6 months ago - [DE]CoreyOnline - Direct link

Tenno! The next batch of TennoGen arrives with The Lotus Eaters on August 21st. Here's a closer look at what to expect:


Styanax Ares Skin, by blazingcobalt & Vis

Rhodora Syandana, by led2012 & Xtygian

Impaktor Fist Skin, by Travelling Merchant

Heavy Blade Kuvael Ximitotix Skin by edwino22 & Erneix. 

PC Tenno can acquire these items via the Seam Workshop. Console and iOS Tenno can purchase them for Platinum via the in-Game Market individually or as TennoGen Shadows Bundle 3. 

What is TennoGen? TennoGen refers to unique Customizations created by Tenno, for Tenno. Talented artists from the Warframe community team have submitted their own unique designs for all Tenno to enjoy in-game! 

Reminder: we are accepting 1999 Inspired TennoGen submissions for a limited time! Submit your 1999 inspired Eye, Ear, and Facial Accessories for the Drifter / Operator in time for Warframe: 1999! More info here

6 months ago - [DE]CoreyOnline - Direct link
9 minutes ago, ZacherytheAnubis said:

if it's not tennogen for newer frames that have no cosmetics, despite being out for 2-3 years, i dont want it. seriously there are some AMAZING tennogen skins for all these frames that have been releasing that have absolutely 0 cosmetics. atleast styanax got a bump, but what about the others that have 0?

TennoGen is certainly a process that takes time! For what it's worth, Lavos, Sevagoth, Yareli, Gyre, and now Styanax all now have new skins & helmets courtesy of TennoGen! There is definitely momentum for newer Warframes! :)