3 months ago - Warframe - Direct link
3 months ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s all right we're live but let's two
2s seconds ago let's just make sure
3s everyone can see us everyone can hear us
5s before we uh commit to the bit today
9s it's a different day it's a different
10s time everyone's a little off uh waiting
13s for play Warframe that's us I know oh
16s we're live I see us so just get chat
17s open and then twitch so I have twitch
19s chat Steve has YouTube chat we're in the
21s wrong seats we are in the wrong seats
23s with theat there's a reason for that uh
25s so today is our last Dev short of the
27s year uh so we're going to make it extra
29s special it's in you I'm in the YouTubes
32s it's going to be 19 minutes for 1999 get
35s it pardon me 19 minute Dev short for 19
39s God we can't we can't do 19 minutes we
41s can we can barely do 15 I know but the
44s reason we're doing 19 there's actually
45s three things we forgot to show on the
48s stream soone says ew wrong sides yeah
51s I'm sitting here because I have to grab
53s you guys and bring you over to Rebecca's
56s computer during this because we missed
58s three things on the dev stream so cuz I
59s was sick
61s and I was replaced by Superior versions
63s of me Connor and Eric it is true yeah
65s yeah Eric replaced you on the de short
67s ER replaced me here in both spots I know
70s sorry and I saw I read your comments you
73s at home Steve upgrade confirmed I saw
77s all of that okay he's going to be fine
79s chat still I just still don't quite feel
83s right but anyway welcome Steve sin to
85s the final Dev short of the air can you
86s believe it's been a whole year tonon
88s says Steve I here they primed you last
89s week I wish we still
93s had please go ahead welcome to the last
97s step short of the Year Steve thank you
99s so much for joining us yeah it's good to
102s be
103s back welcome y you're looking great y i
107s this is the only Santa hat we found
109s which I think is not really necessarily
112s fitting very well it's crushing my skull
115s so but happy holidays to everyone that's
117s coming up and
120s have a sap so I also you know I'm
122s thinking about those people where the
124s holiday is a bit of a tough time yeah uh
127s and right there with you sometimes you
130s know in life but uh you know our Paras
134s socially we're thinking about you you
136s know what I mean don't worry so try to
138s enjoy yourself try to relax you know
140s what just and you know what game game
143s game if game if uh if uh life keeps you
145s down it's a nice Escape I agree read a
147s book go for a walk in the cold it's
149s snowing here and letting Ontario finally
152s but maybe we're making people's holidays
153s bad cuz we did announce that online has
155s postponed their doer to 2025 so if you
157s were looking forward to spending your
159s holidays grinding out the technos site
160s Kota we are sorry but we did move them
163s to the New Year this is just a
164s restatement of that uh they need more
166s time other things in the update would
168s suffer um we do still have a lot of
172s postest content that wasn't the only
174s post Quest content um so you can still
177s expect to have a lot to do after the
179s 1999 Quest particular feature just needs
182s more time in the oven especially so
183s everything else in the oven can cook
185s just restating that kind of sad news
188s again we apologize but we'd rather you
190s know now well you know
192s there's my thinking is there's a so much
195s to this update Play it and then in the
198s New Year exactly the boy band comes and
200s you you're going to have some of their
202s tracks in the game anyway you're going
203s to be able to enjoy the amazing music
205s that is true was that was that a
207s premiere on the of of the new song
211s somehow it released early because
213s somehow some people hacked into an ARG
216s to do it so oh the ARG they unlocked it
219s that's right God only reason that song
221s came out great work anyone who took
223s place in that was uh very brilliant and
227s got through those things very quick some
228s of the puzzles were crazy great work um
231s and maybe one day we'll see War sector
233s who knows but uh for 1999 we haven't
236s given you a date yet we just know it's
237s in December uh if you're playing on Xbox
239s or switch there is a remaster for this
242s particular update so you will need to
243s redownload this is just a heads up for
244s any tenno playing on those platforms I
246s see roller baller asked could we please
248s make some of the Shadows brighter on
249s default setting some of the parts are
251s map of the map are pure black we
253s actually had a very uh good memory
256s optimization backfire for some of the
259s Shadow areas sure did and Glenn figured
261s it out a few days ago and we will be uh
264s shipping that fix with
267s 99 uh on PC
270s first uh because it's C it's the
273s holidays and some of our partners in
276s different consoles are staffed
277s differently in the holidays but we did
279s notice that and it fix is coming yes um
281s why don't you bring the what time is it
283s for yeah let's do it while we still we
284s know we have time why don't you um come
286s visit me over my shoulder and we'll talk
288s about three things we missed on the dev
290s Stream So now that Steve's with us we're
292s going to talk about uh three items hair
294s Graphics improvements for all hair in
