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about 2 months ago - /u/DE-Purzzle - Direct link

Originally posted by Mekkex

It's been a month and I've been stuck on this.
It says I require the hex to play the hex quest. There's nothing in my inbox. I've played all the previous quests. I tried contacting Warframe support, and its been a month with no response... well actually they responded once with the letter "g".
Does anybody have any ideas what to do?

What's your account name? I'll have a quick look at what's going on.

about 2 months ago - /u/DE-Purzzle - Direct link

Originally posted by Mekkex

Woah That was quick XD Thanks so much!!
Any chance you could explain what was up with my progression, I'm just curios hehe

Best guess would be that you received the inbox with the quest key after Lotus Eaters but somehow deleted the mail before getting the key from it.