almost 6 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

Fortuna: Hotfix 24.2.10

As mentioned back in June 2018, Warframe’s Minimum Supported Specs will change to Windows 7, 64-bit operating systems, and DirectX 10 capable graphics cards in mid-February 2019.

More info here:

Magnum Force Changes:

  • Increased Damage from +66% to +165% (at max rank). 
  • Increased Accuracy reduction from -33% to -55% (at max rank).


  • Increased the Physique Aura Mod from providing +18% Health to +90% Health (at max rank).
  • Increased the accuracy of the Brakk.
  • Increased the accuracy of the Kohmak/Twin Kohmak.
  • Sentient Mimics have updated their cognitive thinking and will now take on the proper form of the newly re-meshed Corpus Lockers.
  • Using a zipline now requires you to be within 2 meters of it. This should abate all manners of undesired zipline-related tomfoolery.
  • Improvements towards AI navigation pathing in the Corpus Ice Planet tileset.
  • Improvements towards where the Rescue Target can be told to stop and take cover in the Lua tileset.
  • Improvements towards pathing issues when fighting the Ambulas in the Corpus Outpost.


  • Fixed some rare cases of getting stuck in the Fortuna/Cetus elevator when returning to the town after a Host migration.
  • Fixed DirectX 10 not rendering FX in various places including the Plains of Eidolon/Orb Vallis and Relays.
  • Fixed inability to equip Ruinous Extension on the Ocucor. 
  • Fixed being able to equip Stance Mods in any slot and any Mod in the Stance slot for Garuda Talons and unequip Mods that break these rules.
  • Fixing (again) spin attacks not working on controller unless you wait 0.15 seconds after pressing slide (not breaking toggle-sprint this time).
  • Fixed inability to use the Scanner as the Operator.
  • Fixed your Warframe floating in the Arsenal when exiting the Mod Upgrade screen (through the Exalted Weapon) quickly.
  • Fixed that one extraction cinematic on Earth where the Warframe mounts the ship on an angle. You know the one.
  • Fixed Liset customization not loading in on time when flying into a mission.
  • Fixed inability to Chat link Crisma Toroids.
  • Fixed the Stug's projectiles interacting physically with ragdolls.
  • Fixed some AI potentially getting stuck in their landing jump state which prevents them from being able to move from that point on.
  • Fixed Inaros’ Devour not working for enemy / allied Inaros AI (Specters).
  • Fixed certain Wyrmius rewards appearing as filepaths. 
  • Fixed certain Warframe ability FX not appearing when in the Orokin Derelict extraction area.
  • Fixed Nidus’ Passive description claiming it uses 10 Mutation Stacks when it uses 15 Mutation Stacks when playing Warframe in Portuguese.
  • Fixed incorrect punctuation in certain subtitles during the Second Dream Quest.
  • Fixed broken tags in the Venari Bodyguard Mod that were broken in a few languages (German, Polish, Chinese).
almost 6 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link
Just now, Leon_Von_Comarre said:

No fix for Octavia breaking progression after the countdown in the second part of Profit Taker Phase 1?

Can you expand on this issue please? The more description the better our chances at reproducing the bug!