almost 2 years
ago -
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- Increased the travel speed of Citrine’s Crystallize fractals.
- Updated the sound mixing for Citrine’s Crystallize ability.
- Added a featured banner to the Crystal Bastion Collection.
- Added Diorama to the Crystal Bastion Collection and the Multiform Visage Ink Bundle.
- Removed the Steflos Shotgun from Conclave.
- Fixed several rare crashes that could occur when gameplay scripts were loaded or unloaded.
Fixed significant lighting issues in the ‘Once Awake’ Tutorial Mission.
- Also made some general improvements to the overall lighting as well!
- Fixed Crash that could be caused by corrupted Update data.
- Fixed clipping issues for Citrine on many pieces of Leg Armor.
- Fixed positioning issues for Citrine with many Syandanas.
- Fixed a small light flicker when using an Archwing to fly very high in sky in the Plains of Eidolon.
- Fixed Script Error that could occur if a Client disconnected from the Host while loading into Sanctuary Onslaught.
- Fixed Script error related to Revenant's Mesmer Skin sharing charges with Defense targets.
- Fixed Script error related to Yareli’s Merulina Guardian Augment Mod.
- Fixed Script error related to collecting Citrine’s Remnants in Mirror Defense.
- Fixed Citrine’s Remnants missing their visual effect before disappearing in Mirror Defense.
Fixed the wave timer in Mirror Defense resetting if a Host Migration occurs.
- Also fixed an issue of the UI timer and in-game timer having differences, which would cause each wave to take longer than intended.
Fixed Crash from using the alt-fire on the Battacor with any number of charges accumulated.
- Temporarily, the Battacor will require all 3 charges to use its alternate fire mode. This will be restored in a later update to the original behavior.
Known Issues:
Citrine’s Last Wish brought some unintended changes to self-stagger. As mentioned here.
- Stagger effects from explosive weapons & Amps are passing through Volt’s Shield
Vazarin’s Guardian Shell is not protecting from self-stagger.
Both of these issues require Code, and will be fixed with our next Cert build.
Both of these issues require Code, and will be fixed with our next Cert build.