2 months
ago -
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | we're live yay everyone sorry for the |
3s | way you might as well just chill all |
5s | right yeah I'm just going to be back |
6s | here fine I'm just here to be back here |
7s | hello and welcome do a Dev short that is |
10s | a mystery short it shouldn't be because |
12s | we said it was our last one but we were |
14s | here in LA with our apparatus so we |
15s | thought we would uh actually do a Dev |
17s | short with mystery guests we have 15 |
20s | minutes with you guys and we have a lot |
21s | to talk about so thank you for joining |
24s | uh if you don't know how these work for |
26s | 15 minutes we start a timer and then no |
28s | matter where we are in the show we end |
30s | at 15 minutes but before I do that hey |
33s | everyone what's going on my name is |
35s | Rebecca who do I have with me today |
38s | hello I'm venla and Vena what brings you |
40s | to a d short I have directed The Hit |
45s | short the hex Warframe 1999 prologue and |
50s | we are going to talk at length about |
52s | that today I'm very excited and we also |
54s | have a mystery |
55s | guest I'm just a bag he's just a bag who |
59s | the hell is that who's who's in the bag |
61s | could it be hold on can you give us your |
63s | best clean up same thing tomorrow yeah |
66s | could you give us your best clean up |
69s | same thing tomorrow could we hear a a |
72s | line read uh with with some some like |
75s | gristle clean up same thing tomorrow oh |
79s | my God it's Steve Sinclair |
81s | hey no it's me it's Ben star oh my gosh |
85s | everybody also in the background who |
87s | came to crisis solve but welcome to Dev |
89s | short our last one of the Year Rue we |
91s | got you here hey R hey oh oh we got you |
97s | get his head hello chat uh we have 15 |
99s | minutes of your time oh I should have |
100s | started there we go now um welcome we |
103s | have important things to discuss with a |
104s | very special group of people since |
107s | earlier this year we got connected with |
109s | the line studio and being a fan of not |
112s | only the line but also Heavenly V of |
114s | Emma's work we were like let's do a |
116s | Warframe animated short and how did what |
120s | happened next dear dear reader after we |
123s | decided to do a Warframe animated |
125s | short I mean suppose you made one we did |
129s | and it's and thanks for coming everyone |
131s | um it was thanks thanks so much long |
134s | story short yeah we made it we made it |
136s | we did it and we're very excited and we |
138s | hope that the world liked it you know if |
140s | we had an infinite marketing budget it |
142s | would have been longer but um I hear |
144s | that um marketing is expensive so you |
147s | know we're we uh we're just Here for a |
150s | Good Time not and we and we he animation |
152s | takes a while to do a minute a solid |
156s | minute we we had a 99 second thing |
158s | though at the end which was our goal yes |
160s | we we got it up to 99 seconds Warframe |
162s | 1999 99 seconds and you know it was it |
165s | all started with you know a dream you |
168s | know a hope and a dream and a hope and a |
171s | dream and we have some cool things to |
173s | show today from it actually these were |
176s | brought all the way from oh yes oo oh I |
180s | don't know if you might hold it up see |
182s | if I can bring it close here's some |
183s | original art first sketches of the |
186s | characters from artist character |
189s | designer extraordinaire masham Moran um |
192s | who worked with us to design the 2D look |
195s | of the characters in plexiglass that was |
197s | severely beat up in the flight from |
199s | London it got it ple London England not |
202s | Ontario not Ontario um but |
205s | the drawing itself is pristine and |
209s | that's all we need and that's all we |
210s | need and that's not that's not a print |
212s | that's pencil on paper she sent it to me |
215s | which is one of a kind some of the |
217s | original warframes were were done pencil |
220s | paper this is this is the Legacy and the |
222s | tradition stays alive that's going to be |
224s | making its appearance in the devstream |
226s | room for the future so people are very |
227s | excited once it gets a slightly nicer |
229s | frame that isn't fully crap de with it I |
232s | hated the frame to begin with I'm glad |
234s | it's broken yeah I hate |
236s | plexiglass boo oh people wanted it to be |
240s | 19 minute stream but we did that last |
242s | week so but um the finished piece you |
245s | know we were working on what it could be |
248s | what we wanted to do with this short did |
250s | we want to have a voice in it or not and |
252s | then by the very end of a silent piece |
255s | you showed up I did I didn't even know |
257s | what we were doing at the time um we |
260s | were we were in the middle here you go |
261s | here he is sweat on his face yeah oh we |
263s | have to talk the sweat too yeah you want |
265s | to talk about the sweat first so often I |
268s | have my experience of Animation is that |
270s | I try to make everyone sweaty and then |
271s | people try to sneakily delete the sweat |
274s | drops if When I'm Not Looking this time |
277s | we were aligned yeah we're perfectly |
279s | aligned it's going to get sweaty we have |
282s | sweat dripping that's what makes them |
283s | human Proto frames they still have their |
286s | GL glands so that is important they're |
288s | stinky they're stinky and that's |
290s | beautiful that's why he says clean up |
292s | clean but when we when we when we |
294s | recording um 99 we've been doing it for |
296s | a while yeah I remember doing a session |
298s | where they were like we just need you to |
299s | say this line it might go in it might |
301s | not yeah um and they showed me the piece |
304s | and it was obviously his ass |
306s | shot it was his action it was action |
310s | shot it was it was always about the ass |
312s | because even even in the original |
314s | briefing I saw the the what do you call |
317s | it like your little like the real the |
320s | teaser real yes and I was just like |
322s | there's something very intentional about |
324s | this ass yeah like this is not this is |
327s | not just a little qu querer Design This |
329s | is intentional for all characters |
332s | Warframe and that is an important part |
333s | of the direction was imagine as if this |
336s | line is coming from his ass no that's |
338s | not true no that's not true I I'm sorry |
342s | put the bag back on bag on I feel like |
344s | the direction if I had if I had I wasn't |
346s | in the voice room but I feel like the |
348s | direction from me would have been |
350s | imagine he's clenching this whole time |
352s | let us and he's finally released I would |
355s | um what was about that is the I will be |
358s | serious for a second about the craft of |
360s | acting for one second um no we did that |
364s | we did that a lot we did that line quite |
366s | a few times because I think they really |
367s | wanted to get the sense of like the the |
370s | repetitious nature of the task that they |
371s | keep doing and the kind of the relief |
373s | but the resignation to them doing it |
375s | again and again and again and so we ran |
377s | it quite a few times to give you guys |
379s | hopefully as many options as you |
380s | possibly could have we had a big batch |
383s | um yeah see there's a lot I imagine you |
384s | probably thought that line was terrible |
387s | by the end you hear it so many times how |
389s | many times did we hear it |
390s | it just it was perfect I yeah we we |
392s | heard it at least once a day and |
394s | speaking of hearing it the music yes so |
398s | when when making an animated short how |
401s | does one pick a soundtrack and how did |
403s | we come to get what we got for ours so |
406s | quite often what happens which isn't |
408s | isn't my ideal way of working would be |
410s | that sometimes like it takes a long time |
413s | for the actual track to become finalized |
415s | and you kind of put it in at the end |
418s | whereas this one is instead of we were |
420s | kind of playing playing around in terms |
423s | of like well what do we want to do with |
424s | the music and stuff but I've heard this |
426s | song you guys sent us the song yes so we |
430s | sent a song that Matt schmer Eric |
432s | Preston and the team had been working on |
434s | called numb which you'll hear more about |
436s | soon uh and num was like our grunge |
440s | really kind of like |
442s | empty kind of kind kind of yeah just it |
445s | had a texture to it that we really like |
447s | so we thought hey Vena maybe you like |
449s | this song yeah and I I I think the |
451s | minute that I heard it I was like |
454s | honestly this is giving me a lot of |
455s | visuals already and it just kind of felt |
457s | like actually let's just use this one |
460s | which yeah honestly for Budget reason |
462s | also wonderful yeah like we yeah we got |
464s | to use an amazing track of our own and |
466s | we we had it so early in the process |
468s | that all of the timings that you see |
470s | throughout the piece like even like the |
472s | cut of uh lety staring at Elanor like |
476s | like it's cut to the yeah the track and |
479s | that is is going to be um one of the |
481s | many songs that are coming in 1999 and I |
483s | know people are very very very |
485s | interested oh yeah i' I've seen people |
486s | begging for the music you'll get it |
488s | you'll get it we are going to drop an |
490s | album so so don't don't worry about it I |
492s | have it yeah we I listen to it yeah we |
494s | have the music coming and for that |
496s | reason it should be you know just a part |
498s | of 99 which is um we're kind of in the |
501s | December month it's launching soon but |
504s | we're here all in La for you know the la |
507s | like a really big push to OTE the update |
510s | so we're doing our best to let people |
