about 5 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link


Empyrean: Update 27.0.5 is in development and set to arrive early 2020 on Nintendo Switch! As Empyrean launches on PS4 and Xbox One, we want to make sure you’re informed about what to expect of Warframe on the Nintendo Switch as we near the end of the year.

We’re delighted that we were able to ship the remastered Rising Tide update before the holidays, so you could enjoy meeting Cephalon Cy and build your Railjack. Despite unforeseen issues with Cert last month, we were able to quickly deliver the latest update. The team was very excited about shipping the build, in addition to getting Warframe down below the base memory allowance (from 22 GB to 16.5GB)! 

While we were able to get Rising Tide out in a speedy fashion, the timing simply didn’t align for us to submit Empyrean to Cert before Nintendo closed for the holidays. That said, the team here at DE is making sure they do what they can before they also leave on break to ensure the update is in top shape once submissions open back up in 2020. 

We will return refreshed and ready to bring you a hearty Empyrean that’s up-to-date on hotfixes with proper consideration for controller bindings and performance!

Thank you for a wonderful first year of Warframe on Nintendo Switch. We’ve learned a lot this year and worked hard with Nintendo to improve Warframe on the platform - everything from game performance to the Cert process itself. We look forward to coming back and starting 2020 strong with Empyrean!

about 5 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link

Empyrean: Update 27.0.5 is in Cert! We'll be keeping you posted in the updated status thread here: