about 1 month ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
16s hello everyone and welcome to the
19s tenacon 2024 house contast
54s will
57s you you are late
70s [Applause]
74s hello everyone and welcome to the
75s tenacon 2024 cosplay contest I am Taylor
79s King and I will be your host for the
80s next hour before we dive into the
83s incredible cosplayers all of our
84s entrance have prepared backstage let's
86s take a moment to appreciate the
88s incredible Plexi CA play who you might
91s have seen earlier on the tanoc con show
94s floor uh this is their second ever tanoc
97s con with us and truly an iconic
100s appearance I must say do you want to
102s introduce yourselves and talk about how
104s it's been for tanon for you sure uh my
107s name is Candace this is Sean um he is my
110s husband and we are a Duo part of pexi
112s Cosplay I am um cosplaying as his
116s faithful servant obviously this is Alber
118s and Troy and I am Lloyd and so this
121s seemed like a very good match we love
123s Tenon we love being here um I actually
127s started before ever coming to Tenon by
129s cosplaying Titania um which you might
132s have seen online during Co and then uh
135s we got to take part with hacksmith last
137s year where I was the Moa and then this
139s year Lloyd and Al as well as the Aeros
142s Wings if you haven't gotten a photo with
143s those they are out in the tent but it's
145s a lovely convention so nice to see you
147s all thank you for being such a
148s supportive Community through every
150s everything the whole creation process
152s it's all online so thanks for following
154s along with that um and it's so nice to
156s see you all here in
158s person
164s hi my name is Sean uh she referred to me
168s as a Duo of Plexi cosplay that's far too
170s generous uh she is everything that is
173s Plexi cosplay and I occasionally help
175s her with some engineering and wiring
177s challenges and things like that but uh
179s Candace is truly the a born artist and
182s um everything that she makes is
183s absolutely beautiful and incredible um
186s and I don't want to take too much credit
187s I'm just the eye candy
191s today absolutely incredible thank you so
194s much Mr Lloyd and Papa for joining us on
198s stage if you don't mind taking your way
200s off another round of applause
205s absolutely now okay speaking of
207s incredible cosplays I am joined by dys
210s fusional Studios as my wonderful co-host
214s and our judge and consultant this year
216s you may recognize her as AI from
218s Warframe 1999 but more importantly as
221s our tanoc con 2023 cosplay
224s winner dys fusional has been a prominent
227s member in the warfame community for many
229s many years now so let's take a moment to
232s look at some of her previous cosplays
240s [Music]
250s [Applause]
256s [Music]
261s hello Tenon 2024 I am honored to be here
266s with you guys
267s today now we have one more introduction
270s to make before we get started and it's
273s our judges we're joined again this year
275s by lightning cosplay who we'd like to
277s invite on stage now while they make
280s their way up let's take a look at the
281s absolute magic that they brought to the
283s tenoc con show floor
300s ah
326s [Music]
331s thank you R for joining
333s [Applause]
336s us now I do want to make a point just
339s off stage we are joined by another
341s cosplay guest coming to us all the way
343s from Germany Maya Maya I don't know if
345s you could raise your hand thank you so
346s much cosplay content creation have been
349s her profession for over 10 years now
351s Maya focuses on painting weathering and
353s makeup she is taking care of Ralph's
356s makeup and helping to bring Arthur to
358s life here at tenan today
361s [Music]
366s Ralph if you could please take a moment
367s to introduce yourself and tell us what
369s you're looking forward to with our
371s cosplay showcase today sure hi guys uh
374s I'm Rob from lightning crossplay
376s unfortunately Laura can't be here with
377s us today because she got sick very last
379s minute which is really sad but she says
381s hi so I don't know where the camera is
384s where's the camera is this there where's
387s the
388s camera there yeah hi
391s Laura hi Laura I hope she sees this um
395s yeah so when de reached out to us last
398s year uh and asked us to create the Lotus
400s and the deck Soldier costume we
402s instantly fell in love with the overall
404s Aesthetics of Warframe and especially
407s the character design and uh but soon as
410s same goes for Arthur soon as we create
412s started to create the costumes we
