Deimos: Arcana: Hotfix 29.5.1
Added an Orokin Matrix icon next to Loid’s Fast Travel option and his dialogue options in the Necralisk.
Improved friendly Polyp-Hog Juggernaut’s survivability during the escort portions of the Deimos Delicacies Bounty.
In its previous state, the Polyp-Hog Juggernaut was not tough enough to put up a fight in the later stages. We’ve made the Polyp-Hog Juggernaut more robust to make the level 30-40 bonus much more attainable!
Removed Pulmonars, Proboscis Cernos and Catabolyst from Conclave.
Fixed softlock that would occur if trying to Trade a Mod and Platinum in the same offer.
Fixed a script error that resulted in the Jackal Parazon stab not functioning, which resulted in an inability to progress the fight.
Fixed Bonewidow’s Weapon Pod Blueprint requiring 45 Tinks. It will now require 45 Scrap as originally intended (obtained from dismantling Servofish at The Business in Fortuna).
We’ll be reviewing the backend to see if any players spent the 45 Tink and rushed the Blueprint crafting.
Fixed the Health bar of the ‘Contamination Unit’ disappearing in the Cracks in Deimos Bounty after a Host migration.
Fixed Bonewidow’s Exalted Ironbride ‘Drain / Second’ stat not appearing when hovering over the ability icon in the Arsenal.
Fixed Bonewidow sinking when Exalted Ironbride is being held.
Fixed Bonewidow Exalted Ironbride Energy per second displaying 2 instead of the correct 2.5.
Fixed the bonus UI in the battle stage of the Deimos Delicacies Bounty showing succeed/fail state right when entering the stage.
UI will now properly show fail state if you go below 50% before the battle stage.
Fixes towards reinforcement encounters persisting and keeping missions active, preventing further Bounties in the same area.
Fixed script error that could occur when attempting to purchase items from the in-game Market as a gift.
Fixed a script error that could occur when putting away the Fishing Spear at certain spots in Cambion Drift.
Fixed a script error related to the True Master Font Blessing Altars in the Relays.
Fixed a script error that could occur if a Trinity Specter used Energy Vampire.