about 5 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link


Reports of the Acolytes have surfaced. 

Twisted Warframes that follow the Stalker in pursuit of vengeance, the Acolytes will not stop until they are destroyed or until the Stalker’s mission is fulfilled. Gather your Squad and hunt them down one by one before the hunter becomes the hunted.
Just like previous incursions, the Acolytes will appear randomly on the Star Chart. Find where they hide and drive the Acolytes out to earn rare Mods.

Acolyte Noggles

Need trophies as proof of your pursuit? Pick up the Acolyte Noggle Pack and display them proudly on your Orbiter! (Noggles can also be purchased separately.) 

The Acolyte Noggle Pack includes:

  • Noggle Statue - Torment 
  • Noggle Statue - Misery 
  • Noggle Statue - Violence 
  • Noggle Statue - Malice 
  • Noggle Statue - Angst 
  • Noggle Statue - Mania 

The Acolytes are only vulnerable until February 14 at 2 p.m. ET, so act quickly! 

Good luck and good hunting, Tenno.

about 5 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link
14 minutes ago, Kylo. said:

This is Marcus' fault. 

It's true. He's to blame.

about 5 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link
3 minutes ago, OrSpeeder said:

I am a new player, and I need a LOT of mods that only them drop, or drop in reasonable chance (like mods that DO exist elsewhere but with 0.01% drop chance).

So... can someone tell me how this event work exactly? The game is really bad at explaining things.

Our community Warframe Fandom has a page with lots of info about the Acolytes! https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Acolytes

Our wiki volunteers do an amazing job of keeping their info up-to-date. I highly recommend checking it out!

about 5 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link
45 minutes ago, --Brandt-- said:

Are we going to get Misery this time? I can assume no since he only showed in 2016, but doesn't hurt to ask each time the Acolytes come back.

Unfortunately, we were unable to fix his exclusion in time for this Acolyte return. We hope to bring you much Misery in the future.