is our sweet baby angel I guess maybe he |
4147s | could be like a he could be like a |
4149s | mastermind in the sense that he just |
4150s | like has a big Google dock or something |
4152s | he's like here's the here's he's got |
4154s | Excel sheets to Beyond yeah did we |
4159s | already say tax fraud who would be doing |
4160s | tax Libo limbo will be doing |
4164s | ta's in the house |
4166s | in Aros would just throw sand in your |
4168s | eyes I guess that is |
4171s | playground nuisance what do they call |
4173s | that like a like public |
4176s | disturbance not rough housing there's |
4178s | another word for that I don't know I |
4180s | don't know anymore throwing say okay I |
4182s | am back in she's back all right |
4186s | whoops all right if you'd like to join |
4188s | for an argon Run please whisper me in |
4192s | game what your C no I'm kidding um |
4195s | whisper me in game oh my |
4198s | God what lotus's crime is oh oh get the |
4204s | pen and paper out |
4206s | baby Someone said zaku be abandoning her |
4211s | children what someone just zaku would be |
4214s | public |
4216s | in put your clothes on put your clothes |
4220s | on child endangerment for sure Lis is |
4223s | the Emperor in Star Wars |
4226s | falling for the wrong guy kidnapping |
4228s | falling for the wrong guy that's a crime |
4231s | terrible relationship advice I am |
4234s | excavator child neglect oh oh yo what's |
4237s | up |
4238s | G3 in the G3 child neglect it's all just |
4242s | I mean property theft the |
4246s | moon trying to steal that Moon not |
4250s | believe that oh we got alen identity |
4253s | fraud identity multiple personality |
4256s | girl stealing the |
4260s | moon she do oh what do you want to do um |
4264s | I am open to anything I think uh usually |
4268s | like a surviv like a let's go to Annie |
4270s | yeah the Annie is a good one Annie Lotus |
4273s | is the grw yeah that's |
4276s | true the tenno are minions |
4280s | yeah oh God Espionage I bet you someone |
4283s | has made an operator look like a minion |
4285s | sure there has to be I mean if potato |
4287s | tactical potato can make a Ronald |
4289s | McDonald's there's got to be we've given |
4291s | you guys too much power there's too much |
4293s | customize L is a YouTube mom is that a |
4296s | crime a YouTube mom like she puts her |
4299s | kids on YouTube as like she's like a |
4301s | family vlogger that's the crime wait |
4304s | that's so these are all my kids that I |
4306s | abandoned oh my |
4308s | God oh my God she's profited from us and |
4311s | left us in the dirt where's my residuals |
4314s | where's yeah where's my YouTube AdSense |
4317s | paycheck bom girl where's my |
4320s | residual |
4322s | murder oh |
4325s | murder we all know that man was is we |
4329s | got a frost in the group what's up oh a |
4331s | frost it's a little icy in here oh |
4335s | Banger this would be my uh entrance to |
4339s | the uh |
4341s | courtroom as I walk as my walk out two |
4344s | two courtrooms usually have |
4346s | intro re an announcer that's like say |
4350s | and coming up next I like hey I'll uh |
4354s | I'll give a guilty verdict if you let me |
4356s | walk out to the great despair like |
4358s | you're coming out in like an MMA fight |
4360s | like WWE and my orange jumpsuit with my |
4363s | hands cuff the great despair is a great |
4365s | song to come out to if you I think it's |
4368s | right here what's up oh that's fair oh |
4371s | yeah wait oh look let's go oh my gosh |
4373s | that was so fast oh I'm stuck on a wall |
4375s | baby I'm coming wow you might as well |
4378s | stay for a quick five you know yeah why |
4380s | not I well we have |
4383s | to I mean don't have a choice we could |
4385s | stay for 10 but that's true that's true |
4387s | that's true |
4390s | why instead of Judge Judy it's judge |
4392s | saurin oh no someone said Umbra is the |
4395s | quiet kid that's his crime a that means |
4398s | I got to go to jail oh my God kidding I |
4400s | was loud as |
4403s | hell I guess you could argue that Umbra |
4405s | is also so child endangerment oh what |
4409s | well you know just pop out and you know |
4412s | he just walks around on his own you know |
4414s | he just leaves yeah he just hangs |
4420s | up |
4422s | what yeah who would umbra's crimes be |
4426s | well there's many are um's crimes I mean |
4429s | he's straight up yeah okay |
4432s | good never mind never mind CRI be to |
4438s | H you have the right to remain |
4445s | silent they don't talk so identity theft |
4448s | oh my goodness oh another |
4451s | argon boy we rich oh my gosh where I |
4455s | just weed oh you weed I can't see it WP |
4459s | I might have I might have oh I might |
4461s | have grabbed it already I can't see the |
4463s | wp you're here come to the middle the |
4465s | middle oh you oh |
4468s | you I was looking for the like you know |
4470s | when you Waypoint onto the item and it I |
4473s | did you must have like got I must picked |
4475s | it up already I picked it up already |
4476s | yeah |
4478s | yeah Nova is a hero Nova is guilty of no |
4482s | crimes apparently uh I mean I would say |
4484s | messing with things you shouldn't messed |
4486s | with like maybe like no she would be |
4488s | like she's the getaway car cuz she could |
4491s | she got her portals theal you know what |
4493s | I'm saying she I crimes against like um |
4497s | messing with physics things you |
4498s | shouldn't be messing with you know she's |
4500s | a science like NASA's like what are we |
4502s | doing she's science she's a what she's a |
4505s | scientist you're crying being a |
4506s | scientist scientist you are too smart oh |
4510s | my God another one where right back in |
4513s | the same plot place we were at I'm on me |
4516s | way I'm wait on me way I'm on me |
4519s | Way Nova broke the laws of physics |
4522s | that's what I was trying to get at thank |
4524s | you chat |
4526s | she said Einstein who wait no |
4529s | who what who's a really smart uh for no |
4535s | no who's the who who's the other Rel no |
4538s | it's not Einstein who's the other for |
4540s | Gravity I'm talking about for |
4542s | space Oh My Gosh Hawking yeah I was even |
4545s | Hawking take that Hawking what would H's |
4549s | crime be being to jacked ooh |
4553s | steroids sorry that |
4556s | yes although she is a natural Queen like |
4559s | uh um what is it like what did um our |
4562s | our not Olympian our bicycler guy do |
4566s | yeah yeah what's that called though U |
4568s | performance drugs yeah performance ening |
4571s | drugs H why H why paging oh no not the |
4576s | cities doping doping at doping that's |
4579s | the word I was looking for hilden w |
4582s | you're better than this powerlifter |
4584s | you're better than this better than that |
4586s | what about dag it um not having a face |
4590s | is that a crime it could be to some not |
4593s | being able to identify |
4595s | herself yeah she no oh like um ID issues |
4600s | like um ID fraud I def fraud D she's |
4603s | making fakes I mean she stole someone's |
4606s | name oh maybe some oh oh the lore l of |
4611s | it all the lore of it all um she did |
4613s | also |
4615s | maybe she stole her |
4617s | horse what would you call |
4620s | that equestrian theft equestrian |
4624s | theft we got some AE let's go more argon |
4629s | did you get this one I I think so yeah I |
4631s | don't see it you see |
4633s | it oh no I didn't oh yummy yummy this |
4636s | room this room is quite the yeah this |
4638s | the spot oh there Grand Theft horsery |
4641s | yeah there you go oh my God how much I |