414s realized how hard it actually is you
416s know and uh this is why I have a huge
419s respect for the people um who face the
423s challenge to cosplay these characters
426s which is amazing for me it's so it's
428s crazy and uh I'm just really excited to
431s see them on stage right now yeah amazing
434s thank you so much Ralph you look
436s incredible between his appearance and
439s the IT outage yesterday I feel like
442s we're truly back in 1999 it's
445s crazy uh one quick final qu thank you I
448s promise uh shout out to skyers who
450s assisted in prejudging this year they
452s weren't able to make it they have a
454s workshop it's fine we love them uh but
458s I'm sure they're here in spirit and they
459s have you know given their thoughts and
461s wisdom to us anyway that's enough Ralph
464s is seated it's time to get this party
466s started all righty let's move over here
470s I
470s think to kick this show off we have our
473s non- competitive showcase these entrance
476s are here to present their cosplays and
477s show off their hard work but are not
479s comp eating for our cash prize let's
482s move over so they can take center stage
483s and show us their Spotlight phenomenal
486s everyone saddled and ready to go we got
488s the thumbs up from Charlie hit the
493s music starting off we have amateur
496s cosplayer as Prisma
499s Excalibur this is his first ever cosplay
502s featuring EVA foam clay foam and acrylic
506s paint Give It Up
509s [Applause]
516s [Music]
518s oh
521s yeah
527s Perfection love it thank you so much
530s amateur cosplayer if you want to just
532s head off this way oh or that way that's
535s fine
537s too next up we've got game Gage cosplay
540s as their version of Drifter this is
543s Gage's own operator including the dyed
547s [Music]
556s [Applause]
560s hair thank
562s you all right next up we have dark as
565s Gilly
567s Grizzly I'm don't tell Steve but I'm
570s pretty sure this is what bromus would
571s look like if we gave them access to a
573s warframes
575s Arsenal oh he's coming oh he's
579s coming it's really hard for Bears to
582s walk upstairs I've heard so it's totally
585s fine keep going
588s yep there he is give it up for
592s [Music]
598s Dark One
600s [Music]
608s let's welcome Spitfire 05 cospl is
612s operator inos armor set this is
616s spitfire's own operator after a month of
619s work thankfully customizing in game is
622s much quicker
624s [Applause]
631s all righty next up we have the high
633s priest of pineapples cosplaying as Haro
637s Prime we're ready to go yep come on
642s up Harrow is wearing the crucius AL
646s Helmet or they're carrying it it's very
647s heavy beautiful and is wielding the
651s thoro hopefully he'll make good use of
654s that
655s later there we go
671s [Music]
675s next we've got Zack b cosplaying as The
678s Drifter from the new war this Drifter is
682s wielding a 3D printed Soko in addition
686s to the original outfit worn in the quest
689s [Applause]
699s thank
701s you very fitting after The Drifter
704s appears we have a group duviri cosplay
707s starting with lucinia Rey is
711s lucinia this is made from EVA foam and a
715s miraculous find of deadstock fabric
721s [Applause]
723s [Music]
727s and next in this group we have Gio as
730s Laden funny story this cosplayer was
733s balas in 2018 and 19 so clearly they
736s just love having long
738s [Music]
746s arms and then next up we have mercury
750s mytha I was told collectively as a group
754s they probably caused a global shortage
755s of golden trim with how sparkly and
758s beautiful these
762s are and of course Shi as
766s bombesin another fun fact all of the
769s masks made here are handmade out of foam
773s or sorry clay uh some actual
780s I wouldn't dare speak while bomb scene's
782s on stage if the whole group wants to
784s come on up yep come on up all of them up
788s one final group photo for the paragons
790s of
791s course they're not often seen together
793s so we got to take the moment when we
802s [Applause]
805s can absolutely stunning thank you
808s everyone
812s I swear this wasn't on purpose next up
814s we have Prime Explorer as an AA worm off
816s the
817s [Laughter]
819s string this is an aura worm reimagined
822s as a worm on the string with giant
825s googly
830s eyes
832s so thank you so
835s much next we're going to welcome acolyte
838s Senai as baroo from
841s 1099 baroo was sent back a little
843s farther than
845s [Music]
852s [Applause]
855s [Music]
856s planned absolutely incredible all righty
859s next up we have Richard cosplaying as
861s grindle
863s 1999 after chatting backstage I found
