4 months ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

Hey Tenno! A rare but necessary Hotfix on a Saturday to address some very important issues so that you can continue enjoying the update. 


  • Made adjustments to the SFX of the Techrot Mutalist's abilities.
  • Tweaked the SFX volume of the Legacyte's abilities.


  • Fixed KIM Daily Conversation reset being set to midnight EST instead of 0:00 UTC. 
    • For Tenno who chatted up the Hex today prior to this hotfix, this bug will persist until you hit reset again (at the bugged time of 0:00 EST). To clarify:
      • For any Protoframe you have chatted with after 0:00 EST on December 14 (but before today’s hotfix), your next set of conversations with them will become available at 0:00 EST on December 15. Once that reset passes, any further conversations will properly reset at 0:00 UTC.
    • Any Protoframes you did not speak to today (between December 14 at 0:00 EST and the hotfix’s release) will have their KIM Conversations reset properly at 0:00 UTC.
  • Fixed being unable to progress past the asteroid field stage in The War Within Quest.
    • This was caused by the ship you use for cover coming to a stop, meaning players couldn’t safely navigate past the sensors. 
  • Fixes towards Clients getting stuck loading when transitioning from the Höllvania Central Mall to missions.  
  • If you encounter this issue post-Hotfix, please share your reports with us here. We’ll be watching for any follow up fixes that may be needed. 
  • Fixed a loud sound occurring when entering certain areas of the Höllvania Central Mall. 
  • Fixed cases of enemies not spawning in Scaldra Exterminate missions (notably Masoleum East in Höllvania). 
  • Fixed Landing Craft docking in the wrong way (horizontal instead of vertical) in Relays. 
  • Fixed crash caused by selecting the Scaldra TI-92 in the Codex. 
  • Fixed crash caused by audio occlusion. 
  • Made adjustments to the SFX of the Techrot Mutalist's abilities.
  • Fixed an enemy dropping pickups in a certain section of The Hex Quest. 
  • Fixed swirly VFX on Nyx's Mind Control Target HUD not fading as intended. 
  • Fixed the Mobile Voice Pirate Radio not taking damage while in the underground tileset of Faceoff missions. 
  • Fixed a subtitle for Amir in Höllvania Central Mall.
  • Fixed a typo in one of Amir's conversations KIM. Speed is no excuse for mistyping!
  • Fixed a variety of armor offsets on Cyte-09. 

For list of known issues for Warframe: 1999 that require future code changes and cannot be addressed in a Hotfix, visit our dedicated thread: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1425572-known-issues-warframe-1999/

4 months ago - [DE]Momaw - Direct link
On 2024-12-14 at 3:05 PM, Wolverine420 said:

Hi I don't know where to report this, but ever since the patch dropped I haven't been able to leave the backroom. Whenever I approach the door to leave my game crashes, and whenever I access the POM-2 terminal or navigations my game also crashes.


I basically can't play the game anytime I try and leave it crashes

I don't see any crashes submitted by your account. If the game crashes, please type something into the Warframe Crash Handler and hit submit, and then provide the WAR Number (looks like WAR-1234567) to help us track it down. If you don't submit the crash report, then we have nothing to go on.