512s | know about what's coming everyone's |
514s | worked really hard on it so can you play |
517s | it we put a lot of work into it could |
519s | you please watch the animated short oh |
521s | yeah please do that as well watch the |
523s | animated short and tell us oh actually |
525s | the community did a survey because we're |
527s | adding a romance system in this update |
529s | of who I have bad news for |
532s | Ben I was expecting it to be honest I I |
536s | I know I know she's my sister that I |
539s | would absolutely Ely okay just not my |
542s | sister obviously but like I I'm I'm I'm |
544s | an Elanor fan Elanor was oh he had the |
546s | tongue I'm the tongue did sway a lot of |
549s | people I find did it did so there it was |
552s | why is she kind of why is she kind of |
554s | freaky like that wait yeah so Eleanor |
557s | will be um all of them are an option for |
559s | you as a player uh when you show up to |
562s | learn more about these characters get to |
563s | know them play their missions and figure |
565s | out what's going on and there is an |
567s | optional romance system that as of today |
569s | the team back in London Ontario Canada |
571s | and around the world they added |
572s | something um just visual to the computer |
576s | that I thought would be super fun so I I |
578s | love that system that was one of the |
580s | most joyful things because obviously |
581s | when you're doing when you're performing |
583s | these characters you want to give |
585s | they're badasses you know one of the |
587s | missions it's always it's it's that like |
589s | how can we make these characters as cool |
590s | as possible in combat and then there's |
592s | that ju toos when they're back at the |
594s | you know the home base of like the |
596s | softening of those characters of Journey |
599s | and some of you may never experience it |
600s | you know some of you may always |
601s | experience are you telling people |
603s | they're not going to experience love did |
604s | you not with me you just said no one's |
606s | interested in Romancing me so it's fine |
608s | it's fine no one wants him all you're |
611s | going to do is get mean Arthur um you'll |
614s | never know his tender side you don't |
616s | deserve |
618s | it he he has his walls up yeah he does |
621s | have his wall so does so does the actor |
623s | when they when they come crumbling down |
624s | it is warm inside y this is going to get |
626s | drama really fast cuz Rue's wife is in |
629s | chat and just said she's going to |
630s | romance |
631s | Arthur correct um I will she L an |
634s | underdog I will give I will give 100,000 |
638s | Platinum to anyone romance his other and |
641s | that's a guarantee isn't that right high |
644s | five the bag get the bag back on bag |
648s | on but but as we were making them I |
651s | think early on we knew they were all |
652s | romanceable or you know at least |
654s | friendable is that the word befriend yes |
658s | bef friendable so they all have a very |
660s | different outlook on their mission in |
662s | the short and in the game ahead so you |
665s | had to make us you had to make us love |
667s | them in in the time we had mhm yeah I |
669s | think like the I think the original |
671s | working title that I had for the for the |
673s | short was intermission which is kind of |
676s | a pun that it's like between missions |
678s | and it's kind of like when you go home |
679s | and you don't you don't have like that's |
682s | where you're just preparing for the next |
683s | one and you're constantly in the mo like |
686s | in the zone and it's in that boredom |
689s | between M missions that you sort of |
691s | start really fraying at the edges the |
695s | one thing you really nailed in that |
696s | short is like we were just saying |
698s | beforehand is in pretty much what |
700s | seconds you have defined their |
701s | personality really clearly I feel like |
703s | the characters just come out just in |
705s | their faces I like you you know them |
708s | immediately and you get that impression |
710s | obviously there's more to discover as |
711s | you play the game but it's like this is |
713s | a taste of what the story will be if you |
715s | choose to learn more about that |
716s | character yeah we really wanted to like |
717s | set the scene and establish some |
719s | something that you can go into the game |
722s | and you already know a little bit of |
724s | something of the reality that they're |
726s | living in and you know a little bit |
727s | about them and you kind of recognize |
729s | that there's tension and then you can go |
731s | in and kind of be like wait what's going |
732s | on guys like I watch I need to doctor |
734s | fill the situation right now so when you |
736s | when when you were do when you were |
737s | doing the short and you storyboarded it |
739s | did you have a clear idea of what the |
740s | story was going to be or what was the so |
743s | yes so I scripted it and I got one of |