866s out this grindle isn't a big fan of big
868s bites Pizza you can call it up
870s keep
871s going oh yeah it's got quite the
874s appetite that big bites cannot
878s [Applause]
883s fulfill hell yeah thank you so
887s much let's welcome Bethany as
891s velure featuring The Cheetah helmet and
894s hysteria claw
896s [Music]
899s [Applause]
904s [Music]
912s I feel that way too all righty we have
914s Hobs cosplaying as Mirage Prime this
918s cosplay is made out of cardboard Fabric
921s and repurposed materials and clearly has
924s gotten the infection that's been around
926s the tacon show floor
929s [Music]
935s [Music]
938s let's continue the Applause for Brendan
940s M cosplaying as random Ronin bring the
944s ninja back into space
946s ninja do you have something here for the
949s next p you don't I have to do
954s this absolutely iconic all righty we're
958s getting to the end here we have Miguel
960s as Salvage operator this is a recreation
963s of their own Operator Operator in game
966s straight from
969s [Music]
970s 1999 for those who don't know that's a
973s that's a disc discs going in
976s that so good so
980s [Laughter]
982s [Applause]
986s good thanks
990s all righty next we have the Scarlet team
992s uh as members of infinite
996s Singularity they're representing their
998s Clan I believe and I this is in fact our
1001s youngest cos player and he's already
1003s been on stage before cannot believe it
1009s [Applause]
1021s [Music]
1022s thank you guys so
1024s much that was the last of our
1026s non-competitive entrance let's take a
1028s moment to welcome all of our
1030s non-competitive cosplayers back on stage
1033s for a group photo gotcha come back
1036s please while these folks are not
1037s competing for our cash prize they are
1039s eligible for bonus rewards given out by
1041s our judges at the end of the show but
1044s we'll get to that later they also get a
1046s few digital goodies just for join
1049s joining us on stage
1051s today absolutely
1053s incredible we wrote the script before we
1055s realized how long of a walk this request
1057s was so major apologies come on up come
1059s on up everyone get back on
1065s stage look at them
1067s all absolutely
1072s incredible the stage get in
1076s the go go go
1091s almost there almost there almost
1092s [Applause]
1103s there all righty look at this incredible
1106s group of tenno one last pose for the
1108s cameras
1110s [Applause]
1112s yeah all righty let's get you all back
1115s off stage into your seats where you can
1117s sit for the remainder of the day thank
1119s you so much
1123s everyone you
1128s came all righty while they head back to
1130s their seats we're ready for our
1132s competitive showcase our competitive
1134s cosplayers will be competing for cash
1137s money including the first place prize of
1139s $10,000 Canadian dollars I swear that is
1142s actually worth some amount of money
1144s depending on what country you come
1146s from cosplayers met with our judges
1149s yesterday to participate in prejudging
1151s because it can be kind of hard to see
1152s all the incredible details from the
1153s audience so the scores from that
1156s prejudging and their fantastic
1157s performances today will be used to
1159s decide our winners all right without
1161s further Ado let's get
1163s started starting off we have Jacob
1166s parcha as a void rig featuring an aquaba
1171s weapon this cosplay took over
1175s 375 hours to make and is almost entirely
1179s made out of
1181s cardboard he's got a bit of a way to
1183s walk unfortunately his Sprint is off
1185s cool
1186s [Music]
1195s down it also takes him a significant
1199s amount of time to get into and a
1201s significant amount of time to move but
1204s absolutely worth it what an incredible
1206s [Music]
1212s [Applause]
1221s piece you got it
1229s now Jacob my dear you cut and Drew or
1233s you drew and cut every piece by hand how
1235s did you even know where to begin with
1237s this without having
1239s blueprints I actually did um when I
1242s first decided to come to Tenon and
1244s participate in the cosplay I knew it was
1246s going to be void rig cuz not only is it
1249s super aesthetically appealing and
1250s awesome but it's something that had
1252s never been done on a scale that had
1254s never been
1255s done and from an an from an uh
1258s anatomical perspective it was quite
1261s challenging I didn't realize just how
1263s difficult it would be to fit a human
1265s body in void rig structure until I tried
1269s it so that was the hardest part uh as
1271s far as more specifically answering your
