over 5 years
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TennoGen & Nightwave Episode 5: Hotfix 25.7.8
- Fixed the game crashing if it fails to synchronize your inbox on login (i.e. due to internet connection failure).
- Airborne resistance from Mods is now capped at 90% to prevent stacking past 100% in some cases.
Nightwave Changes & Fixes:
- Emissary boss rewards will now only be revealed at the End of Mission screen to prevent aborting the mission if you didn’t receive the part you wanted.
- Lowered the Zealoid Prelate and Zealoid Bastion Codex scans from 30 to 3.
- Removed Zealoid Prelate and Zealoid Bastion from the Simulacrum due to breaking functionality.
- Fixed Zealoid Prelate walking in place if it’s killed without picking up Arlo's Flame.
- Fixed Arcane Blade Charger displaying the damage increase factor (2%) instead of as a percentage (200%). The Arcane still behaved correctly and applied 200%. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1130656-tennogen-nightwave-episode-5-hotfix-2577/page/5/?tab=comments#comment-11055621
- Fixed the Norg’s Mask and Mother’s Mask having a temporary price of 1 Credit.
- Fixed cloth physics on both the Wisp Graxx Helmet and Wisp Damas Helmet.
- Fixed the Ash Ryuga Helmet missing its ponytail cloth.
- Fixed the Gara Rouen Helmet stating the incorrect creator name in the description.
- Fixed the Loki Jotunheim Skin not applying chosen Energy color.
- Fixed the Jotunheim Oculus, Konvalyst Oculus, and Yureilyst Oculus not applying chosen Energy color.
- Fixed email lock icon not pulsing in your chosen UI Theme colors.
Fixed missing localization for Aim Glide/Latch Duration in the Aerodynamic Mod.