Heart of Deimos: Hotfix 29.1.1
Respective Rifle/Shotgun Skins can now be equipped on Primary Kitguns - including Deluxe Shotgun Skins!
Tombfinger and Rattleguts are Rifles, and Catchmoon is a Shotgun. (Gaze is neither as it’s classified as a Beam weapon)
Optimized initial installs.
Fixed a crash in the cache optimizer that would occur if something interfered with updating files.
Fishing Fixes:
Fixed Fish Bait falling through the water in the cave during ‘Fish For Clues Phase 1 of the Profit-Taker Heist.
Fixed a case where Clients might take out the Fishing Spear but not be able to catch Fish.
Fixed a script error when Fishing in a Free Roam mission and a Host migration occurred.
Fixed a script error when leaving Orb Vallis or Plains of Eidolon when you never took out the Fishing spear.
Fixed a script error when equipping the Fishing Spear in a non-Fishing mission.
Fixed clipping through the wall when switching between Titania’s Razorwing and Operator.
Fixed ability to enter a closed Isolation Vault via Necramech without getting teleported out. Included in this are fixes towards preventing Summoning the Necramech outside valid boundaries.
Fixed Helminth ability ‘Perspicacity’ not functioning after using a Cipher or manual Hack. As reported here!
Fixed Knockdowns by Deimos Therid leaving you unable to shoot or use abilities for about 5 seconds.
Fixed issue that stopped Pressure Point and its derivatives from not applying to Quassus Heavy Attack projectiles.
Fixed Cambion Drift Excavators disappearing if Loki’s Switch Teleport is cast on them.
Fixed inability to swap the 9th Necramech Mod Slot Polarity due to the UI thinking it’s an Aura.
Fixed inability to purchase additional Config Slots for Necramech and Arquebex.
Fixed Arquebex model not displaying properly when viewed via Look Link or Mod Link.
Fixes towards Exalted weapons not being equipped when viewed via Look Link or Mod Link.
Fixed the Shedu not using the Heavy Weapon aim poses.
Fixed enemies not staying focused on the player when doing Finishers. Enemies won’t attack/shoot while a Finisher is happening, but they also won’t storm off as if nothing is happening.
Fixed the Jugulus Mod Set description not explaining the stun mechanic.
For example, Jugulus Carapace now reads: Slam attacks manifest Tendrils to lash enemies within 3m stunning them for 3s and dealing 25 Puncture damage. Cooldown 12s".
Fixed Xaku’s abilities having old descriptions that did not reflect the recent changes made in Update 29.1.0.
Fixed a script error when viewing the Necramech Embellishments without owning a Necramech.
Fixed a script error when casting Wukong’s Cloud Walker ability.
Fixed a script error when equipping an Infested Companion.