1272s question I did have blueprints uh that
1275s was the first thing I did I blue printed
1276s out the
1278s exoskeleton and a little bit of the
1280s plating all the detail was already ready
1282s to go in the game so I printed off some
1285s reference sheets pictures from the
1287s internet and then I went into the game
1290s into my Arsenal used my void rig turned
1293s it all around got pictures from every
1294s possible angle studied them like a text
1297s book to make sure every single detail
1299s was as close to Accurate as
1302s possible and that's because A wise man
1305s once told me it's the little details
1307s That Make It or Break It so that's a
1310s philosophy that has helped me to grow
1312s not only as an artist but as a man as I
1314s try
1315s to uh use it in every aspect of my life
1318s not just my artistic projects so thank
1320s you for that Mr
1322s Gio
1330s and and also also thank you mom for
1334s being here you set aside you sacrificed
1338s two days of your life to be here with me
1340s for this weekend and you had a lot more
1343s important stuff to do that's for sure so
1346s you're here you helping me you know get
1348s in and out of this
1349s and being here to support me and
1351s especially considering everything on
1352s your plate it really means a lot so
1353s thank
1354s you
1356s incredible we'll let you slowly get off
1361s [Applause]
1363s stage all
1372s right rush there's no rush I promise you
1379s absolutely
1385s phenomenal I will say he is actually the
1388s expert of void RG I've made multiple
1390s comments and emails and he's corrected
1391s me every time he's hel me accountable
1394s he's like aren't you a devb I haven't
1396s taken 300 photos of a void rig
1399s so that's where he
1401s wins okay we value safety cosplayers so
1405s carefully make your way up and carefully
1407s make your way down next up we've got
1409s shond door as Frost heirloom this is
1412s shandor's third Frost cosplay he also
1415s has 60% use rate on frosting game
1420s [Applause]
1427s [Music]
1436s [Music]
1440s now Frost tell us a little bit about the
1443s making of This cosplay if you can
1444s through the helmet I I can actually um I
1447s was going
1448s for uh I was going for a much more
1450s organic look than previous costumes I've
1452s made so a lot of this is uh pleather and
1456s uh much more fur materials and things
1458s like that it feels like not very
1460s Warframe but that's what I really love
1461s about the heirlooms that'ss they're
1463s really pushing things in a direction
1465s that makes them look very strange and
1466s alien in the same way that the war
1468s started as so I really wanted to make
1471s this much more organic looking and kind
1473s of less
1474s synthetic very cool and if you guys have
1476s a moment to check out all of the Tex
1478s stles in this cosplay take a look up
1480s close in person when they're on the
1493s floor okay next up we have Zephyr
1497s cosplay as
1500s Alber and try Papa
1503s himself if you can believe it this C
1506s this is their first time sewing and this
1508s also features EVA foam and painting
1510s details
1526s [Applause]
1532s thank you so much Zephyr what inspired
1534s you to cosplay as Al so it's started
1537s back in 2021 when heart of damos came
1539s out and um I Heard Stefan rudnick's
1544s performance is alre and Troy and I think
1546s it's one of the best voice acting
1547s performances like I've ever heard so
1551s after that came out um he finally got
1555s like a real look last year and I was
1557s like okay I can make this and you did
1560s and it looks incredible absolutely
1563s phenomenal thank you so much
1571s suffer let's welcome Kira rahime as with
1576s zaru to the stage crazy that she can
1579s make it across the stage without feet
1583s [Music]
1591s w
1594s [Music]
1598s [Applause]
1601s [Music]
1625s Naka it is crazy that this is your
1628s second competitive cosplay what are some
1631s design elements that you chose to do
1632s differently than this wisp cosplay than
1635s last year uh this year I decided to use
1637s a lot more foam elements to help support
1639s the fabric so everything is carved with
1642s foam and then put fabric on top of
1644s instead of just having the fabric
1645s represent itself lovely job and make
1648s sure you guys take a look at how they
1650s dremeled and grooved and actually sunk
1652s the fabric into those recessed areas too
1655s lovely job lovely job absolutely
1658s incredible thank you so much
1667s Kira all righty next up we have magic
1669s thighs and a through the looking glass
