about 1 year ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

Hello Tenno!

Quick PSA to broadcast that the team is actively investigating a crash related to running Warframe on DirectX 12 on an AMD Graphics Card.

From what we can tell, this impacts RDNA 2 and older GPUs; Radeon RX 7000 series do not seem to be effected.

If you have experienced this crash, the current workaround is to switch back to DirectX 11 in the launcher for now.

We will update this thread once we have found a solution and what the next steps are.

Thank you!


about 1 year ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link

Unrelated to the above crash, but are experiencing network issues for those of you commenting here and were wondering what was going on: 


about 1 year ago - [DE]Glen - Direct link

If you want to help debug you might try disabling GPU particles for a while to see we can rule them out as a suspect:

The only downside is you might hit some other unrelated crash and you won't be able to know from the WAR-number - but since this is our most common crash *by far* if it helps it should probably be obvious.

Scratch that -- we found a bunch of reports with them disabled so that rules out GPU particles as a suspect

Edited by [DE]Glen
about 1 year ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

We are seeing AMD/DX12 stability post-Hotfix 35.0.7!

We kindly ask that you manually reenable DX12 and let us know if you experience the crashes.

Thank you for sticking with us and providing reports as we dig/monitor.