4643s | do or I 12 cryst oh my |
4647s | God right there God what else do I need |
4650s | to oh my |
4652s | God game's Broken Oh no that's the one |
4655s | that's the one I |
4658s | did D would be riding without a permit |
4661s | you need a you don't need a permit to to |
4664s | ride on oh driving without a permit |
4665s | sorry oh I see driving Octavia CRI is |
4668s | Ste copyrighted music we're done are we |
4670s | oh sorry I'm just sitting back I was |
4673s | like why are you not doing |
4676s | sorry it didn't say you were there so oh |
4679s | it says top left under the timer but it |
4682s | didn't say you friend is there oh oh |
4686s | no what |
4689s | the Octavia was the original |
4692s | Napster you wouldn't steal a |
4695s | car why would you steal |
4699s | music oh lime wire just kidding jelli is |
4702s | pirating octavia's music oh that's cute |
4705s | Octavia is guilty of disturbing the |
4707s | piece but |
4710s | dance that's pretty good but with |
4713s | serving the piece is pretty good GH is |
4715s | guilty of speeding you're right oh there |
4717s | you go that's you wouldn't download a |
4719s | car would you yeah exactly but would you |
4722s | speed all right what needs argon here |
4723s | cuz I know so much argon you must have a |
4727s | booster on cuz I only have six yeah I'm |
4730s | richer I already have from cyon ner |
4733s | Optics obviously duh |
4737s | all right that I need more for that grle |
4740s | I have wait I have everything when did I |
4742s | get the |
4744s | systems what y'all do I rush |
4747s | it cuz I want to Fashion my boy Quincy |
4750s | although I don't know if we have time |
4753s | that's up to you I'm going to rush it |
4756s | because I want it now give me the man of |
4761s | the hour what about prota um what's |
4764s | prot's crme |
4771s | oh what are you laughing at no idea |
4774s | what' you do I just uh changed my |
4777s | Loadout name oh yes I see yay yes cuz I |
4780s | have the skin how will you customize I |
4784s | mean there's so many options let's just |
4786s | see the run the gamut here what we could |
4789s | oo kind of want a man of mystery moment |
4791s | here you know international Man of |
4794s | Mystery |
4796s | dark oh whoa wait a minute not so |
4800s | mysterious but I'm kind of digging it |
4802s | let's do see if I can copy the pro is a |
4805s | Time violation okay time violation |
4808s | curious oh that's didn't show up for |
4810s | jury duty |
4812s | oh oh her summons were un answer do I |
4816s | want okay I have options I I personally |
4819s | love his paret yes I'm a I'm a as the |
4823s | girl you say or as anyone says about air |
4825s | here glasses on or glasses off I'm a |
4827s | beret on you're Beret on I'm a beret it |
4829s | just really pulls ties the whole look in |
4831s | it's just so nice and I guess I can |
4834s | choose the cloak kind of don't want to |
4836s | like lose out |
4838s | on you oh I think I I think I actually |
4841s | oh right yes yes yes I forgot that |
4843s | that's the attachment slot okay if I |
4845s | copy the main color oo I kind of like |
4848s | that but I kind of want to key pastel |
4850s | moment I feel like the |
4853s | pastel litters cuz of dispensary not |
4857s | wrong there's a lot I keep the purple in |
4860s | there but I want to do like a |
4862s | darker maybe that's too light let's see |
4865s | if I can bring it down a little |
4868s | bit pretty good wait this Rosy color |
4872s | though pretty good it's very Valentine |
4874s | it is very Valentine Smoochy Smit wait |
4877s | this is kind of a Vibe too though |
4879s | actually you know what the pink might be |
4881s | you're into it the pink might be the |
4883s | vibe what does chat think chat what do |
4885s | you think of this |
4887s | look it's giving what is it giving what |
4891s | is it giving is it giving husband it is |
4894s | giving husband very well the pink looks |
4896s | good you did it he sprued up for me |
4900s | finally I'm home well speaking of cy9 |
4904s | don't we have a treat for you if you |
4907s | perhaps just got cy9 and you did I did |
4911s | and perhaps you're looking for a build |
4913s | to make C9 just the strongest boy in the |
4917s | land well Warframe flow has a lovely |
4920s | video for you that's titled cy9 is |
4922s | broken but not in the way you think |
4924s | let's listen and watch and play it how |
4927s | do you play cyon in general missions |
4930s | when you start your mission you want to |
4931s | cast your invisibility when enemies |
4933s | start spawning this will keep you alive |
4935s | and also allow you to gain those head |
4936s | shots to keep the duration of evade up |
4939s | then cast your first ability in the |
4941s | direction of your enemies this will |
4943s | allow you to kill enemies through walls |
4944s | gain a bunch of punch through and also |
4946s | increase your head shot damage as well |
4948s | or you can cost them and move around the |
4950s | enemies just make sure that your |
4952s | antennas are scanning the enemies that |
4953s | you are killing cast your second ability |
4955s | and choose the element you see fit this |
4958s | is really up to you there is no best |
4960s | element here per se it's all dependent |
4962s | on what you want and how you modded your |
4964s | weapons and so on but if you do want my |
4966s | suggestions I can confidently say |
4968s | running blast with a sniper is |
4970s | disgusting and not only that gas as well |
4972s | is also very very powerful since it's |
4974s | damages is so high the damage of time |
4976s | effects from gas is really strong too |
4979s | and viral always works corrosive is also |
4981s | a Godly element to run against armored |
4983s | enemies and of course we finally have |
4985s | our fourth ability which we'll be |
4986s | keeping up for the most part if you want |
4988s | to focus on that and that's it really |
4991s | just keep recasting your second ability |
4992s | and make sure your invisibility is up |
4994s | and honestly you're good to go ay W |
4998s | YouTuber Warframe flow she you can check |
5002s | out that whole video and more on their |
5005s | YouTube obviously but we will have this |
5006s | Linked In The Prime Time YouTube |
5008s | description if you want a handy dandy |
5010s | link right there for your Warframe flow |
5012s | thank you Warframe flow you're the best |
5014s | all right are we ready for some fan art |
5015s | and captura I am whoa whoa Rue was damn |
5019s | that button was hot R was ready I'm not |
5022s | missing it this time no Miss tonight |
5024s | that's your |
5027s | crime all right Dan you want to start us |
5029s | off with some fan art I would love to |
5031s | starting off with a one I do believe you |
5034s | would love dear nearly |
5035s | all by on Blue Sky um they said had to |
5040s | create a tribute to the beautiful |
5042s | cinematic we got for our best boy oh |
5044s | look at his little face they said they |
5047s | also use this as a chance to experiment |
5048s | further with the brush ear style to add |
5050s | more detail and more detail there is I |
5053s | want to run my fingers through that hair |
5055s | oh I take the headphones off first |
5058s | that's my |
5060s | crime wanting to give head Pats just |
5063s | just a little so this is beautiful that |
5066s | is like how do you capture such like |
5068s | love in someone's eyes like that that's |
5071s | a talent a skill it is a skill you know |
5073s | what else is a skill this com in |
5077s | umbrella it's so pretty um this is by |
5081s | nv- iy on Blue Sky and they said when we |
