over 5 years ago - [DE]Helen - Direct link


Get ready to party, Tenno! Starting November 1st, we’re celebrating one full year of Warframe on Nintendo Switch! Raise a Joy-Con, join the festivities and get some free Cosmetics!

Here’s how you can celebrate with us!

  • Log in and get the Opal Imperator Syandana, Opal Dex Dakra Skin, and a Forma!
  • Complete the Anniversary Alert to earn an Opal Excalibur Noggle
  • Pick up the Nintendo Color Picker in the Market for only 1 Credit!

Thanks for joining us for the first exciting year of Warframe on Nintendo Switch! Make sure to log in and claim your gifts before the celebrations come to a close on December 2 at 2 p.m. ET.

We can’t wait to share many more anniversaries with you!