over 5 years
ago -
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Unleash strength and style with the new PlayStation® Plus Booster Pack IV, free for PlayStation® Plus members!
PlayStation® Plus Booster Pack IV Includes:
- Boltor and Boltor Obsidian Skin
- Obsidian Indra Sigil
- 7-Day Affinity Booster
- 7-Day Credit Booster
- 100,000 Credits
- 100 Platinum
The PlayStation® Plus Booster Pack IV may only be downloaded once per account and is available for a limited time.
Regional Availability:
- Americas - December 3
Europe - December
412- December 4th Update: Unfortunately, due to an error on our end the pack will release in the EU region earliest on December 12th. We apologize for the delay!
Asia, Japan, and Oceania - December 4
- December 4th Update: If you are in the Japan region and are experiencing issues claiming the pack, we have a fix pending with Sony to resolve the issue. It should be fixed earliest tomorrow, December 5th. We'll let you know once the fix has gone through!
Edited with updated information on pack release