5085s | meet again there will be nor |
5088s | no sorry my Australian for a second |
5091s | there there will be no sorrow |
5094s | yeah oh I love it |
5097s | mumbrella a gunbrella they also added |
5099s | according to the lore K just disappeared |
5101s | one day without a trace maybe she |
5103s | happened to catch a glimpse of the |
5104s | future in an ominous dead tree oh I |
5107s | thought her crime was gambling but |
5109s | apparently we're rewriting the script |
5111s | here we're rewriting the script I love |
5113s | how they did the glow in the umbrella |
5114s | it's so good 10 out of 10 whoops moving |
5118s | on we have this beautiful piece by grow |
5121s | on Discord of AE having a lollip pop mhm |
5126s | I love the style I feel like OE out of |
5128s | everyone would be like the obsessed with |
5131s | candy totally you know what I mean like |
5133s | always has some well she loves bubble |
5135s | tea she loves bubble tea is that candy |
5137s | though it's tapioca lot sugar it's so |
5141s | much sugar so yeah a lot of sugar yeah |
5143s | love her our Sugar Queen love love this |
5145s | piece um we got another Discord piece |
5148s | here which is actually from Thomas on |
5150s | Discord who said uh that they were |
5152s | posting old drawings that they une |
5155s | from their old phone they said it was |
5157s | really fun to draw but they felt very |
5159s | drained after which I could imagine with |
5161s | all the like pencil Strokes I me but |
5162s | this is like R OG uh warframes are |
5165s | complicated beasts to draw so the fact |
5168s | that you did this with a straight up |
5170s | pencil is very impressive this is like |
5172s | the old school Warframe yeah this is |
5174s | giving like yeah our our old promotional |
5177s | art from back in the day so good though |
5179s | nailed it would love to see more of your |
5182s | stuff um we have this piece by Dragon |
5185s | Roll Z on Discord oh hey and they said |
5188s | sometimes self-care is drawing your OC |
5190s | as a KERO Proto frame because of their |
5193s | early similar Back stories and color |
5195s | palettes oh I feel bad for your OC yeah |
5198s | feel bad for your OC this is a gorgeous |
5202s | gorgeous man I love I love looks like he |
5205s | has a little Band-Aid on his nose I do |
5207s | Wonder like the the like marking what is |
5210s | that what happened to you what happened |
5212s | a scar perhaps uh this is a three piece |
5214s | piece I'm overly obsessed with by Irene |
5219s | wolf this was a commission with Drifter |
5221s | and Stein ax tell me this is not some |
5225s | was beautiful wait can I be that girl I |
5228s | mean I'm asking isn't it so |
5232s | beautiful I'm jealous oh wowe wow right |
5236s | wow and I just love this like the |
5238s | crowning like the what is the romance |
5241s | what is the relationship I need to know |
5243s | more the give me the |
5245s | right W ABS someone said hold up God I |
5249s | wish that was |
5251s | me I'm telling you sin X's crime Steal |
5255s | Your Girl that is's crime 100% you can |
5258s | steal anyone's girl 100% moving along |
5261s | with of course tbg |
5265s | CaRu with the gala hex looks and I am I |
5271s | am oh Eleanor that is insane in a suit I |
5277s | am insane crying lety's gorgeous dress I |
5281s | can't I cannot appear actually yeah I |
5284s | think that's what I'm laughing at right |
5285s | now yeah it says Quincy helped with drip |
5289s | yeah he dressed them I love how he's |
5291s | holding like flowers behind and then |
5293s | Quincy has his camera it's so well done |
5297s | it's just like it's perfect like this is |
5300s | exactly what they would wear so so so |
5303s | good um um we have this next one here by |
5307s | elas drid and they said this is a kith |
5311s | warm-up and I'm like if this is a warmup |
5313s | what else are you capable of damn I love |
5316s | it damn this is looking like a big |
5318s | floofy tail right I want that this would |
5320s | be a very cool tattoo oh it also feel |
5323s | like it would be something you would |
5324s | like uh see in hieroglyphics yeah like |
5327s | on a wall in a Cave the Cave somewhere |
5329s | the hes the ha they once ran free oh God |
5333s | Megan you're going to melt when you see |
5335s | this next one because I did also |
5337s | teacakes captioned this so funny it's |
5340s | just titled I am |
5342s | cooked because me to Sister wa the |
5346s | bun |
5348s | I'm damn wait is that a of a mirror in |
5353s | bed it is wait is it wait it kind of or |
5358s | is it them I think it's no I think it's |
5360s | it might be a mirror why isn't it me a |
5363s | wait that's so cute that is so cute look |
5365s | at little smile oh he has to put his |
5368s | hair up to take pictures I'm oh anyways |
5371s | love him thank you T cakes 1799 for this |
5374s | 10 out of 10 I'm going to print it put |
5378s | it on my |
5379s | wall U this next one is by shiv |
5383s | ECU and this is uh I guess they're doing |
5386s | a tarot card sequences so this is number |
5389s | 19 wisp the sun maybe wisps crime |
5392s | stealing the Sun |
5394s | oh am I right yeah am I right stealing |
5398s | the sun that's a pretty bad crime how |
5401s | many years just stealing the |
5403s | badme um they captioned this I want to |
5406s | thank uh at dreed genes on Blue Sky for |
5410s | commissioning their lovely West to be |
5411s | part of my Warframe tarot card series it |
5414s | was very fun to draw her and this is so |
5416s | gorgeous I love the background I love |
5419s | the her pose she's so stunning the |
5421s | fashion is fashioning MHM |
5424s | a field of flowers gorgeous where we got |
5428s | here oh this is so cool um this is by |
5431s | Vega on Discord and this was their first |
5433s | time posting in the fan art I maybe even |
5436s | ever in Discord but they said that they |
5438s | were super proud of these and they |
5439s | wanted to share that they are Harrow |
5441s | chain link earrings oh hell yeah they |
5444s | are cut and engraved by hand in sterling |
5448s | silver oh aren't they so cool are you a |
5452s | silver smith I would |
5455s | I would like to purchase oh they're |
5456s | incredible I would like to purchase |
5458s | these please do you have more do you |
5459s | have more do you do more they're very |
5461s | cool do you do commission |
5464s | you could I buy many questions are being |
5466s | asked I have questions there go reach |
5469s | out to us |
5471s | um uh beer did this absolutely |
5475s | stunning version of the kiss with |
5479s | air and Proto I like how she's wearing |
5483s | his goggles oh oh I didn't even notice |
5485s | that at first cute well it might not be |
5488s | but it looks like it this is really |
5490s | pretty what a |
5492s | like it's so soft yeah it's so cute oh |
5496s | God and she's got Nails yes I know love |
5499s | it love it incredible we've got this |
5502s | little cutie |
5504s | patooties um these are our spinning hex |
5507s | crew and this is by house wasp on |
5510s | Discord and over time they've been like |
5511s | sharing all of their little you know hex |
5514s | pixel friends spinning around and this |
5517s | is the full collection they're going to |
5518s | get a they spin go they spin oh they're |
5522s | so cute they're going to get dizzy uh |
5524s | and then this I believe I'm yes I'm at |
5527s | the last one |
5529s | oh I |
5531s | mean come on |
5535s | Jesus um she's going to be my my second |
5538s | kiss is she oh yeah cuz you picked the |
5540s | the cards out on your Tik Tok um they |
5543s | said p |
