almost 6 years
ago -
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Thank you for hopping through obstacle courses with us! Your parkour skills impressed us, Tenno, and we loved to see Clan mates making appearances in submission videos. Here are the winners and honorable mentions for the Easter for Dummies Contest!
Spoiler- --RV--Silverdk - The Remnants of the Void & Ebbtides - Quasars tied for first place!
- Etzu - Fangs of Lua
- BingBangBoong - Monarchs Of The Void
- cairneys - Striven
Honorable Mentions:
Spoiler- An8rchy - GentleManz
- Cpt.Maelstrom - Elite Lotus
- EinsZweiDrei - The Exiled PH
- -GrT-Talos - Greek Titans Community
- Jack__The_Ripper_ - Shadow Fragments
- Jairoguy - Temple Of Ten
- Kittenykat - Void Marauder Syndicate
- Luraminaki - Long Wave
- mussman999 - Da Boyz Klan
- -ALC-Volve - A.L.L.I.A.N.C.E.