Every week on Prime Time we feature a mind-blowing Clan Dojo submission from the community! This weekβs #dojolove submission comes from PlayStation Clan: The Phoenix Crusaders
If you want to see your Clanβs home base on Prime Time, submit it here: https://wrfr.me/418wDOqhttp://pbs.twimg.com/media/FvUqM7DWAAg3VQD.jpg
Get ready to earn 2x Credits, Tenno! Celebrate 10 Years of Warframe with another Anniversary Booster weekend, live now until May 8 at 2 p.m. ET. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FvYhUnqXwAETmpn.jpg
The Circuit is an awesome way to continue enjoying #Duviri once youβve completed the Cinematic Quest!
@TheKengineer breaks down this endless game mode along with the Incarnon Geneses Weapons earned from the Steel Path. http://wrfr.me/3AVheXchttp://pbs.twimg.com/media/FvY82vWWwAA0Zuu.jpg