5544s | do not feed this rat it has already |
5546s | eaten a whole box of pizza have you |
5548s | noticed the rat |
5550s | [Music] |
5552s | yet look at his look at him he's begging |
5556s | a mother that's so cute I didn't notice |
5560s | it I was too distracted by another pair |
5563s | of eyes she's |
5564s | so that's cute and that was by so that I |
5568s | don't forget uh K Sienna Kaplan wow on |
5572s | Blue Sky incredible absolutely gorgeous |
5575s | gorgeous fan art everybody thank you so |
5577s | much capure Meg all right into capture |
5581s | we go I'm not biased at all starting it |
5584s | off strong let's go it's a Quincy heavy |
5586s | stream baby with the Rick and Prime with |
5590s | just a lovely Quincy piece and he just |
5593s | looks it's just he's just perfection so |
5596s | powerful so strong you can't you can't |
5599s | fault anything in this there's nothing |
5602s | Perfection mhm just a kink tens across |
5604s | the board tens tens across the board uh |
5608s | next up is from six gatsu they did a |
5611s | scalr py so good oh I love it I feel |
5614s | like this could be in a I can't think of |
5617s | the director right now but the movies |
5619s | where like that big text comes across is |
5622s | it a Tarantino movie does it say |
5625s | scra what does it say after scra is it a |
5627s | scra scra no it this unit |
5631s | no I don't know I can zoom what do chat |
5635s | say let's try and guess |
5637s | scra enemies no no that's s on the |
5643s | end scra what do we think scra scra some |
5648s | it be scra upside down like oh it is |
5651s | 100% is 100% is genius wow that's your |
5656s | crime you're a genius you're a genius |
5660s | scal homies yep love it 10 out of 10 |
5663s | love it uh next up very on brand with |
5665s | your last piece of fan art oh this is |
5668s | from eeve kins just a lovely lety she's |
5672s | so pretty just a girly a are they oh the |
5676s | lighting is so like it looks like this |
5679s | was taken inania like in the mall just |
5681s | so soft but the lighting is so gorgeous |
5683s | oh actually one of the best things I |
5684s | liked about this was their caption it |
5686s | says it doesn't doesn't matter how much |
5689s | I love her she loves coffee so much more |
5691s | a real if that isn't real life that I |
5695s | don't know what is good luck Romancing |
5697s | her by the way oh I'm on it it took me a |
5699s | while oh I'm giving her coffee cups like |
5700s | it's my job just going to have a whole |
5704s | cabinet full of Cups there so many |
5705s | Amazon packages outside of her just cups |
5707s | and pillows and medical kits cute love |
5710s | her it's so soft uh speaking of love her |
5714s | next up we have from k k uh and but the |
5719s | title of this was is this a |
5722s | pigeon I love that Meme it's a great |
5725s | meem that is great her with like all |
5727s | dark hair oh God I've seen so many good |
5731s | hair combos on AI that just make me so |
5735s | happy and St the color channels are just |
5737s | so fun to play around with they are |
5738s | really fun you know who else is really |
5739s | fun is ly the gradient yeah she has like |
5743s | a the gradient a sick like ombre going |
5745s | effect you can you can get speaking of |
5748s | sick ombre effect next up we have from |
5752s | bro we have bro sign this is titled |
5755s | rainbow ride sick wow sick very cool you |
5759s | did that what's the what's the music |
5761s | track to Rainbow |
5763s | Road |
5766s | oh I'm trying to |
5770s | remember H oh my God it's like I can't |
5774s | think of it I can hear |
5776s | it that sounds way |
5779s | too that might be Mario Kart 8 that |
5781s | she's thinking of okay what's the sound |
5784s | when you get a St |
5787s | it |
5791s | yeah and you know air would rip through |
5794s | Rainbow Road oh absolutely like another |
5796s | one's business flying wait how did they |
5799s | do this um I don't know after effects |
5801s | not sure Photoshop either or I love it |
5803s | very cool very cool uh next we have from |
5808s | okay this is from cast captura and I |
5812s | don't know if they are catering to Their |
5814s | audience or a fellow fan okay but they |
5818s | titled this you've got me in a Chokehold |
5820s | sleep token which I do believe is a |
5824s | sleep token reference if it's not you've |
5827s | made a lovely accidental reference is |
5831s | that supposed to be vessel it's giving |
5834s | vessel which is dangerous for me in a |
5837s | public |
5839s | environment that's your crime that's my |
5841s | oh that's that's a bad one I love this |
5844s | oh it's so good take me back to Eden |
5847s | baby it's giving rockar it's giving |
5851s | rockar can't see my face though |
5854s | Incognito cuz I am the vessel cuz I am |
5856s | the vessel moving along we have from |
5860s | Lady this looks real it's very cool this |
5863s | is titled desert Riders D who Dune who |
5868s | who I'm just kidding I love you this is |
5870s | so yeah movie poster are you kidding me |
5872s | Stein sitting there so cool with this |
5874s | back turned to the camera and they said |
5876s | in the in their post that they don't |
5878s | play Styx a lot but they like to like |
5881s | capture with him yeah to which I say um |
5883s | hey maybe you should play with st so |
5887s | cool but this is also very cool he's |
5889s | very fun to play extremely fun to play |
5892s | loves D oh this is so cool I want to |
5894s | know the story what's the lore where are |
5896s | they going where they come from yeah |
5898s | where are they going uh speaking of I |
5900s | want on the lore and next up we have |
5902s | from madame banshe |
5904s | bab bansi the titled or it's titled the |
5908s | eyes tell more than words could ever say |
5910s | is this the qtcc |
5912s | tattoos I think they might be the cherry |
5914s | blossom ones they're just moved up on |
5916s | the eyes cuz I think I did the exact |
5917s | same thing did you know um I did changed |
5920s | my Drifter recently but I love this this |
5922s | is so gorgeous cool with the is it |
5925s | heterochromia heterochromia eyes browser |
5929s | on fleek I want to know what she's |
5931s | looking at like what it look it almost |
5933s | looks like she's like what is the |
5934s | emotion that is being evoked here it's |
5937s | not like fear it's not it's not Shock |
5939s | it's like awe maybe maybe she looking |
5942s | into the eyes of Quincy maybe she |
5945s | is could be and I understand girl I feel |
5948s | you I uh next up talk about catering to |
5952s | your audience uh we have Ferris demon W |
5956s | did the Sith oh hell yeah that |
5961s | is so cool sign me up I will kill a Jedi |
5966s | what I'm |
5968s | real I thought |
5972s | this again we're the long the list is |
5976s | getting long in terms of your crimes |
5978s | here Megan oh the siths were full of |
5980s | crimes those people this is true a lot |
5983s | of murder I'm always just so surprised |
5985s | that like these pieces exist in game I |
5987s | keep thinking that they're like phot on |
5991s | other than that other than that the |
5992s | other things do the helmet is in G like |
5994s | all of these are in game wait that is |
5996s | not a that is not a the helmet no no no |
5998s | the someone said the |
6000s | lightsaber ain't no way we're not that |
6003s | wild are we not like that could we not |
6006s | like that not like that not like that no |
6010s | I don't think so I'm looking at my nana |
6011s | skins and I don't believe I think there |
6013s | is one that is the Gemini one is quite |
6018s | energy |
