about 2 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

Lua’s Prey: Baruuk Prime: Hotfix 32.2.6



  • Fixed a crash that could occur when viewing the Friends list and it refreshes. 

    • Also potentially fixes crashing when someone has unfriended you. The ultimate unfriending burn.

  • Fixed crash that could occur when a player leaves your Squad from a Defense or Interception mission with a different Glyph selected. 

  • Fixed Voruna’s Ulfrun’s Descent giving Affinity on cast instead of when the ability is actually triggered by lunging at an enemy and dealing damage. 

    • This fix follows suit with how Affinity for Warframe Abilities is granted across the board (ie. the Ability performs a function).

  • Fixed Voruna’s Fangs of Raksh passive preventing melee blocking (auto and manual).  

  • Fixed Styanax’s Rally Point not granting Shields on recast while it is already active. 

  • More fixes for the Narmer Scyto Raknoid getting stuck in the ceiling in the Sneaky Sabotage Break Narmer mission. 

    • The Raknoid will now jump less than before to prevent this from happening. No one likes jumping spiders anyways. 

  • Fixed the “Thrax enemies draining life support” message getting stuck on the screen even after they’ve been defeated in Conjunction Survival missions. 

  • Fixed offset issues with the Ransha Prime Shoulder Plates when equipped on Baruuk Prime. 

    • We will continue fixing other known offset issues over time.

  • Fixed script error with Protea’s abilities.