almost 6 years
ago -
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Fortuna: Hotfix 24.2.10
As mentioned back in June 2018, Warframe’s Minimum Supported Specs will change to Windows 7, 64-bit operating systems, and DirectX 10 capable graphics cards in mid-February 2019.
More info here:
Magnum Force Changes:
- Increased Damage from +66% to +165% (at max rank).
- Increased Accuracy reduction from -33% to -55% (at max rank).
- Increased the Physique Aura Mod from providing +18% Health to +90% Health (at max rank).
- Increased the accuracy of the Brakk.
- Increased the accuracy of the Kohmak/Twin Kohmak.
- Sentient Mimics have updated their cognitive thinking and will now take on the proper form of the newly re-meshed Corpus Lockers.
- Using a zipline now requires you to be within 2 meters of it. This should abate all manners of undesired zipline-related tomfoolery.
- Improvements towards AI navigation pathing in the Corpus Ice Planet tileset.
- Improvements towards where the Rescue Target can be told to stop and take cover in the Lua tileset.
- Improvements towards pathing issues when fighting the Ambulas in the Corpus Outpost.
- Fixed some rare cases of getting stuck in the Fortuna/Cetus elevator when returning to the town after a Host migration.
- Fixed DirectX 10 not rendering FX in various places including the Plains of Eidolon/Orb Vallis and Relays.
- Fixed inability to equip Ruinous Extension on the Ocucor.
- Fixed being able to equip Stance Mods in any slot and any Mod in the Stance slot for Garuda Talons and unequip Mods that break these rules.
- Fixing (again) spin attacks not working on controller unless you wait 0.15 seconds after pressing slide (not breaking toggle-sprint this time).
- Fixed inability to use the Scanner as the Operator.
- Fixed your Warframe floating in the Arsenal when exiting the Mod Upgrade screen (through the Exalted Weapon) quickly.
- Fixed that one extraction cinematic on Earth where the Warframe mounts the ship on an angle. You know the one.
- Fixed Liset customization not loading in on time when flying into a mission.
- Fixed inability to Chat link Crisma Toroids.
- Fixed the Stug's projectiles interacting physically with ragdolls.
- Fixed some AI potentially getting stuck in their landing jump state which prevents them from being able to move from that point on.
- Fixed Inaros’ Devour not working for enemy / allied Inaros AI (Specters).
- Fixed certain Wyrmius rewards appearing as filepaths.
- Fixed certain Warframe ability FX not appearing when in the Orokin Derelict extraction area.
- Fixed Nidus’ Passive description claiming it uses 10 Mutation Stacks when it uses 15 Mutation Stacks when playing Warframe in Portuguese.
- Fixed incorrect punctuation in certain subtitles during the Second Dream Quest.
Fixed broken tags in the Venari Bodyguard Mod that were broken in a few languages (German, Polish, Chinese).