745s | one of our other directors um Lou cares |
749s | storyboarded and I think we knew |
752s | essentially from the script we knew what |
754s | we were going to do yes in the short but |
757s | I think it really like visually comes |
759s | down to like the cuts and the way that |
761s | like we're looking at each other but we |
763s | had a pretty clear visual already in the |
766s | script it's like we cut from here to |
768s | here and here it's going to be a |
769s | close-up of face and we're going to just |
770s | be staring I think like the story want |
774s | wanted to be quite like contained into |
778s | that moment it's like |
780s | pregame MH um and it's it's Cannon but |
784s | it needs to also like be contained in |
786s | its own little CU there is like this |
789s | like I think maybe we spoke about this |
791s | there's a hopelessness to the hex |
793s | journey and it isn't until your player |
796s | is going to come into the story that's |
797s | able to affect change and make it so |
800s | that like there's a there's a nihilism |
802s | essentially to 1999 totally totally and |
806s | yeah and it comes through so well in the |
807s | style choices and everything that the |
809s | team at we wanted to get angst angst is |
812s | I love angst we are an angsty bunch and |
814s | it shows so yeah we are yeah I'm I'm a |
818s | big Evangelion fan and I just felt yeah |
821s | this this is what we're going to do |
823s | we're going to have human instrument |
825s | instrumentalization we are three minutes |
827s | oh oh yeah we only three minutes should |
828s | we do uh Q&A from chat um so so far we |
831s | have for the agenda we've gotten through |
832s | our um we talked about the music we |
834s | talked about um oh yeah there's stuff |
837s | happening in game right now log in for |
838s | some free skins but that's not you know |
840s | that's and if you romance off you get |
842s | 100,000 not true people are very excited |
845s | that you mentioned evangelon people want |
846s | us to have a good day is angs the name |
848s | of the next Warframe no get into the |
851s | Warframe Shinji |
854s | is was it a transference into the |
857s | Warframe Shi Shinji transference H num |
860s | will be on the S cord yep the new song |
862s | will be coming um bet 100,000 plat to |
866s | romance Arthur yeah not I'm telling you |
869s | they've said it one set no no way get |
871s | rich no kiss me no way no these are not |
876s | truths uh these are not truths and not |
878s | truths we'll be get more online songs ah |
881s | the boy band of course so if you don't |
884s | know they delayed their tour to next |
885s | year CU we have to finish the update and |
888s | features so they won't be coming till |
889s | next year um right now you have two |
891s | songs from them I don't know if you'll |
892s | get much more but I guess we'll have to |
895s | see based on demand from the fans but |
898s | they're pretty they they are they |
899s | beautiful uh there is a PRX card in this |
902s | update yes there is Android announcement |
905s | anytime soon it's open for pre- rge for |
909s | sure if you do exclamation mark Android |
911s | you can get |
913s | it um you're looking at me as if I know |
916s | yeah I'm offering 100,000 plet kisses me |
919s | a game no I don't know you know nothing |
922s | full album please we'll try um will lety |
925s | when we kiss lety will she fake out and |
928s | let us kiss her make us kiss it's a |
932s | rat we didn't put the rats in the |
935s | trailer we didn't put the rat in the |
937s | trailer I feel like I was I was yeah I |
939s | think how did we come to that tough |
940s | tough choice I think I think it's just |
943s | like I feel like if we had that shot of |
945s | her staring back and there was a rat on |
946s | her shoulder it might have like sort of |
948s | taken us out the moment a little bit too |
951s | sexy it's like we going to make this PG |
954s | guys yeah we don't want a rat in this in |
955s | the frame we get one of these that's |
958s | such an iconic silhouette it is it's so |
961s | good tried our best oh there there is a |
964s | little bit of |
965s | a continuity issue with the mirror here |
968s | but we made a we made a visual choice |
971s | not to not to abide by the laws of |
973s | mirrors we've got 30 seconds 30 second |
975s | shoot um Reb you showed us the online |
977s | album on the dev stream that was just |
978s | the icon art for the songs it's not a |
980s | full album sorry about that sorry that's |
983s | Ben's fault yep y sorry about that um |
987s | sir you will be kissed no worries no |
989s | needed thank you so |
992s | much you can kiss me for free no we we |
995s | don't do that type of thing here um I |
997s | anything to say I mean thank you so much |
998s | for coming and and being part of the |
1000s | 1999 promotional stuff we're doing we |
1002s | work very hard and we're very excited to |
1004s | give it okay it's time someone has to |
1006s | turn off the camera bye forever bye bye |
1009s | bye |