6020s | basedir one not not to this degree |
6023s | relate Sabers do not kill the Younglings |
6026s | try me oh |
6028s | no if Anakin Skywalker tells sorry |
6031s | that's a spoiler anyways um love love 10 |
6035s | out of 10 put it on my wall ship it t |
6037s | across speaking of put it on my wall |
6038s | next up Irene wolf yes they titled it |
6042s | even though they posted it publicly they |
6044s | titled it in private oh oh this is does |
6047s | feel like a very intimate moment that I |
6049s | should not be privy to oh my God wait |
6052s | wait stop |
6054s | one thing I love about this and I'm |
6055s | assuming here is that in order to get |
6057s | this shot they had to sit there |
6058s | patiently and wait for him to close his |
6060s | eyes to Blink you know what I mean oh my |
6062s | gosh so they just sat there and they |
6063s | just took their |
6068s | time 100% yeah got to get that shot got |
6072s | to get that |
6073s | shot basically Anakin walk so Megan |
6076s | could run oh |
6078s | no yeah let's not put you anywhere near |
6081s | this AR basically Anakin what because |
6084s | Anakin murdered all the kids whoa whoa |
6086s | whoa whoa wait what hold on we're |
6091s | missing some my art Danny oh did I |
6095s | Danny I got it I got it more than yeah I |
6098s | got it I got it don't worry don't worry |
6100s | about it what I see it I don't there was |
6103s | 12 too there's a couple more oh oops |
6107s | sorry they were completely out order |
6109s | when they were uploaded my bad I got I |
6111s | got it don't you worry don't you worry |
6113s | about it dang don't you worry about bang |
6115s | girl oh to be held like |
6117s | this oh are we all touch starved in |
6121s | chat I'm sorry that's our crimes okay |
6124s | one of those like hug pillows a or just |
6127s | any pillow we'll do anyways next up uh |
6131s | rounding of course we are oh no I just |
6134s | opened up a oh no oh no oh no is that a |
6139s | nodding |
6141s | cat his touch I'm sorry everybody come |
6144s | on give it self hug give hug everyone |
6148s | thanks for reminding |
6151s | me I'm so sorry I'm a big dude big HS to |
6155s | everybody old hug dump |
6159s | time therapy Thursdays here we go he |
6163s | wants to talk about their daddy issues |
6165s | anyways uh next up we have or sorry last |
6168s | but not least rounding out capture this |
6170s | is from AJ Scott 18 and it is a Warframe |
6175s | X Matrix good vibe here we have Neo the |
6179s | one the only the one just the one |
6182s | literally the one he's the one Neo and |
6187s | then what is |
6191s | arguably but like can we agree that |
6194s | Morpheus is probably the coolest name of |
6196s | all time like yes and they give me a |
6199s | better name you actually can none exist |
6202s | no Morpheus is quite literally the best |
6204s | give me more Morpheus give me more |
6205s | Morpheus and then we got our girl |
6207s | Trinity as we know dude these are so |
6209s | good they're so good 10 across the board |
6214s | Steve okay I mean youber I can't say |
6217s | anything without getting fired so I won |
6220s | Mobius come on get out of here yeah now |
6223s | with the Mobius Proteus I still think |
6226s | Mor Morpheus is it's pretty good It's |
6229s | morphin time we're not going to start |
6232s | that back up again come on come on Bilbo |
6236s | okay no we're not we're not doing that |
6239s | again oh Bilbo actually speaking of |
6241s | Bilbo should we do another Plum prize |
6244s | what does it have to do with B okay |
6247s | there's some lore what last year lore |
6250s | bbo uh what was that there was a fan art |
6254s | anyways I'll show you after oh |
6257s | Lord who's the winner kazor sweet sweet |
6262s | congratulations to you you won a |
6264s | thousand Platinum please whisper the |
6265s | waram channel that you're on right now |
6266s | with your ingame alist and the platform |
6268s | you play on kazor sweet and we will hook |
6271s | you up with your goodies that was all |
6274s | the art that we have |
6275s | tonight all right the lovely Ronnie I |
6279s | did a little tour of a dojo that not |
6281s | only has a fantastic name but has some |
6283s | fun rooms that we are going to all walk |
6285s | through together introducing this is the |
6288s | second place descendant Clan angry |
6291s | hamster let's take a little walk through |
6294s | shall we run it r no int Oh |
6300s | Oh I thought you we had to intro the |
6302s | intro man I was on a |
6304s | roll I was on a roll okay now we |
6308s | do two one here we go this is robots War |
6314s | oh hell yeah is this a snowball War wait |
6317s | this is giving Lord of the Rings I was |
6319s | going to I was just TOS me I was |
6323s | tell you oh they're dropping them in oh |
6326s | my gosh wait are there hamsters like in |
6328s | the suits oh my God please tell me waa |
6332s | he's getting roundhouse kicked in the |
6333s | face this is amazing wow they're sword |
6336s | fighting wait these are so oh is he |
6339s | holding up like the dropping a drone |
6340s | what is it sky castle a a balloon peace |
6345s | War we've passed War peace is here in |
6347s | the sky castle yeah this is they haven't |
6349s | o rock climbing rock wall I'd climb that |
6352s | ooh |
6354s | chandelier fancy oh but there's Stone |
6357s | people are all Stone oh no oh no what |
6360s | happened here some nice doors oh someone |
6362s | left the door |
6363s | open a draft oh their transportation |
6366s | system is balloons I like it oh oh what |
6368s | is this a concert a |
6370s | concert oh the anger hamster is a b |
6374s | pyrot Technics are unsafe stop that's so |
6377s | this is |
6378s | amazing everyone is just oh that's a |
6382s | scary bartender I kind ofid of that man |
6385s | Bart this is so cute wow and then the |
6388s | Beast is coming |
6390s | oh that's so cool |
6393s | wait yeah that's actually kind of in my |
6396s | nightmare oh this is amazing I'm kind of |
6399s | spooked oh someone's chilling on the |
6401s | bench I don't think you want to hang out |
6403s | there for two oh are they dancing they |
6404s | dancing I thought they were strangling |
6406s | each other be coming to their wedding oh |
6409s | no not the ceremony the cave oh |
6414s | spooky oh my gosh this this is a bad wow |
6418s | angry hamster I need to know the lore |
6420s | behind all of that cuz that was a wild |
6422s | ride angry hamster damn angry hamster is |
6425s | that the name of the band too I think so |
6427s | the concert angry hamster angry hamster |
6429s | maybe that was the venue I don't know |
6430s | yeah anyways all right that was our |
6433s | lovely dojo we have a little bit of time |
6435s | before we can rock some top 10 so we |
6437s | could do a little bit more gameplay if |
6439s | you know could I |
6441s | still have to what else I have to do |
6444s | well I have to level up my side9 now I |
6448s | do have to do that well let's just go |
6450s | back to 1999 Jo back to |
6455s | 1999 who the inv oh |
6459s | right let's find |
6463s | out hold don't go to my screen just yet |
6466s | thank you I got it don't go to my screen |
6471s | level up the hubby I think could level |
6473s | up anymore can give him a kiss I'm going |
6475s | to give him a kiss I'm going to make him |
6477s | dinner dinner yeah damn he already get |
6481s | some dinner he |
6483s | does |
6489s | who someone said Danny who's your crush |
6492s | oh have you rised sorry oh hold on hold |
6495s | on hold on oh okay so here's the thing |
6500s | mhm I'm at a Crossroads here oh what is |
6503s | wrong My Romance Quincy I kind of made a |