297s Warframe uh an update on two new Drifter
300s hairstyles which we didn't show on the
302s dev stream but we can cuz we're going to
303s talk about those now with the hair and
304s then an update on the 3D model of a
307s piece of concept art we showed you from
308s the new Drifter Cosmetics so Travis is
311s aing me he like hey please talk about
314s the graphics updates yeah since we have
316s 19 minutes well uh I would want to but
320s actually it's Rebecca this time who
321s wants to talk about it uh so we're going
323s to look at her messy office I'm going to
325s move the
326s camera this we're going to regret
328s showing you how like what a hor
330s this person is for all of the keep it
333s low I'm keeping it low I'm keep low
335s lower lower lower lower lower lower
337s we're okay here we go okay how's that
340s here we go here we have the Eleanor
343s Gemini skin okay where we have her look
346s at that hair yes so there was a gra a
349s oneline g so th this is called the
352s anisotropic Highlight where the the
355s reflectiveness of light goes sideways or
358s tangent to the hair and
361s and since our hair shading updates and
364s the change from classic to enhanced
367s render if you've been playing Warframe
368s long enough to remember that transition
370s it was broken we had a we had a oneline
373s bug in this code the way the texture was
375s decoded was ignoring the other side of
377s the hemisphere if you're a graphics
379s programmer we were decoding our flow
382s maps for our hair like a normal map
385s instead of a tangent map which includes
386s a positive or negative Zed component or
389s Z compon opponent depending on how you
391s pronounce that so every hair in the game
394s is finally fixed uh kubos the you can
398s see how gorgeous it is we're very
400s excited for this on line fix uh buried
403s in ancient places that took us uh by
406s surprise and and a big up to one of our
409s newer Graphics programmers camar who
411s fixed that for us and it actually does
413s make it makes the old stuff look a
415s little better yes uh as well because the
418s because it's working a little prop um
420s you know working better but this is very
423s old content as you're talking about but
425s finally uh that stuff's working better
427s but mostly the Proto frames and two new
429s hairstyles are coming um with this
431s update they're based on the caliber
433s chicks characters so the Jillian and
434s Lillian Cuts you can and the hair looks
437s great in those two so this okay how's my
439s videography am I it's actually perfect
440s am I framing it well yeah mine it's my
442s wait hold on I can be the same size okay
445s okay cool uh so that that is some Edge
447s Lord looks you got look at that it's a
449s great new hairstyle so anyway we we got
451s a lot of great uh and then if you slowly
454s pan to this set this is the 3D version
457s of okay this is like really in my face
459s how's that how's that um that's fine
462s this is uh the 3D version of the drifter
466s uh feron scdra outfit that you will get
469s in 1999 we didn't show this on the
470s stream by accident and we didn't show
473s okay so this is like the AA of this is
475s an AA so hair Graphics we got use some
478s random El or hair just some random okay
481s okay okay okay okay okay okay yeah well
484s anyway uh we finally have fixed that and
486s things are working heck of a lot better
490s and okay there you go okay back to back
493s to our okay so I got to keep this low or
495s something or high no not was I going to
497s show like an inappropriate poster on
499s your wall or something is that why
500s you're no there was a spoiler on my desk
502s oh there was a spoiler on your desk holy
505s crap okay guys well Steve in Mirror why
508s is Steve in the mirror show messy that's
510s my phone this is your phone oh um okay
513s okay anyway thank you for coming with us
515s on that Journey uh so we've we've we'
517s finally uh fixed some uh really old bugs
521s with that and any questions chat so your
524s doggies are F going to finally look like
526s they should have and uh if you work at
529s De in the art Department I'm really
531s sorry we missed that for so long um we
533s were really banging our heads against
535s that for the whole year um and it was a
538s hemisphere decoding instead of a a
541s sphere decoding oh someone said Deb Reb
543s what are those cards above your desk
545s magic cards
547s myard when I die they're in my will uh
550s yep so we do have a regression in some
552s of the light maps in the game that was
554s mentioned earlier and that fix is going
556s out for that uh and we have improvements
558s to how hair and eye shading and skin
561s shading all that stuff is brand new for
564s 1999
566s completely reworks even kubro for looks
569s better again yeah of of course so kumro
572s fur was redone and the poor artists did
574s their best and this one line problem was
576s holding them back so that's also good
579s the uh quality of the ssao got fixed as
583s well which was darkening the entire
585s scene by some small neg well I think it
588s was by like 20% or something like that
590s anyway things are going to look better
592s Lloyd's going to look cooler than ever
594s yes and everyone with hair will look
597s cooler than ever about beards uh beards
600s are going to look better as well then
602s you you can count yourself a part of the
603s party all right we also have um with the