1672s themed Nova Gra
1675s [Music]
1681s [Music]
1685s this is her own Nova gra dressed up as
1687s the white rabbit
1691s [Music]
1718s all righty magic thighs we've chatted a
1720s lot do you want to tell us a little bit
1722s about what this fantastic cosplay means
1724s to
1725s you for a number of years there's been a
1728s picture out there on the internet of a
1730s man excuse
1733s me looking into a mirror and seeing his
1737s female self reaching out and inviting
1741s him to step
1742s inside and this
1746s year as a trans
1748s person I've taken that step and stepped
1751s through the Looking Glass and now with
1754s warframes introduction permanent ears in
1756s the cost in the in the uh the uh into
1759s the game I've stepped through into the
1762s looking glass with my Warframe as
1765s well thank you so much thank you for
1768s sharing
1771s anything else I'm sorry I didn't hear
1774s pardon I didn't hear at all we got a
1777s little I didn't hear at
1779s all sorry I didn't hear what you said
1782s anything else my love you're good to go
1785s I think she's yeah we'll get you right
1786s off stage thank you cosplays are so hard
1790s to hear in oh my
1795s goodness let's keep the Applause going
1797s as we welcome Lee as Master to to the
1802s [Music]
1808s stage the conrock features actual tail
1812s feathers from Liam's pet peacock
1821s [Applause]
1825s Kevin now I do have to ask Liam what
1828s inspired you to cosplay so we
1832s participated in the 2021 cosplay with
1835s our pet chickens the Ember cosplay and
1838s then my wife Anna uh was nef ano last
1841s year and I decided I wanted to
1843s participate and she wanted to be
1845s competitive this year so we went for it
1847s you guys look amazing thank you so
1850s much thank
1857s you next we have TAA as Mesa
1861s Prime this is actually a remake of her
1864s 2019 Mesa Prime
1866s cosplay oh
1868s [Applause]
1870s [Music]
1874s yeah
1881s Yeehaw hi TAA so since this is a remake
1884s what was the favorite part that you've
1886s made this year I love the show fers in
1889s this top bit I there's layers and layers
1891s of EVA foam to get the right shapes and
1893s I'm just really happy with how it turned
1895s out you like absolutely incredible thank
1897s you for joining us on
1905s stage next we've got Lan as mag
1913s heirloom we were talking about Warframe
1915s Design Elements helmets visibility
1921s shout out to Charlie for absolutely
1924s killing it thank you
1933s [Applause]
1945s Charlie very phenomenal all right l what
1948s was the most complicated
1952s part of this
1954s cosplay uh the most complicated part was
1957s uh if anyone saw my back it's really
1959s hard to see but it was the engraving on
1963s the back which is the very intricate
1965s Lotus symbol and I had to use 2 mm craft
1968s foam and a soldering iron and Trace that
1971s and it was very hard without uh um
1975s moving my fingers correctly and uh not
1978s burning through the
1979s foam I can see it from here and it's
1981s incredible was there anything else you
1983s wanted to share oh yeah and uh I made uh
1986s see the little
1988s um my hands and my skirt there's over
1991s 300 of them and those took a long while
1994s to make uh you have to cut them out I
1998s had to use uh an embossing tool to get
2001s the divot and then put them all together
2004s into these four
2007s pieces thank thank you so much I'm going
2009s to assist you in getting off stage may I
2012s may I steal your hand Lan all right
2016s let's I'm we're going to 360 so they can
2017s see the back of you
2021s again thank you Arthur and then let walk
2025s to the back and then there's a staffer
2027s I'm going to hand
2034s you thank you so much
2042s well we get land safely off stage let's
2044s welcome up idolon Outpost as
2047s bombin this is a truly multimedia
2050s project featuring the use of 3D printing
2053s Gold Leaf warbl EVA foam airbrushing and
2057s pastels
2060s [Applause]
2074s absolutely incredible work I hear the
2077s mask though is your favorite part do you
2078s want to talk us through everything that
2080s went into this definitely my favorite
2082s piece uh it took me about a year to
2084s sculpt because I started back when there
2087s was like two pictures of basine so there
2090s was a lot of revisions a lot of
2091s revisiting it and then I had to learn
2094s how to Gold Leaf Guild and that was
2097s challenging to say the least but I think
2101s it's it's definitely my favorite
2103s piece beautiful absolutely beautiful
2106s thank you so
2115s much next up we've got Tina as
2122s Elli yelli is hand sewn featuring foam