6506s | promise to someone that I would pick |
6508s | Eleanor because they wanted to see my |
6510s | Drifter |
6511s | kiss is your Drifter like I Drifter wait |
6515s | didn't we do this didn't you do a |
6517s | Drifter we customize your Drifter is it |
6519s | different on stream it is different I |
6521s | changed I changed her completely I |
6522s | changed her completely oh yeah yeah so |
6525s | wait what kind of friend is that I wants |
6527s | to see your Drifter |
6529s | making interesting friend J it's Danny |
6532s | she's Danny is the friend it's the |
6536s | butler listen back listen don't expose |
6540s | me like that um like I love |
6544s | quy it's my they're literally my wife |
6546s | and my husband I mean you could still |
6548s | rise them both and then you have to come |
6550s | to the decision to date one well the |
6551s | thing is is that I'm ready to date I'm |
6554s | ready y'all like I I can date any of |
6556s | them oh my God I don't want to click on |
6560s | and spoil anything oh it doesn't matter |
6562s | know oh not okay um that is not a good |
6566s | sign that is not a good sign I guarantee |
6568s | you he's going to flirt though yeah |
6570s | should I go for it you do |
6572s | you okay uhoh oh good we're still going |
6576s | H maybe the neutral one I'm just |
6578s | inquisitive let's do that oh the music |
6581s | oh my god |
6585s | oh swears oh my gosh wait has he fallen |
6588s | in love absolutely I don't want to hate |
6591s | you though I could never hate you |
6593s | somebody's got to do this job right if |
6595s | it's not going to be you it's G to come |
6596s | down to me like it always eff |
6600s | does boy oh my gosh he's like is he |
6603s | about to L dump trauma dump yeah he's |
6606s | already done quite a bit with that |
6607s | that's true with me so far maybe once |
6609s | you hear what I've got to say maybe |
6610s | you'll finally understand never told you |
6612s | why I got to the Army okay get cozy |
6614s | everybody I'll make it quick and simple |
6616s | wanted to make a better life for me and |
6617s | my fam and where I grew up you don't get |
6620s | free opportunities to do that n got to |
6622s | get out to do that I'm not going to I |
6625s | wonder if people are going to get annoy |
6626s | that I'm reading it so they can hear it |
6628s | in his |
6629s | voice um try to do it an accent |
6632s | absolutely not I everything went |
6636s | tit I feel like what I was going to |
6638s | insult the voice actors um oh my gosh |
6641s | he's really D I can't even keep up he's |
6643s | really trauma dumping okay hold on quiny |
6646s | hold on all right back we know that |
6649s | things went tits up okay I don't know I |
6653s | can't keep up oh he going oh favorite |
6656s | ISM bigot tree okay looking down their |
6657s | nose a they judged him I started to get |
6661s | stupid I started to do things I regret |
6663s | zy oh |
6665s | no oh no we need healthy masculine |
6668s | energy I wasn't stealing wasn't breaking |
6670s | protocol I was a good little |
6673s | soldier U malicious compliance you get |
6675s | my vibe I'm getting it that's his crime |
6678s | okay there wasn't a second of my life |
6679s | that I wasn't going to spend going above |
6680s | and beyond for nobody ever I wanted to |
6683s | do my time and get out with my checks |
6684s | then it went all wrong we're on a |
6686s | mission observation you could see from |
6688s | my POV from the opsy opposition they |
6690s | were suddenly scrambling for us they |
6692s | know we're there this is so much I |
6694s | wasn't expecting this I'm overwhelmed I |
6698s | made aake I think do I want to marry |
6701s | this man oh you're having life |
6704s | contemplation I potentially is this |
6706s | making me reconsidered this is okay hold |
6708s | on hold on I need to actually read this |
6711s | okay um okay here we go then it okay we |
6714s | know it went all wrong Arthur and the |
6716s | rest of the troops are down on the field |
6717s | for a split second I have to decide I |
6719s | can give away my position and fire on |
6721s | the scrambling Ops to give his M and |
6723s | Company warning in time to get to safety |
6726s | okay but doing that puts me in real [ __ ] |
6727s | guarantees those Ops are coming for my |
6729s | dumb ARS real fast so I pack up my [ __ ] |
6732s | and radio that we've been compromised |
6735s | figured his M and the others are toast |
6737s | anyways oh he dips he dips I go to leave |
6740s | the room where I've been hiding uh I in |
6743s | and I turned a corner right into the |
6744s | business end of some Ops rifle not cuz |
6747s | they knew I was there the whole time |
6749s | they had the read on me from the start |
6751s | they dragged my ass out into the street |
6752s | shoved me to my |
6753s | knees oh my God wait what do you mean BL |
6756s | blop oh it's Arthur oh okay and they ran |
6760s | out of nowhere to save me a so he was |
6763s | about to ditch them and then they came |
6764s | and save but oh he was so mad at him I |
6768s | got to my two feet and told him right |
6770s | off there wow he was mad he was mad at |
6774s | him that he was going to wait a minute |
6775s | wait a minute wait a minute he saved his |
6776s | life okay I was he wasn't lying about |
6779s | Mak I don't hate him I don't hate him I |
6781s | take everything he's going to come back |
6782s | around hold on because you were willing |
6784s | to leave him to die but he wasn't |
6785s | willing to Leave You Ah that's a good |
6787s | that's good that's |
6789s | good yes oh and all caps too yeah all |
6792s | caps oh he's really letting it out oh my |
6795s | I think we're going to have to go get |
6796s | some Big Bite Pizza after this eat right |
6799s | now don't you get it I was living my |
6801s | life for me and my fam that's what |
6803s | matter to me the only thing that matter |
6804s | to me but their family too but now he's |
6806s | got to care about it yeah now I have to |
6808s | care about uh what happens to him and |
6810s | that wasn't part of the plan so when his |
6812s | ass gets us into serious [ __ ] a few |
6814s | months later and he's about to get |
6815s | discharged I got to choose do I tell the |
6818s | brass a bunch of liines do I throw them |
6820s | under the BS or do I do the right thing |
6824s | so he does the right he has to do the |
6825s | right thing because he owes him see |
6827s | that's right and leave I leave the army |
6830s | with him and kiss that dream of college |
6832s | goodbye this is sad oh my God that whole |
6834s | dream of mine of making my life better |
6835s | for me and my fam gone but Arthur says |
6837s | not made it it'll be okay I got to set |
6839s | up with this new position with a |
6840s | peacekeeping org and they'll pay better |
6842s | up in front you're going to be okay so I |
6844s | went off to join the ice with him like |
6846s | the idiot that I |
6847s | was then |
6850s | the this is I guess I'm pretty far in |
6853s | deep at this point this is like this |
6855s | might be like his ultim conversation |
6858s | yeah let me know if I need to stop at |
6860s | any time you do you I'm loving it the |
6863s | shows up and things got real bad |
6865s | mhm um but I can't just walk away that's |
6868s | time that time's long you showed up and |
6871s | then I showed up couldn't even walk away |
6874s | oh end up as their little toy soldier oh |
6876s | my goodness oh he's been hurt he has |
6878s | trust issues oh oh no don't weel bro oh |
6882s | no don't weel uh stomped I stomped right |
6885s | in listen I kicked the doors bolted shut |
