Crisp autumn air signals the arrival of crisp new Dojos to be featured on the Star Chart! We’re looking for winning Clans who have put hard work into their Dojos and are ready to open their doors to all Tenno. Winners will also receive the exclusive contest Trophy and a stockpile of Resources!
There will be three winners per Clan tier per platform (20 first place winners in total).
- PC: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon
- PS4: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon
- XB1: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon
- Switch: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon
How to enter:
Decorate your Clan Dojo by yourself or with members of your Clan. Take us on a tour by sharing image(s) and/or a 3 minute video of your Dojo here! Feel free to dive into interior design detail and tell us what went into creating your rooms of art!
We recommend submitting images in a spoiler tab to keep everything organized. Click the icon shown below to make a spoiler box appear in your post:
To include a video tour, upload to a video-sharing site like YouTube and share the link to your video here! Click here for a guide to uploading to YouTube.
You must include the following information with your submission:
- Clan name
- Clan tier
- Clan platform
- Your Clan role (Must be the Founding Warlord or have Architect permissions)
- Feature image of a section of your Dojo that you want to highlight (in addition to any other images or video you choose to include)
Please keep in mind that the winning Dojos will be accessible from the Star Chart. That means that, if you win, all players will be able to access your Clan Dojo at any time!
Winning Clans receive the bronze, silver, or gold contest Trophy and massive stockpiles of Resources!
The number of Resources awarded to each 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner is determined by Clan size. See the full list of prizes below:
SpoilerNeed an example?
Clan name: Blackmore
Clan tier: Shadow
Clan platform: PC
Clan role: Founding Warlord
Feature image:
Video tour:
- One submission per Clan
- Must list your Clan’s name, tier, and platform with your entry
- Must be the Founding Warlord or have Architect permissions for the Clan whose Dojo you submit
- Video tours must not exceed 3 minutes
- Dojo theme and presentation must be appropriate for the community forums
- Must submit to the official English contest thread
- Do not reserve spots in the official contest thread
- Submissions that do not follow these rules will be disqualified
Summer 2019 Featured Dojo contest winners are not eligible for the Autumn 2019 Featured Dojo contest. They are welcome to enter again in a future round! Please keep in mind that Clans that have never been Featured are given priority.
Best Practices for Winners:
Given the number of players who will visit Featured Dojos, we have a different standard for content in Featured Dojos than we do for Dojos that aren't open to everyone. We may ask winners to make small changes to their Dojos for the time they are featured based on the following:
- Nothing vulgar or offensive can be included in Dojos while they are featured on the Star Chart
- You cannot change your Clan tier until after your Clan Dojo has been featured on the Star Chart
- Winning Clans who do not follow these guidelines will have their Dojos removed from the Star Chart
Featured Spots for winners are reserved for November 2019 - February 2020
Selecting Winners:
After the contest closes, a group of Warframe Community Team members will take one week to review all submissions. Once the top submissions have been chosen, Community Team members will closely review and compare those submissions a second time to select the winners.
We look for creativity and quality. Large structures are impressive, but keep in mind that small details set winning submissions apart from top submissions. Focus on creating an immersive atmosphere with details we can’t ignore. Make your Dojo a testament to your unique Clan!
Winners will be announced on November 28 during our Prime Time live stream at &
This contest starts now until November 21 @ 1:00PM ET!
All players from PC, XB1, PS4, and Nintendo Switch can participate!