4 months ago - [DE]Juice - Direct link


  • Improved the Obols’ texture on the Necra Prime Operator/Drifter Pauldrons & Boots.


  • Fixed the Necra Prime Pauldrons not attaching properly to other Operator/Drifter Suits causing a large gap in between. 
  • Fixed Battacor’s Sentient Barrage Augment triggering off friendlies (ex: Caliban’s Lethal Progeny summons). 
  • Fixed Xaku’s (base & Prime) Corporeal & Skeletal Auxiliaries missing their description. 
  • Fixed the upper part of the Kaminari Ephemera being rotated incorrectly during and after a Landing Craft mission entrance cutscene. 
  • Fixed many areas of the Infested Ship tileset being unlit. 
  • Fixed the list of items missing from the UI in Varzia’s “Next Offering”. 

For list of known issues for Koumei & the Five Fates that require future code changes and cannot be addressed in a Hotfix, visit our dedicated thread: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1414761-known-issues-koumei-the-five-fates/