6888s | oh I got through you you got through his |
6891s | head you're in his head oh my God gosh |
6894s | what was I supposed to do last time it |
6895s | happened it ruined my life let me in oh |
6899s | my gosh this is so mean oh that's all |
6902s | you got that's foul oh I'm sorry you |
6904s | feel like have to go through life like |
6905s | that but what happened before is my |
6907s | fault oh my God these are kind of sassy |
6910s | oh let me just I want to listen he's |
6912s | opening up to me I need to soft this is |
6915s | a soft ball back I said you haven't |
6916s | gotten a gold text yet is wild I know |
6918s | this is a lot even this like that means |
6920s | a lot does it mean it's right though and |
6922s | I'm sorry sorry I'm scared I'm scared |
6925s | need a hug I think deep down that us |
6926s | whatever us is is just going to ruin me |
6929s | again I'm going to cry either when you |
6931s | reset the world it make me forget you |
6933s | which you don't you dare claim you can't |
6935s | do or you like it the future which it |
6938s | gets deep or you're needed but that's |
6940s | life is it life is is like what you said |
6943s | about one relationship at a time |
6945s | monogamy I guess what I want to know is |
6948s | can you forgive me can we keep going for |
6950s | real this time yes |
6953s | I can't forgive you there |
6956s | for and he just |
6961s | dipped see you |
6963s | wow best friends a what are you going to |
6967s | give scole I am going to give him after |
6970s | tra SC wait he needs something this is |
6973s | not going to give me chem with him but |
6974s | what could I give him that will like a |
6976s | medical |
6977s | kit he broken heart yeah a party hat |
6981s | that's probably not that |
6983s | a game system go play some games yeah |
6987s | maybe um maybe yeah maybe a little |
6990s | speaker a boom box oh a boom box who can |
6993s | hold it outside his window let's do boom |
6995s | box he's not going to like that but you |
6997s | know what he'll like it he'll like it |
6999s | yay yay wow Lear lot W that I fell down |
7003s | the rabbit hole we learned a lot about |
7005s | Sir Quincy a pillow to cry |
7008s | into oh man well we still got some time |
7012s | we still have to do I I do need to rise |
7014s | up lety oh yeah oh my gosh can we put on |
7017s | the great despair uh |
7020s | absolutely story my life about that boom |
7023s | box so we can play George |
7027s | M oh there we go uh how do you do it |
7031s | Babas no I'm so sorry |
7035s | no you forget to tell me what you're |
7038s | talking about oh what you talking about |
7040s | wait what is your situationship with her |
7041s | right now uh I think just like |
7044s | Oho too much time in my head alone |
7047s | though though though though less so |
7050s | recently because you and the bruha being |
7053s | trapped for centuries without time |
7054s | without change without Movement we are |
7055s | fantasmas haunting this place o ghost |
7058s | you sa you done it before in this other |
7059s | land of yours |
7062s | y I'm worried I will lose my mind now |
7064s | uhoh what happened to me in is very |
7066s | different was happening here and alone |
7067s | like I was I think I did lose my mind |
7069s | for a little while I don't remember |
7070s | whole trunk of it honestly I did I chose |
7071s | to go num dead I'm going to go de you're |
7075s | not alone Quincy kiss me not the people |
7080s | I'd want to spend eternity with buas no |
7082s | offense look around I was only around to |
7084s | STI some back together before we turned |
7085s | into monsters now we don't have a choice |
7087s | you think they want me here well I like |
7088s | you oh the other Hecks don't like you |
7090s | but you aren't |
7091s | exactly I won't say that last oh my |
7094s | goodness Dam I will not do that one |
7099s | uh do I be selfish or do I um okay what |
7103s | is she trying to say before we turn it |
7104s | to monsters now we don't have a choice |
7106s | you think they want me here so Sheed |
7110s | yeah she needs some she I feel like |
7111s | she's part of the group maybe yeah she's |
7112s | got some longing things maybe she this a |
7115s | bit too sensitive to like inject |
7116s | yourself into this |
7119s | maybe she see the other hex don't like |
7121s | you e know me well enough but we are not |
7124s | close except maybe me and |
7126s | Arthur you don't want to get hurt you |
7128s | lose them why don't you let people get |
7130s | close tell me tell me |
7133s | cuz I choose not to because I've learned |
7135s | better it's safer this way for everybody |
7137s | just is a war really stubborn I want to |
7139s | better things for the heads up nah go |
7141s | keep the conversation going come here |
7142s | Mommy y tell me I see someone like you |
7146s | would need you would need to be to |
7149s | survive maybe that's your secret I like |
7150s | the stubborn ones though they're harder |
7151s | to break are you hitting on me oh |
7154s | challenge |
7155s | accepted here we |
7159s | go we'll see oh girl you you got her to |
7163s | laugh that's a rarity gave her a medical |
7166s | kit want a coffee mug there you go yeah |
7168s | girl there you go kicking my |
7174s | feet all right who's ready for top 10 |
7176s | comments during the stream brought to |
7178s | you by Charlie play the intro |
7181s | ah |
7183s | I oh yeah did I get through the song no |
7186s | you had like a minute left damn I should |
7188s | have slowed |
7189s | down I'm ready Charlie oh oh |
7193s | but is the node ready I don't think so I |
7196s | don't oh no two seconds do I try to |
7201s | reveal something wait I got an |
7204s | idea I got an idea okay I think good |
7209s | okay |
7211s | wait um what are we doing Megan oh are |
7214s | you uh do you want me to talk to you Meg |
7217s | yeah come to my screen all right one |
7219s | sec wait hold on how do I okay now I'm |
7222s | going to go back and fix this wraith |
7224s | hellborne said Megan Riz the vamp |
7228s | Don oh you're pulling top 10 comments |
7232s | live doing it live chat give me some |
7235s | good stuff give me some good I'm ready |
7238s | I'm almost ready I need some good stuff |
7241s | wait what's Discord saying Discord you |
7243s | mean foul what's up foul oh here we go |
7246s | here we go always all right next up in |
7250s | our comments yep from trepper oh Jesus |
7254s | sorry on Discord meanwhile I'm still |
7256s | thinking about that heartbreaking way |
7258s | way R said I'm so hungry in the |
7262s | background wait you ready I think so hit |
7265s | safe I'm I'm down for more of |
7269s | that there we go all right first up we |
7272s | have from Mystic banum b b b |
7276s | b the f I give me give me the real |
7281s | version thank you there it is that was |
7284s | an |
7285s | authentic authentic I like to |
7289s | B I like next up from Lady fova J happy |
7295s | birthday D happy birthday oh my tell us |
7299s | it was your birthday it's your |
7301s | birthday happy |
7306s | birthday happy |
7308s | birthday Charlie's it's your birthday |
7312s | alterate |
7314s | universe that's not the birthday |
7317s | song I was about my own rules okay and |
7320s | my |
7321s | world that's a different dimension so |
7325s | happy birthday dud happy birthday happy |
7327s | birthday I not copyrighted any hell yeah |
7331s | that was me doing a non-copyright |
7333s | Edition I was trying to jum it as |
7337s | well convincing oh my God okay next up |
7341s | from |
7343s | Skyman wait is it R o |
7346s | woo it's well dealer's Choice maybe all |
