Greetings Tenno!
Gara Prime Access has arrived to shatter our expectations, and with it come another set of Riven disposition changes. Similar to last time, we have refrained from any gun reductions, and only a couple melee weapons are still in need of downward adjustments.
Most of you know the process by now, so let’s dive right in - thanks for reading!
Bubonico: 0.6->0.7
Catchmoon (primary): 1->1.05
Cedo: 0.55->0.6
Exergis: 1.05->1.1
Gaze: 0.95->1
Lanka: 0.95->1
Panthera Prime: 1.05->1.15
Proboscis Cernos: 0.5->0.55
Quellor: 1.05->1.1
Rattleguts (primary): 0.9->1
Rubico: 0.8->0.9
Sporelacer (primary): 0.85->1
Sporothrix: 0.85->1.1
Stahlta: 0.8->0.85
Tiberon: 1->1.05
Tiberon Prime: 0.85->0.9
Tombfinger (primary): 0.75->0.85
Trumna: 0.7->0.75
Vermisplicer (primary): 0.7->0.85
Akbolto: 1.25->1.3
Telos Akbolto: 1.2->1.25
Akbolto Prime: 1.1->1.15
Atomos: 0.85->0.9
Catabolyst: 0.8->1
Euphona Prime: 0.75->0.8
Pandero Prime: 0.5->0.75
Rattleguts (secondary): 0.7->0.75
Sepulcrum: 0.85->0.95
Staticor: 0.65->0.7
Velox: 1.1->1.15
Vermisplicer (secondary): 0.85->1
Zakti Prime: 0.75->0.9
Zymos: 0.95->1.05
Arca Titron: 1.25->1.3
Arum Spinosa: 0.85->1.05
Atterax: 1->1.05
Dual Kamas: 1.25->1.3
Dual Kamas Prime: 1.15->1.2
Galatine Prime: 0.75->0.8
Glaive Prime: 1.05->0.9
Gram Prime: 0.8->0.75
Guandao: 1->1.05
Guandao Prime: 0.6->0.65
Halikar Wraith: 0.5->0.75
Heliocor: 1.3->1.35
Synoid Heliocor: 1.3->1.35
Jat Kittag: 1.3->1.35
Keratinos: 0.9->1
Korrudo: 1.3->1.35
Kronen Prime: 0.7->0.65
Lecta: 1.2->1.25
Secura Lecta: 1.05->1.1
Mios: 1.2->1.25
Nikana: 0.9->0.95
Ooltha: 1.2->1.25
Pulmonars: 0.85->1.05
Quassus: 0.95->1
Reaper Prime: 0.75->0.7
Sydon: 1.3->1.35
Vaykor Sydon: 1.25->1.3
Vitrica: 0.7->0.85
Cortege: 0.85->1
Corvas: 1.1->1.2
Prisma Dual Decurion: 0.85->1.05
Morgha: 0.7->0.85