2126s details
2131s [Applause]
2138s [Music]
2141s now I do have to ask you where is Merina
2144s well after I got the augin I really
2146s didn't need her but you
2150s know what what did you make your cosplay
2154s out of uh alloy plate polymer bundle uh
2158s argon
2159s Crystal a lot of
2161s [Music]
2162s Tears no
2166s sleep I don't know ell if you want to do
2168s one more fantastic spin for everybody
2171s thank you so much
2173s [Applause]
2190s carefully all righty Arthur it's your
2193s turn we have Logan as Arthur just follow
2196s the bubbles up the ramp this cosplay is
2199s constructed from a custom bodysuit armor
2202s pieces from Eva film and recycled
2204s Surplus harness
2210s [Music]
2216s Parts absolutely fa fantastic tell about
2219s the process of making this uh well it
2221s took about three and a half months
2222s between three different people it's been
2224s uh long uh there's been many manyi manyi
2227s revisions um started with the bodysuit
2232s had to start with the bass um and from
2234s there built on top of it using uh
2239s textures from the tenen files and the
2241s concept art uh of Arthur to
2244s build everything you see here it's
2248s absolutely incredible thank you so much
2250s if you want to make your way off
2257s stage next we welcome to the stage Royal
2260s Pratt as mag
2263s Pharaoh fans May recognize this cosplay
2267s as Royal Pratt's own iconic in-game
2270s glyph
2272s [Music]
2272s [Applause]
2276s [Music]
2284s Royal PR I've had a moment to discuss
2286s with you the really cool resources that
2288s you've used for your cosplay but if you
2290s could share with our fellow tenno and
2293s Friends how you made your
2295s helmet uh well mostly it's a little bit
2298s hodg podge of um uh re um reusable
2303s resources so this was actually a
2305s astronaut's helmet that I cut and then I
2308s dyed in hot water to get the uh the dark
2310s dye and then the rest of it is basically
2312s just craft foam with uh uh held together
2315s by mostly contact cement and hot glue
2318s and the back is a taking is able to be
2321s taken off so that I can you know get my
2323s head in I have a big head no it's
2326s awesome cuz we can't see your face at
2328s all lovely thank you so much Royal Pratt
2331s you look great
2334s [Music]
2341s all righty that was the last of our
2343s competitive showcase I do not envy our
2346s judges Ralph yeah for having to pick a
2349s winner from that incredible lot of
2351s people I think our judges are going to
2352s head backstage and deliver it but while
2356s we are speaking of winners let's
2358s actually go over what our entrance are
2360s competing
2362s for I think Ronnie oh she's ready to go
2366s first let's go over our competitive only
2369s prizes I.E whatever one you just saw on
2371s stage is competing for our third place
2374s prize will receive
2379s $22,000 thank you
2384s fishi our second place winner will
2388s receive oh they're really big checks
2392s y'all I'll up in $3,000
2401s and finally our first place winner will
2405s receive oh
2410s 10,000
2411s [Music]
2412s 10,000 that's a lot of worbla and hot
2415s glue let me tell
2417s you all righty we also mentioned earlier
2420s that there are bonus prizes that
2423s everyone including our wonderful
2424s non-competitive entrance are eligible
2426s for
2428s think of these as like Mario Party Stars
2431s not every category may be picked but
2433s those who you know those who win will
2435s receive a very shiny treasure in this
2439s case it's the Ember heirloom
2442s pack oh yeah possible bonus Awards
2447s include fluffy cuteness for adorable
2450s cosplays that pull out your heartstrings
2452s or dis PNY for funny cosplays that
2454s elicit a laugh staris Workman ship for
2458s cosplays displaying incredible skill and
2462s master to Sony for cosplays featuring
2464s furry or otherwise friends all
2469s righty so our judges definitely need
2471s more time to deliberate so I am so sorry
2474s to ask this of everyone but let's get
2476s you all back up on stage our
2478s specifically our competitive entrance
2480s they will need a little bit of time but
2482s it's important you know so they're all
2483s here for when we distribute the prizes
2488s now speaking of shiny Treasures I do
2492s need a giveaway box if someone backstage
2495s can hand it to me uh I do actually have
2499s something that bird three oh let me find
2502s him
2505s sorry he's falling
2508s over my lovely bird three has prepared
2513s an extra shiny treasure for
2516s us I lost a shiny shiny treasure on the
2520s floor
2522s uh where is