7350s | right woo |
7354s | TV woo okay woo I see you |
7358s | woo I like it and then from Zur Vex we |
7362s | have Megan and Denny's complimentary |
7364s | outfits today are absolutely fire |
7370s | today we got the |
7372s | I I can't my KN can't get up there best |
7375s | believe I got boots on wait hold on she |
7376s | got she got the the jingle jingle boots |
7379s | I can't get my feet up that high the |
7380s | dogs are |
7381s | out she got the dogs the dogs are out |
7384s | the what they've been Unleashed put them |
7387s | chains back on in there watch out I ped |
7390s | myself watch out watch out oh my |
7399s | God oh my God oh you didn't see any toes |
7402s | worry about it no no no no no worry |
7404s | about it no no no no oh my God moving on |
7408s | moving on okay next from Ean I hope I |
7411s | said that right yogur pizza KCK her from |
7415s | the |
7417s | again I'm I'm actually really curious |
7419s | about this y I'm going look it up while |
7421s | we while we continue here because I like |
7423s | I use plain Greek yogurt as sour cream |
7426s | so it's essentially giving sour cream |
7428s | which is quite normal is it like the |
7430s | dough is made out of or yogurt like |
7434s | instead of marinara it's It's Yogurt it |
7437s | was like very |
7440s | fresh veggies on top of it I'm going to |
7442s | text my friend yeah gu us the recipe |
7444s | here sour cream pizza is illegal oh |
7446s | that's your crime oh up from saber aita |
7452s | M eyeball spaghett oh |
7455s | yum |
7457s | yum i' e I'd eat it y wood |
7462s | feel like arur would make eyeball |
7464s | spaghetti he has the conversation about |
7467s | Square spaghetti doesn't he so he'd be |
7469s | down there you go like a surprise |
7470s | eyeball in the mid I'm that get in |
7473s | there next from Trey dots guys my Lich |
7478s | has a knee surgery tomorrow wish her |
7480s | luck oh no your Lich has knee surgery as |
7483s | in you're going to perform I think |
7485s | they're going to kill their L I think |
7486s | that's what they're talking about kill |
7488s | yeah get the |
7490s | scooter there you go good luck Trey been |
7493s | there done that it takes like an hour |
7494s | it's fine |
7496s | yeah quick surgery |
7501s | ever really it's quite fast oh my God |
7504s | next up from ragna wait deff doesn't |
7507s | commit crime she's just horsing around |
7511s | she's having a good time just horsing |
7514s | around I like it m Mia band from any |
7519s | pizzer M Mia |
7523s | I us imagine like yogurt some french |
7526s | fries on the pizza some but again it's |
7529s | like sour cream that's kind of cool yeah |
7532s | yeah yeah i' eat it wait until they hear |
7533s | about sour cream donuts |
7536s | yum yum like like Tim Horton yeah oh |
7540s | sour glaze no sour |
7542s | cream okay it's so good good sour cream |
7547s | donut Yeah Yeah Tim Horton yeah pens |
7551s | what's up Tim |
7553s | sour cream plain yeah Creed yeah okay |
7557s | but it's a Canadian thing yeah how many |
7560s | calories are in sour don't look you |
7563s | don't think about sour cream don't know |
7565s | what e sour cream hey now you got to you |
7568s | don't understand you don't understand |
7570s | when you add heaps of sugar |
7573s | anything I think they I think they just |
7575s | sub out like the milk for sour cream or |
7578s | something like in the in the it's not |
7579s | like covered in sour cream it's just |
7581s | like the baking process it's not like a |
7583s | Boston cream where the inside |
7585s | is sour |
7587s | cream that's |
7590s | foul yum there you go next up from |
7593s | Sakura tokito B's crimes all of the |
7598s | existing is the crime of having an arm |
7601s | that is too dangly a one knee cap |
7605s | unattached that that con is burned into |
7609s | my memory the dangler yeah and last but |
7612s | not least we have some ey coming after |
7615s | this oh no from TOA Phantom my crime is |
7619s | activating the elevator without |
7621s | waiting wow that's a pretty good one we |
7624s | should do like a top 10 Warframe crimes |
7627s | truly just like what what people have |
7629s | done that what's that he has seven |
7632s | crimes already he does have the seven |
7633s | crimes Seven slots that's a crime not |
7636s | way pointing uh reward is a crime you |
7639s | know what I mean so fun what are your |
7640s | crimes chat |
7643s | migration straight to the electric chair |
7646s | with that one get out of here gosh you |
7647s | ready ten oh okay yeah okay okay from |
7654s | Trav it's so good we have another ey |
7659s | to oh my God this makes me so happy it's |
7662s | my |
7663s | favorite and |
7665s | for Drew Drew lus says Gro min oh we |
7671s | need to steal the |
7672s | the moon you drew this you drew this |
7675s | just in this stream wait who foror |
7678s | Florian are you human your crime is too |
7682s | talented go to jail so the EXP the cold |
7691s | shoulders |
7693s | damn there's more we have one more what |
7696s | kind of energy were you giving |
7698s | L what what kind of energy were you |
7700s | giving earlier today oh Quagmire we have |
7703s | friend Jamie voice over mega no no |
7711s | no burn it burn it burn it throw it into |
7718s | the |
7720s | fire G |
7724s | no all the things I never thought I |
7726s | would ever need to see in my life holy |
7729s | crap that's so funny my oh 10 out of |
7735s | 10 probably was cooking that up for so |
7738s | long that's crazy waiting for it people |
7741s | reaction to your reaction is so funny |
7743s | and right now we've committed so many |
7746s | crimes on we all need to go to jail |
7748s | tonight Chad but instead of going to |
7750s | jail let's give away zaku Prime access |
7752s | shall we shall we make that megm ew e |
7758s | megm |
7760s | ew oh |
7762s | God I'm make |
7765s | it yo sick |
7768s | Bonsai sick Bonsai |
7771s | yo |
7774s | yo yo you just got sicker because you |
7777s | got a zaku prime access coming your way |
7780s | sick Bonsai congratulations to you |
7784s | please whisper the war from Channel that |
7785s | you're on right now with your in-game |
7786s | Alias which I hope is also sck Bonsai |
7789s | and the platform you play on and we will |
7790s | hook you up with your winnings siik |
7793s | Bonsai thank you for rounding out the |
7795s | stream sick Bonsai actually I'm wrong we |
7797s | are sending this off that's right |
7800s | sending these giggity Vibes oh well |
7803s | maybe not we're sending them to vampy |
7805s | stream lovely Warframe Creator vampy and |
7808s | the twitch Fest drop continues over |
7811s | there so if you still need to get your |
7812s | online boy glyphs you can do that there |
7815s | and then as we mentioned tomorrow the |
7817s | spaghetti versions launch at 11:00 a.m. |
7820s | new twitch Fest drop until till the dev |
7822s | stream and then we have a new one yay |
7824s | yay all right thank you for being here |
7827s | chat you have been quite a good time |
7830s | tonight we appreciate you gly Danny |
7832s | thanks for being here thank you for |
7833s | having me Charlie thanks for being here |
7835s | thank you for being here and woo thank |
7837s | you for being here thank you you're |
7839s | welcome and Chad thank you for being |
7841s | here we'll see you next week for three |
7844s | streams we got prime time we got soul |
7846s | frame devstream and we got devstream 184 |
7849s | so it's you're going to get sick of us |
7851s | next |
7852s | we love you appreciate you stay safe be |
7854s | kind to yourself we'll see you next week |
7857s | bye-bye bye |