608s general uh announcements from 19 we yeah
611s and you know we have a lot of platforms
613s and just a few Graphics programmers so
615s we just Lu sometimes that's why these
618s things hang on for so long uh so as part
620s of devstream 183 one thing we showed
622s that we had ke kept quite uh under like
625s we kept it under wraps was a pvpve AKA
629s face off off game mode so just to kind
630s of recap what you can expect from I
633s think like a a very new attempt at
635s something different and fun it is
638s twofold if you don't ever want to hear
640s the words pvpve in Warframe you don't
643s have to there's a version versus
644s specters and you're good to go like you
646s don't ever have to squat up against a
648s fellow tenno no problem just go in play
651s the node versus um like a a spectre
653s Squad and you're good to go no
655s competition but it's sort of the
656s competition is a race you're not you're
658s not shooting them in the face it's it's
660s a race it's kind of a race thing yeah so
661s let's make that like part of the what
664s this actually is so there's the version
666s versus uh AI which is cool I think it
668s would have like showed better if people
670s give you a chance cuz they just they
673s just rocked you don't there was lot at
676s stake I made some promises to oh
678s actually I have a so because you were
681s like talking people through it and the
683s other teams were just like owning you
685s you know I know and they were too good
687s but I had promised them like if if win
690s this will happen so I I shouldn't have
692s sweetened the pot you created some kind
694s of I did oh my gosh some incentive to
697s crush you I did and I have a photo of um
700s I I'll post this L online later but I
702s have a photo of uh Paul who was QA
705s testing the romance system so shout out
707s to Paul and then two members of Team QA
710s so team QA was led by Connor I had Sarah
713s and then it had Gary and Josh so this
715s was the group photo after which was all
717s of them postd devstream uh basically
719s celebrating their spoils that they got
721s to embarrass uh me live on stream which
723s is everyone's uh everyone's dream
725s everyone's dream in Life or at least it
726s should be so uh yeah but the 4v4 version
730s It's a Race So it's you and your squad
731s against another Squad you're just trying
732s to do three objectives faster if you win
736s you get some some goodies if you don't
737s win you still get stuff so it's very
739s much uh a like hopefully it's not too I
744s don't really know what the word you use
745s is that's like the correct way to
748s describe it like I call myself a sweat
750s Lord like hopefully it's not I heard I
752s heard P saying is if you want to get
754s sweaty and that is very that's very
757s gamer speak like when you see me but you
759s have the other mode that you can just
761s work get the rewards I would say it's at
763s your discretion how sweaty you want to
765s be so we're not asking you to sweat y as
768s and there is no uh there's a good
769s question here tonon asked is there
771s specific Warframe balance in PVE V again
774s because it's kind of a race there's no
776s specific balance changes for that um it
778s does and it but the one thing we did do
780s after many years of deliberation is we
782s are going to issue conclave standing so
784s there is definitely a there's a reward
786s table in the conclave store if you want
788s some of the Cosmetics there some mods
790s you can earn it uh and that this would
791s be a way to do that yep so people will
794s definitely get toxic with teammates
797s ultimately we're putting our best foot
799s forward it's for fun the characters
801s themselves know it's for fun it's all
803s about whoever loses gets the pizza party
806s uh we wish for the best out there we'll
807s keep an eye if you've played Warframe
809s long long enough to get to 1999 and the
811s missions within just do your best to to
814s keep it cool you know and if you get
816s cold in the winter get a little sweaty
818s with the game mode uh so Razer wi asks
821s hey Steve what are the chances of new
823s pets derived from the
825s helmet the helmet cyst like using it on
828s kavati or new pets with reptile insect
830s or Aven designs we did that for the one
833s helth charger but right now there are no
835s plans for that there's nothing in the in
837s the queue but uh seeing some reptile or
840s insect kind of inspiration be very cool
842s I'm not a big reptile Bender right now
843s that would go hard yeah okay love love
845s snakes love lizards uh we have some
849s kigawa foxes Steve can you guys please
851s look at the operator attachments I
853s really want to use the giant bow h no
856s they're not talking about the weapon
857s they're talking about and be able to
858s change the colors so there's probably
860s some tinting issues eera for the K Nova
863s Deluxe maybe yeah we'll make a we'll
865s make a note of that maybe I'm guessing
867s I'm guessing I can't I'm like ask can
870s you chat to the enemy team I called them
872s the competing team but can you chat to
874s them
875s no so you you have a specific way of
878s saying no and you're just like and don't
880s ask me for it and don't ask me let
883s us it's like I guess the answer is no no
888s but so far no don't ask me to I don't
890s think that would be a good idea es
893s scariot says we need a samaris lore job
896s I agree Gage job it really isn't I some