2525s it oh my goodness this is my fault for
2528s adding so much to this basket I don't
2531s know if you can see up close camera guy
2533s and I'm so sorry to ask this of you but
2534s this is actually an atomac cycle key so
2537s Arthur might recognize it you might
2540s recognize it later on but this was
2541s actually made by Cass Adams in the de
2545s Studio you might have seen Reb wearing
2546s one around her neck but there are very
2548s few of these in existence and so we do
2551s have a giveaway box somewhere right
2553s behind our lovely cosplayers and we're
2555s going to pull a name and if your name is
2557s called and you're here you will be
2558s taking this home with you
2561s [Music]
2565s so Mike Nole Mike
2568s noit are you here oh Mike let's go Mike
2575s [Applause]
2580s you can just come up to the front of the
2581s stage if you don't mind
2586s Mike where is he coming from oh I see
2589s him hi
2593s Mike now please do not use this to try
2596s and start the atomic cycle that you see
2598s on the stage floor it will not
2600s work do you want to come up on stage and
2603s receive it you're welcome
2605s to all right introducing Mike cosplaying
2608s as a tenacon
2611s attendant there you go Mike yeah just
2614s head on back to your seat thank you so
2617s much all righty I don't know how much
2620s okay we still have people come no of
2622s course of
2625s course this is lore breaking don't
2628s do this is what your operator looks like
2631s in avoid rig suit we're not going to
2634s [Laughter]
2637s I still think our judges are
2639s deliberating so I have to
2642s stall okay uh when Megan asked me to be
2646s the cosplay Hostess the year I said yes
2647s immediately and then 30 seconds later I
2649s realized I would have to make a
2652s costume uh I will give you the long and
2654s short of it but after many many months
2657s uh I have gone to appreciate the
2659s creativity the skill the patience
2663s everything that goes into this but most
2665s importantly the resourcefulness I will
2667s tell you I my tail feathers are pomp as
2670s grass which you might have in your
2672s aunt's house in a vase somewhere uh and
2675s when I found it it was the biggest
2676s dopamine rush I've had in a really long
2678s time so I was curious to our wonderful
2680s cosplayers here if you had a similar
2682s story like oh Royal Pratt I don't want
2685s to ask you you poor girl but this is an
2689s astronaut or a welding helmet you said
2692s yeah so um in in 2019 I actually uh
2695s competed as mag as well um um but my cat
2698s kind of ruined it when she was in heat
2700s so I remade the whole thing so a lot of
2703s it is like just uh repurposed from older
2705s costumes from leftover materials as well
2707s as this uh helmet I had bought from uh
2711s uh you know those like astronut helmets
2713s from like those costumes yeah I just cut
2714s it you know from a thrift
2717s store from The Party Store I that's
2719s iconic I don't know about any of you I
2721s know you were talking about trying to
2723s find fabric that is sci-fi appropriate
2727s cuz I don't think we have to think about
2728s that in game do you want to talk a
2730s little bit about that um yeah so I am
2733s very particular about my references so I
2736s was going back to YouTube and like
2738s screenshotting cutcenes every 5 seconds
2740s and I also was able to get like the
2742s official model and I noticed that in
2745s some sometimes it was like blue and
2747s sometimes it was black and it was
2749s sometimes a little Dusty brown but I
2750s think I settled on something that had a
2752s really nice texture and it kind of
2753s interacts with light pretty neat it
2756s looks straight from the game
2758s and yours were recycled harnesses where
2760s are these from most of these are
2762s actually military surplus that have been
2764s deconstructed and then reconstructed
2766s into a uh more along the lines what
2769s Arthur
2770s Wars where did you get those
2773s from my dad's
2775s attic that's the real winner that's what
2778s I want to hear how about you Elli I know
2781s that you have very very meaning like
2783s what part of the Void did you have to go
2784s to to get all of this um I just jumped
2787s on a worm and I they took me wherever I
2790s had no idea man gathered some Stardust
2792s brought to Marina and she was like yeah
2795s I got this and then we bunched it
2797s together canonically marilina is your
2799s steam
2801s stress
2803s should all right I'm not trying to split
2806s that prize money that's true there's
2808s only one check how about you my dear
