over 5 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link


We love when Warframe horrors send chills up our spines. The screeches of nearby Infested, the flickering lights of an uninvited guest, Rap… tap… tap… This Hallowe’en season, we want you to embrace the fear by turning your Dojo or your Orbiter into a haunted house!

How to enter: Decorate your Dojo or your Orbiter like a haunted house. Submit images or video of your haunted house in this thread for judging!


  • 1st place – Atlas Prime Access!
  • 2nd place – 1000 Platinum!
  • 3rd place – 750 Platinum!
  • 4th place – 500 Platinum!
  • 5th place – 250 Platinum!

Dojos and Orbiters will be judged separately, which means there will be 5 Dojo and 5 Orbiter winners (permitting enough entries of each)!

Need an example?


  • One submission per player. You must choose one category: Dojo or Orbiter. Make it your best!
  • Submission must be your original work
  • Submission must be appropriate for the community forums
  • If multiple Clan members contributed to a Dojo submission, please list all of their in-game aliases in your post
  • Images cannot be photoshopped, edited, or manipulated
  • Do not reserve posts in this thread
  • Submissions that do not follow these rules will be disqualified

Winners will be chosen based on the quality of their haunted house. Make it spooky!

This contest starts now until Thursday, October 31 @ 1:00PM ET!


Show us your worst, Tenno!


Edited by [DE]Helen
added contest rule
over 5 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link
1 minute ago, 0_The_F00l said:

@[DE]Heleni would request a clarity:

You have mentioned one submission per person ,

But there is provision for submission of dojo / orbiter , is it then limited to one submission per clan in case of Dojo?

Or does it mean that 5 people from the same clan can submit different parts of the dojo they have decorated?

Ours is a clan with a lot of decent decorators ,

If we can segregate some rooms and corridors for this contest , would we then be disqualified as it would be from the same Dojo ??

Great question!

Five people from the same Clan can submit different rooms they decorated. If you'd prefer to keep it all in the same post to represent your Clan, you could also have one person submit and credit each Clan member. Just list the in-game aliases of each contributor - that way nobody will miss their prize if your submission wins.

I'm adding this line to the contest rules for clarity!

  • If multiple Clan members contributed to a Dojo submission, please list all of their in-game aliases in your post