899s people are saying it's a conclave rework
901s and it's it's kind of nothing it's a new
903s game mode but it does have some of those
905s rewards that you'd be able to dip into
907s okay I can say you know I just time is
910s of the essence on these streams so big
912s mom energy from
915s Reb uh you know what put me through
917s media training and then you'll get a
919s very you know we really thought about
921s that and we would love it but ultimately
924s for scope we decided to not allow it is
927s that is that what you would prefer
930s I don't know somewhere between like yeah
932s like somewhere between that and a
935s n I always I always remember um the
938s World of Tanks devs answering answering
940s Q&A that was so hilarious like they were
944s big with the N that's a terrible
947s idea well that was way back when we're
950s do 19 minutes today we're doing 19
951s minutes today uh Razer Wings says uh
955s great name also Steve have you seen the
957s bug in the planes that forces players
958s into submer ible arwing it happens near
962s the river north of the ribs and the cave
964s under mount n usually near the water
966s that sounds a trigger sounds like a
967s volume trigger a waterer Ben if you're
970s listening yeah Ben we can get Ben to fix
972s that for us yep thank you for calling
974s that out uh all right we have question
976s oh let me just make spider frame win
978s spider frame win I'm reading this out I
980s have no information who are you going to
982s romance
984s Steve uh well the tongue reveal may have
987s moved the needle on my opinion
990s interesting interesting
992s interesting curious but also very
997s alarmed so I don't know I don't know I
1000s guess we'll have you know I I'm thinking
1002s and this is just me Spirit of the
1004s holidays I just want to like a get to
1006s know them and not necessarily go the
1008s extra mile y I just want to get to know
1010s them and just like learn about their
1012s back stories and not necessarily get a
1015s tongue in my mouth so that's that's me
1018s right now kind of my Christmas Vibe
1020s another thing oh speaking of Christmas
1022s Vibes more the merrier this Christmas if
1024s you missed it on the devstream every
1025s single player that logs into Warframe
1027s after 1999 launches you get a free
1029s Warframe slot and three free weapon
1031s slots so there's just we've raised the
1033s floor in your inventory capacity as well
1035s as if you play Junctions you'll get two
1037s weapons with slots if you've already
1039s beat the Junctions you'll just get them
1040s automatically added to your account so
1042s big big big instead of blueprints and
1045s and making things easier for for the new
1047s player you know what I love about our
1048s community is when you announce stuff
1050s like that and the the veteran players
1052s are like awesome change yes and it
1054s doesn't really affect them they've
1055s already been through it but they're like
1057s yes but they get it anyway so it does
1058s affect well they do get the slots yeah
1060s but I think it's I think they're also
1062s just like positive solidarity on your
1065s effect ha update does affect kavat yes
1067s it does uh Dutch milk says I would love
1070s sniper Q in the game some faster reloads
1073s better Synergy with the frames combos
1076s not not building on Zephyr T tornadoes
1080s um they might like C9 but like that's
1082s not necessar that's not a broad thing
1084s but it is kind of an interesting sniping
1088s yeah snipers are a weird snipers and
1090s Bows are a weird one they go from like
1091s being the best to not yeah to best to
1094s not so it's a very very it's like a it's
1097s a All or Nothing game with that weapon I
1099s don't know why I brought bows up I just
1100s remember the time when bows were the
1102s only thing to use it just reminded me of
1103s a time when there was like a small
1104s window with snipers similarly this year
1106s was feasting for Q and next year is
1109s going to be feastings let's hope so so
1112s definitely stay like we're very very
1114s very focused on getting 1999 in your
1116s hands uh and everything that goes with
1118s that so stay tuned for the like most
1121s comprehensive way you can enjoy 1999
1123s what's going to come next we'll have
1125s basically like the I think I think we
1127s typically do a year and post like a
1130s letter from the year so we'll make sure
1132s to have that in your hands as well with
1134s the 1999 launch so if you need uh like a
1137s source of what to expect leading into
1139s early next year we'll have that for you
1141s so this is our last step short we're
1143s going to get you 1999 we're going to get
1145s you the sort of what comes next post
1148s where of course you'll be expecting
1149s information on the technos site Koda all
1151s of that we'll try and make sure that you
1153s have everything you need to know going
1154s into 2025 with with all things Warframe
1157s which it's been a crazy year so we
1158s started Dev shorts this year and we're
1160s this is our last one of the year did you
1162s know this oh yeah this is our last of
1164s short and this is the the year they
1166s started my chat scrolled and I missed
1168s the question I wanted to read to you
1170s though but yes we started and we had a
1172s great time and uh thanks for tuning in
1175s to our
1176s nonsense uh one question I saw was
1179s because it's a race is it all about the
1181s fastest frame