2812s bombus I have shower curtain shower
2815s curtain let's give it
2817s up this clear stuff right here is that
2821s the clear part yeah and this is like a
2824s lovely
2825s fabric judges are ready to go you were
2828s all off the hook but more importantly we
2830s have to come up with our prize so they I
2833s will just wait for them to make it up on
2839s stage and get my little friend out of
2841s the
2843s way here we are exciting
2848s Al righty you have the card my
2851s friend y all right we're going to start
2853s off with the bonus
2856s prizes our floofy cuteness Winner Is
2860s Magic
2862s thighs
2869s wonderful there you go so you were
2871s taking home an heirloom an ember
2873s heirloom pack absolutely beautiful work
2876s our next winner is Gilly Grizzly from
2880s the
2881s [Music]
2883s non-competitive you better believe it
2886s the audience's response to your cosplay
2889s stole our
2892s hearts want to give him
2895s a thank you so
2897s much we'll just let him come up on
2903s stage oh
2905s man you guys are absolute rock stars
2909s [Music]
2910s [Applause]
2920s yeah next up we've got Solaris
2923s workmanship
2924s award going to The idolon Outpost as
2930s bombesin you
2933s are absolutely incredible work
2938s uh the master ton award is going to
2943s master
2946s ton although I would argue that dear
2949s Anna is truly the winner of
2952s it
2955s congratulations put it in the mouth is
2957s that what
2959s I all right and again we've got orcin
2962s gold this award is an exceptional
2964s cosplay in the non-competitive category
2967s and we're going to award it to Paragons
2970s of emotion from
2972s DUI
2973s [Music]
2975s yay so I only have one medal on stage we
2980s do have more backstage I promise I will
2982s get it to you uh apologies for
2988s that absolutely phenomenal I don't know
2991s if there's actually going to be a
2992s paradox having two bombes on the same
2995s stage
2998s although it seems very fitting that he
2999s would win a reward twice I feel like
3002s that is absolutely what he would do
3005s so look at these fantastic folks I don't
3009s know if we can squeeze past the void rig
3012s at all if you guys don't mind moving
3013s down just a little bit thank you so
3018s much and who so like I said we will get
3021s you more of these behind backstage I
3023s only brought five on stage for me um so
3026s we'll give it to loaden that seems very
3027s fitting as well congratulations they
3030s will all be winning the same reward so
3033s yay masterful job everyone all
3037s right the Moment of
3039s Truth the cash prize winners we'll start
3043s with third place which is shondor as
3047s Frost
3051s heirloom phenomenal work shondor you
3054s should be so incredibly proud here is
3057s your beautiful beautiful if we want to
3060s have Arthur help him hold it
3062s up thank you so much
3067s Arthur Round of
3072s Applause
3074s [Applause]
3078s incredible sh if you just want to shimmy
3081s over just a little bit well yeah we'll
3083s get them moved over just a little bit
3084s yeah keep keep your giant check we won't
3086s take get away from
3088s you why are they so huge why are they so
3092s huge that's a good question why not I
3095s was asked how big they should be and I
3097s was like make them
3099s giant all right second place goes to
3104s Jacob as the void
3106s rig
3111s W right beside you there
3115s Jacob there you go
3117s [Applause]
3120s [Laughter]
3126s congratulations incredible work and our
3129s first play winner is Tina as
3134s Elli marilina would be so proud
3138s [Applause]
3143s [Music]
3143s [Applause]
3148s I
3154s over it's basically your melli if you
3157s think about
3164s it I was going to ask you to say
3166s something but I feel like you're a
3167s little
3169s overwhelmed okay we W all right then
3171s let's have one final round of applause
3173s for our cosplayers
3194s you should all be proud of the Fantastic
3196s work that you've showcased on stage
3198s today thank you so much absolutely and
3200s that's it for our competitive showcase
3202s this year thank you so much to our back
3204s of house staff who have managed to keep
3206s this all running truly we could not have
3208s done this without you a special thank
3211s you to Ronnie
3213s fishi wonderful Ralph and Maya our
3216s judges and of course my lovely co-host
3219s is fusional and most importantly our
3222s cosplayers I am so proud I am so
3225s overwhelmed you are all
3227s incredible all righty stay tuned for
3230s Tano live at 4:30 later today and enjoy
3235s the rest of your tanon everyone
3237s bye